コード例 #1
ファイル: lang_fr_admin.php プロジェクト: julesbl/ssp
*   Created:	9/07/2013
*   Descrip:	Add translation strings for administration.
*   Copyright 2005-2013 Julian Blundell, w34u
*   This file is part of Simple Site Protection (SSP).
*   SSP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 as published by the Open Source Initiative.
*   SSP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   You should have received a copy of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) along with SSP; if not, view at
*   http://www.opensource.org; http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php
*   Revision:	a
*   Rev. Date	21/05/2013
*   Descrip:	Created.
*   Revision:	b
*   Rev. Date	19-Jan-2016
*   Descrip:	Changed for composer.
w34u\ssp\Translate::addToLanguage('fr', array('SSP Development' => 'Développement SSP', 'Member admin' => 'Administration pour abonnés', 'Advanced information' => 'Informations avancées', 'User information' => 'Informations pour utilisateur', 'New user' => 'Nouvel utilisateur', 'User Details' => 'Utilisateur détails', 'New User' => 'Nouvel utilisateur', 'List Users' => 'Liste des utilisateurs', 'Home' => 'Page principale', 'Log off' => 'Se déconnecter', 'Change Info' => 'Changer vos informations', 'Change user information' => 'Changer informations utilisateur', 'Change Password' => 'Changer votre mot de passe', 'Change user password' => 'Changer mot de passe utilisateur', 'Change Email' => 'Changer votre email', 'Change user email' => 'Changer email utilisateur', 'Basic Info' => 'Informations de base', 'Show basic information' => 'Afficher informations de base', 'Advanced Info' => 'Informations avancées', 'Show advanced information' => 'Afficher informations avancées', 'Change Advanced' => 'Changer avancé', 'Change advanced information' => 'Changer informations avancées', 'Send Joining Email' => 'Envoyer email joignant', 'Send a joinup email to the user' => 'Envoyer invitation d\'inscription à un utilisateur', 'Email Member' => 'Envoyer un mail à un abonné', 'Email the member' => 'Contacter un abonné', 'Help' => 'Aide', 'Title (Mr/Mrs/Mz/Dr/Prof.)' => 'Titre (M./Mme/Mlle./Dr./Prof.)', 'First Name' => 'Prénom', 'Initials' => 'Initiale', 'Family  Name' => 'Nom de famille', 'Address' => 'Adresse', 'Town or City' => 'Ville', 'Post Code' => 'Code postal', 'County' => 'Pays', 'Next' => 'Suivant', 'Save' => 'Sauvegarder', 'Your orriginal Password' => 'Votre mot de passe original', 'New password' => 'Nouveau mot de passe', 'Enter new password again' => 'Entrer nouveau mot de passe encore', 'Both passwords must be the same' => 'Les deux mots de passe doivent être identique', 'Invalid orriginal password' => 'Mot de passe original non valide', 'Your password' => 'Votre mot de passe', 'New email' => 'Nouveau mail', 'Save new email' => 'Sauvegarder nouveau mail', 'Invalid password' => 'Mot de passe non valide', 'Email is already in use.' => 'Email déjà pris.', 'Change advanced information' => 'Changer informations avancées', 'Check user IP for logon and session' => 'Vérifier IP pour login et session', 'User IP address' => 'Liste des adresses IP des utilisateurs, séparées par des virgules', 'User Access rights' => 'Droits d\'accès aux utilisateurs', 'User Disabled' => 'Utilisateur désactivé', 'User Pending program enable' => 'Activer programme utilisateur', 'User waiting admin vetting' => 'Utilisateur attend vérification administrative', 'User creation finished' => 'Nouvel utilisateur créé avec succès', 'Waiting for user to act on email' => 'Waiting for user to act on email', 'Send joining email' => 'Inviter quelqu\'un à s\'inscrire', 'Send joinup email to this user?' => 'Inviter set utilisateur à s\'inscrire?', 'Email member' => 'Contacter abonné', 'Subject' => 'Subjet', 'Message' => 'Message', 'Password recovery' => 'Retrouver mot de passe', 'Enter your registered email' => 'Entrer votre email enregistré', 'Recover Password' => 'Retrouver mot de passe', 'Your password' => 'Votre mot de passe', 'Enter password again' => 'Rentrer mot de passe', 'Type of membership' => 'Type d\'abonnement', 'Modify Search' => 'Modifier la recherche', 'List Admin Pending' => 'Liste administrative en cours', 'Defualt Listing' => 'Listing par défaut', 'All' => 'Tous', 'Any' => 'Tous', 'Modify search criteria' => 'Modifier critères de recherche', 'Search' => 'Faire une recherche', 'for' => 'pour', 'Add Search field' => 'Ajouter un champ de recherche', 'Results per page' => 'Résultats par page', 'Member Access' => 'Accès aux abonnés', 'All Types' => 'Tous types', 'Standard User' => 'Utilisateur standard', 'Enhanced User' => 'Utilisateur avancé', 'Administrator' => 'Administrateur', 'Filter using flags' => 'Filtrer utilisant flèches', 'Users who have been disabled' => 'Liste d\'utilisateurs désactivés', ' false' => ' faux', ' true' => ' vrai', ' ignore' => ' ignorer', 'User who are waiting for external OK' => 'Liste d\'utilisateurs attendant permission externe', 'User Admin Pending' => 'Administration de l\'utilisateur en cours', 'User Properly created' => 'Utilisateur créé avec succès', 'Waiting for user to respond to email' => 'Attendant que l\'utilisateur réponde à l\'email', 'Search Now' => 'Faire une recherche maintenant', 'Reset Search Criteria' => 'Réinitialiser critères de recherche', 'all a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z' => 'tous a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z', 'all' => 'tous', 'User fault' => 'Faute flag utilisateur', 'Site database creation and intialisation' => 'Site database creation and intialisation', 'Admin email' => 'Admin email', 'Admin user name' => 'Admin user name', 'Repeat the password' => 'Repeat the password', 'Please check the passwords, they must be the same' => 'Please check the passwords, they must be the same', 'There are already admin users in the system, please delete these first if attempting to recover access to the system.' => 'There are already admin users in the system, please delete these first if attempting to recover access to the system.', 'Admin user created' => 'Admin user created'));
/* End of file lang_fr.php */
/* Location: /translate/ */
コード例 #2
ファイル: lang_fr_login.php プロジェクト: julesbl/ssp
*   Created:	22/02/2013
*   Descrip:	Add translation strings for basic login and protection.
*   Copyright 2005-2013 Julian Blundell, w34u
*   This file is part of Simple Site Protection (SSP).
*   SSP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 as published by the Open Source Initiative.
*   SSP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   You should have received a copy of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) along with SSP; if not, view at
*   http://www.opensource.org; http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php
*   Revision:	a
*   Rev. Date	22/05/2013
*   Descrip:	Created.
*   Revision:	b
*   Rev. Date	19-Jan-2016
*   Descrip:	Changed for composer.
w34u\ssp\Translate::addToLanguage('fr', array('Invalid page access level' => 'Niveau d\'accès erroné', 'parameter pageCaching should be of type bool' => 'Paramètres pour la miss en cache devraient être de type bool', 'parameter pageValid should be of type int' => 'Paramètres pour pageValid devraient être de type int', 'parameter pageCheckEquals should be of type bool' => 'Paramètres pour pageCheckEquals devraient être de type bool', 'Incorrect SSP_Protection parameters' => 'Paramètres SSP_Protection erronées', 'Diverting to logon' => 'Déviation vers login', 'General protection fault' => 'Erreur d\'ordre général', 'Click here to login if divert does not happen within 5 seconds' => 'Cliquer ici pour ouvrir une session si vous n\'êtes pas dévié après 5 secondes', 'Access control fault' => 'Erreur de contrôle d\'accès', 'Email or password incorrect' => 'Email ou mot de passe erroné', 'User name or password incorrect' => 'Pseudonyme ou mot de passe erroné', 'Your email' => 'Votre email', 'Your user name' => 'Votre pseudonyme', 'Password' => 'Mot de passe', 'Remember me (do not tick this box on a public computer)' => 'Se souvenir de moi (à éviter sur un ordinateur public)', 'Logged off' => 'Déconnecté', 'Logon Success' => 'Bien connecté', 'Welcome Back' => 'Re-bonjour', 'Password recovery' => 'Rétablissement mot de passe', 'Enter your registered email' => 'Entrer votre email enregistré', 'Recover Password' => 'Rétablir mot de passe', 'New password succesfully entered' => 'Nouveau mot de passe accepté', 'Invalid recovery link, please check you have used the correct recovery email, if problems persist please contact site admin' => 'Lien de récupération erroné. Veuillez vérifier le mail pour rétablissement. En cas où le problème persiste, veuillez contacter l\'administrateur du site', 'Invalid recovery link, please check the email supplied and ensure you enter the whole of the url supplied, if problems persist please contact site admin' => 'Lien de récupération erroné, veuillez vérifier le mail pour vous assurer que vous avez bien copié l\'adresse. En cad où le problème persiste, veuillez contacter l\'administrateur du site', 'First name' => 'Prénom', 'Last name' => 'Nom', 'Your email' => 'Votre email', 'Your password' => 'Votre mot de passe', 'Enter password again' => 'Ressaisissez votre mot de passe', "User Confirm Failure<br />Invalid User" => "User Confirm Failure<br />Invalid User", "User Confirm Failure<br />Invalid token" => "User Confirm Failure<br />Invalid token"));
/* End of file lang_fr.php */
/* Location: /translate/ */
コード例 #3
ファイル: lang_en_login.php プロジェクト: julesbl/ssp
*   Created:	22/02/2013
*   Descrip:	Add translation strings for basic login and protection.
*   Copyright 2005-2013 Julian Blundell, w34u
*   This file is part of Simple Site Protection (SSP).
*   SSP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 as published by the Open Source Initiative.
*   SSP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   You should have received a copy of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) along with SSP; if not, view at
*   http://www.opensource.org; http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php
*   Revision:	a
*   Rev. Date	3/05/2013
*   Descrip:	Created.
*   Revision:	b
*   Rev. Date	19-Jan-2016
*   Descrip:	Changed for composer.
w34u\ssp\Translate::addToLanguage('en', array('Invalid page access level' => 'Invalid page access level', 'parameter pageCaching should be of type bool' => 'parameter pageCaching should be of type bool', 'parameter pageValid should be of type int' => 'parameter pageValid should be of type int', 'parameter pageCheckEquals should be of type bool' => 'parameter pageCheckEquals should be of type bool', 'Incorrect SSP_Protection parameters' => 'Incorrect SSP_Protection parameters', 'Diverting to logon' => 'Diverting to logon', 'General protection fault' => 'General protection fault', 'Click here to login if divert does not happen within 5 seconds' => 'Click here to login if divert does not happen within 5 seconds', 'Access control fault' => 'Access control fault', 'Email or password incorrect' => 'Email or password incorrect', 'User name or password incorrect' => 'User name or password incorrect', 'Your email' => 'Your email', 'Your user name' => 'Your user name', 'Password' => 'Password', 'Remember me (do not tick this box on a public computer)' => 'Remember me (do not tick this box on a public computer)', 'Logged off' => 'Logged off', 'Logon Success' => 'Logon Success', 'Welcome Back' => 'Welcome Back', 'Password recovery' => 'Password recovery', 'Enter your registered email' => 'Enter your registered email', 'Recover Password' => 'Recover Password', 'New password succesfully entered' => 'New password succesfully entered', 'Invalid recovery link, please check you have used the correct recovery email, if problems persist please contact site admin' => 'Invalid recovery link, please check you have used the correct recovery email, if problems persist please contact site admin', 'Invalid recovery link, please check the email supplied and ensure you enter the whole of the url supplied, if problems persist please contact site admin' => 'Invalid recovery link, please check the email supplied and ensure you enter the whole of the url supplied, if problems persist please contact site admin', 'First name' => 'First name', 'Last name' => 'Last name', 'Your email' => 'Your email', 'Your password' => 'Your password', 'Enter password again' => 'Enter password again', "User Confirm Failure<br />Invalid User" => "User Confirm Failure<br />Invalid User", "User Confirm Failure<br />Invalid token" => "User Confirm Failure<br />Invalid token"));
/* End of file lang_fr.php */
/* Location: /translate/ */
コード例 #4
ファイル: lang_en_admin.php プロジェクト: julesbl/ssp
*   Created:	22/02/2013
*   Descrip:	Add translation strings for administration.
*   Copyright 2005-2013 Julian Blundell, w34u
*   This file is part of Simple Site Protection (SSP).
*   SSP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 as published by the Open Source Initiative.
*   SSP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*   You should have received a copy of the COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION
*   LICENSE (CDDL) along with SSP; if not, view at
*   http://www.opensource.org; http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php
*   Revision:	a
*   Rev. Date	21/05/2013
*   Descrip:	Created.
*   Revision:	b
*   Rev. Date	19-Jan-2016
*   Descrip:	Changed for composer.
w34u\ssp\Translate::addToLanguage('en', array('SSP Development' => 'SSP Development', 'Member admin' => 'Member admin', 'Advanced information' => 'Advanced information', 'User information' => 'User information', 'New user' => 'New user', 'User Details' => 'User Details', 'New User' => 'New User', 'List Users' => 'List Users', 'Home' => 'Home', 'Log off' => 'Log off', 'Change Info' => 'Change Info', 'Change user information' => 'Change user information', 'Change Password' => 'Change Password', 'Change user password' => 'Change user password', 'Change Email' => 'Change Email', 'Change user email' => 'Change user email', 'Basic Info' => 'Basic Info', 'Show basic information' => 'Show basic information', 'Advanced Info' => 'Advanced Info', 'Show advanced information' => 'Show advanced information', 'Change Advanced' => 'Change Advanced', 'Change advanced information' => 'Change advanced information', 'Send Joining Email' => 'Send Joining Email', 'Send a joinup email to the user' => 'Send a joinup email to the user', 'Email Member' => 'Email Member', 'Email the member' => 'Email the member', 'Help' => 'Help', 'Title (Mr/Mrs/Mz/Dr/Prof.)' => 'Title (Mr/Mrs/Mz/Dr/Prof.)', 'First Name' => 'First Name', 'Initials' => 'Initials', 'Family  Name' => 'Family  Name', 'Address' => 'Address', 'Town or City' => 'Town or City', 'Post Code' => 'Post Code', 'County' => 'County', 'Next' => 'Next', 'Save' => 'Save', 'Your orriginal Password' => 'Your original Password', 'New password' => 'New password', 'Enter new password again' => 'Enter new password again', 'Both passwords must be the same' => 'Both passwords must be the same', 'Invalid orriginal password' => 'Invalid orriginal password', 'Your password' => 'Your password', 'New email' => 'New email', 'Save new email' => 'Save new email', 'Invalid password' => 'Invalid password', 'Email is already in use.' => 'Email is already in use.', 'Change advanced information' => 'Change advanced information', 'Check user IP for logon and session' => 'Check user IP for logon and session', 'User IP address' => 'User IP address list, comma seperated', 'User Access rights' => 'User Access rights', 'User Disabled' => 'User Disabled', 'User Pending program enable' => 'User Pending program enable', 'User waiting admin vetting' => 'User waiting admin vetting', 'User creation finished' => 'User creation finished', 'Waiting for user to act on email' => 'Waiting for user to act on email', 'Send joining email' => 'Send joining email', 'Send joinup email to this user?' => 'Send joinup email to this user?', 'Email member' => 'Email member', 'Subject' => 'Subject', 'Message' => 'Message', 'Password recovery' => 'Password recovery', 'Enter your registered email' => 'Enter your registered email', 'Recover Password' => 'Recover Password', 'Your password' => 'Your password', 'Enter password again' => 'Enter password again', 'Type of membership' => 'Type of membership', 'Modify Search' => 'Modify Search', 'List Admin Pending' => 'List Admin Pending', 'Defualt Listing' => 'Defualt Listing', 'All' => 'All', 'Any' => 'Any', 'Modify search criteria' => 'Modify search criteria', 'Search' => 'Search', 'for' => 'for', 'Add Search field' => 'Add Search field', 'Results per page' => 'Results per page', 'Member Access' => 'Member Access', 'All Types' => 'All Types', 'Standard User' => 'Standard User', 'Enhanced User' => 'Enhanced User', 'Administrator' => 'Administrator', 'Filter using flags' => 'Filter using flags', 'Users who have been disabled' => 'Users who have been disabled', ' false' => ' false', ' true' => ' true', ' ignore' => ' ignore', 'User who are waiting for external OK' => 'User who are waiting for external OK', 'User Admin Pending' => 'User Admin Pending', 'User Properly created' => 'User Properly created', 'Waiting for user to respond to email' => 'Waiting for user to respond to email', 'Search Now' => 'Search Now', 'Reset Search Criteria' => 'Reset Search Criteria', 'all a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z' => 'all a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z', 'all' => 'all', 'User fault' => 'User flag fault', 'Site database creation and intialisation' => 'Site database creation and intialisation', 'Admin email' => 'Admin email', 'Admin user name' => 'Admin user name', 'Repeat the password' => 'Repeat the password', 'Please check the passwords, they must be the same' => 'Please check the passwords, they must be the same', 'There are already admin users in the system, please delete these first if attempting to recover access to the system.' => 'There are already admin users in the system, please delete these first if attempting to recover access to the system.', 'Admin user created' => 'Admin user created'));
/* End of file lang_fr.php */
/* Location: /translate/ */