function showFav($sort_a) { $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); foreach(getSorted($MMCApp->getModules()) as $mkey => $mod) { if (!$sort_a[$mod->getName()]) { continue; } if ($mod->getName()==$_GET['lmodule']) { $style="_select"; } else { $style=""; } print "<div class=\"modulefav$style\"><h3>".$mod->getDescription()."</h3>"; foreach($sort_a[$mod->getName()] as $key => $al) { $submod = $mod->getSubmod($key); if ($mod->getName()==$_GET['lmodule']) { if ($submod->getName()==$_GET['lsubmod']) { $style="_sselect"; } else { $style="_select"; } } else { $style=""; } print "<div class=\"submodfav$style\"><h4>".$submod->getDescription()."</h4>"; foreach($al as $akey => $value) { $uri = $mod->getName().'/'.$key.'/'.$akey; $getrecop = $_GET; $getrecop['fav_action']='del'; $getrecop['uri']=$uri; ?> <span class="redbutton"><a href="#" onClick="new Ajax.Updater('__popup_container','<?php echo urlStr('base/main/favorites',$getrecop); ?>'); return false">X</a></span> <? $page = getPage($uri); if ($page) { print '<a href="'.urlStr($uri).'">'.$page->getDescription().'</a>'; } else { print $uri; } ?> <br/> <? } print '</div>'; } print '</div>'; } }
function display_mod($mod) { if (!$mod->hasVisible()) { return; } ?> <div class="module" id="<?php echo $mod->getName(); ?> "> <h3 class="handle"><?php echo $mod->getDescription(); ?> </h3> <?php foreach (getSorted($mod->getSubmodules()) as $submod) { display_submod($submod, $mod); } ?> </div> <?php }
function display_mod($mod) { if (!$mod->hasVisible()) { return; } global $i; ?> <div class="column" id="col<?php echo $i; ?> " style="width:250px;"> <div id="<?php echo $mod->getName(); ?> " class="portlet"> <div class="portlet-header"><?php echo $mod->getDescription(); ?> </div> <div class="portlet-content"> <?php foreach (getSorted($mod->getSubmodules()) as $submod) { ?> <?php display_submod($submod, $mod); $i++; ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
//block date $thisDate = $data[0][1]; if (isOlder($myDate, $thisDate)) { $goodIndex = $iLoc; break; } } if ($goodIndex == -1) { //we have the earliest block so far, attach to the end $output[$index][$sizeSoFar] = $outBlok; } else { //attend on $goodIndex //make space first for ($i = $sizeSoFar - 1; $i >= $goodIndex; $i--) { $output[$index][$i + 1] = $output[$index][$i]; } $output[$index][$goodIndex] = $outBlok; } } else { //add new chat group $names[] = $people; $output[][0] = $people; $output[count($output) - 1][1] = $outBlok; } } return array($names, $output); } $content = file_get_contents('people.txt'); $data = getSorted($content); //save to file file_put_contents("data.json", json_encode($data));