コード例 #1
  * Execute the command.
  * @param TranslationRepositoryInterface $repository
  * @param Filesystem $fileSystem
  * @param Application $app
 public function handle(TranslationRepositoryInterface $repository, Filesystem $fileSystem, Application $app)
     /** @var Collection $translations */
     $translations = $repository->all()->load('groups', 'language');
      * Execute operation for each language within the database
     $translations->groupBy('language.name')->map(function ($translations, $language) use($app, $fileSystem) {
          * Divide into groups
         $groups = $translations->map(function ($translation) {
             return $translation->groups->pluck('name');
          * For each group create a separated file
         $groups->each(function ($group) use($translations, $language, $app, $fileSystem) {
              * Filter Trough to get only translations that belongs to this group
             $content = $translations->filter(function ($translation) use($group) {
                 return !$translation->groups->where('name', $group)->isEmpty();
             })->lists('value', 'key')->toArray();
              * Generate popper output
             $output = "<?php\n\nreturn " . var_export($content, true) . ";\n";
             $directory = $app->langPath() . '/' . $language;
             $file = $directory . '/' . $group . '.php';
              * if Directory doesnt exist then create it
             if (!$fileSystem->exists($directory)) {
                 $fileSystem->makeDirectory($app->langPath() . '/' . $language);
              * if File already exist delete it.
             if ($fileSystem->exists($file)) {
              * Write file
             $fileSystem->put($file, $output);
コード例 #2
  * Execute the command.
  * @param Filesystem $fileSystem
  * @param Application $app
  * @param TranslationRepositoryInterface $repository
  * @param Dispatcher $event
  * @return Collection of Group
 public function handle(Filesystem $fileSystem, Application $app, TranslationRepositoryInterface $repository, Dispatcher $event)
     $files = $fileSystem->allFiles($app->langPath());
      * Retrieves all local languages
     $languages = collect($files)->transform(function ($file) {
         return $file->getRelativePath();
      * Save Database instance with all languages
     $database = $repository->languages();
      * List Only names
     $names = $database->pluck('name');
      * Create New Language for those which has been set locally
      * but was not present yet on the database
     $newLanguages = $languages->merge($names)->diff($names)->map(function ($name) {
         return $this->dispatch(new CreateLanguageCommand($name));
      * Announce LanguagesWasCreated
     if (!$newLanguages->isEmpty()) {
         $event->fire(new LanguagesWasCreated($newLanguages));
      * Returns All languages
     return $database->merge($newLanguages);
コード例 #3
 public function exportTranslations($group)
     if ($group == '*') {
         return $this->exportAllTranslations();
     $g = Group::find($group);
     if (!in_array($g->label, $this->config['exclude_groups'])) {
         $tree = $this->makeTree(Translation::where('group_id', $g->id)->whereNotNull('value')->get());
         foreach ($tree as $locale => $groups) {
             $filename = $g->label;
             if (isset($groups[$g->label])) {
                 if (str_contains($g->label, '/')) {
                     $groupPath = $g->label;
                     $filename = basename($groupPath);
                     $folder = dirname($groupPath);
                     $directoryPath = $this->app->langPath() . '/' . $locale . '/' . $folder;
                     if (!$this->files->exists($directoryPath)) {
                         $this->files->makeDirectory($directoryPath, 493, true, true);
                     $path = $this->app->langPath() . "/{$locale}/{$folder}/{$filename}.php";
                 } else {
                     $path = $this->app->langPath() . "/{$locale}/{$filename}.php";
                 $translations = $groups[$g->label];
                 $path = $this->app->langPath() . '/' . $locale . '/' . $g->label . '.php';
                 $output = "<?php\n\nreturn " . var_export($translations, true) . ";\n";
                 $this->files->put($path, $output);
         Translation::where('group_id', $g->id)->whereNotNull('value')->update(array('status' => Translation::STATUS_SAVED));
コード例 #4
 public function addLocale($locale)
     $localeDir = $this->app->langPath() . '/' . $locale;
     $this->ignoreLocales = array_diff($this->ignoreLocales, [$locale]);
     $this->ignoreLocales = $this->getIgnoredLocales();
     if (!$this->files->exists($localeDir) || !$this->files->isDirectory($localeDir)) {
         return $this->files->makeDirectory($localeDir);
     return true;
コード例 #5
 protected function getPath($group, $locale)
     // Is module?
     if (strpos($group, '::')) {
         $parts = explode('::', $group);
         $path = $this->app->path() . '/Modules/' . ucfirst($parts[0]) . '/lang/' . $locale . '/' . $parts[1] . '.php';
     } else {
         $path = $this->app->langPath() . '/' . $locale . '/' . $group . '.php';
     return $path;
コード例 #6
 public function getLocales()
     if (empty($this->locales)) {
         $locales = array_merge([config('app.locale')], Translation::groupBy('locale')->lists('locale')->all());
         foreach ($this->files->directories($this->app->langPath()) as $localeDir) {
             $locales[] = $this->files->name($localeDir);
         $this->locales = array_unique($locales);
     return $this->locales;
コード例 #7
 public function exportTranslations($group)
     if (!in_array($group, $this->config['exclude_groups'])) {
         if ($group == '*') {
             return $this->exportAllTranslations();
         $tree = $this->makeTree(Translation::where('group', $group)->whereNotNull('value')->get());
         foreach ($tree as $locale => $groups) {
             if (isset($groups[$group])) {
                 $translations = $groups[$group];
                 $path = $this->app->langPath() . '/' . $locale . '/' . $group . '.php';
                 $output = "<?php\n\nreturn " . var_export($translations, true) . ";\n";
                 $this->files->put($path, $output);
         Translation::where('group', $group)->whereNotNull('value')->update(array('status' => Translation::STATUS_SAVED));
コード例 #8
ファイル: _ide_helper.php プロジェクト: satriashp/tour
  * Get the path to the language files.
  * @return string 
  * @static 
 public static function langPath()
     return \Illuminate\Foundation\Application::langPath();
コード例 #9
    public function exportTranslations($group, $recursing = 0)
        // TODO: clean up this recursion crap
        // this can come from the command line
        $ltm_translations = $this->getTranslationsTableName();
        if (!$recursing) {
            $group = self::fixGroup($group);
        if ($group && $group !== '*') {
            $this->getConnection()->affectingStatement("DELETE FROM {$ltm_translations} WHERE is_deleted = 1");
        } elseif (!$recursing) {
            $this->getConnection()->affectingStatement("DELETE FROM {$ltm_translations} WHERE is_deleted = 1 AND `group` = ?", [$group]);
        $inDatabasePublishing = $this->inDatabasePublishing();
        if ($inDatabasePublishing < 3 && $inDatabasePublishing && ($inDatabasePublishing < 2 || !$recursing)) {
            if ($group && $group !== '*') {
UPDATE {$ltm_translations} SET saved_value = value, status = ? WHERE (saved_value <> value || status <> ?) AND `group` = ?
, [Translation::STATUS_SAVED_CACHED, Translation::STATUS_SAVED, $group]);
                $translations = $this->translation->query()->where('status', '<>', Translation::STATUS_SAVED)->where('group', '=', $group)->get(['group', 'key', 'locale', 'saved_value']);
            } else {
UPDATE {$ltm_translations} SET saved_value = value, status = ? WHERE (saved_value <> value || status <> ?)
, [Translation::STATUS_SAVED_CACHED, Translation::STATUS_SAVED]);
                $translations = $this->translation->query()->where('status', '<>', Translation::STATUS_SAVED)->get(['group', 'key', 'locale', 'saved_value']);
            /* @var $translations Collection */
            $this->clearUsageCache(false, $group);
            $translations->each(function ($tr) {
                $this->cacheTranslation($tr->group . '.' . $tr->key, $tr->saved_value, $tr->locale);
        if (!$inDatabasePublishing || $inDatabasePublishing === 2 || $inDatabasePublishing === 3) {
            if (!in_array($group, $this->config(self::EXCLUDE_GROUPS_KEY))) {
                if ($group == '*') {
                if ($inDatabasePublishing !== 3) {
                    $this->clearUsageCache(false, $group);
                $tree = $this->makeTree($this->translation->where('group', $group)->whereNotNull('value')->orderby('key')->get());
                $configRewriter = new TranslationFileRewriter();
                $exportOptions = array_key_exists('export_format', $this->config()) ? TranslationFileRewriter::optionFlags($this->config('export_format')) : null;
                // Laravel 5.1
                $base_path = $this->app->basePath();
                $pathTemplateResolver = new PathTemplateResolver($this->files, $base_path, $this->config('language_dirs'), '5');
                $zipRoot = $base_path . $this->config('zip_root', mb_substr($this->app->langPath(), 0, -4));
                // Laravel 4.2
                //$base_path = base_path();
                //$pathTemplateResolver = new PathTemplateResolver($this->files, $base_path, $this->config('language_dirs'), '4');
                //$zipRoot = $base_path . $this->config('zip_root', mb_substr($this->app->make('path').'/lang', 0, -4));
                if (mb_substr($zipRoot, -1) === '/') {
                    $zipRoot = substr($zipRoot, 0, -1);
                foreach ($tree as $locale => $groups) {
                    if (isset($groups[$group])) {
                        $translations = $groups[$group];
                        // use the new path mapping
                        $computedPath = $base_path . $pathTemplateResolver->groupFilePath($group, $locale);
                        $path = $computedPath;
                        if ($path) {
                            $configRewriter->parseSource($this->files->exists($path) ? $this->files->get($path) : '');
                            $output = $configRewriter->formatForExport($translations, $exportOptions);
                            if ($this->zipExporting) {
                                $pathPrefix = mb_substr($path, 0, mb_strlen($zipRoot));
                                $filePathName = $pathPrefix === $zipRoot ? mb_substr($path, mb_strlen($zipRoot)) : $path;
                                $this->zipExporting->addFromString($filePathName, $output);
                            } else {
                                try {
                                    if (($result = $this->files->put($path, $output)) === false) {
                                        $this->errors[] = "Failed to write to {$path}";
                                } catch (Exception $e) {
                                    $this->errors[] = $e->getMessage();
                if (!$inDatabasePublishing) {
                    $this->translation->where('group', $group)->update(array('status' => Translation::STATUS_SAVED, 'saved_value' => new Expression('value')));
コード例 #10
  * Execute the command.
  * @param Filesystem $fileSystem
  * @param Application $app
  * @param Translator $translator
  * @param TranslationRepositoryInterface $repository
  * @param Dispatcher $event
 public function handle(Filesystem $fileSystem, Application $app, Translator $translator, TranslationRepositoryInterface $repository, Dispatcher $event)
     $files = $fileSystem->allFiles($app->langPath());
     $loader = $translator->getLoader();
     /** @var Collection $groups */
     $groups = $this->dispatch(new ImportGroupsCommand());
     /** @var Collection $languages */
     $languages = $this->dispatch(new ImportLanguagesCommand());
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         /** @var Language $language */
         $language = $languages->where('name', $file->getRelativePath())->first();
         /** @var Group $group */
         $group = $groups->where('name', pathinfo($file)['filename'])->first();
         /** @var Collection $translations */
         $translations = collect($loader->load($language->name, $group->name));
          * Convert all arrays to to json
         $translations->transform(function ($value) {
             return is_array($value) ? json_encode($value) : $value;
          * Merge Translations on the database with local translations
         $model = $repository->fetch($language->id, $group->id);
         $database = $model->lists('value', 'key');
          * If translations is an array, process the JSON data and update it
         $translations->each(function ($data, $key) use($database, $model) {
              * If it's not a json then there is nothing to update
             if ($model->isEmpty() or !$this->isJSON($data)) {
              * Retrieve Json
             $decoded = $database->map(function ($value) {
                 return json_decode($value, true);
             $value = collect(json_decode($data, true))->merge($decoded->get($key))->toJson();
              * Update Translation
             $updateCommand = new UpdateTranslationCommand($model->where('key', $key)->first()->id, compact('value'));
          * First get only new values that are not already on the DB
          * Then for each save new Translation on DB
          * Save Translations on database
         $newItems = $translations->merge($database)->diff($database)->map(function ($value, $key) use($language, $group) {
             return $this->dispatch(new CreateTranslationCommand($language->id, $group->id, compact('key', 'value')));
          * Announce Translations was created
         if (!$newItems->isEmpty()) {
             $event->fire(new TranslationsWasCreated($newItems));
コード例 #11
ファイル: Module.php プロジェクト: jooorooo/modulator
  * Register the aliases from this module.
 protected function registerTranslation()
     $langPath = $this->app->langPath() . '/' . $this->getPathName();
     $this->loadTranslationsFrom(is_dir($langPath) ? $langPath : $this->manifest->getPath() . '/Resources/lang', $this->getSlugName());