コード例 #1
  * Checks if a whole branch of pages exists
  * Tests the branch under $pid (like doesRecordExist). It doesn't test the page with $pid as uid. Use doesRecordExist() for this purpose
  * Returns an ID-list or "" if OK. Else -1 which means that somewhere there was no permission (eg. to delete).
  * if $recurse is set, then the function will follow subpages. This MUST be set, if we need the idlist for deleting pages or else we get an incomplete list
  * @param	string		List of page uids, this is added to and outputted in the end
  * @param	integer		Page ID to select subpages from.
  * @param	integer		Perms integer to check each page record for.
  * @param	boolean		Recursion flag: If set, it will go out through the branch.
  * @return	string		List of integers in branch
 function doesBranchExist($inList, $pid, $perms, $recurse)
     global $TCA;
     $pid = intval($pid);
     $perms = intval($perms);
     if ($pid >= 0) {
         $mres = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('uid, perms_userid, perms_groupid, perms_user, perms_group, perms_everybody', 'pages', 'pid=' . intval($pid) . $this->deleteClause('pages'), '', 'sorting');
         while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($mres)) {
             if ($this->admin || $this->BE_USER->doesUserHaveAccess($row, $perms)) {
                 // IF admin, then it's OK
                 $inList .= $row['uid'] . ',';
                 if ($recurse) {
                     // Follow the subpages recursively...
                     $inList = $this->doesBranchExist($inList, $row['uid'], $perms, $recurse);
                     if ($inList == -1) {
                         return -1;
                     // No permissions somewhere in the branch
             } else {
                 return -1;
                 // No permissions
     return $inList;