コード例 #1
    $t->fail('__get() throws an exception if the property does not exist');
} catch (sfException $e) {
    $t->pass('__get() throws an exception if the property does not exist');
// __set()
try {
    $c->NonExistant = 12;
    $t->fail('__set() throws an exception if the property does not exist');
} catch (sfException $e) {
    $t->pass('__set() throws an exception if the property does not exist');
// ->getDateTimeFormat()
$c = new sfCultureInfo();
$t->isa_ok($c->getDateTimeFormat(), 'sfDateTimeFormatInfo', '->getDateTimeFormat() returns a sfDateTimeFormatInfo instance');
// ->setDateTimeFormat()
$d = $c->getDateTimeFormat();
$t->is($c->getDateTimeFormat(), 'yyyy', '->setDateTimeFormat() sets the sfDateTimeFormatInfo instance');
$c->DateTimeFormat = 'mm';
$t->is($c->getDateTimeFormat(), 'mm', '->setDateTimeFormat() is equivalent to ->DateTimeFormat = ');
// ->getNumberFormat()
$c = new sfCultureInfo();
$t->isa_ok($c->getNumberFormat(), 'sfNumberFormatInfo', '->getNumberFormat() returns a sfNumberFormatInfo instance');
// ->setNumberFormat()
$d = $c->getNumberFormat();