コード例 #1

$checkSession = true;
require_once '../includes/library.php';
include_once 'addon_functions.inc.php';
include_once 'addon_variables.inc.php';
//echo $_POST["id"];
//echo "status : ".$_POST["status"];
$status = securePost("status", VARTYPE_BOOL);
$id = securePost("id", VARTYPE_INT);
$message = securePost("comment", VARTYPE_TXT);
$datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
echo $datetime;
$updateDB = new request();
if ($status) {
    //When turning on
    $query = "INSERT INTO no_tasks_timer (task, owner, start) VALUES ({$id}, {$_SESSION['idSession']}, NOW())";
} else {
    //When turning off
    //Generate netOffice date from actual date
    $date = date("Y-m-d");
    $duration = 1;
    //Generate duration from start time and present time
    //Update task time
    $query = "INSERT INTO no_tasks_time (project, task, owner, date, hours, comments, created, modified, encoder) \n\t\tVALUES ((SELECT project FROM no_tasks WHERE id = {$id} LIMIT 1), \n\t\t\t{$id}, \n\t\t\t{$_SESSION['idSession']}, \n\t\t\t'{$date}', \n\t\t\t(SELECT TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF( NOW(), start )) / 3600 \n\t\t\t\tFROM `no_tasks_timer` \n\t\t\t\tWHERE task = {$id} and owner = {$_SESSION['idSession']}), \n\t\t\t'{$message}', \n\t\t\tNOW(), \n\t\t\tNOW(), \n\t\t\t{$_SESSION['idSession']}); ";
    //Delete timer
    $query = "DELETE FROM no_tasks_timer WHERE owner = {$_SESSION['idSession']};";
コード例 #2
ファイル: daily_alert.php プロジェクト: ColBT/php_tut
include PHPCOLLAB_LANG_DIR . "lang_" . $langDefault . ".php";
// Check if emailAlerts is set to true
if ($emailAlerts == "false") {
    // Return false
// Check that database vars are set
if (!defined('MYSERVER') || !defined('MYLOGIN') || !defined('MYPASSWORD') || !defined('MYDATABASE')) {
    echo $strings['error_server'];
// Create database requests
$alert = new request();
$alertSub = new request();
// Get table names
$membersTable = $tableCollab['members'];
$notificationsTable = $tableCollab['notifications'];
$tasksTable = $tableCollab['tasks'];
$subtasksTable = $tableCollab['subtasks'];
$projectsTable = $tableCollab['projects'];
// Get current date
$today = date("Y-m-d", time());
// Create new notification
$mail = new notification();
$mail->message_type = "alt";
// Get list of members and notification settings
$query = "SELECT {$membersTable}.id, \n                 {$membersTable}.name,\n                 {$membersTable}.email_work\n          FROM   {$membersTable}, {$notificationsTable} \n          WHERE  {$membersTable}.id = {$notificationsTable}.member\n          AND    {$notificationsTable}.dailyAlert = 0";
// Gpet result
コード例 #3
$displayDate = "";
$delta = 0;
$totalDelta = 0;
//*** New functioning - browse through open days and compare to DB records ***
//Special case for Employer listing
if ($displayStyle == TASKTIME_EMPLOYER) {
    //$project_group_addon="org.name ASC, ";
    //$org_group_addon="tim.project ASC, ";
    $projectsList = "";
    foreach ($aEmployedProjectIDs as $work_package) {
        $wpProjectID = is_array($work_package[PROJECT_ID]) ? implode(",", $work_package[PROJECT_ID]) : $work_package[PROJECT_ID];
        $projectsList = $wpProjectID;
        $tmpquery = "SELECT O.name, P.name, SUM(TT.hours) AS work\n\t\t\tFROM {$tableCollab["tasks_time"]} TT\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$tableCollab["projects"]} P ON TT.project = P.id\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN {$tableCollab["organizations"]} O ON P.organization = O.id\n\t\t\tWHERE TT.project IN ({$projectsList})\n\t\t\tGROUP BY P.name";
        //echo $tmpquery;
        $totalHours = 0;
        $theor_weekly_hours = $work_package[PROJECT_WEEKLY_HOURS];
        //$project_begin=new DateTime($work_package[PROJECT_BEGIN]);
        $project_begin = $work_package[PROJECT_BEGIN];
        //echo $work_package[PROJECT_BEGIN];
        //$project_now=new DateTime();
        $project_now = "NOW";
        $project_duration_interval = date_diff_outdated($project_begin, $project_now, "w");
        //echo $project_duration;
        //echo $project_duration_interval;
        while ($row = $listHours->fetch()) {
コード例 #4
 * --- Task Timer ---
//Check if a running timer exists
 * TODO Check that idSession is numeric 
$timerToggleScript = "";
$activeTask = 0;
$activeTaskStart = 0;
$existingtasktimer = new request();
$query = "SELECT task, start FROM no_tasks_timer WHERE owner = {$_SESSION['idSession']} LIMIT 1";
if ($foundtasktimer = $existingtasktimer->fetch()) {
    //	echo $foundtasktimer[0];
    $activeTask = $foundtasktimer[0];
    $activeTaskStart = $foundtasktimer[1];
} else {
    //	echo "nothing found";
//echo $_SESSION['idSession'];
 * TODO Add timer begin date and time at the end of task name 
//Add timer begin date and time at the end of task name
// foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { print "<font color=blue>\$_POST[$k] => $v</font><br>"; }