public static function getInstance() { if (null === self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; }
public static function setupFrontController() { $zmax_context = self::getRegistry()->get("zmax_context"); $config = $zmax_context->config; $app_dir = self::getRoot() . 'application' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; self::$frontController = Zmax_Controller_Front::getInstance(); // Keep the front controller from sending exceptions self::$frontController->throwExceptions(false); // This tells where the controllers code can be found self::$frontController->setControllerDirectory(array('default' => $app_dir . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, 'admin' => $app_dir . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); // Set the error handler // PR: does not work, because it shows a warning when used // with Zend View and Zend_Layout .... if ($config->view->zmax_view_system == "phplib") { set_error_handler(array(self::$frontController, "errorHandler")); } // Change the error handler plugin, to forward exceptions // to the 'stalled' action of the index controller $eh = new Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler(); $eh->setErrorHandlerController('index')->setErrorHandlerAction('stalled'); self::$frontController->registerPlugin($eh); // Remove all automatic escaping self::$frontController->normalizeHTTP(); // Set the base url self::$frontController->setBaseUrl(); }
function baseUrl() { $fc = Zmax_Controller_Front::getInstance(); return $fc->getBaseUrl(); }