/** * Renders the teamwork grading report * * @param teamwork_grading_report $gradingreport * @return string html code */ protected function render_teamwork_grading_report(teamwork_grading_report $gradingreport) { $data = $gradingreport->get_data(); $options = $gradingreport->get_options(); $grades = $data->grades; $userinfo = $data->userinfo; if (empty($grades)) { return ''; } $table = new html_table(); $table->attributes['class'] = 'grading-report'; $sortbyfirstname = $this->helper_sortable_heading(get_string('firstname'), 'firstname', $options->sortby, $options->sorthow); $sortbylastname = $this->helper_sortable_heading(get_string('lastname'), 'lastname', $options->sortby, $options->sorthow); if (self::fullname_format() == 'lf') { $sortbyname = $sortbylastname . ' / ' . $sortbyfirstname; } else { $sortbyname = $sortbyfirstname . ' / ' . $sortbylastname; } $table->head = array(); $table->head[] = $sortbyname; $table->head[] = $this->helper_sortable_heading(get_string('submission', 'teamwork'), 'submissiontitle', $options->sortby, $options->sorthow); $table->head[] = $this->helper_sortable_heading(get_string('receivedgrades', 'teamwork')); if ($options->showsubmissiongrade) { $table->head[] = $this->helper_sortable_heading(get_string('submissiongradeof', 'teamwork', $data->maxgrade), 'submissiongrade', $options->sortby, $options->sorthow); } $table->head[] = $this->helper_sortable_heading(get_string('givengrades', 'teamwork')); if ($options->showgradinggrade) { $table->head[] = $this->helper_sortable_heading(get_string('gradinggradeof', 'teamwork', $data->maxgradinggrade), 'gradinggrade', $options->sortby, $options->sorthow); } $table->rowclasses = array(); $table->colclasses = array(); $table->data = array(); foreach ($grades as $participant) { $numofreceived = count($participant->reviewedby); $numofgiven = count($participant->reviewerof); $published = $participant->submissionpublished; // compute the number of <tr> table rows needed to display this participant if ($numofreceived > 0 and $numofgiven > 0) { $numoftrs = teamwork::lcm($numofreceived, $numofgiven); $spanreceived = $numoftrs / $numofreceived; $spangiven = $numoftrs / $numofgiven; } elseif ($numofreceived == 0 and $numofgiven > 0) { $numoftrs = $numofgiven; $spanreceived = $numoftrs; $spangiven = $numoftrs / $numofgiven; } elseif ($numofreceived > 0 and $numofgiven == 0) { $numoftrs = $numofreceived; $spanreceived = $numoftrs / $numofreceived; $spangiven = $numoftrs; } else { $numoftrs = 1; $spanreceived = 1; $spangiven = 1; } for ($tr = 0; $tr < $numoftrs; $tr++) { $row = new html_table_row(); if ($published) { $row->attributes['class'] = 'published'; } // column #1 - participant - spans over all rows if ($tr == 0) { $cell = new html_table_cell(); $cell->text = $this->helper_grading_report_participant($participant, $userinfo); $cell->rowspan = $numoftrs; $cell->attributes['class'] = 'participant'; $row->cells[] = $cell; } // column #2 - submission - spans over all rows if ($tr == 0) { $cell = new html_table_cell(); $cell->text = $this->helper_grading_report_submission($participant); $cell->rowspan = $numoftrs; $cell->attributes['class'] = 'submission'; $row->cells[] = $cell; } // column #3 - received grades if ($tr % $spanreceived == 0) { $idx = intval($tr / $spanreceived); $assessment = self::array_nth($participant->reviewedby, $idx); $cell = new html_table_cell(); $cell->text = $this->helper_grading_report_assessment($assessment, $options->showreviewernames, $userinfo, get_string('gradereceivedfrom', 'teamwork')); $cell->rowspan = $spanreceived; $cell->attributes['class'] = 'receivedgrade'; if (is_null($assessment) or is_null($assessment->grade)) { $cell->attributes['class'] .= ' null'; } else { $cell->attributes['class'] .= ' notnull'; } $row->cells[] = $cell; } // column #4 - total grade for submission if ($options->showsubmissiongrade and $tr == 0) { $cell = new html_table_cell(); $cell->text = $this->helper_grading_report_grade($participant->submissiongrade, $participant->submissiongradeover); $cell->rowspan = $numoftrs; $cell->attributes['class'] = 'submissiongrade'; $row->cells[] = $cell; } // column #5 - given grades if ($tr % $spangiven == 0) { $idx = intval($tr / $spangiven); $assessment = self::array_nth($participant->reviewerof, $idx); $cell = new html_table_cell(); $cell->text = $this->helper_grading_report_assessment($assessment, $options->showauthornames, $userinfo, get_string('gradegivento', 'teamwork')); $cell->rowspan = $spangiven; $cell->attributes['class'] = 'givengrade'; if (is_null($assessment) or is_null($assessment->grade)) { $cell->attributes['class'] .= ' null'; } else { $cell->attributes['class'] .= ' notnull'; } $row->cells[] = $cell; } // column #6 - total grade for assessment if ($options->showgradinggrade and $tr == 0) { $cell = new html_table_cell(); $cell->text = $this->helper_grading_report_grade($participant->gradinggrade); $cell->rowspan = $numoftrs; $cell->attributes['class'] = 'gradinggrade'; $row->cells[] = $cell; } $table->data[] = $row; } } return html_writer::table($table); }
public function test_lcm() { $this->resetAfterTest(true); // fixture setup + exercise SUT + verify in one step $this->assertEquals(teamwork::lcm(1, 4), 4); $this->assertEquals(teamwork::lcm(2, 4), 4); $this->assertEquals(teamwork::lcm(4, 2), 4); $this->assertEquals(teamwork::lcm(2, 3), 6); $this->assertEquals(teamwork::lcm(6, 4), 12); }