예제 #1
 function user_setup($theme = false)
     global $_CLASS, $_CORE_CONFIG, $site_file_root;
     if ($this->user_setup) {
     $this->user_setup = true;
     $this->data['user_unread_privmsg'] = 0;
     // TEMP
     if (!is_null($theme)) {
         // Do the theme
         $theme_prev = get_variable('theme_preview', 'REQUEST', false);
         $theme = $theme ? $theme : $_CLASS['core_user']->session_data_get('user_theme');
         if ($theme_prev && $theme_prev != $theme && check_theme($theme_prev)) {
             $theme = $theme_prev;
             if (!get_variable('temp_preview', 'REQUEST', false)) {
                 $_CLASS['core_user']->session_data_set('user_theme', $theme);
         } elseif (!$theme || !check_theme($theme)) {
             $theme = $_CLASS['core_user']->data['user_theme'] ? $_CLASS['core_user']->data['user_theme'] : $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_theme'];
             if (!check_theme($theme)) {
                 if (check_theme($_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_theme'])) {
                     $theme = $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_theme'];
                 } else {
                     // We need a theme, don't we ?
                     $handle = opendir('themes');
                     $theme = false;
                     while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
                         if ($file[0] !== '.' && check_theme($file)) {
                             $theme = $file;
                     if (!$theme) {
                         trigger_error('Something here');
         $path = $site_file_root . 'themes/' . $theme;
         $_CLASS['core_display']->load_theme($theme, $path);
     $this->lang_name = $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_lang'];
     $this->lang_path = $site_file_root . 'language/' . $this->lang_name . '/';
     $this->time_format = $this->data['user_time_format'] ? $this->data['user_time_format'] : $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_dateformat'];
     $this->timezone = $this->data['user_timezone'] ? $this->data['user_timezone'] : $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_timezone'];
     require $this->lang_path . 'common.php';
예제 #2
 * check_install
 * This checks folders + permissions, .php files and settings.
function check_install()
    global $config, $install_errors;
    // Error friendly messages
    $requirements_error = array('There is a problem regarding server requirements. This means that Chevereto can\'t run because of the following:', 'Please notice that this issue is because your server setup. If you want to run Chevereto please contact your hosting company or system admin regarding this report.');
    $folder_error = array('There is a problem regarding folders. This means that Chevereto can\'t run because one or more folders required doesn\'t exists. The missing folders are:', 'Please double-check your current setup for the missing files.');
    $admin_folder_error = array('There is a problem regarding the admin folder and Chevereto won\'t run because the admin folder doesn\'t exists.', 'Please double-check <code>$config[\'admin_folder\']</code> in the <code>includes/config.php</code> file.');
    $htaccess = 'In some operating systems this files are hidden, therefore you can\'t upload them. You need to <a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=show+hidden+htaccess" target="_blank">show this file</a> and then upload it.';
    $htaccess_error = array('Some <code>.htaccess</code> file(s) doesn\'t exists and the system can\'t create this files.', $htaccess);
    $root_htaccess_error = array('The <code>.htaccess</code> file doesn\'t exists in the Chevereto root directory. This file must be uploaded to run Chevereto.', $htaccess);
    $file_error = array(str_replace('folders', 'files', $folder_error[0]), str_replace('folders', 'files', $folder_error[1]));
    $permission_error = array('There is a problem regarding permissions. This means that Chevereto can\'t upload files because of the following:', 'Chevereto needs a way to write in this folders. You can do this by doing <a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=chmod+777" target="_blank">chmod 0777</a> on the above folders or use <a href="http://www.suphp.org/" target="_blank">suPHP</a> or <a href="http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/suexec.html" target="_blank">suEXEC</a> on your server setup.');
    $config_error = array('There is a problem regarding your config setup. This means that Chevereto won\'t run because the config is not valid:', 'Please double-check your settings in the <code>includes/config.php</code> file.');
    $definitions_error = array('Please take note that you must edit the <code>definitions.php</code> file the first time that you install Chevereto.', 'Please double-check your definitions in the <code>includes/definitions.php</code> file.');
    $theme_error = array('There is a problem regarding your current theme. This means that Chevereto won\'t run because <code>' . $config['theme'] . '</code> theme has missing files:', 'Please double-check the theme hierarchy.');
    $theme_data_error = array('There is a problem regarding your current theme data. This means that Chevereto won\'t run because <code>' . $config['theme'] . '</code> theme has not valid theme data in <code>style.css</code> header comments:', 'Please double-check the <code>style.css</code> header comments and refer to the <a href="http://chevereto.com/docs#themes">theme documentation</a> page.');
    $virtual_folder_error = array('There is a problem regarding your virtual folders setup:', 'Either you set different values for virtual folders in <code>includes/config.php</code> or you delete this directories.');
    // Check for the server requirements
    if (!check_requirements()) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, 'System error', $requirements_error);
    // Check for the image folders
    $image_folders = array(__CHV_PATH_IMAGES__);
    if (!check_files_folders($image_folders, 'Directory')) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, 'Folder error', $folder_error);
    if (!check_permissions($image_folders)) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, 'Permissions error', $permission_error);
    // Check for virtual folders
    $virtual_folders = array(sanitize_path($config['virtual_folder_image']), sanitize_path($config['virtual_folder_uploaded']));
    foreach ($virtual_folders as $folder) {
        if (file_exists(__CHV_ROOT_DIR__ . $folder)) {
            $install_errors[] = 'The directory <code>' . __CHV_RELATIVE_ROOT__ . $folder . '</code> must not exists';
    if (count($install_errors) > 0) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, 'Virtual folders error', $virtual_folder_error);
    // Check for upload.php
    if (!file_exists(__CHV_ROOT_DIR__ . 'upload.php')) {
        chevereto_die('Can\'t find <code>upload.php</code>', 'Missing upload.php', $file_error);
    // Check for the root .htaccess file
    if (!file_exists(__CHV_ROOT_DIR__ . '.htaccess')) {
        chevereto_die('', '.htaccess error', $root_htaccess_error);
    // Admin folder
    if (!check_value($config["admin_folder"])) {
        $config["admin_folder"] = "admin";
    if (!file_exists(__CHV_PATH_ADMIN__)) {
        chevereto_die('', 'Admin folder doesn\'t exists', $admin_folder_error);
    // Check for the other .htaccess files
    $htaccess_files = array(__CHV_PATH_IMAGES__, __CHV_PATH_INCLUDES__, __CHV_PATH_ADMIN_INCLUDES__);
    foreach ($htaccess_files as $dir) {
        if (!file_exists($dir . '.htaccess')) {
            switch ($dir) {
                case __CHV_PATH_IMAGES__:
                    $rules = 'static';
                case __CHV_PATH_INCLUDES__:
                case __CHV_PATH_ADMIN_INCLUDES__:
                    $rules = 'deny';
            if (!htaccess($rules, $dir)) {
                $install_errors[] = 'Can\'t create <code>' . $dir . '.htaccess</code> file. Please upload the <code>.htaccess</code> file to the target dir';
    if (count($install_errors) > 0) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, '.htaccess error', $htaccess_error);
    // Files check
    $include_files = array('chevereto.php', 'uploader.php', 'shorturl.php', 'definitions.php', 'template.functions.php');
    $classes_files = array('class.handler.php', 'class.db.php', 'class.upload.php', 'class.filelist.php', 'class.imageresize.php', 'class.imageconvert.php', 'class.minify.php', 'class.shorturl.php');
    $system_files = array('login.php', 'error.php', 'style.css', 'img/chevereto.png', 'img/logo.png', 'img/ico-warn.png', 'img/background.png', 'img/bkg-content.png');
    $system_files_minify = array('style.css');
    $system_files = array_merge_minified($system_files, $system_files_minify);
    $system_js_files = array('uploadify.swf', 'ZeroClipboard.swf', 'pref.php');
    $system_js_files_minify = array('jquery.js', 'chevereto.js', 'functions.js', 'jquery.uploadify-3.1_chevereto.js');
    $system_js_files = array_merge_minified($system_js_files, $system_js_files_minify);
    // Admin files
    $admin_classes_files = array('class.adminhandler.php', 'class.manage.php');
    $admin_system_files = array('header.php', 'filemanager.php');
    $admin_system_files_minify = array('style.css', 'js/admin.js');
    $admin_system_files = array_merge_minified($admin_system_files, $admin_system_files_minify);
    foreach ($include_files as $key => $value) {
        $include_files[$key] = __CHV_PATH_INCLUDES__ . $value;
    foreach ($classes_files as $key => $value) {
        $classes_files[$key] = __CHV_PATH_CLASSES__ . $value;
    foreach ($system_files as $key => $value) {
        $system_files[$key] = __CHV_PATH_SYSTEM__ . $value;
    foreach ($system_js_files as $key => $value) {
        $system_js_files[$key] = __CHV_PATH_SYSTEM_JS__ . $value;
    foreach ($admin_classes_files as $key => $value) {
        $admin_classes_files[$key] = __CHV_PATH_ADMIN_CLASSES__ . $value;
    foreach ($admin_system_files as $key => $value) {
        $admin_system_files[$key] = __CHV_PATH_ADMIN_SYSTEM__ . $value;
    /*** The complete file check array ***/
    $check_files = array('Includes' => $include_files, 'Classes' => $classes_files, 'System Files' => array_merge($system_files, $system_js_files), 'Admin .htaccess' => array(__CHV_PATH_ADMIN_INCLUDES__ . '.htaccess'), 'Admin Classes' => $admin_classes_files, 'Admin System' => $admin_system_files);
    foreach ($check_files as $key => $value) {
        check_files_folders($value, 'File');
    if (count($install_errors) > 0) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, 'Setup error', $file_error);
    if (!check_config()) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, 'Config error', $config_error);
    if (!check_definitions()) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, 'Please change definitions.php', $definitions_error);
    if (!check_theme()) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, 'Theme error', $theme_error);
    if (!check_theme_data()) {
        chevereto_die($install_errors, 'Theme data error', $theme_data_error);
예제 #3
 function user_setup($theme = false)
     global $_CLASS, $_CORE_CONFIG;
     if ($this->user_setup) {
     $this->user_setup = true;
     if (!is_null($theme)) {
         // Do the theme
         $theme_prev = get_variable('theme_preview', 'REQUEST', false);
         $theme = $theme ? $theme : $_CLASS['core_user']->session_data_get('user_theme');
         if ($theme_prev && $theme_prev != $theme && check_theme($theme_prev)) {
             $theme = $theme_prev;
             if (!get_variable('temp_preview', 'REQUEST', false)) {
                 $_CLASS['core_user']->session_data_set('user_theme', $theme);
         } elseif (!$theme || !check_theme($theme)) {
             $theme = $_CLASS['core_user']->data['user_theme'] ? $_CLASS['core_user']->data['user_theme'] : $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_theme'];
             if (!check_theme($theme)) {
                 if (check_theme($_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_theme'])) {
                     $theme = $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_theme'];
                 } else {
                     // We need a theme, don't we ?
                     $handle = opendir('themes');
                     $theme = false;
                     while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
                         if ($file[0] !== '.' && check_theme($file)) {
                             $theme = $file;
                     if (!$theme) {
                         trigger_error('Something here');
         $path = SITE_FILE_ROOT . 'themes/' . $theme;
         $_CLASS['core_display']->load_theme($theme, $path);
     $this->lang_name = $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_lang'];
     $this->time_format = $this->data['user_time_format'] ? $this->data['user_time_format'] : $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_dateformat'];
     $this->time_offset = $this->data['user_timezone'] ? $this->data['user_timezone'] : $_CORE_CONFIG['global']['default_timezone'];
     if ($this->data['user_dst']) {
         $this->time_offset += 3600;
     $this->add_lang('common', null);