예제 #1
function UpdateTimeline()
    global $settings;
    /** Perform a GET request and echo the response **/
    $url = 'https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/home_timeline.json';
    $getfield = '?count=30';
    $requestMethod = 'GET';
    $twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
    $timeline = $twitter->setGetfield($getfield)->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)->performRequest();
    //save to cache
    //echo results;
    echo $timeline;
예제 #2
파일: do.php 프로젝트: power12317/BiliPlus
     } else {
         $error = '<div class="framesubtitle">Bad Request</div><div class="errordescription">服务器无法识别你的请求,请检查你是否填写了所有必须参数…</div>';
 if ($_GET["act"] == 'play') {
     $title = 'AV' . $_GET["av"] . ' - 播放';
     if (!empty($_GET["av"]) && !empty($_GET["player"])) {
         if (!empty($_GET["page"])) {
             $page = $_GET["page"];
         } else {
             $page = 1;
         $id = $_GET["av"] . '_' . $page;
         $apijson = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM CACHE_PAGE WHERE ID='{$id}'");
         if (!mysql_num_rows($apijson)) {
             UpdateCache($_GET["av"], $page);
         } else {
             $apijson = mysql_fetch_array($apijson);
             $datatime = $apijson['LASTUPDATE'];
             $return = json_decode($apijson['DATA'], true);
             if (!array_key_exists("error", $return)) {
                 $videotitle = $return['title'];
                 if (isset($return['list'][$page - 1]['cid'])) {
                     $cid = $return['list'][$page - 1]['cid'];
                     $p = 0;
                     $pagelist = '';
                     while (isset($return['list'][$p]['cid'])) {
                         $pagelist = $pagelist . '<a href="/api/do.php?act=play&av=' . $_GET["av"] . '&page=' . $return['list'][$p]['page'] . '&player=' . $_GET["player"] . '"><div class="listbox">[P' . ($p + 1) . '] ' . $return['list'][$p]['part'] . '</div></a>';
                     if ($_GET["player"] == 'mukio') {
예제 #3
                $find = "/\\[module\\]" . preg_quote($key) . "\\[\\/module\\]/is";
                $jstemplate = !empty($_GET['jstemplate']) ? get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_GET['jstemplate']) : $_GET['jstemplate'] : '';
                $jstemplate = preg_replace("/\r\n|\n|\r/", '\\n', $jstemplate);
                $jstemplatebody = '';
                if (preg_match("/\\[node\\](.+?)\\[\\/node\\]/is", $jstemplate, $node)) {
                    $jstemplatebody = $jstemplate;
                    $jstemplate = $node[1];
                $writedata = preg_replace($find, jsmodule($function), $writedata);
        $nocache = $customnocache;
        $datalist = $writedata = procdata('document.write("' . $writedata . '");');
        if (!$nocache) {
            $writedata = "\$datalist = '" . addcslashes($writedata, '\\\'') . "';";
            UpdateCache($customcachefile, $writedata);
echo $datalist;
function jsmodule($function)
    extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_SKIP);
    $fids = isset($_GET['fids']) ? $_GET['fids'] : NULL;
    $startrow = isset($_GET['startrow']) ? intval($_GET['startrow']) : 0;
    $items = isset($_GET['items']) ? intval($_GET['items']) : 10;
    $digest = isset($_GET['digest']) ? intval($_GET['digest']) : 0;
    $stick = isset($_GET['stick']) ? intval($_GET['stick']) : 0;
    $newwindow = isset($_GET['newwindow']) ? $_GET['newwindow'] : 1;
    $LinkTarget = $newwindow == 1 ? " target='_blank'" : ($newwindow == 2 ? " target='main'" : NULL);
    if ($function == 'threads') {