$canviewallsubmissions = false; } } } } if ($isreviewer or $isauthor or $canviewallassessments and $canviewallsubmissions) { // such a user can continue } else { print_error('nopermissions', 'error', $teamwork->view_url(), 'view this assessment'); } if ($isauthor and !$isreviewer and !$canviewallassessments and $teamwork->phase != teamwork::PHASE_CLOSED) { // authors can see assessments of their work at the end of teamwork only print_error('nopermissions', 'error', $teamwork->view_url(), 'view assessment of own work before teamwork is closed'); } // only the reviewer is allowed to modify the assessment if ($isreviewer and $teamwork->assessing_allowed($USER->id)) { $assessmenteditable = true; } else { $assessmenteditable = false; } // check that all required examples have been assessed by the user if ($assessmenteditable and $teamwork->useexamples and $teamwork->examplesmode == teamwork::EXAMPLES_BEFORE_ASSESSMENT and !has_capability('mod/teamwork:manageexamples', $teamwork->context)) { // the reviewer must have submitted their own submission $reviewersubmission = $teamwork->get_submission_by_author($assessment->reviewerid); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_teamwork'); if (!$reviewersubmission) { // no money, no love $assessmenteditable = false; echo $output->header(); echo $output->heading(format_string($teamwork->name)); notice(get_string('exampleneedsubmission', 'teamwork'), new moodle_url('/mod/teamwork/view.php', array('id' => $cm->id)));