コード例 #1
ファイル: viewmeeting.php プロジェクト: jgatica/Netoffice
     $block2->paletteIcon(0, "add", $strings["add"]);
     $block2->paletteIcon(1, "remove", $strings["delete"]);
     if ($sitePublish == "true") {
         $block2->paletteIcon(2, "add_projectsite", $strings["add_project_site"]);
         $block2->paletteIcon(3, "remove_projectsite", $strings["remove_project_site"]);
 $block2->paletteIcon(4, "info", $strings["view"]);
 if ($teamMember == "true" || $_SESSION['profilSession'] == "5") {
     $block2->paletteIcon(5, "edit", $strings["edit"]);
 $block2->sorting("meetings_attachment", $sortingUser->sor_meetings_attachment[0], "mat.name ASC", $sortingFields = array(0 => "mat.extension", 1 => "mat.name", 2 => "mat.date", 3 => "mat.status", 4 => "mat.published"));
 $tmpquery = "WHERE mat.meeting = '{$id}' AND mat.vc_parent = '0' ORDER BY {$block2->sortingValue}";
 $listAttachments = new request();
 $comptListFiles = count($listAttachments->mat_id);
 if ($comptListFiles != "0") {
     $block2->labels($labels = array(0 => $strings["type"], 1 => $strings["name"], 2 => $strings["date"], 3 => $strings["approval_tracking"], 4 => $strings["published"]), "true");
     require_once "../includes/files_types.php";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListFiles; $i++) {
         $existFile = "false";
         $idStatus = $listAttachments->mat_status[$i];
         $idPublish = $listAttachments->mat_published[$i];
         $type = file_info_type($listAttachments->mat_extension[$i]);
         if (file_exists("../files/" . $listAttachments->mat_project[$i] . "/meetings/" . $listAttachments->mat_meeting[$i] . "/" . $listAttachments->mat_name[$i])) {
             $existFile = "true";
コード例 #2
ファイル: viewfile.php プロジェクト: jgatica/Netoffice
 if ($fileDetail->mat_owner[0] == $_SESSION['idSession']) {
     $block2->paletteIcon(0, "remove", $strings["ifc_delete_review"]);
 if ($error2 != "") {
 echo "<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\"></td><td><br>";
 $tmpquery = "WHERE mat.vc_parent = '{$id}' AND mat.vc_status != '3' ORDER BY mat.date";
 $listReviews = new request();
 $comptListReviews = count($listReviews->mat_vc_parent);
 for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListReviews; $i++) {
     // Sort odds and evens for bg color
     if (!($i % 2)) {
         $class = "odd";
         $highlightOff = $oddColor;
     } else {
         $class = "even";
         $highlightOff = $evenColor;
     // Calculate a revision number for display for each listing
     $displayrev = $i + 1;
     echo "<table width=\"600\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"tableRevision\" onmouseover=\"this.style.backgroundColor='" . $block2->highlightOn . "'\" onmouseout=\"this.style.backgroundColor='" . $block2->highlightOff . "'\">\r\n\t<tr bgcolor=\"" . $block2->fgColor . "\"><td>";
     if ($fileDetail->mat_owner[0] == $_SESSION['idSession']) {
         echo "<a href=\"javascript:MM_toggleItem(document." . $block2->form . "Form, '" . $listReviews->mat_id[$i] . "', '" . $block2->form . "cb" . $listReviews->mat_id[$i] . "','" . THEME . "')\"><img name=\"" . $block2->form . "cb" . $listReviews->mat_id[$i] . "\" border=\"0\" src=\"../themes/" . THEME . "/checkbox_off_16.gif\" alt=\"\" vspace=\"0\"></a>";
コード例 #3
ファイル: accessfile.php プロジェクト: jgatica/Netoffice

// $Revision: 1.1 $
/* vim: set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 sts=4: */
 * $Id: accessfile.php,v 1.1 2004/12/06 06:15:46 luiswang Exp $
 * Copyright (c) 2004 by the NetOffice developers
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
$checkSession = true;
require_once '../includes/library.php';
$tmpquery = "WHERE mat.id = '{$id}'";
$fileDetail = new request();
// serve the requested file
require_once '../meetings/download.php';
コード例 #4
ファイル: deletefiles.php プロジェクト: jgatica/Netoffice
$tmpquery = "WHERE mee.id = '{$meeting}'";
$meetingDetail = new request();
//--- header ----
$breadcrumbs[] = buildLink("../projects/listprojects.php?", $strings["projects"], LINK_INSIDE);
$breadcrumbs[] = buildLink("../projects/viewproject.php?id=" . $projectDetail->pro_id[0], $projectDetail->pro_name[0], LINK_INSIDE);
$breadcrumbs[] = buildLink("../meetings/listmeetings.php?project=" . $projectDetail->pro_id[0], $strings["meetings"], LINK_INSIDE);
$breadcrumbs[] = buildLink("../meetings/viewmeeting.php?id=" . $meetingDetail->mee_id[0], $meetingDetail->mee_name[0], LINK_INSIDE);
$breadcrumbs[] = $strings["unlink_files"];
require_once "../themes/" . THEME . "/header.php";
//--- content ----
$block1 = new block();
$block1->form = "saC";
$id = str_replace("**", ",", $id);
$tmpquery = "WHERE mat.id IN({$id}) ORDER BY mat.name";
$listFiles = new request();
$comptListFiles = count($listFiles->mat_id);
for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListFiles; $i++) {
    echo "<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\">&nbsp;</td><td>" . $listFiles->mat_name[$i] . "</td></tr>";
echo "<tr class=\"odd\"><td valign=\"top\" class=\"leftvalue\">&nbsp;</td><td><input type=\"SUBMIT\" value=\"" . $strings["delete"] . "\">&#160;<input type=\"BUTTON\" value=\"" . $strings["cancel"] . "\" onClick=\"history.back();\"></td></tr>";
require_once "../themes/" . THEME . "/footer.php";