$s = ""; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $s .= trim($v); if ($c != $k) { $s .= ","; } } update_option("ace_categories_" . $key, $s); } else { update_option("ace_categories_" . $key, ''); } if ($key == $xsg_category) { if (empty($data)) { $data = array(); } ace_xsg_update($data); } unset($data); } } } } if ($_POST['empty']) { foreach ($ace_targets as $key => $val) { update_option("ace_categories_" . $key, ""); } } if (!function_exists('get_terms')) { if (get_option("default_link_category") != "") { $defaultLinkCat = get_option("default_link_category"); }
$ace_help['ec3'] = __('If you select this, Event Calendars deafult category will be displayed at ACE Dashboard -> Categories subpage', 'ace'); $ace_help['exclude_method'] = __('Please choose an exclusion method for the widgets.', 'ace'); $ace_help['xsg_category'] = __('If you choose one of these sections, the categories selected for exclusion in that section, will be exported into <strong>XML Sitemap Generator</strong> settings. So those settings will directly affect your sitemap generating. This is handy for SEO.', 'ace'); if (!empty($_POST['settings']) && !empty($_POST['_wpnonce']) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'ace_settings')) { foreach ($ace_settings as $k => $v) { if (!empty($_POST[$k])) { switch ($k) { case "xsg_category": $xsg_category = get_option("ace_settings_xsg_category"); $newvalue = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$k]); update_option("ace_settings_" . $k, $newvalue); /** * If the section changed */ if ($xsg_category != $newvalue) { ace_xsg_update("", $newvalue); } break; case "exclude_method": $newvalue = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[$k]); update_option("ace_settings_" . $k, $newvalue); break; default: update_option("ace_settings_" . $k, 1); break; } } else { update_option("ace_settings_" . $k, ''); } } }