コード例 #1
 public function mldatacollapseAction()
     try {
         $dbml = new \PDO($this->container->get('config')['db_conn_chain'], $this->container->get('config')['mysql_user'], $this->container->get('config')['mysql_pwd']);
         $dbml->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
         $dbml->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
         $db = $this->container->getDBUtils();
         $where_configs = '';
         $preset = null;
         if (count($_GET) <= 1 || count($_GET) == 2 && array_key_exists("current_model", $_GET)) {
             $preset = Utils::initDefaultPreset($db, 'mldatacollapse');
         $selPreset = isset($_GET['presets']) ? $_GET['presets'] : "none";
         $params = array();
         $param_names = array('benchs', 'nets', 'disks', 'mapss', 'iosfs', 'replications', 'iofilebufs', 'comps', 'blk_sizes', 'id_clusters', 'datanodess', 'bench_types', 'vm_sizes', 'vm_coress', 'vm_RAMs', 'types', 'hadoop_versions');
         // Order is important
         foreach ($param_names as $p) {
             $params[$p] = Utils::read_params($p, $where_configs, FALSE);
         $params_additional = array();
         $param_names_additional = array('datefrom', 'dateto', 'minexetime', 'maxexetime', 'valids', 'filters');
         // Order is important
         foreach ($param_names_additional as $p) {
             $params_additional[$p] = Utils::read_params($p, $where_configs, FALSE);
         $unseen = array_key_exists('unseen', $_GET) && $_GET['unseen'] == 1;
         $where_configs = str_replace("AND .", "AND ", $where_configs);
         $dims1 = (empty($params['nets']) ? '' : 'Net,') . (empty($params['disks']) ? '' : 'Disk,') . (empty($params['blk_sizes']) ? '' : 'Blk.size,') . (empty($params['comps']) ? '' : 'Comp,');
         $dims1 = $dims1 . (empty($params['id_clusters']) ? '' : 'Cluster,') . (empty($params['mapss']) ? '' : 'Maps,') . (empty($params['replications']) ? '' : 'Rep,') . (empty($params['iosfs']) ? '' : 'IO.SFac,') . (empty($params['iofilebufs']) ? '' : 'IO.FBuf,');
         $dims1 = $dims1 . (empty($params['hadoop_versionss']) ? '' : 'Version,') . (empty($params['bench_types']) ? '' : 'Bench.Type');
         if (substr($dims1, -1) == ',') {
             $dims1 = substr($dims1, 0, -1);
         $dims2 = "Benchmark";
         // compose instance
         $instance = MLUtils::generateSimpleInstance($this->filters, $param_names, $params, true);
         $model_info = MLUtils::generateModelInfo($this->filters, $param_names, $params, true);
         $slice_info = MLUtils::generateDatasliceInfo($this->filters, $param_names_additional, $params_additional);
         // select model for filling
         $possible_models = $possible_models_id = array();
         MLUtils::findMatchingModels($model_info, $possible_models, $possible_models_id, $dbml);
         $current_model = '';
         /*			if (array_key_exists('current_model',$_GET) && in_array($_GET['current_model'],$possible_models_id)) $current_model = $_GET['current_model']; // FIXME - Needs re-think logic
         			if ($current_model == '')
         				$query = "SELECT AVG(ABS(exe_time - pred_time)) AS MAE, AVG(ABS(exe_time - pred_time)/exe_time) AS RAE, p.id_learner FROM predictions p, learners l WHERE l.id_learner = p.id_learner AND p.id_learner IN ('".implode("','",$possible_models_id)."') AND predict_code > 0 ORDER BY MAE LIMIT 1";
         				$result = $dbml->query($query);
         				$row = $result->fetch();	
         				$current_model = $row['id_learner'];
         $learning_model = '';
         if ($current_model != '' && file_exists(getcwd() . '/cache/query/' . $current_model . '-object.rds')) {
             $learning_model = ':model_name=' . $current_model . ':inst_general="' . $instance . '"';
         $config = $dims1 . '-' . $dims2 . '-' . $current_model . '-' . $model_info . '-' . $slice_info;
         // get headers for csv
         $header_names = array('id_exec' => 'ID', 'bench' => 'Benchmark', 'exe_time' => 'Exe.Time', 'net' => 'Net', 'disk' => 'Disk', 'maps' => 'Maps', 'iosf' => 'IO.SFac', 'replication' => 'Rep', 'iofilebuf' => 'IO.FBuf', 'comp' => 'Comp', 'blk_size' => 'Blk.size', 'e.id_cluster' => 'Cluster', 'name' => 'Cl.Name', 'datanodes' => 'Datanodes', 'headnodes' => 'Headnodes', 'vm_OS' => 'VM.OS', 'vm_cores' => 'VM.Cores', 'vm_RAM' => 'VM.RAM', 'provider' => 'Provider', 'vm_size' => 'VM.Size', 'type' => 'Type', 'bench_type' => 'Bench.Type', 'hadoop_version' => 'Hadoop.Version');
         $headers = array_keys($header_names);
         $names = array_values($header_names);
         $dims1_array = explode(",", $dims1);
         $dims1_query = '';
         $dims1_title = $dims1_concat = '';
         foreach ($dims1_array as $d1value) {
             $dims1_query = $dims1_query . ($dims1_query == '' ? '' : ',') . array_search($d1value, $header_names);
             $dims1_title = $dims1_title . ($dims1_title == '' ? '' : ':') . array_search($d1value, $header_names);
             $dims1_concat = $dims1_concat . ($dims1_concat == '' ? '' : ',":",') . array_search($d1value, $header_names);
         $query = "SELECT distinct bench FROM aloja2.execs e LEFT JOIN aloja2.clusters c ON e.id_cluster = c.id_cluster WHERE hadoop_version IS NOT NULL" . $where_configs . " ORDER BY bench;";
         $rows = $db->get_rows($query);
         if (empty($rows)) {
             throw new \Exception('No data matches with your critteria.');
         $table = array();
         $jsonHeader = '[{title:"' . $dims1_title . '"}';
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $jsonHeader = $jsonHeader . ',{title:"' . $row['bench'] . '"}';
             $table[$row['bench']] = array();
         $jsonHeader = $jsonHeader . ']';
         $query = "SELECT CONCAT(" . $dims1_concat . ") as dim1, bench, avg(exe_time) as avg_exe_time FROM aloja2.execs e LEFT JOIN aloja2.clusters c ON e.id_cluster = c.id_cluster WHERE hadoop_version IS NOT NULL" . $where_configs . " GROUP BY bench," . $dims1_query . " ORDER BY dim1,bench;";
         $rows = $db->get_rows($query);
         if (empty($rows)) {
             throw new \Exception('No data matches with your critteria.');
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $table[$row['bench']][$row['dim1']] = (int) $row['avg_exe_time'];
         $row_ids = array();
         foreach ($table as $bmk) {
             foreach ($bmk as $key => $value) {
                 $row_ids[] = $key;
         $row_ids = array_unique($row_ids);
         $tableColor = array();
         foreach ($table as $bmk => $values) {
             $tableColor[$bmk] = array();
             foreach ($row_ids as $rid) {
                 if (!array_key_exists($rid, $table[$bmk])) {
                     $table[$bmk][$rid] = 0;
                     $tableColor[$bmk][$rid] = 0;
                 } else {
                     $tableColor[$bmk][$rid] = 1;
         $jsonData = '[';
         $jsonColor = '[';
         foreach ($row_ids as $rid) {
             $jsonData = $jsonData . ($jsonData == '[' ? '' : ',') . '[\'' . $rid . '\'';
             $jsonColor = $jsonColor . ($jsonColor == '[' ? '' : ',') . '[1';
             foreach ($table as $bmk => $values) {
                 $jsonData = $jsonData . ',' . $table[$bmk][$rid];
                 $jsonColor = $jsonColor . ',' . $tableColor[$bmk][$rid];
             $jsonData = $jsonData . ']';
             $jsonColor = $jsonColor . ']';
         $jsonData = $jsonData . ']';
         $jsonColor = $jsonColor . ']';
         $jsonColumns = '[';
         for ($i = 1; $i <= count($table); $i++) {
             if ($jsonColumns != '[') {
                 $jsonColumns = $jsonColumns . ',';
             $jsonColumns = $jsonColumns . $i;
         $jsonColumns = $jsonColumns . ']';
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->container->getTwig()->addGlobal('message', $e->getMessage() . "\n");
         $jsonData = $jsonHeader = $jsonColumns = $jsonColor = '[]';
     $return_params = array('selected' => 'mldatacollapse', 'jsonEncoded' => $jsonData, 'jsonHeader' => $jsonHeader, 'jsonColumns' => $jsonColumns, 'jsonColor' => $jsonColor, 'instance' => $instance, 'instance' => $instance, 'model_info' => $model_info, 'slice_info' => $slice_info, 'preset' => $preset, 'selPreset' => $selPreset, 'options' => Utils::getFilterOptions($db));
     foreach ($param_names as $p) {
         $return_params[$p] = $params[$p];
     foreach ($param_names_additional as $p) {
         $return_params[$p] = $params_additional[$p];
     echo $this->container->getTwig()->render('mltemplate/mldatacollapse.html.twig', $return_params);