예제 #1
  * \brief test for Isdir Isartifact Iscontainer
 function test_Is()
     print "Starting unit test for common-dir.php\n";
     print "test function Isdir()\n";
     $mode = 536888320;
     $result = Isdir($mode);
     $this->assertEquals(true, $result);
     $mode = 33188;
     $result = Isdir($mode);
     $this->assertEquals(false, $result);
     print "test function Isartifact()\n";
     $mode = 536888320;
     $result = Isartifact($mode);
     $this->assertEquals(false, $result);
     $mode = 805323776;
     $result = Isartifact($mode);
     $this->assertEquals(true, $result);
     print "test function Iscontainer()\n";
     $mode = 536888320;
     $result = Iscontainer($mode);
     $this->assertEquals(true, $result);
     $mode = 805323776;
     $result = Iscontainer($mode);
     $this->assertEquals(true, $result);
     print "test function DirMode2String()\n";
     $result = DirMode2String($mode);
     $this->assertEquals("a-d-----S---", $result);
     //print "Ending unit test for common-dir.php\n";
예제 #2
  * @param int $uploadTreeId
  * @param Request $request
  * @return int $jobQueueId
 private function getJobQueueId($uploadTreeId, Request $request)
     $uploadEntry = $this->uploadDao->getUploadEntry($uploadTreeId);
     $uploadId = intval($uploadEntry['upload_fk']);
     $userId = Auth::getUserId();
     $groupId = Auth::getGroupId();
     if ($uploadId <= 0 || !$this->uploadDao->isAccessible($uploadId, $groupId)) {
         throw new Exception('permission denied');
     $bulkScope = $request->get('bulkScope');
     switch ($bulkScope) {
         case 'u':
             $uploadTreeTable = $this->uploadDao->getUploadtreeTableName($uploadId);
             $topBounds = $this->uploadDao->getParentItemBounds($uploadId, $uploadTreeTable);
             $uploadTreeId = $topBounds->getItemId();
         case 'f':
             if (!Isdir($uploadEntry['ufile_mode']) && !Iscontainer($uploadEntry['ufile_mode']) && !Isartifact($uploadEntry['ufile_mode'])) {
                 $uploadTreeId = $uploadEntry['parent'] ?: $uploadTreeId;
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('bad scope request');
     $refText = $request->get('refText');
     $actions = $request->get('bulkAction');
     $licenseRemovals = array();
     foreach ($actions as $licenseAction) {
         $licenseRemovals[$licenseAction['licenseId']] = $licenseAction['action'] == 'remove';
     $bulkId = $this->licenseDao->insertBulkLicense($userId, $groupId, $uploadTreeId, $licenseRemovals, $refText);
     if ($bulkId <= 0) {
         throw new Exception('cannot insert bulk reference');
     $upload = $this->uploadDao->getUpload($uploadId);
     $uploadName = $upload->getFilename();
     $job_pk = JobAddJob($userId, $groupId, $uploadName, $uploadId);
     /** @var DeciderJobAgentPlugin $deciderPlugin */
     $deciderPlugin = plugin_find("agent_deciderjob");
     $dependecies = array(array('name' => 'agent_monk_bulk', 'args' => $bulkId));
     $conflictStrategyId = intval($request->get('forceDecision'));
     $errorMsg = '';
     $jqId = $deciderPlugin->AgentAdd($job_pk, $uploadId, $errorMsg, $dependecies, $conflictStrategyId);
     if (!empty($errorMsg)) {
         throw new Exception(str_replace('<br>', "\n", $errorMsg));
     return $jqId;
예제 #3
 private function getJobQueueId($uploadTreeId)
     $uploadEntry = $this->uploadDao->getUploadEntry($uploadTreeId);
     $uploadId = intval($uploadEntry['upload_fk']);
     if ($uploadId <= 0) {
         throw new Exception('permission denied');
     $bulkScope = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'bulkScope');
     switch ($bulkScope) {
         case 'u':
             $uploadTreeTable = $this->uploadDao->getUploadtreeTableName($uploadId);
             $row = $this->dbManager->getSingleRow("SELECT uploadtree_pk FROM {$uploadTreeTable} WHERE upload_fk = \$1 ORDER BY uploadtree_pk LIMIT 1", array($uploadId), __METHOD__ . "adam" . $uploadTreeTable);
             $uploadTreeId = $row['uploadtree_pk'];
         case 'f':
             if (!Isdir($uploadEntry['ufile_mode']) && !Iscontainer($uploadEntry['ufile_mode']) && !Isartifact($uploadEntry['ufile_mode'])) {
                 $uploadTreeId = $uploadEntry['parent'] ?: $uploadTreeId;
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('bad scope request');
     $userId = Auth::getUserId();
     $groupId = Auth::getGroupId();
     $refText = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'refText');
     $action = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'bulkAction');
     $licenseId = GetParm('licenseId', PARM_INTEGER);
     $removing = $action === 'remove';
     $bulkId = $this->licenseDao->insertBulkLicense($userId, $groupId, $uploadTreeId, $licenseId, $removing, $refText);
     if ($bulkId <= 0) {
         throw new Exception('cannot insert bulk reference');
     $upload = $this->uploadDao->getUpload($uploadId);
     $uploadName = $upload->getFilename();
     $job_pk = JobAddJob($userId, $groupId, $uploadName, $uploadId);
     /** @var DeciderJobAgentPlugin $deciderPlugin */
     $deciderPlugin = plugin_find("agent_deciderjob");
     $dependecies = array(array('name' => 'agent_monk_bulk', 'args' => $bulkId));
     $conflictStrategyId = intval(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'forceDecision'));
     $errorMsg = '';
     $jqId = $deciderPlugin->AgentAdd($job_pk, $uploadId, $errorMsg, $dependecies, $conflictStrategyId);
     if (!empty($errorMsg)) {
         throw new Exception(str_replace('<br>', "\n", $errorMsg));
     return $jqId;
예제 #4
 * \brief Find the non artifact children of an uploadtree pk.
 * If any children are artifacts, resolve them until you get
 * to a non-artifact.
 * \param $uploadtree_pk
 * \param $uploadtree_tablename
 * \return list of child uploadtree recs + pfile_size + pfile_mimetypefk on success.
 *         list may be empty if there are no children.
 * Child list is sorted by ufile_name.
function GetNonArtifactChildren($uploadtree_pk, $uploadtree_tablename = 'uploadtree')
    global $container;
    /** @var DbManager */
    $dbManager = $container->get('db.manager');
    /* Find all the children */
    $sql = "select {$uploadtree_tablename}.*, pfile_size, pfile_mimetypefk from {$uploadtree_tablename}\n          left outer join pfile on (pfile_pk=pfile_fk)\n          where parent=\$1 ORDER BY lft";
    $dbManager->prepare($stmt = __METHOD__ . "{$uploadtree_tablename}", $sql);
    $result = $dbManager->execute($stmt, array($uploadtree_pk));
    $children = $dbManager->fetchAll($result);
    if (count($children) == 0) {
        return $children;
    /* Loop through each child and replace any artifacts with their
       non artifact child.  Or skip them if they are not containers.
    $foundChildren = array();
    foreach ($children as $key => $child) {
        if (Isartifact($child['ufile_mode'])) {
            if (Iscontainer($child['ufile_mode'])) {
                $NonAChildren = GetNonArtifactChildren($child['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename);
                if ($NonAChildren) {
                    $foundChildren = array_merge($foundChildren, $NonAChildren);
            } else {
        } else {
            $foundChildren[$key] = $child;
    // uasort($foundChildren, '_DirCmp');
    return $foundChildren;
예제 #5
 * \brief Find the non artifact children of an uploadtree pk.
 * If any children are artifacts, resolve them until you get
 * to a non-artifact.
 * This function replaces DirGetList()
 * \param $uploadtree_pk
 * \param $uploadtree_tablename
 * \return list of child uploadtree recs + pfile_size + pfile_mimetypefk on success.
 *         list may be empty if there are no children.
 * Child list is sorted by ufile_name.
function GetNonArtifactChildren($uploadtree_pk, $uploadtree_tablename = 'uploadtree')
    global $PG_CONN;
    $foundChildren = array();
    /* Find all the children */
    $sql = "select {$uploadtree_tablename}.*, pfile_size, pfile_mimetypefk from {$uploadtree_tablename}\n          left outer join pfile on (pfile_pk=pfile_fk)\n          where parent={$uploadtree_pk}";
    $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql);
    DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if (pg_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        return $foundChildren;
    $children = pg_fetch_all($result);
    /* Loop through each child and replace any artifacts with their
       non artifact child.  Or skip them if they are not containers.
    foreach ($children as $key => $child) {
        if (Isartifact($child['ufile_mode'])) {
            if (Iscontainer($child['ufile_mode'])) {
                $NonAChildren = GetNonArtifactChildren($child['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename);
                if ($NonAChildren) {
                    $foundChildren = array_merge($foundChildren, $NonAChildren);
            } else {
        } else {
            $foundChildren[$key] = $child;
    uasort($foundChildren, '_DirCmp');
    return $foundChildren;
  * \brief Given an Upload and UploadtreePk item, display:
  * - The file listing for the directory, with license navigation.
  * - Recursively traverse the tree.
  * \note This is recursive! 
  * Output goes to stdout!
 function ShowLicenseTree($Upload, $Item, $Uri, $Path = NULL)
         Get all the licenses PER item (file or directory) under this
        Save the data 3 ways:
        - Number of licenses PER item.
        - Number of items PER license.
        - Number of items PER license family.
     global $Plugins;
     $Time = time();
     $ModLicView =& $Plugins[plugin_find_id("view-license")];
     if ($Path == NULL) {
         $Path = array();
     /* Get the items under this UploadtreePk */
     $Children = DirGetList($Upload, $Item);
     $Name = "";
     foreach ($Children as $C) {
         if (empty($C)) {
         /* Store the item information */
         $IsDir = Isdir($C['ufile_mode']);
         $IsContainer = Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode']);
         $IsArtifact = Isartifact($C['ufile_mode']);
         /* Load licenses for the item */
         $Lics = array();
         LicenseGetAll($C['uploadtree_pk'], $Lics);
         /* Determine the hyperlinks */
         if (!empty($C['pfile_fk'])) {
             $LinkUri = "{$Uri}&item=" . $C['uploadtree_pk'];
             $LinkUri = str_replace("mod=license-tree", "mod=view-license", $LinkUri);
         } else {
             $LinkUri = NULL;
         if (Iscontainer($C['ufile_mode'])) {
             $uploadtree_pk = DirGetNonArtifact($C['uploadtree_pk']);
             $LicUri = "{$Uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk;
             $LicUri = str_replace("mod=license-tree", "mod=license", $LicUri);
         } else {
             $LicUri = NULL;
         /* Populate the output */
         $LicCount = $Lics[' Total '];
         $LicSum = "";
         foreach ($Lics as $Key => $Val) {
             if ($Key == " Total ") {
             if (!empty($LicSum)) {
                 $LicSum .= ",";
             $LicSum .= $Key;
         /* Display the results */
         if ($LicCount > 0) {
             $LicSum = "";
             foreach ($Lics as $Key => $Val) {
                 if ($Key == " Total ") {
                 if (!empty($LicSum)) {
                     $LicSum .= ",";
                 $LicSum .= $Key;
             $Name = $C['ufile_name'];
             if ($IsArtifact) {
                 $Name = str_replace("artifact.", "", $Name);
             if ($this->OutputType == 'HTML') {
                 $this->ShowOutputHTML($LicCount, $LicSum, $IsContainer, $IsArtifact, $IsDir, $Path, $Name, $LicUri, $LinkUri);
             } else {
                 if ($this->OutputType == 'CSV') {
                     $this->ShowOutputCSV($LicCount, $LicSum, $IsContainer, $IsArtifact, $IsDir, $Path, $Name, $LicUri, $LinkUri);
         /* Recurse! */
         if (($IsDir || $IsContainer) && $LicCount > 0) {
             $NewPath = $Path;
             $NewPath[] = $Name;
             $this->ShowLicenseTree($Upload, $C['uploadtree_pk'], $Uri, $NewPath);
     /* for each item in the directory */
예제 #7
  * \brief Given a Folder_pk, list every upload in the folder.
 function ShowFolder($Folder, $Show)
     global $Plugins;
     global $PG_CONN;
     $V = "";
     /* Get list of uploads in this folder */
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM upload\n        INNER JOIN uploadtree ON upload_fk = upload_pk\n        AND upload.pfile_fk = uploadtree.pfile_fk\n        AND parent IS NULL\n        AND lft IS NOT NULL \n        WHERE upload_pk IN\n        (SELECT child_id FROM foldercontents WHERE foldercontents_mode & 2 != 0 AND parent_fk = {$Folder})\n        ORDER BY upload_filename,upload_desc,upload_pk,upload_origin;";
     $result = pg_query($PG_CONN, $sql);
     DBCheckResult($result, $sql, __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $Uri = Traceback_uri() . "?mod=" . $this->Name;
     $V .= "<table border=1 width='100%'>";
     $V .= "<tr><td valign='top' width='20%'>\n";
     $V .= FolderListScript();
     $text = _("Folder Navigation");
     $V .= "<center><H3>{$text}</H3></center>\n";
     $V .= "<center><small>";
     if ($Folder != GetUserRootFolder()) {
         $text = _("Top");
         $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=" . $this->Name . "'>{$text}</a> |";
     $text = _("Expand");
     $V .= "<a href='javascript:Expand();'>{$text}</a> |";
     $text = _("Collapse");
     $V .= "<a href='javascript:Collapse();'>{$text}</a> |";
     $text = _("Refresh");
     $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback() . "'>{$text}</a>";
     $V .= "</small></center>";
     $V .= "<P>\n";
     $V .= "<form>\n";
     $V .= FolderListDiv($Folder, 0, $Folder, 1);
     $V .= "</form>\n";
     $V .= "</td><td valign='top'>\n";
     $text = _("Uploads");
     $V .= "<center><H3>{$text}</H3></center>\n";
     $V .= "<table class='text' id='browsetbl' border=0 width='100%' cellpadding=0>\n";
     $text = _("Upload Name and Description");
     $text1 = _("Upload Date");
     $V .= "<th>{$text}</th><th>{$text1}</th></tr>\n";
     /* Browse-Pfile menu */
     $MenuPfile = menu_find("Browse-Pfile", $MenuDepth);
     /* Browse-Pfile menu without the compare menu item */
     $MenuPfileNoCompare = menu_remove($MenuPfile, "Compare");
     while ($Row = pg_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         if (empty($Row['upload_pk'])) {
         $Desc = htmlentities($Row['upload_desc']);
         $UploadPk = $Row['upload_pk'];
         /* check permission on upload */
         $UploadPerm = GetUploadPerm($UploadPk);
         if ($UploadPerm < PERM_READ) {
         $Name = $Row['ufile_name'];
         if (empty($Name)) {
             $Name = $Row['upload_filename'];
         /* If UploadtreePk is not an artifact, then use it as the root.
            Else get the first non artifact under it.
         if (Isartifact($Row['ufile_mode'])) {
             $UploadtreePk = DirGetNonArtifact($Row['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadtree_tablename);
         } else {
             $UploadtreePk = $Row['uploadtree_pk'];
         $V .= "<tr><td>";
         if (IsContainer($Row['ufile_mode'])) {
             $V .= "<a href='{$Uri}&upload={$UploadPk}&folder={$Folder}&item={$UploadtreePk}&show={$Show}'>";
             $V .= "<b>" . $Name . "</b>";
             $V .= "</a>";
         } else {
             $V .= "<b>" . $Name . "</b>";
         $V .= "<br>";
         if (!empty($Desc)) {
             $V .= "<i>" . $Desc . "</i><br>";
         $Upload = $Row['upload_pk'];
         $Parm = "upload={$Upload}&show={$Show}&item=" . $Row['uploadtree_pk'];
         if (Iscontainer($Row['ufile_mode'])) {
             $V .= menu_to_1list($MenuPfile, $Parm, " ", " ", 1, $UploadPk);
         } else {
             $V .= menu_to_1list($MenuPfileNoCompare, $Parm, " ", " ", 1, $UploadPk);
         /* Job queue link */
         $text = _("History");
         if (plugin_find_id('showjobs') >= 0) {
             $V .= "<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=showjobs&upload={$UploadPk}'>[{$text}]</a>";
             $V .= "</td>\n";
             $V .= "<td align='right'>" . substr($Row['upload_ts'], 0, 19) . "</td>";
         $V .= "<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</td></tr>\n";
     $V .= "</table>\n";
     $V .= "</td></tr>\n";
     $V .= "</table>\n";
     return $V;
예제 #8
  * @param array $child
  * @param int $uploadId
  * @param int $selectedAgentId
  * @param array $pfileLicenses
  * @param int $groupId
  * @param string $uri
  * @param array $UniqueTagArray
  * @param boolean $isFlat
  * @param int[] $latestSuccessfulAgentIds
  * @return array
 private function createFileDataRow($child, $uploadId, $selectedAgentId, $pfileLicenses, $groupId, $uri, &$UniqueTagArray, $isFlat, $latestSuccessfulAgentIds)
     $fileId = $child['pfile_fk'];
     $childUploadTreeId = $child['uploadtree_pk'];
     $linkUri = '';
     if (!empty($fileId)) {
         $linkUri = Traceback_uri();
         $linkUri .= "?mod=view-license&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}";
         if ($selectedAgentId) {
             $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}";
     /* Determine link for containers */
     $isContainer = Iscontainer($child['ufile_mode']);
     if ($isContainer && !$isFlat) {
         $uploadtree_pk = $child['uploadtree_pk'];
         $linkUri = "{$uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk;
         if ($selectedAgentId) {
             $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}";
     } else {
         if ($isContainer) {
             $uploadtree_pk = Isartifact($child['ufile_mode']) ? DirGetNonArtifact($childUploadTreeId, $this->uploadtree_tablename) : $childUploadTreeId;
             $linkUri = "{$uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk;
             if ($selectedAgentId) {
                 $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}";
     /* Populate the output ($VF) - file list */
     /* id of each element is its uploadtree_pk */
     $fileName = $child['ufile_name'];
     if ($isContainer) {
         $fileName = "<a href='{$linkUri}'><span style='color: darkblue'> <b>{$fileName}</b> </span></a>";
     } else {
         if (!empty($linkUri)) {
             $fileName = "<a href='{$linkUri}'>{$fileName}</a>";
     /* show licenses under file name */
     $childItemTreeBounds = new ItemTreeBounds($childUploadTreeId, $this->uploadtree_tablename, $child['upload_fk'], $child['lft'], $child['rgt']);
     $licenseEntries = array();
     if ($isContainer) {
         $agentFilter = $selectedAgentId ? array($selectedAgentId) : $latestSuccessfulAgentIds;
         $licenseEntries = $this->licenseDao->getLicenseShortnamesContained($childItemTreeBounds, $agentFilter, array());
     } else {
         if (array_key_exists($fileId, $pfileLicenses)) {
             foreach ($pfileLicenses[$fileId] as $shortName => $rfInfo) {
                 $agentEntries = array();
                 foreach ($rfInfo as $agent => $match) {
                     $agentName = $this->agentNames[$agent];
                     $agentEntry = "<a href='?mod=view-license&upload={$child['upload_fk']}&item={$childUploadTreeId}&format=text&agentId={$match['agent_id']}&licenseId={$match['license_id']}#highlight'>" . $agentName . "</a>";
                     if ($match['match_percentage'] > 0) {
                         $agentEntry .= ": {$match['match_percentage']}%";
                     $agentEntries[] = $agentEntry;
                 $licenseEntries[] = $shortName . " [" . implode("][", $agentEntries) . "]";
     $licenseList = implode(', ', $licenseEntries);
     $fileListLinks = FileListLinks($uploadId, $childUploadTreeId, 0, $fileId, true, $UniqueTagArray, $this->uploadtree_tablename, !$isFlat);
     if (!$isContainer) {
         $text = _("Copyright/Email/Url");
         $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=copyright-view&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}' >{$text}</a>]";
         $text = _("ReadMe_OSS");
         $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=ui_readmeoss&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}' >{$text}</a>]";
         $text = _("SPDX");
         $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='" . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=ui_spdx2&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}' >{$text}</a>]";
     return array($fileName, $licenseList, $fileListLinks);
예제 #9
  * @return bool
 public function isFile()
     return !Isartifact($this->fileMode) && !Isdir($this->fileMode) && !Iscontainer($this->fileMode);
예제 #10
  * @param array $row fetched row
  * @param Request $request
  * @param $uri
  * @param $menuPfile
  * @param $menuPfileNoCompare
  * @param array $statusTypesAvailable
  * @param array $users
  * @param string (unique)
  * @return array
 private function showRow($row, Request $request, $uri, $menuPfile, $menuPfileNoCompare, $statusTypesAvailable, $users, $rowCounter)
     $show = $request->get('show');
     $folder = $request->get('folder');
     $uploadId = intval($row['upload_pk']);
     $description = htmlentities($row['upload_desc']);
     $fileName = $row['ufile_name'];
     if (empty($fileName)) {
         $fileName = $row['upload_filename'];
     $itemId = Isartifact($row['ufile_mode']) ? DirGetNonArtifact($row['uploadtree_pk']) : $row['uploadtree_pk'];
     $nameColumn = "<b>{$fileName}</b>";
     if (IsContainer($row['ufile_mode'])) {
         $nameColumn = "<a href='{$uri}&upload={$uploadId}&folder={$folder}&item={$itemId}&show={$show}'>{$nameColumn}</a>";
     $nameColumn .= "<br>";
     if (!empty($description)) {
         $nameColumn .= "<i>{$description}</i><br>";
     $Parm = "upload={$uploadId}&show={$show}&item=" . $row['uploadtree_pk'];
     if (Iscontainer($row['ufile_mode'])) {
         $nameColumn .= MenuRenderer::menuToActiveSelect($menuPfile, $Parm, $uploadId);
     } else {
         $nameColumn .= MenuRenderer::menuToActiveSelect($menuPfileNoCompare, $Parm, $uploadId);
     $modsUploadMulti = MenuHook::getAgentPluginNames('UploadMulti');
     if (!empty($modsUploadMulti)) {
         $nameColumn = '<input type="checkbox" name="uploads[]" class="browse-upload-checkbox" value="' . $uploadId . '"/>' . $nameColumn;
     $dateCol = substr($row['upload_ts'], 0, 19);
     $pairIdPrio = array($uploadId, floatval($row[UploadBrowseProxy::PRIO_COLUMN]));
     if (!$this->userPerm && 4 == $row['status_fk']) {
         $currentStatus = $this->statusTypes[4];
     } else {
         $statusAction = " onchange =\"changeTableEntry(this, {$uploadId},'status_fk' )\" ";
         $currentStatus = $this->createSelect("Status" . $this->userPerm . "Of_{$rowCounter}", $statusTypesAvailable, $row['status_fk'], $statusAction);
     if ($this->userPerm) {
         $action = " onchange =\"changeTableEntry(this, {$uploadId}, 'assignee')\"";
         $currentAssignee = $this->createSelectUsers("AssignedTo_{$rowCounter}", $users, $row['assignee'], $action);
     } else {
         $currentAssignee = array_key_exists($row['assignee'], $users) ? $users[$row['assignee']] : _('Unassigned');
     $rejectableUploadId = $this->userPerm || $row['status_fk'] < 4 ? $uploadId : 0;
     $tripleComment = array($rejectableUploadId, $row['status_fk'], htmlspecialchars($row['status_comment']));
     $sql = "SELECT rf_pk, rf_shortname FROM upload_clearing_license ucl, license_ref" . " WHERE ucl.group_fk=\$1 AND upload_fk=\$2 AND ucl.rf_fk=rf_pk";
     $stmt = __METHOD__ . '.collectMainLicenses';
     $this->dbManager->prepare($stmt, $sql);
     $res = $this->dbManager->execute($stmt, array(Auth::getGroupId(), $uploadId));
     $mainLicenses = array();
     while ($lic = $this->dbManager->fetchArray($res)) {
         $mainLicenses[] = '<a onclick="javascript:window.open(\'' . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=popup-license&rf={$lic['rf_pk']}','License text','width=600,height=400,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes');" . '" href="javascript:;">' . $lic['rf_shortname'] . '</a>' . "<img onclick=\"removeMainLicense({$uploadId},{$lic['rf_pk']});\" class=\"delete\" src=\"images/space_16.png\" alt=\"\"/></img>";
     $output = array($nameColumn, $currentStatus, $tripleComment, implode(', ', $mainLicenses), $currentAssignee, $dateCol, $pairIdPrio);
     return $output;
예제 #11
  * @param array $child
  * @param int $uploadId
  * @param int $selectedAgentId
  * @param array $pfileLicenses
  * @param int $groupId
  * @param ClearingDecision[][] $editedMappedLicenses
  * @param string $uri
  * @param null|ClearingView $ModLicView
  * @param array $UniqueTagArray
  * @param boolean $isFlat
  * @param int[] $latestSuccessfulAgentIds
  * @return array
 private function createFileDataRow($child, $uploadId, $selectedAgentId, $pfileLicenses, $groupId, $editedMappedLicenses, $uri, $ModLicView, &$UniqueTagArray, $isFlat, $latestSuccessfulAgentIds)
     $fileId = $child['pfile_fk'];
     $childUploadTreeId = $child['uploadtree_pk'];
     $linkUri = '';
     if (!empty($fileId) && !empty($ModLicView)) {
         $linkUri = Traceback_uri();
         $linkUri .= "?mod=view-license&upload={$uploadId}&item={$childUploadTreeId}";
         if ($selectedAgentId) {
             $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}";
     /* Determine link for containers */
     $isContainer = Iscontainer($child['ufile_mode']);
     if ($isContainer && !$isFlat) {
         $fatChild = $this->uploadDao->getFatItemArray($child['uploadtree_pk'], $uploadId, $this->uploadtree_tablename);
         $uploadtree_pk = $fatChild['item_id'];
         $linkUri = "{$uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk;
         if ($selectedAgentId) {
             $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}";
         $child['ufile_name'] = $fatChild['ufile_name'];
         if (!Iscontainer($fatChild['ufile_mode'])) {
             $isContainer = false;
     } else {
         if ($isContainer) {
             $uploadtree_pk = Isartifact($child['ufile_mode']) ? DirGetNonArtifact($childUploadTreeId, $this->uploadtree_tablename) : $childUploadTreeId;
             $linkUri = "{$uri}&item=" . $uploadtree_pk;
             if ($selectedAgentId) {
                 $linkUri .= "&agentId={$selectedAgentId}";
     /* Populate the output ($VF) - file list */
     /* id of each element is its uploadtree_pk */
     $fileName = $child['ufile_name'];
     if ($isContainer) {
         $fileName = "<a href='{$linkUri}'><span style='color: darkblue'> <b>{$fileName}</b> </span></a>";
     } else {
         if (!empty($linkUri)) {
             $fileName = "<a href='{$linkUri}'>{$fileName}</a>";
     /* show licenses under file name */
     $childItemTreeBounds = new ItemTreeBounds($childUploadTreeId, $this->uploadtree_tablename, $child['upload_fk'], $child['lft'], $child['rgt']);
     if ($isContainer) {
         $agentFilter = $selectedAgentId ? array($selectedAgentId) : $latestSuccessfulAgentIds;
         $licenseEntries = $this->licenseDao->getLicenseShortnamesContained($childItemTreeBounds, $agentFilter, array());
         $editedLicenses = $this->clearingDao->getClearedLicenses($childItemTreeBounds, $groupId);
     } else {
         $licenseEntries = array();
         if (array_key_exists($fileId, $pfileLicenses)) {
             foreach ($pfileLicenses[$fileId] as $shortName => $rfInfo) {
                 $agentEntries = array();
                 foreach ($rfInfo as $agent => $match) {
                     $agentName = $this->agentNames[$agent];
                     $agentEntry = "<a href='?mod=view-license&upload={$child['upload_fk']}&item={$childUploadTreeId}&format=text&agentId={$match['agent_id']}&licenseId={$match['license_id']}#highlight'>" . $agentName . "</a>";
                     if ($match['match_percentage'] > 0) {
                         $agentEntry .= ": {$match['match_percentage']}%";
                     $agentEntries[] = $agentEntry;
                 $licenseEntries[] = $shortName . " [" . implode("][", $agentEntries) . "]";
         /* @var $decision ClearingDecision */
         if (false !== ($decision = $this->clearingFilter->getDecisionOf($editedMappedLicenses, $childUploadTreeId, $fileId))) {
             $editedLicenses = $decision->getPositiveLicenses();
         } else {
             $editedLicenses = array();
     $concludedLicenses = array();
     /** @var LicenseRef $licenseRef */
     foreach ($editedLicenses as $licenseRef) {
         $projectedId = $this->licenseProjector->getProjectedId($licenseRef->getId());
         $projectedName = $this->licenseProjector->getProjectedShortname($licenseRef->getId(), $licenseRef->getShortName());
         $concludedLicenses[$projectedId] = $projectedName;
     $editedLicenseList = implode(', ', $concludedLicenses);
     $licenseList = implode(', ', $licenseEntries);
     $fileListLinks = FileListLinks($uploadId, $childUploadTreeId, 0, $fileId, true, $UniqueTagArray, $this->uploadtree_tablename, !$isFlat);
     $getTextEditUser = _("Edit");
     $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='#' onclick='openUserModal({$childUploadTreeId})' >{$getTextEditUser}</a>]";
     if ($isContainer) {
         $getTextEditBulk = _("Bulk");
         $fileListLinks .= "[<a href='#' onclick='openBulkModal({$childUploadTreeId})' >{$getTextEditBulk}</a>]";
     $filesThatShouldStillBeCleared = array_key_exists($childItemTreeBounds->getItemId(), $this->filesThatShouldStillBeCleared) ? $this->filesThatShouldStillBeCleared[$childItemTreeBounds->getItemId()] : 0;
     $filesToBeCleared = array_key_exists($childItemTreeBounds->getItemId(), $this->filesToBeCleared) ? $this->filesToBeCleared[$childItemTreeBounds->getItemId()] : 0;
     $filesCleared = $filesToBeCleared - $filesThatShouldStillBeCleared;
     $img = $filesCleared == $filesToBeCleared ? 'green' : 'red';
     return array($fileName, $licenseList, $editedLicenseList, $img, "{$filesCleared}/{$filesToBeCleared}", $fileListLinks);