function create($id, $user_title = false) { ob_start(); $id = ltrim($id, ':'); $id = ":{$id}"; $namespace = getNS($id); epub_save_namespace($namespace); $mode = 'epub'; $Renderer =& plugin_load('renderer', $mode); $Renderer->set_oebps(); $Renderer->set_current_page(epub_clean_name(str_replace(':', '_', $id)) . '.html'); $this->_renderer = $Renderer; if (is_null($Renderer)) { msg("No renderer for {$mode} found", -1); exit; } global $ID; $oldID = $ID; $ID = cleanID($id); $wiki_file = wikiFN($id); if (!file_exists($wiki_file)) { epub_push_spine(array("", "")); echo "{$id} not found\n"; return false; } epub_update_progress("reading {$id}"); $instructions = p_cached_instructions($wiki_file, false, $id); if (is_null($instructions)) { return ''; } $Renderer->notoc(); $Renderer->smileys = getSmileys(); $Renderer->entities = getEntities(); $Renderer->acronyms = array(); $Renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki(); epub_update_progress("rendering {$id}, this could take some time"); // Loop through the instructions foreach ($instructions as $instruction) { // Execute the callback against the Renderer call_user_func_array(array(&$Renderer, $instruction[0]), $instruction[1]); } $result = ""; $result .= '<html xmlns="">' . "\n"; $result .= "\n<head>\n"; $result .= '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>' . "\n"; $result .= '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../Styles/style.css"/>'; epub_check_for_mathjax($result); $result .= "\n<title>"; $result .= "</title>\n</head><body>\n"; $result .= "<div class='dokuwiki'>\n"; $info = $Renderer->info; $data = array($mode, &$Renderer->doc); trigger_event('RENDERER_CONTENT_POSTPROCESS', $data); $xhtml = $Renderer->doc; $result .= $xhtml; $result .= "\n</div></body></html>\n"; $result = preg_replace_callback("/&(\\w+);/m", "epbub_entity_replace", $result); $result = preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\\s\t]*[\r\n]+/m", "\n", $result); $result = preg_replace("/^\\s+/m", "", $result); $result = preg_replace_callback('|<p>([\\s\\n]*)(.*?<div.*?/div>.*?)([\\s\\n])*<\\/p>|im', create_function('$matches', '$result = $matches[1] . $matches[2] . $matches[3]; //echo "$result\\n"; return $result;'), $result); ob_end_flush(); if ($user_title) { $id = 'title.html'; } else { $id = epub_clean_name(str_replace(':', '_', $id)) . '.html'; } io_saveFile(epub_get_oebps() . "Text/{$id}", $result); if ($user_title) { epub_write_zip('Text/title.html'); $ID = $oldID; return true; } $item_num = epub_write_item("Text/{$id}", "application/xhtml+xml"); epub_push_spine(array("Text/{$id}", $item_num)); epub_save_namespace(); $ID = $oldID; return true; }
/** loads spine array and adds nav points to the ncx file then outputs closing tags to ncx file. The header to ncx file is created in epub_opf_header() */ function epub_write_ncx() { $toc = epub_get_oebps() . 'toc.ncx'; $opf_handle = fopen($toc, 'a'); if (!$opf_handle) { echo "unable to open file: {$toc}\n"; exit; } $items = epub_push_spine(); array_unshift($items, array('Text/title.html')); $num = 0; foreach ($items as $page) { $num++; $page = $page[0]; $title = epub_titlesStack(); if (!$page) { continue; } if ($title) { echo "found {$title} for {$page}\n"; } $navpoint = <<<NAVPOINT <navPoint id="np-{$num}" playOrder="{$num}"> <navLabel> \t<text>{$title}</text> </navLabel> <content src="{$page}"/> </navPoint> NAVPOINT; fwrite($opf_handle, "{$navpoint}\n"); } fwrite($opf_handle, "</navMap>\n</ncx>\n"); fflush($opf_handle); fclose($opf_handle); }