コード例 #1
ファイル: lang_fr.php プロジェクト: julesbl/ssp
*   Created:	22/02/2013
*   Descrip:	Setup the translation strings for native french translation.
*   Copyright 2005-2013 Julian Blundell, w34u
*   This file is part of Simple Site Protection (SSP).
*   SSP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 as published by the Open Source Initiative.
*   SSP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   You should have received a copy of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) along with SSP; if not, view at
*   http://www.opensource.org; http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php
*   Revision:	a
*   Rev. Date	22/02/2013
*   Descrip:	Created.
*   Revision:	b
*   Rev. Date	19-Jan-2016
*   Descrip:	Changed for composer.
w34u\ssp\Translate::setupStrings('fr', array('alphanumeric characters, CR, TAB, \', ", +, -, _ space comma () / ! [] and ?' => 'caractères alphanumériques, CR, TAB, \\ \', ", +, -, virgule espace _ () / [] et ?', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z' => '0 à 9, a à z, A à Z', '0 to 9, / space comma, a to z, A to Z' => 'de 0 à 9, virgule espace /, z à un, un à Z', '0 to 9, :' => '0 à 9, :', '0 to 9, () + - . space' => 'de 0 à 9, () + -. espace', '0 to 9, - ' => '0 à 9, - ', '0 to 9, .- e +' => '0 à 9, .- e +', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z' => '0 à 9, a à z, A à Z', '0 to 7' => '0 à 7', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, .-_+ @' => '0 à 9, a à z, A à Z, .-_+ @', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, .-_+ # / : ? % ~ [] @ ! $ = ; , &' => '0 à 9, a à z, A à Z, .-_+ # / : ? % ~ [] @ ! $ = ; , &', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, -_' => '0 à 9, a à z, A à Z, -_', 'Duplicate element name %s in this form for data table %s' => 'Duplication du nom d\'élément %s dans cette form pour table de données %s', 'The form has expired, please submit the form again' => 'Forme expirée. Veuillez soumettre à nouveau.', 'Token data type incorrect, possible hack attempt, data:%s:' => 'Données de jeton erronées, possibilité de tentative de piratage, données:%s:', 'Possible hack attempt, hidden field %s came back with wrong data type, data:%s:' => 'Tentative de piratage possible, champ caché %s est revenu avec mauvais type de données, les données:%s:', '%s has a problem, %s' => '%s a un problème, %s', 'invalid characters have been entered, valid characters are: %s, please modify your entry to reflect this. Thanks!' => 'Saisissement de charactères erroné, charactères valides sont les suivants : %s, Veuillez donc ressaisir votre entrée. Merci !', 'the URL is too long' => 'Adresse trop longue', 'the URL needs a period' => 'Adresse manque de point', 'the URL does not exist' => 'Adresse non existante', 'this Email is too long, please check and shorten it. Thanks!' => 'Email trop long. Veuillez composer un email plus court. Merci !', 'this email needs an @ and a period, please check and add them. Thanks!' => 'Veuillez composer un email avec un arrobas et un point. Merci !', 'Invalid characters have been entered, valid characters are: %s, please modify your entry to reflect this. Thanks!' => 'Charactères erronés saisis. Veuillez saisir les charactères %s. Merci!', 'This URL is too long' => 'Adresse trop longue', 'This URL needs a period' => 'Manque de point dans l\'adresse saisie', 'This URL does not exist' => 'Adresse non existante', 'This Email is too long, please check and shorten it. Thanks!' => 'Adresse email trop longue. Veuillez saisir un email plus court. Merci!', 'This email needs an @ and a period, please check and add them. Thanks!' => 'Veuillez composer un email avec un arrobas et un point. Merci!', 'Invalid element type: %s, element name: %s' => 'Type d\'élément erroné: %s, nom de l\'élément: %s', '%s is a required field, please enter a value. Thanks!"' => '%s est un champ obligatoire, veuillez entrer une valeur. Merci!', 'Please ensure that %s has less than %s characters. Thanks!' => 'Veuillez vous assurer que %s est moins %s charactères. Merci!', 'Please ensure that %s has at least %s characters. Thanks!' => 'veuillez vous assurer que %s contient des charactères d\'au moins %s. Merci!', 'Value returned by %s not in valid results' => 'Valeur retournée par% s n\'est pas dans la validité des résultats', 'This is a required field, please enter a value. Thanks!' => 'Champ obligatoire. Veuillez saisir une valeur. Merci!', 'Please ensure that this has less than %2$s characters. Thanks!' => 'Veuillez vérifier que cela a moins de %2$s charactères. Merci!', 'Please ensure that this has at least %2$s characters. Thanks!' => 'Veuillez vérifier que cela a au moins %2$s charactères . Merci!', 'Value returned by this is not in valid results' => 'Valeur renvoyée par le sélecteur n\'est pas dans la validité des résultats', '* %s' => '* %s', 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form', 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded' => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', 'No file was uploaded' => 'No file was uploaded', 'Failed to write file to disk' => 'Failed to write file to disk', 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload' => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload', 'Unknown file upload error' => 'Unknown file upload error', 'Invalid file type ' => 'Invalid file type ', 'Failed to move file' => 'Failed to move file'));
/* End of file lang_fr.php */
/* Location: /translate/ */
コード例 #2
ファイル: lang_en.php プロジェクト: julesbl/ssp
*   Created:	22/02/2013
*   Descrip:	Setup the translation strings native english translation.
*   Copyright 2005-2013 Julian Blundell, w34u
*   This file is part of Simple Site Protection (SSP).
*   SSP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 as published by the Open Source Initiative.
*   SSP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   You should have received a copy of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) along with SSP; if not, view at
*   http://www.opensource.org; http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php
*   Revision:	a
*   Rev. Date	22/02/2013
*   Descrip:	Created.
*   Revision:	b
*   Rev. Date	19-Jan-2016
*   Descrip:	Changed for composer.
w34u\ssp\Translate::setupStrings('en', array('alphanumeric characters, CR, TAB, \', ", +, -, _ space comma () / ! [] and ?' => 'alphanumeric characters, CR, TAB, \', ", +, -, _ space comma () / ! [] and ?', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z' => '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z', '0 to 9, / space comma, a to z, A to Z' => '0 to 9, / space comma, a to z, A to Z', '0 to 9, :' => '0 to 9, :', '0 to 9, () + - . space' => '0 to 9, () + - . space', '0 to 9, - ' => '0 to 9', '0 to 9, .- e +' => '0 to 9, .- e +', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z' => '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z', '0 to 7' => '0 to 7', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, .-_+ @' => '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, .-_+ @', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, .-_+ # / : ? % ~ [] @ ! $ = ; , &' => '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, .-_+ # / : ? % ~ [] @ ! $ = ; , &', '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, -_' => '0 to 9, a to z, A to Z, -_', 'Duplicate element name %s in this form for data table %s' => 'Duplicate element name %s in this form for data table %s', 'The form has expired, please submit the form again' => 'The form has expired, please submit the form again', 'Token data type incorrect, possible hack attempt, data:%s:' => 'Token data type incorrect, possible hack attempt, data:%s:', 'Possible hack attempt, hidden field %s came back with wrong data type, data:%s:' => 'Possible hack attempt, hidden field %s came back with wrong data type, data:%s:', '%s has a problem, %s' => '%s has a problem, %s', 'invalid characters have been entered, valid characters are: %s, please modify your entry to reflect this. Thanks!' => 'invalid characters have been entered, valid characters are: %s, please modify your entry to reflect this. Thanks!', 'the URL is too long' => 'the URL is too long', 'the URL needs a period' => 'the URL needs a period', 'the URL does not exist' => 'the URL does not exist', 'this Email is too long, please check and shorten it. Thanks!' => 'this Email is too long, please check and shorten it. Thanks!', 'this email needs an @ and a period, please check and add them. Thanks!' => 'this email needs an @ and a period, please check and add them. Thanks!', 'Invalid characters have been entered, valid characters are: %s, please modify your entry to reflect this. Thanks!' => 'Invalid characters have been entered, valid characters are: %s, please modify your entry to reflect this. Thanks!', 'This URL is too long' => 'This URL is too long', 'This URL needs a period' => 'This URL needs a period', 'This URL does not exist' => 'This URL does not exist', 'This Email is too long, please check and shorten it. Thanks!' => 'This Email is too long, please check and shorten it. Thanks!', 'This email needs an @ and a period, please check and add them. Thanks!' => 'This email needs an @ and a period, please check and add them. Thanks!', 'Invalid element type: %s, element name: %s' => 'Invalid element type: %s, element name: %s', '%s is a required field, please enter a value. Thanks!"' => '%s is a required field, please enter a value. Thanks!"', 'Please ensure that %s has less than %s characters. Thanks!' => 'Please ensure that %s has less than %s characters. Thanks!', 'Please ensure that %s has at least %s characters. Thanks!' => 'Please ensure that %s has at least %s characters. Thanks!', 'Value returned by %s not in valid results' => 'Value returned by %s not in valid results', 'This is a required field, please enter a value. Thanks!' => 'This is a required field, please enter a value. Thanks!', 'Please ensure that this has less than %2$s characters. Thanks!' => 'Please ensure that this has less than %2$s characters. Thanks!', 'Please ensure that this has at least %2$s characters. Thanks!' => 'Please ensure that this has at least %2$s characters. Thanks!', 'Value returned by this is not in valid results' => 'Value returned by this is not in valid results', '* %s' => '* %s', 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini', 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form' => 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form', 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded' => 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded', 'No file was uploaded' => 'No file was uploaded', 'Failed to write file to disk' => 'Failed to write file to disk', 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload' => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload', 'Unknown file upload error' => 'Unknown file upload error', 'Invalid file type ' => 'Invalid file type ', 'Failed to move file' => 'Failed to move file'));
/* End of file lang_fr.php */
/* Location: /translate/ */