예제 #1
 function phase3()
     $this->phase = 3;
     // Get included IDs and remove any duplicates or empty values.
     $ids = get_post_meta($this->set['ID'], '_dfrps_cpt_manually_added_ids', true);
     $ids = array_filter((array) $ids);
     // If no IDs, update phase and go to Phase 3.
     if (empty($ids)) {
         return 'skip';
     // Query API
     //$data = dfrapi_api_get_products_by_id( $ids, $this->config['num_products_per_update'], $this->meta['_dfrps_cpt_offset'][0] );
     $data = dfrapi_api_get_products_by_id($ids, $this->config['num_products_per_api_request'], $this->meta['_dfrps_cpt_offset'][0]);
     // Update number of API requests.
     update_post_meta($this->set['ID'], '_dfrps_cpt_last_update_num_api_requests', $this->meta['_dfrps_cpt_last_update_num_api_requests'][0] + 1);
     // Handle errors & return.
     if (is_array($data) && array_key_exists('dfrapi_api_error', $data)) {
         update_post_meta($this->set['ID'], '_dfrps_cpt_errors', $data);
         return 'repeat';
     // Delete any errors that are currently being stored.
     update_post_meta($this->set['ID'], '_dfrps_cpt_errors', false);
     // If there are products, store product data in options table.
     if (isset($data['products']) && !empty($data['products'])) {
         foreach ($data['products'] as $product) {
     // All products in this batch have been imported into the options table.  Now update some meta stuff.
     update_post_meta($this->set['ID'], '_dfrps_cpt_offset', $this->meta['_dfrps_cpt_offset'][0] + 1);
     update_post_meta($this->set['ID'], '_dfrps_cpt_last_update_num_products_added', $this->meta['_dfrps_cpt_last_update_num_products_added'][0] + count($data['products']));
     // If the number of product IDs is less than the number of products per update
     // (that means we've queried ALL product IDs).
     // Move to next phase.
     $offset = $this->config['num_products_per_api_request'] * ($this->meta['_dfrps_cpt_offset'][0] - 1);
     $length = $this->config['num_products_per_api_request'];
     $current_range_of_ids = array_slice($ids, $offset, $length);
     if (count($current_range_of_ids) < $this->config['num_products_per_api_request']) {
         update_post_meta($this->set['ID'], '_dfrps_cpt_offset', 1);
         return 'ready';
     return 'repeat';
예제 #2
파일: ajax.php 프로젝트: jimmitjoo/mnh
 * This function is used to determine the context of 
 * how we should return the products and load the 
 * necessary function to get the products.
 * This is ONLY called via an AJAX request, not 
 * directly from another function.
function dfrps_ajax_get_products()
     * Possible $_REQUEST values:
     * query 	- This is the API query (multiple filters)
     * ids		- An array of product IDs.
     * postid 	- This is the post ID of the Product Set.
     * page 	- This is the page number being requested for pagination.
     * context	- This will determine how to out put the list of products and pagination.
    check_ajax_referer('dfrps_ajax_nonce', 'dfrps_security');
    // Set $postid variable.
    $postid = isset($_REQUEST['postid']) && $_REQUEST['postid'] > 0 ? $_REQUEST['postid'] : false;
    // If $postid doesn't validate, show error.
    if (!$postid) {
        _e('No post ID provided.  A post ID is required.', DFRPS_DOMAIN);
    // Possible contexts.
    $possible_contexts = array('div_dfrps_tab_search', 'div_dfrps_tab_saved_search', 'div_dfrps_tab_included', 'div_dfrps_tab_blocked');
    // Set $context variable.
    $context = isset($_REQUEST['context']) && in_array($_REQUEST['context'], $possible_contexts) ? $_REQUEST['context'] : false;
    // If $context doesn't validate, show error.
    if (!$context) {
        _e('No context provided. Context is required.', DFRPS_DOMAIN);
    // Set $page variable.
    $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1;
    // Get "num_products_per_search" value for $limit value.
    $configuration = (array) get_option('dfrps_configuration', array('num_products_per_search' => 10));
    $limit = $configuration['num_products_per_search'];
    // Initialize $args array.
    $args = array();
    // Set offset.
    $offset = $page > 0 ? ($page - 1) * $limit : 0;
    // Make sure $limit doesn't go over 10,000.
    if ($offset + $limit > 10000) {
        $limit = 10000 - $offset;
    // Default $args to pass to any function
    $args['limit'] = $limit;
    $args['offset'] = $offset;
     * Based on $context, determine what to do next.
    // Context is "div_dfrps_tab_search"
    if ($context == 'div_dfrps_tab_search') {
         * A search was performed. We need to save the query 
         * so that it can be requested on subsequent paginated pages.
        // Save post if query is performed but post has not been saved at all.
        if (get_post_status($postid) == 'auto-draft' && $postid > 0) {
            $timezone_format = _x('Y-m-d G:i:s', 'timezone date format');
            $post = array('ID' => $postid, 'post_title' => __('Auto Save', DFRPS_DOMAIN) . ' - ' . date_i18n($timezone_format), 'post_status' => 'draft');
        // Isolate the query
        if (isset($_REQUEST['query'])) {
            parse_str($_REQUEST['query'], $query);
        } else {
            $query = array();
            $query['_dfrps_cpt_query'] = array();
        // If query is not empty, store it as the temp query.
        if (!empty($query['_dfrps_cpt_query'])) {
            // Query exists so save it.
            $temp_query = $query['_dfrps_cpt_query'];
            update_post_meta($postid, '_dfrps_cpt_temp_query', $temp_query);
        } else {
            // No query exists so grab the last stored query.
            $temp_query = get_post_meta($postid, '_dfrps_cpt_temp_query', true);
        // Get manually blocked product IDs.
        $blocked = get_post_meta($postid, '_dfrps_cpt_manually_blocked_ids', true);
        if (is_array($blocked) && !empty($blocked)) {
            $manually_blocked = $blocked;
        } else {
            $manually_blocked = array();
        // Add "manually_excluded" to the $args.
        $args['manually_blocked'] = $manually_blocked;
        // Query API if a temp query exists.
        if (!empty($temp_query)) {
            $data = dfrapi_api_get_products_by_query($temp_query, $limit, $page, $manually_blocked);
            //$data = dfrps_api_get_products_by_query( $temp_query, $postid, $context, $page );
        // Print any errors.
        if (is_array($data) && array_key_exists('dfrapi_api_error', $data)) {
            echo dfrapi_output_api_error($data);
        // Add a few more helpful values to the $data array;
        $data['page'] = $page;
        $data['postid'] = $postid;
        $data['limit'] = $limit;
        $data['offset'] = $offset;
        echo dfrps_format_product_list($data, $context);
    // if ( $context == 'div_dfrps_tab_search' )
    // Context is "div_dfrps_tab_saved_search"
    if ($context == 'div_dfrps_tab_saved_search') {
        // Get query
        $saved_query = get_post_meta($postid, '_dfrps_cpt_query', true);
        // Get manually blocked product IDs.
        $blocked = get_post_meta($postid, '_dfrps_cpt_manually_blocked_ids', true);
        if (is_array($blocked) && !empty($blocked)) {
            $manually_blocked = $blocked;
        } else {
            $manually_blocked = array();
        // Add "manually_excluded" to the $args.
        $args['manually_blocked'] = $manually_blocked;
        // Query API if a saved query exists.
        if (!empty($saved_query)) {
            $data = dfrapi_api_get_products_by_query($saved_query, $limit, $page, $manually_blocked);
            //$data = dfrps_api_get_products_by_query( $saved_query, $postid, $context, $page );
        // Print any errors.
        if (isset($data) && is_array($data) && array_key_exists('dfrapi_api_error', $data)) {
            echo dfrapi_output_api_error($data);
        // Add a few more helpful values to the $data array;
        $data['page'] = $page;
        $data['postid'] = $postid;
        $data['limit'] = $limit;
        $data['offset'] = $offset;
        // Update number of products in this saved search.
        //update_post_meta( $postid, '_dfrps_cpt_saved_search_num_products', intval( $data['found_count'] ) );
        echo dfrps_format_product_list($data, $context);
    // if ( $context == 'div_dfrps_tab_saved_search' )
    // Context is "div_dfrps_tab_included"
    if ($context == 'div_dfrps_tab_included') {
        $ids = get_post_meta($postid, '_dfrps_cpt_manually_added_ids', true);
        $ids = array_filter((array) $ids);
        // Query API if IDs exists.
        if (!empty($ids)) {
            $data = dfrapi_api_get_products_by_id($ids, $limit, $page);
        // Print any errors.
        if (isset($data) && is_array($data) && array_key_exists('dfrapi_api_error', $data)) {
            echo dfrapi_output_api_error($data);
        // Add a few more helpful values to the $data array;
        $data['page'] = $page;
        $data['postid'] = $postid;
        $data['limit'] = $limit;
        $data['offset'] = $offset;
        echo dfrps_format_product_list($data, $context);
    // if ( $context == 'div_dfrps_tab_included' )
    // Context is "div_dfrps_tab_blocked"
    if ($context == 'div_dfrps_tab_blocked') {
        $ids = get_post_meta($postid, '_dfrps_cpt_manually_blocked_ids', true);
        $ids = array_filter((array) $ids);
        // Query API if IDs exists.
        if (!empty($ids)) {
            $data = dfrapi_api_get_products_by_id($ids, $limit, $page);
        // Print any errors.
        if (isset($data) && is_array($data) && array_key_exists('dfrapi_api_error', $data)) {
            echo dfrapi_output_api_error($data);
        // Add a few more helpful values to the $data array;
        $data['page'] = $page;
        $data['postid'] = $postid;
        $data['limit'] = $limit;
        $data['offset'] = $offset;
        echo dfrps_format_product_list($data, $context);
    // if ( $context == 'div_dfrps_tab_blocked' ) {
    echo 'Uh-oh. Something went wrong.';