  * @deprecated 4.0 Use OldPageRedirector::find_old_page instead
  * @param string $URLSegment A subset of the url. i.e in /home/contact/ home and contact are URLSegment.
  * @param int $parent The ID of the parent of the page the URLSegment belongs to.
  * @param bool $ignoreNestedURLs
  * @return SiteTree
 public static function find_old_page($URLSegment, $parent = null, $ignoreNestedURLs = false)
     Deprecation::notice('4.0', 'Use OldPageRedirector::find_old_page instead');
     if ($parent) {
         $parent = SiteTree::get()->byId($parent);
     $url = OldPageRedirector::find_old_page(array($URLSegment), $parent);
     return SiteTree::get_by_link($url);
  * NOTE: This test requires nested_urls
 public function testFindOldPage()
     $page = new Page();
     $page->Title = 'First Level';
     $page->URLSegment = 'oldurl';
     $page->publish('Stage', 'Live');
     $page->URLSegment = 'newurl';
     $page->publish('Stage', 'Live');
     $url = OldPageRedirector::find_old_page('oldurl');
     $matchedPage = SiteTree::get_by_link($url);
     $this->assertEquals('First Level', $matchedPage->Title);
     $page2 = new Page();
     $page2->Title = 'Second Level Page';
     $page2->URLSegment = 'oldpage2';
     $page2->ParentID = $page->ID;
     $page2->publish('Stage', 'Live');
     $page2->URLSegment = 'newpage2';
     $page2->publish('Stage', 'Live');
     $url = OldPageRedirector::find_old_page('oldpage2', $page2->ParentID);
     $matchedPage = SiteTree::get_by_link($url);
     $this->assertEquals('Second Level Page', $matchedPage->Title);
     $url = OldPageRedirector::find_old_page('oldpage2', $page2->ID);
     $matchedPage = SiteTree::get_by_link($url);
     $this->assertEquals(false, $matchedPage);
  * Basically works like SiteTree::get_by_link but is capable of accounting for Multisites.
  * @return SiteTree
 public function getByLink($link, $findOldPageFallback = true)
     $prefix = '';
     if (class_exists('Multisites')) {
         $site = Multisites::inst()->getCurrentSite();
         if ($site) {
             $prefix = $site->URLSegment . '/';
     $link = trim($link, '/');
     $linkDirParts = explode('/', $link);
     $result = SiteTree::get_by_link($prefix . $link . '/');
     if ($result) {
         // Check if URLSegment matches the last part of the URL, as get_by_link
         // will return the parent page if there's no match.
         if ($result->URLSegment && $result->URLSegment === end($linkDirParts)) {
             return $result;
         return false;
     if ($findOldPageFallback) {
         $url = OldPageRedirector::find_old_page($linkDirParts);
         if ($url) {
             $result = $this->getByLink($url, false);
             return $result;
     return false;
  * Overrides ModelAsController->getNestedController to find the nested controller
  * on a per-site basis
 public function getNestedController()
     $request = $this->request;
     $segment = $request->param('URLSegment');
     $site = Multisites::inst()->getCurrentSiteId();
     if (!$site) {
         return $this->httpError(404);
     if (class_exists('Translatable')) {
     $page = SiteTree::get()->filter(array('ParentID' => $site, 'URLSegment' => rawurlencode($segment)));
     $page = $page->first();
     if (class_exists('Translatable')) {
     if (!$page) {
         // Check to see if linkmapping module is installed and if so, if there a map for this request.
         if (class_exists('LinkMapping')) {
             if ($request->requestVars()) {
                 $queryString = '?';
                 foreach ($request->requestVars() as $key => $value) {
                     if ($key != 'url') {
                         $queryString .= $key . '=' . $value . '&';
                 $queryString = rtrim($queryString, '&');
             $link = $queryString != '?' ? $request->getURL() . $queryString : $request->getURL();
             $link = trim(Director::makeRelative($link));
             $map = LinkMapping::get()->filter('MappedLink', $link)->first();
             if ($map) {
                 $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
                 $this->response->redirect($map->getLink(), 301);
                 return $this->response;
         // use OldPageRedirector if it exists, to find old page
         if (class_exists('OldPageRedirector')) {
             if ($redirect = OldPageRedirector::find_old_page(array($segment), Multisites::inst()->getCurrentSite())) {
                 $redirect = SiteTree::get_by_link($redirect);
         } else {
             $redirect = self::find_old_page($segment, $site);
         if ($redirect) {
             $getVars = $request->getVars();
             //remove the url var as it confuses the routing
             $url = Controller::join_links($redirect->Link(Controller::join_links($request->param('Action'), $request->param('ID'), $request->param('OtherID'))));
             if (!empty($getVars)) {
                 $url .= '?' . http_build_query($getVars);
             $this->response->redirect($url, 301);
             return $this->response;
         return $this->httpError(404);
     if (class_exists('Translatable') && $page->Locale) {
     return self::controller_for($page, $request->param('Action'));