/** * View post menu * * @param string $hook Name of hook * @param string $type Hook type * @param string $return mixed data * @param array $params Arrays or Objects * * @return mixed data * @access private */ function ossn_wall_post_menu($hook, $type, $return, $params) { if ($params['post']->poster_guid == ossn_loggedin_user()->guid || $params['post']->owner_guid == ossn_loggedin_user()->guid || ossn_isAdminLoggedin()) { $deleteurl = ossn_site_url("action/wall/post/delete?post={$params['post']->guid}", true); ossn_register_menu_link("delete", ossn_print('ossn:post:delete'), array('class' => 'ossn-wall-post-delete', 'href' => $deleteurl, 'data-guid' => $params['post']->guid), 'wallpost'); } else { ossn_unregister_menu('delete', 'wallpost'); } return ossn_view_menu('wallpost', 'wall/menus/post-controls'); }
/** * User block menu item in profile. * * @return void; * @access private; */ function ossn_user_block_menu($name, $type, $params) { $user = ossn_user_by_guid(ossn_get_page_owner_guid()); if (OssnBlock::isBlocked(ossn_loggedin_user(), $user)) { $unblock = ossn_site_url("action/unblock/user?user={$user->guid}", true); ossn_register_menu_link('block', ossn_print('user:unblock'), $unblock, 'profile_extramenu'); } else { $block = ossn_site_url("action/block/user?user={$user->guid}", true); ossn_register_menu_link('block', ossn_print('user:block'), $block, 'profile_extramenu'); } }
/** * Add a entity like menu item * * @return void */ function ossn_entity_like_link($callback, $type, $params) { $guid = $params['entity']->guid; ossn_unregister_menu('like', 'entityextra'); if (!empty($guid)) { $likes = new OssnLikes(); if (!$likes->isLiked($guid, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, 'entity')) { ossn_register_menu_item('entityextra', array('name' => 'like', 'href' => "javascript:;", 'id' => 'ossn-like-' . $guid, 'onclick' => "Ossn.EntityLike({$guid});", 'text' => ossn_print('ossn:like'))); } else { ossn_register_menu_item('entityextra', array('name' => 'like', 'href' => "javascript:;", 'id' => 'ossn-like-' . $guid, 'onclick' => "Ossn.EntityUnlike({$guid});", 'text' => ossn_print('ossn:unlike'))); } } }
/** * Add blog; * * @param string $title A title for blog * @param string $descriptionn A body/contents for blog * * return boolean; */ public function addBlog($title = '', $description = '') { $user = ossn_loggedin_user(); if (!empty($title) && !empty($description) && $user) { $this->title = $title; $this->description = $description; $this->type = 'user'; $this->subtype = 'blog'; $this->owner_guid = $user->guid; if ($this->addObject()) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * Add photo to album * * @params = $album Album guid * $photo Photo type * $access Private or Public ( its actually depend on album privacy) * * @return bool; */ public function AddPhoto($album, $photo = 'ossnphoto', $access = OSSN_PUBLIC) { //check access if (!in_array($access, ossn_access_types())) { $access = OSSN_PUBLIC; } //album initialize $this->album = new OssnAlbums(); $this->album = $this->album->GetAlbum($album); //check if album guid is not less than 0 and validate photo uploader if (!empty($album) && $album > 0 && $this->album->album->owner_guid == ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { //initialize variables $this->owner_guid = $album; $this->type = 'object'; $this->subtype = 'ossn:aphoto'; $this->setFile($photo); $this->permission = $access; $this->setPath('album/photos/'); $this->setExtension(array('jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'gif')); //add file if ($this->addFile()) { $sizes = ossn_photos_sizes(); $resize = $this->getFiles(); if (isset($resize->{0}->value)) { $datadir = ossn_get_userdata("object/{$album}/{$resize->{0}->value}"); $file_name = str_replace('album/photos/', '', $resize->{0}->value); //crop photos and create new photos from source $sizes = ossn_photos_sizes(); foreach ($sizes as $size => $params) { $params = explode('x', $params); $width = $params[1]; $height = $params[0]; if ($size !== 'view') { $resized = ossn_resize_image($datadir, $width, $height, true); } else { $resized = ossn_resize_image($datadir, $width, $height, false); } //create newly created image $image = ossn_get_userdata("object/{$album}/album/photos/{$size}_{$file_name}"); file_put_contents($image, $resized); } //return true if photos is added to database return true; } } return false; } }
/** * Send emails to provided addresses * * @return bool; */ public function sendInvitation() { $email = $this->address; $message = strip_tags($this->message); $message = html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); $message = ossn_restore_new_lines($message); $user = ossn_loggedin_user(); if (!isset($user->guid) || empty($email)) { return false; } $site = ossn_site_settings('site_name'); $url = ossn_site_url(); if (empty($message)) { $params = array($url, $user->profileURL(), $user->fullname); $message = ossn_print('com:ossn:invite:mail:message:default', $params); } else { $params = array($site, $user->fullname, $message, $url, $user->profileURL()); $message = ossn_print("com:ossn:invite:mail:message", $params); } $subject = ossn_print("com:ossn:invite:mail:subject", array($site)); return $this->NotifiyUser($email, $subject, $message); }
* @author Open Social Website Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ $OssnComment = new OssnComments(); $image = input('comment-attachment'); //comment image check if is attached or not if (!empty($image)) { $OssnComment->comment_image = $image; } //post on which comment is going to be posted $post = input('post'); //comment text $comment = input('comment'); if ($OssnComment->PostComment($post, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $comment)) { $data['comment'] = ossn_get_comment($OssnComment->getCommentId()); $data = ossn_plugin_view('comments/templates/comment', $data); if (!ossn_is_xhr()) { redirect(REF); } else { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('comment' => $data, 'process' => 1)); } } else { if (!ossn_is_xhr()) { redirect(REF); } else { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('process' => 0)); }
* @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ $object = $params->guid; $OssnComments = new OssnComments(); $OssnLikes = new OssnLikes(); $comments = $OssnComments->GetComments($object); echo "<div class='ossn-comments-list-{$object}'>"; if (is_object($comments)) { $count = 0; foreach ($comments as $comment) { if ($count <= 5) { $data['comment'] = get_object_vars($comment); echo ossn_view('components/OssnComments/templates/comment', $data); } $count++; } } echo '</div>'; if (ossn_isLoggedIn()) { echo '<div class="poster-image">'; echo '<img src="' . ossn_site_url() . 'avatar/' . ossn_loggedin_user()->username . '/smaller" />'; echo '</div>'; echo '<script> Ossn.PostComment(' . $object . '); </script>'; echo ossn_view_form('post/comment_add', array('action' => ossn_site_url() . 'action/post/comment', 'component' => 'OssnComments', 'id' => "comment-container-{$object}", 'class' => 'comment-container', 'autocomplete' => 'off', 'params' => array('object' => $object)), false); echo '<div class="ossn-comment-attachment" id="comment-attachment-container-' . $object . '">'; echo '<script>Ossn.CommentImage(' . $object . ');</script>'; echo ossn_view_form('comment_image', array('id' => "ossn-comment-attachment-{$object}", 'component' => 'OssnComments', 'params' => array('object' => $object)), false); echo '</div>'; }
) </a> </div> <div class="inner"> <?php if ($params['recent']) { foreach ($params['recent'] as $message) { if ($message->message_from == ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { $user = ossn_user_by_guid($message->message_to); $text = strl($message->message, 19); $replied = "<div class='ossn-arrow-back'></div><div class='reply-text'>{$text}</div>"; } else { $user = ossn_user_by_guid($message->message_from); $text = strl($message->message, 19); $replied = "<div class='reply-text-from'>{$text}</div>"; } if ($message->viewed == 0 && $message->message_from !== ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { $new = 'message-new'; } else { $new = ''; } ?> <div class="user-item <?php echo $new; ?> " onclick="Ossn.redirect('messages/message/<?php echo $user->username; ?> ');"> <div class="image"><img
* @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ $OssnLikes = new OssnLikes(); $OssnComments = new OssnComments(); $object = $params['entity_guid']; $count = $OssnLikes->CountLikes($object, 'entity'); if (ossn_isLoggedIn()) { ?> <div class="like_share comments-like-comment-links"> <div id="ossn-like-<?php echo $object; ?> " class="button-container"> <?php if (!$OssnLikes->isLiked($object, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, 'entity')) { $link['onclick'] = "Ossn.EntityLike({$object});"; $link['href'] = 'javascript::;'; $link['text'] = ossn_print('ossn:like'); echo ossn_view('system/templates/link', $link); } else { $user_liked = true; $link['onclick'] = "Ossn.EntityUnlike({$object});"; $link['href'] = 'javascript::;'; $link['text'] = ossn_print('ossn:unlike'); echo ossn_view('system/templates/link', $link); } ?> </div> <span class="dot-comments">.</span> <a href="#comment-box-<?php echo $object;
$posts = $wall->getFriendsPosts(); } if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { if (!isset($post->poster_guid)) { $post = ossn_get_object($post->guid); } $data = json_decode(html_entity_decode($post->description)); $text = ossn_restore_new_lines($data->post, true); $location = ''; if (isset($data->location)) { $location = '- ' . $data->location; } if (isset($post->{'file:wallphoto'})) { $image = str_replace('ossnwall/images/', '', $post->{'file:wallphoto'}); } else { $image = ''; } $user = ossn_user_by_guid($post->poster_guid); if ($post->access == OSSN_FRIENDS) { if (ossn_user_is_friend(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $post->owner_guid) || ossn_loggedin_user()->guid == $post->owner_guid) { echo ossn_plugin_view('wall/templates/activity-item', array('post' => $post, 'friends' => explode(',', $data->friend), 'text' => $text, 'location' => $location, 'user' => $user, 'image' => $image)); } } if ($post->access == OSSN_PUBLIC) { echo ossn_plugin_view('wall/templates/activity-item', array('post' => $post, 'friends' => explode(',', $data->friend), 'text' => $text, 'location' => $location, 'user' => $user, 'image' => $image)); } unset($data->friend); } } echo ossn_view_pagination($count);
<?php /** * Open Source Social Network * * @package (Informatikon.com).ossn * @author OSSN Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ header('Content-Type: application/json'); $group = ossn_get_group_by_guid(input('group')); if ($group->owner_guid !== ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { exit; } if ($group->repositionCOVER($group->guid, input('top'), input('left'))) { $params = $group->coverParameters($group->guid); echo json_encode(array('top' => $params[0], 'left' => $params[1])); }
* @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ $OssnLikes = new OssnLikes(); $anotation = input('post'); $entity = input('entity'); if (!empty($anotation)) { $subject = $anotation; $type = 'post'; } if (!empty($entity)) { $subject = $entity; $type = 'entity'; } if ($OssnLikes->Like($subject, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $type)) { if (!ossn_is_xhr()) { redirect(REF); } else { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('done' => 1, 'button' => ossn_print('ossn:unlike'))); } } else { if (!ossn_is_xhr()) { redirect(REF); } else { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode(array('done' => 0, 'button' => ossn_print('ossn:like'))); } } exit;
/** * Open Source Social Network * * @package (Informatikon.com).ossn * @author OSSN Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ $image = $params['image']; if (!isset($params['show_group'])) { $params['show_group'] = NULL; } if (!isset($params['ismember'])) { $group = ossn_get_group_by_guid($params['post']->owner_guid); if ($group->isMember(NULL, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid)) { $params['ismember'] = 1; } } ?> <div class="activity-item" id="activity-item-<?php echo $params['post']->guid; ?> "> <div class="activity-item-container"> <div class="owner"> <img src="<?php echo $params['user']->iconURL()->small; ?> " width="40" height="40"/>
/** * Notification Page * * @return mixed data; * @access public */ function ossn_notification_page($pages) { $page = $pages[0]; if (empty($page)) { ossn_error_page(); } header('Content-Type: application/json'); switch ($page) { case 'notification': $get = new OssnNotifications(); $notifications['notifications'] = $get->get(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, true); $notifications['seeall'] = ossn_site_url("notifications/all"); if (!empty($notifications['notifications'])) { $data = ossn_view('components/OssnNotifications/pages/notification/notification', $notifications); echo json_encode(array('type' => 1, 'data' => $data)); } else { echo json_encode(array('type' => 0, 'data' => '<div class="ossn-no-notification">Nothing to show</div>')); } break; case 'friends': $friends['friends'] = ossn_loggedin_user()->getFriendRequests(); $friends_count = count($friends['friends']); if ($friends_count > 0 && !empty($friends['friends'])) { $data = ossn_view('components/OssnNotifications/pages/notification/friends', $friends); echo json_encode(array('type' => 1, 'data' => $data)); } else { echo json_encode(array('type' => 0, 'data' => '<div class="ossn-no-notification">Nothing to show</div>')); } break; case 'messages': $OssnMessages = new OssnMessages(); $params['recent'] = $OssnMessages->recentChat(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); $data = ossn_view('components/OssnMessages/templates/message-with-notifi', $params); if (!empty($params['recent'])) { echo json_encode(array('type' => 1, 'data' => $data)); } else { echo json_encode(array('type' => 0, 'data' => '<div class="ossn-no-notification">Nothing to show</div>')); } break; case 'read': if (!empty($pages[1])) { $notification = new OssnNotifications(); $guid = $notification->getbyGUID($pages[1]); if ($guid->owner_guid == ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { $notification->setViewed($pages[1]); $url = urldecode(input('notification')); header("Location: {$url}"); } else { redirect(); } } else { redirect(); } break; case 'count': if (!ossn_isLoggedIn()) { ossn_error_page(); } $notification = new OssnNotifications(); $messages = new OssnMessages(); $count_notif = $notification->countNotification(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); $count_messages = $messages->countUNREAD(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); if (!$count_notif) { $count_notif = 0; } $friends = ossn_loggedin_user()->getFriendRequests(); $friends_c = 0; if (count($friends) > 0 && !empty($friends)) { $friends_c = count($friends); } echo json_encode(array('notifications' => $count_notif, 'messages' => $count_messages, 'friends' => $friends_c)); break; default: ossn_error_page(); break; } }
<?php /** * Open Source Social Network * * @package Open Source Social Network * @author Open Social Website Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ $poke = new OssnPoke(); $user = input('user'); if ($poke->addPoke(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $user)) { ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print('user:poked'), 'success'); redirect(REF); } else { ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print('user:poke:error'), 'error'); redirect(REF); }
/** * Get all new non-viewed messages * * @params = $parm (ossn_messages) * * @return object; */ public function getNewAll($parm = array()) { if (empty($params)) { $parm = array('message_from', 'message'); } $parm = implode(',', $parm); $user = ossn_loggedin_user()->guid; $params['from'] = 'mesajlar'; $params['params'] = array("{$parm}"); $params['wheres'] = array("message_to='{$user}' AND viewed='0'"); $friends = $this->select($params, true); return $friends; }
<?php /** * Open Source Social Network * * @package (Informatikon.com).ossn * @author OSSN Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ $guid = input('guid'); $user = ossn_user_by_guid($guid); if ($user && $user->guid !== ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { if ($user->deleteUser()) { ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print('admin:user:deleted'), 'success'); } else { ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print('admin:user:delete:error'), 'error'); } } redirect(REF);
?> u/<?php echo $user->username; ?> "><?php echo $user->fullname; ?> </a> </div> <?php if (ossn_isLoggedIn()) { ?> <?php if (ossn_loggedin_user()->guid !== $user->guid) { if (!ossn_user_is_friend(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $user->guid)) { if (ossn_user()->requestExists(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $user->guid)) { ?> <a href="<?php echo ossn_site_url("action/friend/remove?cancel=true&user={$user->guid}", true); ?> " class='button-grey friendlink'> <?php echo ossn_print('cancel:request'); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo ossn_site_url("action/friend/add?user={$user->guid}", true);
/** * Delete comment menu * * @return voud; * @access private */ function ossn_comment_menu($name, $type, $params) { $OssnComment = new OssnComments(); if (is_object($params)) { $params = get_object_vars($params); } $comment = $OssnComment->getComment($params['id']); if ($comment->type == 'comments:post') { if (com_is_active('OssnWall')) { $ossnwall = new OssnWall(); $post = $ossnwall->GetPost($comment->subject_guid); //check if type is group if ($post->type == 'group') { $group = ossn_get_group_by_guid($post->owner_guid); } //group admins must be able to delete ANY comment in their own group #170 //just show menu if group owner is loggedin if (ossn_loggedin_user()->guid == $post->owner_guid || ossn_loggedin_user()->guid == $group->owner_guid) { ossn_unregister_menu('delete', 'comments'); ossn_register_menu_item('comments', array('name' => 'delete', 'href' => ossn_site_url("action/delete/comment?comment={$params['id']}", true), 'class' => 'ossn-delete-comment', 'text' => ossn_print('comment:delete'))); } } } $user = ossn_loggedin_user(); if (ossn_isLoggedin()) { if ($comment->type == 'comments:entity') { $entity = ossn_get_entity($comment->subject_guid); } if ($user->guid == $params['owner_guid'] || ossn_isAdminLoggedin() || $comment->type == 'comments:entity' && ($entity->type = 'user' && $user->guid == $entity->owner_guid)) { ossn_unregister_menu('delete', 'comments'); ossn_register_menu_item('comments', array('name' => 'delete', 'href' => ossn_site_url("action/delete/comment?comment={$params['id']}", true), 'class' => 'ossn-delete-comment', 'text' => ossn_print('comment:delete'))); } } }
?> </div> <div class="text"><?php echo $params['group']->description; ?> </div> <div class="members-count"><a> <?php echo ossn_print('total:members'); ?> (<?php echo count($members); ?> ) </a></div> </div> <?php if ($params['group']->owner_guid == ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { ?> <div class="group-about" style="margin-top: 10px;"> <div class='heading'> <?php echo ossn_print('member:requests', array($params['group']->countRequests())); ?> </div> <div class="members-count"><a href="<?php echo ossn_group_url($params['group']->guid); ?> requests"> <?php echo ossn_print('view:all'); ?>
function ossn_messages_page($pages) { if (!ossn_isLoggedin()) { ossn_error_page(); } $OssnMessages = new OssnMessages(); $page = $pages[0]; if (empty($page)) { $page = 'messages'; } switch ($page) { case 'message': $username = $pages[1]; if (!empty($username)) { $user = ossn_user_by_username($username); if (empty($user->guid)) { ossn_error_page(); } $title = ossn_print('ossn:message:between', array($user->fullname)); $OssnMessages->markViewed($user->guid, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); $params['data'] = $OssnMessages->get(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $user->guid); $params['user'] = $user; $params['recent'] = $OssnMessages->recentChat(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); $contents = array('content' => ossn_plugin_view('messages/pages/view', $params)); $content = ossn_set_page_layout('media', $contents); echo ossn_view_page($title, $content); } else { ossn_error_page(); } break; case 'all': $params['recent'] = $OssnMessages->recentChat(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); $active = $params['recent'][0]; if (isset($active->message_to) && $active->message_to == ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { $getuser = $active->message_from; } if (isset($active->message_from) && $active->message_from == ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { $getuser = $active->message_to; } if (isset($getuser)) { $user = ossn_user_by_guid($getuser); $OssnMessages->markViewed($getuser, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); $params['data'] = $OssnMessages->get(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $getuser); $params['user'] = $user; } $contents = array('content' => ossn_plugin_view('messages/pages/messages', $params)); if (!isset($getuser)) { $contents = array('content' => ossn_plugin_view('messages/pages/messages-none')); } $title = ossn_print('messages'); $content = ossn_set_page_layout('media', $contents); echo ossn_view_page($title, $content); break; case 'getnew': $username = $pages[1]; $guid = ossn_user_by_username($username)->guid; $messages = $OssnMessages->getNew($guid, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); if ($messages) { foreach ($messages as $message) { $user = ossn_user_by_guid($message->message_from); $message = $message->message; $params['user'] = $user; $params['message'] = $message; echo ossn_plugin_view('messages/templates/message-send', $params); } $OssnMessages->markViewed($guid, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); echo '<script>Ossn.playSound();</script>'; } break; case 'getrecent': $params['recent'] = $OssnMessages->recentChat(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid); echo ossn_plugin_view('messages/templates/message-with', $params); break; default: ossn_error_page(); break; } }
} elseif ($comment->type == 'comments:post') { echo ' ' . $comment->getParam('comments:post'); } $image = $comment->getParam('file:comment:photo'); if (!empty($image)) { $image = str_replace('comment/photo/', '', $image); $image = ossn_site_url("comment/image/{$comment->id}/{$image}"); echo "<img src='{$image}' />"; } ?> </p> <div class="comment-metadata"> <?php echo ossn_user_friendly_time($comment->time_created); ?> <?php if (ossn_isLoggedIn()) { if (!$OssnLikes->isLiked($comment->id, ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $type)) { echo ossn_plugin_view('output/url', array('href' => ossn_site_url("action/annotation/like?annotation={$comment->id}"), 'text' => ossn_print('like'), 'class' => 'ossn-like-comment', 'data-type' => 'Like', 'action' => true)); } else { echo ossn_plugin_view('output/url', array('href' => ossn_site_url("action/annotation/unlike?annotation={$comment->id}"), 'text' => ossn_print('unlike'), 'class' => 'ossn-like-comment', 'data-type' => 'Unlike', 'action' => true)); } } // Likes only for loggedin users end // Show total likes echo ossn_plugin_view('output/url', array('href' => 'javascript::;', 'text' => $likes_total, 'class' => "ossn-total-likes-{$comment->id}", 'data-likes' => $datalikes)); ?> </div> </div> </div>
<?php /** * Open Source Social Network * * @packageOpen Source Social Network * @author Open Social Website Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ $block = new OssnBlock(); $user = input('user'); if ($block->removeBlock(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $user)) { ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print('user:blocked'), 'success'); redirect(REF); } else { ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print('user:block:error'), 'error'); redirect(REF); }
/** * Get user group posts guids * * @param integer $userguid Guid of user * * @return array; */ public function getFriendsPosts($params = array()) { $user = ossn_loggedin_user(); if (isset($user->guid) && !empty($user->guid)) { $friends = $user->getFriends(); $friend_guids = ''; if ($friends) { foreach ($friends as $friend) { $friend_guids[] = $friend->guid; } } // add all users posts; // (if user has 0 friends, show at least his own postings if wall access type = friends only) $friend_guids[] = $user->guid; $friend_guids = implode(',', $friend_guids); //prepare default attributes $default = array('limit' => false, 'offset' => input('offset', '', 1), 'page_limit' => ossn_call_hook('pagination', 'page_limit', false, 10), 'count' => false); $options = array_merge($default, $params); //get only required result, don't bust your server memory $getlimit = $this->generateLimit($options['limit'], $options['page_limit'], $options['offset']); if ($getlimit) { $options['limit'] = $getlimit; } $wheres = array("md.guid = e.guid", "e.subtype='poster_guid'", "e.type = 'object'", "md.value IN ({$friend_guids})", "o.guid = e.owner_guid"); $vars = array(); $vars['from'] = 'ossn_entities as e, ossn_entities_metadata as md, ossn_object as o'; $vars['params'] = array("o.*"); $vars['wheres'] = array($this->constructWheres($wheres)); $vars['order_by'] = "o.guid DESC"; $vars['limit'] = $options['limit']; //prepare count data; if ($options['count'] === true) { unset($vars['params']); unset($vars['limit']); $count = array(); $count['params'] = array("count(*) as total"); $count = array_merge($vars, $count); return $this->select($count)->total; } $data = $this->select($vars, true); if ($data) { return $data; } } return false; }
<div class="ossn-chat-icon-smilies"> <?php $vars['tab'] = $user->guid; echo ossn_view('components/OssnChat/views/OssnChat/smilies/view', $vars); ?> </div> <!-- $arsalan.shah datatstart --> <div class="data" id="ossn-chat-messages-data-<?php echo $user->guid; ?> "> <?php $messages_meta = ossn_chat()->get(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $user->guid); if ($messages_meta) { foreach ($messages_meta as $message) { if (ossn_loggedin_user()->guid == $message->message_from) { $vars['message'] = $message->message; $vars['time'] = $message->time; echo ossn_view('components/OssnChat/views/OssnChat/message-item-send', $vars); } else { $vars['reciever'] = ossn_user_by_guid($message->message_from); $vars['message'] = $message->message; $vars['time'] = $message->time; echo ossn_view('components/OssnChat/views/OssnChat/message-item-received', $vars); } } } ?> </div> <!-- $arsalan.shah datatend -->
<?php /** * Open Source Social Network * * @package (Informatikon.com).ossn * @author OSSN Core Team <*****@*****.**> * @copyright 2014 iNFORMATIKON TECHNOLOGIES * @license General Public Licence http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence * @link http://www.opensource-socialnetwork.org/licence */ //init ossnwall $OssnWall = new OssnWall(); //poster guid and owner guid is same as user is posting on its own wall $OssnWall->owner_guid = ossn_loggedin_user()->guid; $OssnWall->poster_guid = ossn_loggedin_user()->guid; //check if users is not posting on its own wall then change wallowner $owner = input('wallowner'); if (isset($owner) && !empty($owner)) { $OssnWall->owner_guid = $owner; } //walltype is user $OssnWall->name = 'user'; //getting some inputs that are required for wall post $post = input('post'); $friends = input('friends'); $location = input('location'); $privacy = input('privacy'); //validate wall privacy $privacy = ossn_access_id_str($privacy); if (!empty($privacy)) {
$posts = $Pagination->getItem(); if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $data = json_decode(html_entity_decode($post->description)); $text = ossn_restore_new_lines($data->post, true); $location = ''; if (isset($data->location)) { $location = '- ' . $data->location; } if (!isset($data->friend)) { $data->friend = ''; } if (isset($post->{'file:wallphoto'})) { $image = str_replace('ossnwall/images/', '', $post->{'file:wallphoto'}); } else { $image = ''; } $user = ossn_user_by_guid($post->poster_guid); if ($post->access == OSSN_FRIENDS) { //lastchage: site admins are unable to access member profile threads without friendship #176 if (ossn_user_is_friend(ossn_loggedin_user()->guid, $post->owner_guid) || ossn_loggedin_user()->guid == $post->owner_guid || ossn_isAdminLoggedin()) { echo ossn_plugin_view('wall/templates/activity-item', array('post' => $post, 'friends' => explode(',', $data->friend), 'text' => $text, 'location' => $location, 'user' => $user, 'image' => $image)); } } if ($post->access == OSSN_PUBLIC) { echo ossn_plugin_view('wall/templates/activity-item', array('post' => $post, 'friends' => explode(',', $data->friend), 'text' => $text, 'location' => $location, 'user' => $user, 'image' => $image)); } } } echo $Pagination->pagination(); echo '</div>';
"><span><?php echo ossn_print('home'); ?> </span></a> </li> <?php echo ossn_view('components/OssnNotifications/page/topbar'); ?> <div class="ossn-topbar-dropdown-menu"> <label class="ossn-topbar-dropdown-menu-button"><span class="arrow"></span></label> <ul class="ossn-topbar-dropdown-menu-content"> <li> <a href="<?php echo ossn_site_url("u/" . ossn_loggedin_user()->username . "/edit"); ?> "><?php echo ossn_print('acount:settings'); ?> </a> </li> <?php if (ossn_isAdminLoggedin()) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo ossn_site_url('administrator'); ?> "><?php echo ossn_print('admin');
if ($post->poster_guid !== ossn_loggedin_user()->guid && $post->owner_guid !== ossn_loggedin_user()->guid) { if (!ossn_is_xhr()) { ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print('post:delete:fail'), 'error'); redirect(REF); } else { echo 0; exit; } } } if ($post->type == 'group' && !ossn_isAdminLoggedin()) { $group = new OssnGroup(); $group = $group->getGroup($post->owner_guid); //lastchange group admins are unable to delete member posting on group wall #171 // change or operator to and if ($post->poster_guid !== ossn_loggedin_user()->guid && ossn_loggedin_user()->guid !== $group->owner_guid) { if (!ossn_is_xhr()) { ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print('post:delete:fail'), 'error'); redirect(REF); } else { echo 0; exit; } } } if ($ossnwall->deletePost($id)) { if (ossn_is_xhr()) { echo 1; } else { ossn_trigger_message(ossn_print('post:delete:success'), 'success'); redirect(REF);