/** * Register the routes for handling broadcast authentication and sockets. * * @param array|null $attributes * @return void */ public function routes(array $attributes = null) { if ($this->app->routesAreCached()) { return; } $attributes = $attributes ?: ['middleware' => ['web']]; $this->app['router']->group($attributes, function ($router) { $router->post('/broadcasting/auth', BroadcastController::class . '@authenticate'); }); }
/** * Register the routes for handling broadcast authentication and sockets. * * @param array $attributes * @return void */ public function route(array $attributes = []) { if ($this->app->routesAreCached()) { return; } $this->app['router']->group($attributes, function () { $this->app['router']->post('/broadcasting/auth', BroadcastController::class . '@authenticate'); $this->app['router']->post('/broadcasting/socket', BroadcastController::class . '@rememberSocket'); }); }
/** * Registers routes for the entire CMS. * * @return $this */ protected function registerRoutes() { // If the application has all routes cached, skip registering them if ($this->app->routesAreCached()) { return $this; } $this->router->group(['prefix' => $this->getCmsPrefix(), 'as' => $this->getCmsNamePrefix(), 'middleware' => [$this->getCmsMiddlewareGroup()]], function (Router $router) { $this->buildRoutesForAuth($router); // Embed the routes that require authorization in a group // with the middleware to keep guests out. $this->router->group(['middleware' => [CmsMiddleware::API_AUTHENTICATED, CmsMiddleware::API_AUTH_OWNER]], function (Router $router) { $this->buildRoutesForMetaData($router); $this->buildRoutesForModules($router); }); }); return $this; }
/** * Determine if the application routes are cached. * * @return bool * @static */ public static function routesAreCached() { return \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::routesAreCached(); }