コード例 #1
	 * Returns the default settings.
	 * @return array An associative array of key => value setting pairs.
	 * @since 1.0
	public function get_defaults() {
		$wp_comment_status = get_option( 'default_comment_status', 'open' );
		return apply_filters('wprss_ftp_default_settings', array(
			'post_site'					=>	'',						# The post site in which to import posts
			'post_type'					=>	'post',					# The Post type to use
			'post_status'				=>	'draft',				# The status to assign to imported posts
			'post_format'				=>	'standard',				# The format to assign to imported posts
			'post_date'					=>	'original',				# The post's publish date
			'comment_status'			=>	$wp_comment_status,		# The post's comment status
			'source_link'				=>	'false',				# Whether or not to link back to the original post
			'source_link_singular'		=>  'false',				# Whether or not to only show the source link on singular posts
			'source_link_text'			=>	'This *post* was originally published on **this site**',
			'force_full_content'		=>	'false',				# The flag that determines whether or not get forcefully retrieval the full feed content.
			'post_word_limit'			=>	'',						# The default word limit for post content. Empty value disables the limit
			'canonical_link'			=>	'false',				# The default value for wether or not to include a rel="canonical" link in the page head for imported posts

			'word_limit_enabled'		=>	'general',				# 'true' | 'false' | 'general'. Falls back to 'general'.
			'word_limit'				=>	'0',					# The word limit. 0 for disabled.
			'trimming_type'				=>	'db',					# The trimming type. 'db' or 'excerpt'. Falls back to 'db'.

			'def_author'				=>	'',						# The default author to use for imported posts
			'author_fallback_method'	=>	'existing',				# The method to use when the feed author is not found
			'fallback_author'			=>	WPRSS_FTP_Utils::get_admin( 'user_login' ), # The author to fall back upon when 'using existing'
			'no_author_found'			=>	'fallback',				# The action to take when no author is found. Either 'fallback' or 'skip'

			'post_taxonomy'				=>	'category',				# The default post taxonomy
			'post_terms'				=>	array(),				# The default post taxonomy terms
			'post_auto_tax_terms'		=>	FALSE, 					# The default setting for whether or not to auto create tax terms for feed categories
			'post_tags'					=>	'',						# The default tags to attach to posts

			'use_featured_image'		=>	'true',					# Whether or not to use featured images
			'featured_image'			=>	'first',				# Which image to use as a featured image. 'first', 'last' or 'thumb'
			'fallback_to_feed_image'	=>	'true',					# Whether or not to fallback to the image provided by the feed
			'remove_ft_image'			=>	'false',				# Whether or not to remove the chosen featured image from post content
			'must_have_ft_image'		=>	'false',				# Whether or not posts must have a featured image to be imported
			'image_min_width'			=>	'80',					# The minimum width of images to import
			'image_min_height'			=>	'80',					# The minimum height of images to import
			'save_images_locally'		=>	'true',					# If true, images are saved locally in the media. If false, they are linked from the source.

			'post_language'				=>	'en',					# The post language - only applies if WPML is active

			'post_prepend'				=>	'',						# The default text to prepend to posts
			'post_append'				=>	'',						# The default text to append to posts

			'extraction_rules'			=>	array(),				# The CSS selectors for the elements to remove from post content
			'extraction_rules_types'	=>	array(),				# The manipulation types for each extraction rule

			'affiliate_link'			=>	'false',				# The affiliate link suffix to add
			'allow_embedded_content'	=>	'false',				# Allowing of embedded content in posts

			'full_text_rss_service'		=>	'free',					# Full text RSS service type. 'free' or 'feeds_api'
			'feeds_api_key'				=>	'',						# The user's FeedsAPI key

			'user_feed_namespaces'		=>	array(					# The feed namespaces added by the user.
				'names'	=>	array(),
				'urls'	=>	array()
			'custom_fields'				=>	array(),				# The custom field mappings default value
			//'allow_local_requests'		=>	'false',				# Allowing requests to URLs, which would normally be blocked by wp_http_validate_url()
			'legacy_enabled'			=>	'false',					# Allows the use of wprss_feed_item when set to TRUE
			'taxonomies'				=>	''