コード例 #1
$currencies_en = $c_en->getCurrencies();
$currencies_fr = $c_fr->getCurrencies();
$t->is($currencies_en['EUR'][1], 'Euro', '->getCurrencies() returns a list of currencies in the language of the localized version');
$t->is($currencies_fr['EUR'][1], 'euro', '->getCurrencies() returns a list of currencies in the language of the localized version');
$t->is($currencies_en, $c_en->Currencies, '->getCurrencies() is equivalent to ->Currencies');
// ->getCountries()
$countries_en = $c_en->getCountries();
$countries_fr = $c_fr->getCountries();
$t->is($countries_en['ES'], 'Spain', '->getCountries() returns a list of countries in the language of the localized version');
$t->is($countries_fr['ES'], 'Espagne', '->getCountries() returns a list of countries in the language of the localized version');
$t->is($countries_en, $c_en->Countries, '->getCountries() is equivalent to ->Countries');
// ->getScripts()
$scripts_en = $c_en->getScripts();
$scripts_fr = $c_fr->getScripts();
$t->is($scripts_en['Arab'], 'Arabic', '->getScripts() returns a list of scripts in the language of the localized version');
$t->is($scripts_fr['Arab'], 'arabe', '->getScripts() returns a list of scripts in the language of the localized version');
$t->is($scripts_en, $c_en->Scripts, '->getScripts() is equivalent to ->Scripts');
// ->getTimeZones()
$time_zones_en = $c_en->getTimeZones();
$time_zones_fr = $c_fr->getTimeZones();
$t->is($time_zones_en[1][0], 'America/Los_Angeles', '->getTimeZones() returns a list of time zones in the language of the localized version');
$t->is($time_zones_fr[1][0], 'America/Vancouver', '->getTimeZones() returns a list of time zones in the language of the localized version');
$t->is($time_zones_en, $c_en->TimeZones, '->getTimeZones() is equivalent to ->TimeZones');
// ->validCulture()
$t->is($c->validCulture('fr'), true, '->validCulture() returns true if the culture is valid');
$t->is($c->validCulture('fr_FR'), true, '->validCulture() returns true if the culture is valid');
foreach (array('xxx', 'pp', 'frFR') as $culture) {