/** * Converts a single wprss_feed_item to a post. * * @param feed The wprss_feed_item object to convert * @param source The wprss_feed id of the feed item. Used to retrieve settings for conversion. * @since 1.0 */ public static function convert_to_post( $item, $source, $permalink ) { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Starting conversion to post', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); $error_source = 'convert_to_post'; $source_obj = get_post( $source ); // If the feed source does not exist, exit if ( $source_obj === null || $source === '' ) { // unschedule any scheduled updates wprss_feed_source_update_stop_schedule( $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Source does not exist. Aborting.', $source, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING ); return NULL; } else { // If the feed source exists, but is trashed or paused, exit if ( $source_obj->post_status !== 'trash' && !wprss_is_feed_source_active( $source ) ) { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Source is inactive or trashed. Aborting.', $source, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE ); return NULL; } } # If we got NULL, pass it on if ( $item === NULL ) { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Item is null. Aborting.', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING ); return NULL; } # If the item has an empty permalink, log an error message if ( empty( $permalink ) ){ WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Encounted feed item with no permalink for feed source "' . $source_obj->post_title . '". Possibly a corrupt RSS feed.', $error_source, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING ); } # check existence of permalink $existing_permalinks = self::get_existing_permalinks( $source ); # If permalink exists, do nothing if ( in_array( $permalink, $existing_permalinks ) ) { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Item with this permalink already exists. Aborting.', $permalink, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE ); return NULL; } # Get the computed options ( global settings merged against individual settings ) $options = WPRSS_FTP_Settings::get_instance()->get_computed_options( $source ); if ( $options['post_type'] === 'wprss_feed_item' ) { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Legacy import method. Aborting.', $source, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); return $item; } self::_prepareItem( $item ); /*============================================== * 1) DETERMINE THE POST AUTHOR USER */ WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Determining post author...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); // Get author-related options from meta, or from global settings, if not found $def_author = $options['def_author']; $fallback_author = $options['fallback_author']; $author_fallback_method = $options['author_fallback_method']; $fallback_user = get_user_by( 'id', $fallback_author ); if ( ! is_object( $fallback_user ) ) { $fallback_user = get_user_by( 'login', $fallback_author ); } $fallback_user = $fallback_user->ID; $no_author_found = $options['no_author_found']; // Determined user. Start with NULL $user = NULL; // If using an existing user, we are done. if ( $def_author !== '.' ) { $user = $def_author; WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Author is preset.', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } // If getting feed from author, determine the user to assign to the post else { /* Get the author from the feed * If author not found - use fallback user */ if ( $author = $item->get_author() ) { $has_author_name = $author->get_name() !== '' && is_string( $author->get_name() ); $has_author_email = $author->get_email() !== '' && is_string( $author->get_email() ); } else { $has_author_name = $has_author_email = false; } // Author NOT found if ( $author === NULL || !( $has_author_name || $has_author_email ) ) { // If option to use fallback when no author found, use fallback if ( $no_author_found === 'fallback' ) { $user = $fallback_user; WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Author is a fallback user.', $fallback_user, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } // Otherwise, skip the post else { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Author could not be determined. Aborting.', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING ); return NULL; } } // Author found else { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Author found in feed.', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $author_name = $author->get_name(); $author_email = $author->get_email(); // No author name fix if ( !$has_author_name && $has_author_email ) { // "Email is actually the name"" fix if ( filter_var( $author_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ) === FALSE ) { // Set the name to the email, and reset the email $author_name = $author_email; $author_email = ''; // Set the flags appropriately $has_author_name = TRUE; $has_author_email = FALSE; } else { $parts = explode("@", $author_email); $author_name = $parts[0]; $has_author_name = TRUE; } WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( sprintf( 'Author name determined from email "%1$s".', $author_email), $author_name, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } // No author email fix if ( !$has_author_email && $has_author_name ) { // Get rid of wwww and everything before it $domain_name = preg_replace( '/^www\./', '', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ); // Lowercase the author name, remove the spaces $email_username = str_replace( ' ', '', strtolower($author_name) ); // Remove all disallowed chars $email_username = preg_replace('![^\w\d_.]!', '', $email_username); // For domains with no TLDN suffix (such as localhost) if ( stripos( $domain_name, '.' ) === FALSE ) $domain_name .= '.com'; // Generate the email $author_email = "$email_username@$domain_name"; $has_author_email = TRUE; WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( sprintf( 'Author email determined from name "%1$s".', $author_name), $author_email, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } $user_obj = FALSE; // If email is available, check if a user with this email exists $user_obj = get_user_by( 'email', $author_email ); // If search by email failed, search the email for the login if ( !$user_obj ) { $user_obj = get_user_by( 'login', $author_email ); } // If search by email failed, search by name if ( !$user_obj ) { $user_obj = get_user_by( 'login', $author_name ); } // Feed author has a user on site if ( $user_obj !== FALSE && isset( $user_obj->ID ) ) { $user = $user_obj->ID; WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'User found in system', $user, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } // Author has no user on site else { $new_user_id = NULL; // Fallback method: create user if ( $author_fallback_method === 'create' ) { $random_password = wp_generate_password( $length = 12, $include_standard_special_chars = false ); $new_user_id = wp_create_user( $author_name, $random_password, $author_email ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'User not found in system. Attempted to create', $author_email, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); if ( !$new_user_id || ($is_error = is_wp_error( $new_user_id )) ) { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'User could not be created.', $is_error ? $new_user_id->get_error_message() : $author_email, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE ); $new_user_id = null; } else { // Check if the author has a URI in the feed $author_uri = $author->get_link(); if ( $author_uri !== NULL ) { // Filter the meta field and value $uri_meta = apply_filters( 'wprss_author_uri_meta_field', 'wprss_author_uri' ); $author_uri = apply_filters( 'wprss_author_uri', $author_uri, $source ); // Add the URI as user meta add_user_meta( $user, $uri_meta, $author_uri ); // Add the URI to the author wp_update_user( array( 'ID' => $new_user_id, 'user_url' => $author_uri, ) ); } // Check if the author name has spaces if ( strpos( $author_name, ' ' ) !== FALSE ) { // Split name into parts $split = explode( ' ', $author_name ); $first_name = ''; $last_name = ''; // check if we have more than one parts if ( ( $c = count( $split ) ) > 1 ) { $m = $c / 2; $first_half = array_slice( $split, 0, $m); $second_half = array_slice( $split, $m ); $first_name = implode( ' ', $first_half ); $last_name = implode( ' ', $second_half ); } // Update the user wp_update_user( array( 'ID' => $new_user_id, 'first_name' => $first_name, 'last_name' => $last_name, ) ); } } } // Fallback method: existing user // OR creating a user failed if ( $new_user_id === NULL ) { $new_user_id = $fallback_user; WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Falling back to existing user', $new_user_id, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } $user = $new_user_id; } } } WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Post author determined', $user, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); // Get WordPress' GMT offset in hours, and PHP's timezone $wp_tz = function_exists('wprss_get_timezone_string') ? wprss_get_timezone_string() : get_option( 'timezone_string ' ); $php_tz = date_default_timezone_get(); // Set Timezone to WordPress' date_default_timezone_set( $wp_tz ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Default timezone temporarily changed', $wp_tz, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // Prepare the rest of the post data $date_timestamp = ( $options['post_date'] === 'original' && ( $date_timestamp = $item->get_date( 'U' ) ) ) ? $date_timestamp : date( 'U' ); // Fall back to current date if explicitly configured, or no date // Prepare post dates $post_date = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_timestamp ); $post_date_gmt = gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $date_timestamp ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Post timestamp determined', $date_timestamp, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // Reset Timezone to PHP's date_default_timezone_set( $php_tz ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Default timezone restored', $php_tz, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // Prepare the post tags $tags_str = WPRSS_FTP_Meta::get_instance()->get_meta( $source, 'post_tags' ); $tags = array_map( 'trim', explode( ',', $tags_str ) ); if( count( $tags ) ) WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Tags will be added', $tags_str, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); /*============================================== * 2) APPLY FILTERS TO POST FIELDS */ WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying filters to post fields...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_title filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_title = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_title', $item->get_title(), $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_content filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_content = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_content', $item->get_content(), $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_status filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_status = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_status', $options['post_status'], $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_comments filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_comments = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_comments', $options['comment_status'], $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_type filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_type = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_type', $options['post_type'], $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_format filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_format = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_format', $options['post_format'], $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_terms filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_terms = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_terms', $options['post_terms'], $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_taxonomy filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_taxonomy = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_taxonomy', $options['post_taxonomy'], $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying permalink filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $permalink = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_permalink', $permalink, $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_author filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_author = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_author', $user, $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_date filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_date = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_date', $post_date, $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_date_gmt filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_date_gmt = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_date_gmt', $post_date_gmt, $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_tags filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_tags = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_tags', $tags, $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_language filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_language = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_language', $options['post_language'], $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Applying post_site filter...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_site = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_post_site', $options['post_site'], $source ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Filters applied', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post_comments = ( WPRSS_FTP_Utils::multiboolean( $post_comments ) === TRUE )? 'open' : 'close'; WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Comments status determined', $post_comments, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); /*============================================== * 3) CREATE THE POST */ // Initialize the excerpt to an empty string $post_excerpt = ''; // Prepare the post data WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Begin creating post...', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $post = array( 'post_title' => $post_title, 'post_content' => $post_content, 'post_excerpt' => $post_excerpt, 'post_date' => $post_date, 'post_date_gmt' => $post_date_gmt, 'post_status' => $post_status, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'post_author' => $post_author, 'tags_input' => implode( ', ' , $post_tags ), 'comment_status' => $post_comments ); /** * Filter the post args. * @var array $post Array containing the post fields * @var WP_Post $source An post that represents the feed source * @var SimplePie_Item $item The feed item currently being processed */ $post = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_post_args', $post, $source, $item ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Post args filters applied', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); /*============================================== * 4) INSERT THE POST */ if ( defined( 'ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION' ) ) @include_once( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/sitepress-multilingual-cms/inc/wpml-api.php' ); if ( defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ) { $_POST['icl_post_language'] = $language_code = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE; WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'WPMP Detected. Language determined.', $language_code, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); } // check for multisite option - and switch blogs if necessaray $switch_success = FALSE; if ( WPRSS_FTP_Utils::is_multisite() && $post_site !== '' ) { global $switched; if( $switch_success = switch_to_blog( $post_site ) ) WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Switched blog.', $post_site, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); else WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Could not switch to blog.', $post_site, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE ); } // Check if embedded content is allowed $allow_embedded_content = WPRSS_FTP_Meta::get_instance()->get_meta( $source, 'allow_embedded_content' ); // If embedded content is allowed, remove KSES filtering if ( WPRSS_FTP_Utils::multiboolean( $allow_embedded_content ) === TRUE ) { kses_remove_filters(); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Embedded content allowed', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); } // Insert the post $inserted_id = wp_insert_post( $post ); // If embedded content is allowed, re-add KSES filtering if ( WPRSS_FTP_Utils::multiboolean( $allow_embedded_content ) === TRUE ) { kses_init_filters(); } if ( !is_wp_error( $inserted_id ) ) { if ( is_object( $inserted_id ) ) { if ( isset( $inserted_id['ID'] ) ) { $inserted_id = $inserted_id['ID']; } elseif ( isset( $inserted_id->ID ) ) { $inserted_id = $inserted_id->ID; } } WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Post created', $inserted_id, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); if ( $user === NULL ) WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Failed to determine a user for post #$inserted_id', $error_source, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING ); // Update the post format set_post_format( $inserted_id, $post_format ); if ( function_exists( 'wpml_update_translatable_content' ) ) { if ( $post_language === '' || $post_language === NULL ) { $post_language = ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE; } // Might be needed by WPML? $_POST['icl_post_language '] = $post_language; // Update the translation for the created post wpml_add_translatable_content( 'post_' . $post_type, $inserted_id, $post_language ); wpml_update_translatable_content( 'post_' . $post_type, $inserted_id, $post_language ); icl_cache_clear($post_type.'s_per_language'); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Post translated', $post_language, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); } /*============================================== * 5) ADD THE POST META DATA */ WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Adding post meta', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); $thumbnail = ''; $enclosure_image = ''; if ( $enclosure = $item->get_enclosure() ) { $thumbnail = $enclosure->get_thumbnail(); $enclosure_image = $enclosure->get_link(); $enclosure_player = $enclosure->get_player(); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Item has enclosure', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); } // Prepare the post meta, and pass though the wprss_ftp_post_meta filter. // Note: Prepend '!' to ignore the 'wprss_ftp_' prefix $post_meta_data = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_post_meta', array( '!wprss_item_permalink' => $permalink, 'feed_source' => $source, 'media:thumbnail' => $thumbnail, 'enclosure:thumbnail' => $enclosure_image, 'enclosure_link' => $enclosure_image, // Included twice for code readablity 'enclosure_player' => $enclosure_player, 'import_date' => time(), '!wprss_item_date' => $date_timestamp, // Required by core '!wprss_feed_id' => $source, ), $inserted_id, $source, $item ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Post meta filters applied', $inserted_id, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // Insert the post meta WPRSS_FTP_Meta::get_instance()->add_meta( $inserted_id, $post_meta_data ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Post meta added', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); /*============================================== * 6) ADD THE TAXONOMY TERMS * $all_post_terms = ( !is_array( $post_terms ) )? array() : $post_terms; // Check if the source auto creates taxonomy terms $auto_create_terms = WPRSS_FTP_Meta::get_instance()->get_meta( $source, 'post_auto_tax_terms' ); // If yes ... if ( WPRSS_FTP_Utils::multiboolean( $auto_create_terms ) === TRUE ) { // Get the feed categories $categories = $item->get_categories(); if ( is_array( $categories ) && count( $categories ) > 0 ) { // For each category in the feed item // Turn the categories into an array $new_categories = array(); foreach( $categories as $cat ) { $new_categories[] = array( 'name' => $cat->get_label(), 'args' => array(), ); } // Filter the categories $categories = apply_filters( 'wprss_auto_create_terms', $new_categories, $post_taxonomy, $source ); foreach ( $categories as $category_obj ) { $category = $category_obj['name']; // Find the term that matches that category $cat_term = term_exists( $category , $post_taxonomy ); // If the term does not exist create it if ( $cat_term === 0 || $cat_term === NULL ) { // check if parent field exists, and turn the slug into an id if ( isset( $category_obj['args']['parent'] ) ) { // Get the slug, and find the term by the slug $parent_slug = $category_obj['args']['parent']; $parent_term = get_term_by( 'slug', $parent_slug, $post_taxonomy, 'ARRAY_A' ); // If term not found, removed the parent arg if ( $parent_term === FALSE ) { unset( $category_obj['args']['parent'] ); } // Otherwise, change the slug to the id else $category_obj['args']['parent'] = intval( $parent_term['term_id'] ); } // Insert the term $cat_term = wp_insert_term( $category, $post_taxonomy, $category_obj['args'] ); delete_option($post_taxonomy."_children"); // clear the cache } $term_id = $cat_term['term_id']; $term_obj = get_term_by( 'id', $term_id, $post_taxonomy, 'ARRAY_A' ); if ( $term_obj !== FALSE && $term_obj !== NULL ) { if ( !is_array($all_post_terms) ) { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'The $all_post_terms variable is not an array:', $all_post_terms, $error_source ); } else { // Add it to the list of terms to add $all_post_terms[] = $term_obj['slug']; } } } } } $wp_categories_return = wp_set_object_terms( $inserted_id, $all_post_terms, $post_taxonomy, FALSE ); if ( !is_array( $wp_categories_return ) ) { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( "Possible error while inserting taxonomy terms for post #$inserted_id:", $all_post_terms ); } */ wprss_ftp_add_taxonomies_to_post( $inserted_id, $source, $item ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Added taxonomies', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); /*============================================== * 8) CUSTOM FIELD MAPPING */ WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Mapping custom fields', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); // Get the namespaces $cfm_namespaces = WPRSS_FTP_Meta::get_instance()->get_meta( $source, 'rss_namespaces' ); $cfm_namespaces = ( $cfm_namespaces === '' )? array() : $cfm_namespaces; // Get the tags $cfm_tags = WPRSS_FTP_Meta::get_instance()->get_meta( $source, 'rss_tags' ); $cfm_tags = ( $cfm_tags === '' )? array() : $cfm_tags; // Get the custom fields $cfm_fields = WPRSS_FTP_Meta::get_instance()->get_meta( $source, 'custom_fields' ); $cfm_fields = ( $cfm_fields === '' )? array() : $cfm_fields; // For each custom field mapping for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $cfm_namespaces ); $i++ ) { // Get the URL of the namespace $namespace_url = WPRSS_FTP_Settings::get_namespace_url( $cfm_namespaces[$i] ); // If the namespace url is NULL (namespace no longer exists in the settings), skip to next mapping if ( $namespace_url === NULL ) continue; // Match the syntax "tagname[attrib]" in the tag name preg_match('/([^\[]+) (\[ ([^\]]+) \])?/x', $cfm_tags[$i], $m); // If no matches, stop. Tag name is not correct. Possibly empty if ( !is_array($m) || count($m) < 2 ) continue; // Get the tag and attribute from the matches $tag_name = $m[1]; $attrib = ( isset( $m[3] ) )? $m[3] : NULL; // Get the tag from the feed item $item_tags = $item->get_item_tags( $namespace_url, $tag_name ); // Check if the tag exists. If not, skip to next mapping if ( !isset( $item_tags[0] ) ) continue; // Get the first tag found, and get its data contents $item_tag = $item_tags[0]; $attribs = $item_tag['attribs']['']; // If not using an attribute, simply get the text data if ( $attrib === NULL ) { $data = $item_tag['data']; } // Otherwise, check if the attribute exists elseif ( isset( $attribs[ $attrib ] ) ) { $data = $attribs[ $attrib ]; } // Otherwise do nothing else { continue; } // Put the data in the inserted post's meta, using the custom field as the meta key update_post_meta( $inserted_id, $cfm_fields[$i], $data ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Post meta updated', $i+1 . '/' . count($cfm_namespaces), __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Custom fields mapped', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); $post = get_post( $inserted_id ); if ( $post === NULL || $post === FALSE ) { $title = $item->get_title(); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( "An error occurred while converting a feed item into a post \"$title\". Kindly report this error to support@wprssaggregator.com" ); } else { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Post created', $inserted_id, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); do_action( 'wprss_ftp_converter_inserted_post', $inserted_id, $source ); self::trim_words_for_post( $inserted_id, $source ); } } else { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Failed to insert post. $inserted_id = ' . $inserted_id, $error_source ); } // If multisite and blog was switched, switch back to current blog if ( WPRSS_FTP_Utils::is_multisite() && $switch_success === TRUE ) { restore_current_blog(); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Blog restored', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( 'Conversion complete', __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO ); // Filter the return value $return = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_converter_return_post_'.$inserted_id, TRUE ); // If the return is still TRUE, ensure that the post that was created was not deleted if ( $return === TRUE ) { $post = get_post( $inserted_id ); $return = ( $post !== NULL && $post !== FALSE ); } // Log return value if anything other than TRUE else { wprss_log( 'Recieved "'.$return.'" as a return value for post #'.$inserted_id, NULL, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } return $return; }
/** * Determines the featured image for the imported post. * * This is ran after images have been downloaded, and remote URLS have * been replaced with local ones, if necessary. * * @since 2.7.4 * @param int $post_ID The ID of the post that is being imported. * @param int $source The ID of the feed source, which is importing the post * @param array $images A numeric array, where each value is the local URL of an image in post content. */ public function determine_featured_image_for_post( $post_ID, $source, $images ) { wprss_log_obj( 'Beginning featured image selection for post:', $post_ID, NULL, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // Get the post form the ID $post = get_post( $post_ID ); // If the post is null, return null. if ( $post === NULL ) { wprss_log( 'Received incorrect or NULL post ID.', NULL, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR ); // Trigger action for no featured image determined for this post do_action( 'wprss_ftp_no_featured_image', $post_ID, $source ); return null; } // Get the post content $content = $post->post_content; // Get the computed settings for the feed source $options = WPRSS_FTP_Settings::get_instance()->get_computed_options( $source ); // If the featured image option is disabled, do NOT continue. if ( WPRSS_FTP_Utils::multiboolean( $options['use_featured_image'] ) === FALSE ) { wprss_log( "Feed source for this post has featured images disabled. Stopping ...", NULL, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // Trigger action for no featured image determined for this post do_action( 'wprss_ftp_no_featured_image', $post_ID, $source ); return null; } // Start by trimming whitespace from image URLs $images = array_map( 'trim', $images ); // The URL of the determined featured image $featured_image_url = NULL; // Get the minimum image size settings $min_width = $options['image_min_width']; $min_height = $options['image_min_height']; // DETERMINED FEATURED IMAGE $featured_image = NULL; // WHETHER OR NOT USING THE FALLBACK IMAGE (used to skip most of the image processing in the function) $using_fallback = FALSE; wprss_log( 'Featured image option: `'.$options['featured_image'].'`', NULL, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // Check which featured image option is being used switch ( $options['featured_image'] ) { default: // FIRST/LAST image in post content case 'first': case 'last': // If using the Last Image option, reverse the images array if ( $options['featured_image'] === 'last' ) $images = array_reverse( $images, true ); wprss_log( "Iterating images in post.", NULL, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // Iterate through all the images foreach( $images as $_old => $_image ) { // The the image URL is empty, or it does not obey the minimum size constraint, jump to next image if ( empty( $images[ $_old ] ) || !$this->image_obeys_minimum_size( $_old, $min_width, $min_height ) ) continue; // Attempt to use this iamge as featured imafe $ft_image_found = $_image; $featured_image = $_image; wprss_log_obj( "Found good image:", $featured_image, NULL, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // Check if the image URL is local if ( !wprss_ftp_is_url_local( $featured_image ) ) { wprss_log( "Not found in gallery. Downloading ...", NULL, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); // If not, download it and attach it to the post $featured_image = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_featured_image_url', $featured_image, $post_ID, $source, $options['featured_image'] ); $featured_image = wprss_ftp_media_sideload_image( $featured_image, $post_ID, TRUE ); } // If it is local, simply attach it to the post else { wprss_log( "Found in gallery. Attaching to post ...", NULL, WPRSS_LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $featured_image = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_featured_image_url', $featured_image, $post_ID, $source, $options['featured_image'] ); self::set_featured_image( $post_ID, $featured_image, TRUE ); } // If no error was encountered, exit the loop // If an error was encountered, the next image will be tested. if ( !is_wp_error( $featured_image ) ) break; } // Indicate that NO image was used as featured image if ( is_wp_error( $featured_image ) ) { $featured_image = NULL; WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Could not determine featured image from first/last', $featured_image->get_error_message(), __METHOD__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); } break; // END OF FIRST / LAST IMAGE CASE // FEED <MEDIA:THUMBNAIL> IMAGE / <ENCLOSURE> TAG case 'thumb': case 'enclosure': // Prepare the tag in which to look for the image $tag = ( $options['featured_image'] == 'thumb' )? 'media:thumbnail' : 'enclosure:thumbnail'; $orig_tag = $tag; $tag = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_featured_image_meta_key', $tag, $post_ID, $source, $options['featured_image'] ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Custom field used for featured image', $tag, null, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); /* Get the media thumbnail from post meta ( converter class places the tag contents in post meta ). * If the original meta key was modified by the `wprss_ftp_featured_image_meta_key` filter, * no prefix is applied to the meta key. */ $thumbnail = trim( WPRSS_FTP_Meta::get_instance()->get_meta( $post_ID, $tag, ($use_prefix = $tag === $orig_tag) ) ); // Check if the thumbnail is large enough to accept if ( $this->image_obeys_minimum_size( $thumbnail, $min_width, $min_height ) === TRUE ) { // Download this image, attach it to the post and use it as the featured image $thumbnail = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_featured_image_url', $thumbnail, $post_ID, $source, $options['featured_image'] ); $featured_image = wprss_ftp_media_sideload_image( $thumbnail, $post_ID, TRUE ); // If an error was encountered, set the featured image to NULL if ( is_wp_error( $featured_image ) ) { WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( 'Could not determine featured image from thumb/emclosure', $featured_image->get_error_message(), __METHOD__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_SYSTEM ); $featured_image = NULL; } } break; // END OF MEDIA:THUMBNAIL / ENCLOSURE CASE // FALLBACK FEATURED IMAGE case 'fallback': // Get the fallback featured image $fallback_image = get_post_thumbnail_id( $source ); // Check if the fallback featured image is set if ( !empty( $fallback_image ) ) { // If it is set, use it as featured image for the imported post self::set_featured_image( $post_ID, $fallback_image ); // Indicate that the fallback was used $using_fallback = TRUE; } break; } // End of switch // If the fallback image was used, then we are done. if ( ! $using_fallback ) { // If a featured image was determined if ( $featured_image !== NULL && !is_wp_error( $featured_image ) ) { // Check for filter to remove featured image from post $remove_ft_image = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_remove_ft_image_from_content', FALSE ); // We remove the ft image, if the filter returns TRUE, or if it returns an array and the post source is in the array. $remove = $remove_ft_image === TRUE || ( is_array( $remove_ft_image ) && in_array( $source, $remove_ft_image ) ); // If removing and the ft image is in the content (not media:thumbnail) // (Determined either by legacy filter or meta option) if ( $remove || WPRSS_FTP_Utils::multiboolean( $options['remove_ft_image'] ) === TRUE ) { $img_to_remove = $featured_image; if ( $options['featured_image'] === 'first' || $options['featured_image'] === 'last' ) { $img_to_remove = $ft_image_found; } // Prepare the img tag regex $d = '|'; // In case the image tag contains the pipe somewhere, it needs to be escaped too $tag_search = '<img.*?src=[\'"]' . preg_quote( esc_attr( $img_to_remove ), $d ) . '[\'"].*?>'; // Replace the tag with an empty string, and get the new content $new_content = preg_replace( $d . $tag_search . $d . 'i', '', $content, apply_filters('wprss_ftp_remove_ft_image_limit', 1) ); WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log_object( sprintf('Featured image %1$sremoved from content', $new_content === $content ? 'not ' : ''), $img_to_remove, __FUNCTION__, WPRSS_FTP_Utils::LOG_LEVEL_INFO); // Update the post content WPRSS_FTP_Utils::update_post_content( $post_ID, $new_content ); } } // However, // If NO featued image was determined else { $featured_image = NULL; // Get the user filter for using the feed image $user_filter = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_feed_image_fallback', FALSE, $post_ID, $source, $images ); $user_filter_enabled = $user_filter === TRUE || ( is_array( $user_filter ) && in_array( $source, $user_filter ) ); // Check if the core supports getting the feed image and if the user filter is enabled if ( function_exists( 'wprss_get_feed_image' ) && $user_filter_enabled ) { // Get the url of the feed image $feed_image = wprss_get_feed_image( $source ); // Attempt to download it and attach it to the post $feed_image = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_featured_image_url', $feed_image, $post_ID, $source, $options['featured_image'] ); $featured_image = wprss_ftp_media_sideload_image( $feed_image, $post_ID, TRUE ); // If an error was encountered, indicate it by setting the featured image to NULL if ( is_wp_error( $featured_image ) || $featured_image === NULL ) { $featured_image = NULL; } } // If the feed image did not work, resort to using the fallback, if set if ( $featured_image == NULL ) { // Get the fallback image $fallback_image = get_post_thumbnail_id( $source ); // If it is set, use it as the featured image for the post if ( !empty( $fallback_image ) ) { self::set_featured_image( $post_ID, $fallback_image ); } else { // Trigger action for no featured image determined for this post do_action( 'wprss_ftp_no_featured_image', $post_ID, $source ); } } } } do_action( 'wprss_ftp_determined_featured_image', $post_ID, $source ); }