public function Download($link) { global $premium_acc; $link = str_replace(array('', '', ''), array('', '', ''), $link); $this->link = $link; if (!$_REQUEST['step']) { $this->page = $this->GetPage($this->link); if (preg_match_all('/href="([^\\r\\n"]+)" class="file"/', $this->page, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $arr_link = array(); foreach ($match as $tmp) { $arr_link[] = "{$tmp['1']}"; } $this->moveToAutoDownloader($arr_link); } is_present($this->page, 'doesn\'t contain files', 'The folder link doesn\'t contain any files!'); is_present($this->page, '/404', 'File not found or set to private only'); is_present($this->page, 'This file was protected by a password against unauthorised downloads'); $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($this->page); } if ($_REQUEST["ul_acc"] == "on" && (!empty($_GET["ul_cookie"]) || !empty($_GET["ul_hash"])) || $_REQUEST["cookieuse"] == "on" && preg_match("/login[\\s\t]?=[\\s\t]?([\\w\\%]+);?/i", $_REQUEST["cookie"], $c) || $_REQUEST["premium_acc"] == "on" && $premium_acc["uploaded_net"]["cookie"]) { if ($_REQUEST['ul_acc'] == 'on' && (!empty($_GET["ul_cookie"]) || !empty($_GET["ul_hash"]))) { $loginc = empty($_GET["ul_cookie"]) ? strrev(dcd(!empty($_GET["ul_hash"]))) : !empty($_GET["ul_cookie"]); } else { $loginc = empty($c[1]) ? urldecode($premium_acc["uploaded_net"]["cookie"]) : urldecode($c[1]); } return $this->login($loginc); } elseif ($_REQUEST['premium_acc'] == 'on' && ($_REQUEST['premium_user'] && $_REQUEST['premium_pass'] || $premium_acc['uploaded_net']['user'] && $premium_acc['uploaded_net']['pass'])) { return $this->login(); } else { return $this->Free(); } }
public function Download($link) { global $premium_acc, $Referer; $this->cookie = ''; $this->apiurl = array('scheme' => 'http'); // Add 's' for https :D $this->apiurl['host'] = ''; $this->apiurl['path'] = '/cgi-bin/rsapi.cgi'; $url = parse_url($link); if (!preg_match('@^/files/(\\d+)/([^\\r\\n\\t\\s\\?\\&<>/]+)@i', $url['path'], $m) && !empty($url['fragment']) && !preg_match('@!download\\|(?:[^\\|]+)\\|(\\d+)\\|([^\\|]+)@i', $url['fragment'], $m)) { html_error('Cannot get fileid or filename. Check your link.'); } $Referer = "{$m[1]}/{$m[2]}"; $this->fileid = $m[1]; $this->filename = str_replace(array('?', '&'), '', basename(rawurldecode($m[2]))); if ($_REQUEST['cookieuse'] == 'on' && preg_match('@enc\\s?=\\s?(\\w+)@i', $_REQUEST['cookie'], $c) || $_REQUEST['premium_acc'] == 'on' && !empty($premium_acc['rapidshare_com']['cookie']) || $_REQUEST["rs_acc"] == "on" && (!empty($_GET["rs_cookie"]) || !empty($_GET["rs_hash"]))) { if (!empty($_GET["rs_cookie"])) { $this->cookie = $_GET["rs_cookie"]; } elseif (!empty($_GET["rs_hash"])) { $this->cookie = strrev(dcd($_GET["rs_hash"])); } else { $this->cookie = empty($c[1]) ? $premium_acc['rapidshare_com']['cookie'] : $c[1]; } $this->CheckLogin(); } elseif (!empty($_POST["sssid"]) || $_REQUEST['premium_acc'] == 'on' && ($_GET["maudl"] == 'multi' && !empty($_GET["auth_hash"]) || ($pA = !empty($_REQUEST['premium_user']) && !empty($_REQUEST['premium_pass'])) || !empty($premium_acc['rapidshare_com']['user']) && !empty($premium_acc['rapidshare_com']['pass']))) { if ($_GET["maudl"] == 'multi' && !empty($_GET["auth_hash"]) || !empty($_POST["sssid"])) { $ahash = $_GET["maudl"] == 'multi' && !empty($_GET["auth_hash"]) ? $_GET["auth_hash"] : $_POST["sssid"]; $ahash = explode(":", base64_decode(utf8_strrev(dcd($ahash)))); if (count($ahash) == 2 && (!empty($ahash[0]) && !empty($ahash[1]))) { $_REQUEST["premium_user"] = $ahash[0]; $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] = $ahash[1]; } unset($ahash); } $user = $pA ? $_REQUEST['premium_user'] : $premium_acc['rapidshare_com']['user']; $pass = $pA ? $_REQUEST['premium_pass'] : $premium_acc['rapidshare_com']['pass']; $this->CheckLogin(rawurlencode($user), rawurlencode($pass)); } else { $this->StartDL(); } }
public function Download($link) { global $premium_acc; if (!$_GET["step"]) { // Check link if (preg_match("/hotfile\\.com\\/dl\\/(\\d+\\/\\w+)\\/(.+)?/i", $link, $l)) { $link = "{$l[1]}/{$l[2]}"; } else { html_error("Error: Malformed link?. Please check the download link."); } $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, "<td>This file is either removed due", "Error: This file is either removed due to copyright claim or is deleted by the uploader."); is_present($page, "<td>File is removed", "Error: File is removed due to copyright claim."); if (stristr($page, "\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n")) { is_notpresent($page, "\r\nLocation:", "Error: Invalid link. Please check the download link."); // Check if file has enabled Hot/Direct linking. if (!preg_match("/(s\\d+)\\.hotfile\\.com\\/get\\/(\\w+\\/\\w+\\/\\w+\\/\\w+\\/\\w+)\\/([^\r|\n]+)/i", $page, $l)) { html_error("Error: Invalid link?. Please check the download link."); } $dllink = "http://{$l[1]}{$l[2]}/{$l[3]}"; $filename = parse_url($dllink); $filename = urldecode(basename($filename["path"])); return $this->RedirectDownload($dllink, $filename, GetCookies($page)); } unset($page); } if ($_REQUEST["hf_acc"] == "on" && (!empty($_GET["hf_cookie"]) || !empty($_GET["hf_hash"])) || $_REQUEST["cookieuse"] == "on" && preg_match("/auth\\s?=\\s?(\\w{64})/i", $_REQUEST["cookie"], $c) || $_REQUEST["premium_acc"] == "on" && $premium_acc["hotfile_com"]["cookie"]) { if (!empty($_GET["hf_cookie"])) { $cookie = $_GET["hf_cookie"]; } elseif (!empty($_GET["hf_hash"])) { $cookie = strrev(dcd($_GET["hf_hash"])); } else { $cookie = empty($c[1]) ? $premium_acc["hotfile_com"]["cookie"] : $c[1]; } $this->DownloadPremium($link, $cookie); } elseif ($_REQUEST["premium_acc"] == "on" && $_REQUEST["premium_user"] && $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] || $_REQUEST["premium_acc"] == "on" && $premium_acc["hotfile_com"]["user"] && $premium_acc["hotfile_com"]["pass"]) { $this->DownloadPremium($link); } else { $this->DownloadFree($link); } }
private function Login($captcha = false) { global $premium_acc; if ($_REQUEST["upl_acc"] == "on" && (!empty($_GET["upl_cookie"]) || !empty($_GET["upl_hash"]))) { $usecookie = empty($_GET["upl_cookie"]) ? strrev(dcd(!empty($_GET["upl_hash"]))) : $_GET['upl_cookie']; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST["cookieuse"]) && $_REQUEST["cookieuse"] == "on" && preg_match("/remembered_user\\s*=\\s*([\\w|\\%]+)\\s*;?/i", $_REQUEST["cookie"], $c) || $_REQUEST["premium_acc"] == "on" && !empty($premium_acc["uploading_com"]["cookie"])) { $usecookie = empty($c[1]) ? !empty($premium_acc["uploading_com"]["cookie"]) : $c[1]; } else { $usecookie = false; } $posturl = ''; if (!$usecookie) { $pA = !empty($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) && !empty($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) ? true : false; $email = $pA ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["uploading_com"]["user"]; $password = $pA ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["uploading_com"]["pass"]; $post = array(); if ($captcha == true) { if (empty($_POST['recaptcha_response_field'])) { html_error("You didn't enter the image verification code."); } $post['recaptcha_challenge_field'] = $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field']; $post['recaptcha_response_field'] = $_POST['recaptcha_response_field']; $this->cookie = StrToCookies(decrypt(urldecode($_POST['cookie']))); if (!empty($_POST['cuser']) && !empty($_POST['cpass'])) { $email = decrypt(urldecode($_POST['cuser'])); $password = decrypt(urldecode($_POST['cpass'])); } } // This check is important incase there's conflict in post account data, do look in the bracket at error message... if (empty($email) || empty($password)) { html_error('Login failed, email or password is empty!'); } $post['email'] = urlencode($email); $post['password'] = urlencode($password); $post['remember'] = 'on'; $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'general/login_form/?ajax', $this->cookie, $post, $posturl . "\r\nX-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest"); $json = $this->Get_Reply($page); if (!empty($json['error'])) { html_error('Login Error: ' . $json['error']); } if (!empty($json['answer']['captcha'])) { if (!preg_match('@\\(\'recaptcha_block\', \'([^\']+)\'\\);@', $this->page, $c)) { html_error('Error: Login captcha data not found.'); } $data = $this->DefaultParamArr($this->link, encrypt(CookiesToStr($this->cookie))); $data['step'] = 'captcha'; if ($pA) { $data['cuser'] = urlencode(encrypt($email)); $data['cpass'] = urlencode(encrypt($password)); } $this->Show_reCaptcha($c[1], $data); exit; } if (!empty($json['redirect'])) { $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie); } else { html_error("Error [Login Page Response UNKNOWN!]"); } } else { $this->cookie['remembered_user'] = $usecookie; $this->cookie['u'] = 1; $this->cookie['autologin'] = 1; } $page = $this->GetPage($posturl, $this->cookie, 0, $posturl); is_present($page, 'class="i_premium"', 'Error: Account isn\'t premium?'); $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie); return $this->Premium(); }
function mcd($armacc) { $dar = array(); $n_a = count($armacc); for ($i = 0; $i < $n_a; $i++) { $buf_ac = array(); $cl_all = array(); $buf_ac = explode(chr(hexdec("3A")), dcd($armacc[$i])); $cl_all["user"] = $buf_ac[0]; $cl_all["pass"] = $buf_ac[1]; $dar[] = $cl_all; } return $dar; }
private function Login() { global $premium_acc; $usecookie = false; if ($_REQUEST['cookieuse'] == 'on') { if (preg_match("/cookie_user=([a-zA-Z0-9%]+);?/i", $_REQUEST["cookie"], $c)) { $usecookie = $c[1]; } } elseif ($_REQUEST['net_acc'] == 'on') { if (!empty($_GET["net_cookie"])) { $usecookie = $_GET["net_cookie"]; } elseif (!empty($_GET["net_hash"])) { $usecookie = strrev(dcd($_GET["net_hash"])); } } elseif (!empty($premium_acc['netload_in']['cookie'])) { $usecookie = $premium_acc['netload_in']['cookie']; } $posturl = ''; if (!$usecookie) { $user = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["netload_in"]["user"]; $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["netload_in"]["pass"]; if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) { html_error("Login Failed: User [{$user}] or Password [{$pass}] is empty. Please check login data."); } $post['txtuser'] = $user; $post['txtpass'] = $pass; $post['txtcheck'] = 'login'; $post['txtlogin'] = '******'; $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'index.php', $this->cookie, $post, $posturl); is_present($page, '/index.php?id=15', 'Login failed, invalid username or password???'); $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie); } else { $this->cookie['cookie_user'] = $usecookie; } //check the premium account (IMPORTANT!) $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'index.php?id=2', $this->cookie); is_notpresent($page, '<a href="/index.php?id=2">My Account</a>', 'Invalid cookie!'); is_present($page, 'Order Premium Account now', 'Account Status : FREE!'); //start download the link return $this->Premium(); }