コード例 #1
  * Returns true if the internal BE_USER has access to the module $name with $MCONF (based on security level set for that module)
  * @param	string		Module name
  * @param	array		MCONF array (module configuration array) from the modules conf.php file (contains settings about what access level the module has)
  * @return	boolean		True if access is granted for $this->BE_USER
 function checkModAccess($name, $MCONF)
     if ($MCONF['access']) {
         $access = strtolower($MCONF['access']);
         // Checking if admin-access is required
         if (strstr($access, 'admin')) {
             // If admin-permissions is required then return true if user is admin
             if ($this->BE_USER->isAdmin()) {
                 return TRUE;
         // This will add modules to the select-lists of user and groups
         if (strstr($access, 'user')) {
             $this->modListUser[] = $name;
         if (strstr($access, 'group')) {
             $this->modListGroup[] = $name;
         // This checks if a user is permitted to access the module
         if ($this->BE_USER->isAdmin() || $this->BE_USER->check('modules', $name)) {
             return TRUE;
         // If admin you can always access a module
     } else {
         return TRUE;
     // If conf[access] is not set, then permission IS granted!
コード例 #2
  * Determines whether the donate window is allowed to be displayed.
  * @return boolean Whether the donate window is allowed to be displayed.
 public function isDonateWindowAllowed()
     $uc = $this->backendUser->uc;
     $isAdmin = $this->backendUser->isAdmin();
     $firstLogin = $this->getFirstLoginTimeStamp();
     $isTriggered = $firstLogin && $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] - $firstLogin > self::VALUE_DonateWindowAppearsAfterDays * 86400;
     $isAllowed = (bool) $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['allowDonateWindow'];
     $isCancelled = isset($uc[self::FLAG_DonateWindowDisabled]) && !empty($uc[self::FLAG_DonateWindowDisabled]);
     $isPostponed = isset($uc[self::FLAG_DonateWindowPostponed]) && $uc[self::FLAG_DonateWindowPostponed] > $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] - self::VALUE_DonateWindowPostponeDays * 86400;
     return $isAdmin && $isAllowed && $isTriggered && !$isCancelled && !$isPostponed;
コード例 #3
  * Insert into database
  * Does not check permissions but expects them to be verified on beforehand
  * @param	string		Record table name
  * @param	string		"NEW...." uid string
  * @param	array		Array of field=>value pairs to insert. FIELDS MUST MATCH the database FIELDS. No check is done. "pid" must point to the destination of the record!
  * @param	boolean		Set to true if new version is created.
  * @param	integer		Suggested UID value for the inserted record. See the array $this->suggestedInsertUids; Admin-only feature
  * @param	boolean		If true, the ->substNEWwithIDs array is not updated. Only useful in very rare circumstances!
  * @return	integer		Returns ID on success.
 function insertDB($table, $id, $fieldArray, $newVersion = FALSE, $suggestedUid = 0, $dontSetNewIdIndex = FALSE)
     global $TCA;
     if (is_array($fieldArray) && is_array($TCA[$table]) && isset($fieldArray['pid'])) {
         // Do NOT insert the UID field, ever!
         if (count($fieldArray)) {
             // Check for "suggestedUid".
             // This feature is used by the import functionality to force a new record to have a certain UID value.
             // This is only recommended for use when the destination server is a passive mirrow of another server.
             // As a security measure this feature is available only for Admin Users (for now)
             $suggestedUid = intval($suggestedUid);
             if ($this->BE_USER->isAdmin() && $suggestedUid && $this->suggestedInsertUids[$table . ':' . $suggestedUid]) {
                 // When the value of ->suggestedInsertUids[...] is "DELETE" it will try to remove the previous record
                 if ($this->suggestedInsertUids[$table . ':' . $suggestedUid] === 'DELETE') {
                     // DELETE:
                     $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_DELETEquery($table, 'uid=' . intval($suggestedUid));
                 $fieldArray['uid'] = $suggestedUid;
             $fieldArray = $this->insertUpdateDB_preprocessBasedOnFieldType($table, $fieldArray);
             // Execute the INSERT query:
             $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_INSERTquery($table, $fieldArray);
             // If succees, do...:
             if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error()) {
                 // Set mapping for NEW... -> real uid:
                 $NEW_id = $id;
                 // the NEW_id now holds the 'NEW....' -id
                 $id = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_insert_id();
                 if (!$dontSetNewIdIndex) {
                     $this->substNEWwithIDs[$NEW_id] = $id;
                     $this->substNEWwithIDs_table[$NEW_id] = $table;
                 // Checking the record is properly saved and writing to log
                 if ($this->checkStoredRecords) {
                     $newRow = $this->checkStoredRecord($table, $id, $fieldArray, 1);
                 // Update reference index:
                 $this->updateRefIndex($table, $id);
                 if ($newVersion) {
                     $propArr = $this->getRecordPropertiesFromRow($table, $newRow);
                     $this->log($table, $id, 1, 0, 0, "New version created of table '%s', uid '%s'. UID of new version is '%s'", 10, array($table, $fieldArray['t3ver_oid'], $id), $propArr['event_pid'], $NEW_id);
                 } else {
                     $propArr = $this->getRecordPropertiesFromRow($table, $newRow);
                     $page_propArr = $this->getRecordProperties('pages', $propArr['pid']);
                     $this->log($table, $id, 1, 0, 0, "Record '%s' (%s) was inserted on page '%s' (%s)", 10, array($propArr['header'], $table . ':' . $id, $page_propArr['header'], $newRow['pid']), $newRow['pid'], $NEW_id);
                     // Clear cache for relavant pages:
                     $this->clear_cache($table, $id);
                 return $id;
             } else {
                 $this->log($table, $id, 1, 0, 2, "SQL error: '%s' (%s)", 12, array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_error(), $table . ':' . $id));