コード例 #1
ファイル: sharedviews.json.php プロジェクト: rboyatt/mahara
$configdata = $bi->get('configdata');
if (!isset($configdata['showsharedviews'])) {
    $configdata['showsharedviews'] = 1;
$limit = isset($configdata['count']) ? intval($configdata['count']) : 5;
$limit = $limit > 0 ? $limit : 5;
// Find out what order to sort them by (default is titles)
if (!isset($configdata['sortsharedviewsby']) || $configdata['sortsharedviewsby'] == PluginBlocktypeGroupViews::SORTBY_TITLE) {
    $sortsharedviewsby = 'v.title';
} else {
    $sortsharedviewsby = 'v.mtime DESC';
// For group members, display a list of views that others have
// shared to the group
if (empty($configdata['showsharedviews'])) {
    $sharedviews = array('data' => array(), 'count' => 0, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => 0);
} else {
    $sharedviews = (array) View::get_sharedviews_data($limit, $offset, $groupid, $configdata['showsharedviews'] == 2 ? false : true, $sortsharedviewsby);
    foreach ($sharedviews['data'] as &$view) {
        if (!$editing && isset($view['template']) && $view['template']) {
            $view['form'] = pieform(create_view_form($group, null, $view->id));
if (!empty($configdata['showsharedviews'])) {
    $baseurl = $group_homepage_view->get_url();
    $baseurl .= (strpos($baseurl, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . 'group=' . $groupid . '&editing=' . $editing;
    $pagination = array('baseurl' => $baseurl, 'id' => 'sharedviews_pagination', 'datatable' => 'sharedviewlist', 'jsonscript' => 'blocktype/groupviews/sharedviews.json.php', 'resultcounttextsingular' => get_string('view', 'view'), 'resultcounttextplural' => get_string('views', 'view'));
    PluginBlocktypeGroupViews::render_items($sharedviews, 'blocktype:groupviews:sharedviews.tpl', $configdata, $pagination);
json_reply(false, array('data' => $sharedviews));
コード例 #2
 protected static function get_data($groupid, $editing = false)
     global $USER;
     if (!defined('GROUP')) {
         define('GROUP', $groupid);
     // get the currently requested group
     $group = group_current_group();
     $role = group_user_access($group->id);
     if ($role) {
         $bi = group_get_homepage_view_groupview_block($group->id);
         $configdata = $bi->get('configdata');
         $limit = isset($configdata['count']) ? intval($configdata['count']) : 5;
         $limit = $limit > 0 ? $limit : 5;
         // Get all views created in the group
         $sort = array(array('column' => 'type=\'grouphomepage\'', 'desc' => true));
         $data['groupviews'] = View::view_search(null, null, (object) array('group' => $group->id), null, $limit, 0, true, $sort);
         foreach ($data['groupviews']->data as &$view) {
             if (!$editing && isset($view['template']) && $view['template']) {
                 $view['form'] = pieform(create_view_form(null, null, $view['id']));
         // For group members, display a list of views that others have
         // shared to the group
         $data['sharedviews'] = View::get_sharedviews_data($limit, 0, $group->id);
         foreach ($data['sharedviews']->data as &$view) {
             if (!$editing && isset($view['template']) && $view['template']) {
                 $view['form'] = pieform(create_view_form($group, null, $view->id));
         $data['sharedcollections'] = View::get_sharedcollections_data($limit, 0, $group->id);
         if (group_user_can_assess_submitted_views($group->id, $USER->get('id'))) {
             // Display a list of views submitted to the group
             list($collections, $views) = View::get_views_and_collections(null, null, null, null, false, $group->id);
             $allsubmitted = array_merge(array_values($collections), array_values($views));
             $data['allsubmitted'] = array('data' => array_slice($allsubmitted, 0, $limit), 'count' => count($allsubmitted), 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => 0);
     if ($group->submittableto) {
         require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php';
         // A user can submit more than one view to the same group, but no view can be
         // submitted to more than one group.
         // Display a list of views this user has submitted to this group, and a submission
         // form containing drop-down of their unsubmitted views.
         list($collections, $views) = View::get_views_and_collections($USER->get('id'), null, null, null, false, $group->id);
         $data['mysubmitted'] = array_merge(array_values($collections), array_values($views));
         // Only render the submission form in viewing mode
         if (!$editing) {
             $data['group_view_submission_form'] = group_view_submission_form($group->id);
     $data['group'] = $group;
     return $data;
コード例 #3
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: Br3nda/mahara
            INNER JOIN {interaction_forum_post} pt ON (pt.topic = p.topic AND pt.parent IS NULL)
            i.group = ?
            AND i.deleted = 0
            AND t.deleted = 0
            AND p.deleted = 0
        ORDER BY
            p.ctime DESC
        LIMIT 5;
        ', array($group->id));
$smarty = smarty();
$smarty->assign('group', $group);
$smarty->assign('groupid', $group->id);
$smarty->assign('foruminfo', $foruminfo);
$smarty->assign('membercount', count_records('group_member', 'group', $group->id));
$smarty->assign('viewcount', count_records('view', 'group', $group->id));
$smarty->assign('filecount', $filecounts->files);
$smarty->assign('foldercount', $filecounts->folders);
if ($role) {
    // For group members, display a list of views that others have
    // shared to the group
    $viewdata = View::get_sharedviews_data(null, 0, $group->id);
    $smarty->assign('sharedviews', $viewdata->data);
    if (group_user_can_assess_submitted_views($group->id, $USER->get('id'))) {
        // Display a list of views submitted to the group
        $smarty->assign('submittedviews', View::get_submitted_views($group->id));
$smarty->assign('role', $role);
コード例 #4
ファイル: lib.php プロジェクト: kienv/mahara
 protected static function get_data($groupid, $editing = false)
     global $USER;
     if (!defined('GROUP')) {
         define('GROUP', $groupid);
     // get the currently requested group
     $group = group_current_group();
     $role = group_user_access($group->id);
     $bi = group_get_homepage_view_groupview_block($group->id);
     $configdata = $bi->get('configdata');
     if (!isset($configdata['sortsubmittedby']) || $configdata['sortsubmittedby'] == PluginBlocktypeGroupViews::SORTBY_TITLE) {
         $sortsubmittedby = 'c.name, v.title';
     } else {
         $sortsubmittedby = 'c.submittedtime DESC, v.submittedtime DESC';
     if ($role) {
         $limit = isset($configdata['count']) ? intval($configdata['count']) : 5;
         $limit = $limit > 0 ? $limit : 5;
         // Get all views created in the group
         // Sortorder: Group homepage should be first, then sort by sortorder
         $sort = array(array('column' => "type='grouphomepage'", 'desc' => true));
         // Find out what order to sort them by (default is titles)
         if (!isset($configdata['sortgroupviewsby']) || $configdata['sortgroupviewsby'] == PluginBlocktypeGroupViews::SORTBY_TITLE) {
             $sort[] = array('column' => 'title');
         } else {
             $sort[] = array('column' => 'mtime', 'desc' => true);
         $data['groupviews'] = View::view_search(null, null, (object) array('group' => $group->id), null, $limit, 0, true, $sort);
         foreach ($data['groupviews']->data as &$view) {
             if (!$editing && isset($view['template']) && $view['template']) {
                 $view['form'] = pieform(create_view_form(null, null, $view['id']));
         // Find out what order to sort them by (default is titles)
         if (!isset($configdata['sortsharedviewsby']) || $configdata['sortsharedviewsby'] == PluginBlocktypeGroupViews::SORTBY_TITLE) {
             $sortsharedviewsby = 'v.title';
             $sortsharedcollectionsby = array(array('column' => 'c.name'));
         } else {
             $sortsharedviewsby = 'v.mtime DESC';
             $sortsharedcollectionsby = array(array('column' => 'GREATEST(c.mtime, (SELECT MAX(v.mtime) FROM {view} v INNER JOIN {collection_view} cv ON v.id=cv.view WHERE cv.collection=c.id))', 'desc' => true));
         // For group members, display a list of views that others have
         // shared to the group
         if (empty($configdata['showsharedviews'])) {
             $data['sharedviews'] = (object) array('data' => array(), 'count' => 0, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => 0);
         } else {
             $data['sharedviews'] = View::get_sharedviews_data($limit, 0, $group->id, $configdata['showsharedviews'] == 2 ? false : true, $sortsharedviewsby);
             foreach ($data['sharedviews']->data as &$view) {
                 if (!$editing && isset($view['template']) && $view['template']) {
                     $view['form'] = pieform(create_view_form($group, null, $view->id));
         if (empty($configdata['showsharedcollections'])) {
             $data['sharedcollections'] = (object) array('data' => array(), 'count' => 0, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => 0);
         } else {
             $data['sharedcollections'] = View::get_sharedcollections_data($limit, 0, $group->id, $configdata['showsharedcollections'] == 2 ? false : true, $sortsharedcollectionsby);
         if (group_user_can_assess_submitted_views($group->id, $USER->get('id'))) {
             // Display a list of views submitted to the group
             list($collections, $views) = View::get_views_and_collections(null, null, null, null, false, $group->id, $sortsubmittedby);
             $allsubmitted = array_merge(array_values($collections), array_values($views));
             $data['allsubmitted'] = array('data' => array_slice($allsubmitted, 0, $limit), 'count' => count($allsubmitted), 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => 0);
     if ($group->submittableto) {
         require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php';
         // A user can submit more than one view to the same group, but no view can be
         // submitted to more than one group.
         // Display a list of views this user has submitted to this group, and a submission
         // form containing drop-down of their unsubmitted views.
         list($collections, $views) = View::get_views_and_collections($USER->get('id'), null, null, null, false, $group->id, $sortsubmittedby);
         $data['mysubmitted'] = array_merge(array_values($collections), array_values($views));
         // Only render the submission form in viewing mode
         if (!$editing) {
             $data['group_view_submission_form'] = group_view_submission_form($group->id);
     $data['group'] = $group;
     return $data;
コード例 #5
define('TITLE', get_string('report', 'group'));
define('MENUITEM', 'groups/report');
define('GROUP', param_integer('group'));
$wwwroot = get_config('wwwroot');
$needsubdomain = get_config('cleanurlusersubdomains');
$setlimit = true;
$limit = param_integer('limit', 10);
$offset = param_integer('offset', 0);
$sort = param_variable('sort', 'title');
$direction = param_variable('direction', 'asc');
$group = group_current_group();
$role = group_user_access($group->id);
if (!group_role_can_access_report($group, $role)) {
    throw new AccessDeniedException();
$sharedviews = View::get_sharedviews_data(0, null, $group->id);
$sharedviewscount = $sharedviews->count;
$sharedviews = $sharedviews->data;
foreach ($sharedviews as &$data) {
    if (isset($data['group'])) {
        $data['groupname'] = get_field('group', 'name', 'id', $data['group']);
    $view = new View($data['id']);
    $comments = ArtefactTypeComment::get_comments(0, 0, null, $view);
    $extcommenters = 0;
    $membercommenters = 0;
    $extcomments = 0;
    $membercomments = 0;
    $commenters = array();
    foreach ($comments->data as $c) {
        if (empty($c->author)) {
コード例 #6
 protected static function get_data($groupid)
     global $USER;
     if (!defined('GROUP')) {
         define('GROUP', $groupid);
     // get the currently requested group
     $group = group_current_group();
     $role = group_user_access($group->id);
     if ($role) {
         // For group members, display a list of views that others have
         // shared to the group
         $data['sharedviews'] = View::get_sharedviews_data(null, 0, $group->id);
         if (group_user_can_assess_submitted_views($group->id, $USER->get('id'))) {
             // Display a list of views submitted to the group
             $data['allsubmittedviews'] = View::get_submitted_views($group->id);
     if (group_allows_submission($group->grouptype) && ($userviewdata = View::get_user_views())) {
         // A user can submit more than one view to the same group, but no view can be
         // submitted to more than one group.
         // Display a list of views this user has submitted to this group, and a submission
         // form containing drop-down of their unsubmitted views.
         $data['mysubmittedviews'] = View::get_submitted_views($group->id, $USER->get('id'));
         if (!empty($data['mysubmittedviews'])) {
             foreach ($data['mysubmittedviews'] as &$v) {
                 $url = get_config('wwwroot') . 'view/view.php?id=' . $v['id'];
                 if ($v['submittedtime']) {
                     $v['strsubmitted'] = get_string('youhavesubmittedon', 'view', $url, $v['title'], format_date($v['submittedtime']));
                 } else {
                     $v['strsubmitted'] = get_string('youhavesubmitted', 'view', $url, $v['title']);
         $data['group_view_submission_form'] = group_view_submission_form($group->id, $userviewdata);
     $data['group'] = $group;
     return $data;
コード例 #7
 /** Code copied from blocktype::groupviews **/
 public static function get_data($groupid, $offset = 0, $limit = 20)
     global $USER;
     $texttitletrim = 20;
     $items2 = null;
     if (!defined('GROUP')) {
         define('GROUP', $groupid);
     // get the currently requested group
     $group = group_current_group();
     $role = group_user_access($group->id);
     if ($role) {
         // For group members, display a list of views that others have shared to the group
         // Params for get_sharedviews_data is $limit=0,$offset=0, $groupid
         $data['sharedviews'] = View::get_sharedviews_data($limit, $offset, $group->id);
         foreach ($data['sharedviews']->data as &$view) {
         	if (isset($view['template']) && $view['template']) {
         		$view['form'] = pieform(create_view_form($group, null, $view->id));
         //the array that is returned from View::get_sharedviews_data($limit, $offset, $group->id)
         //contains a few other things but we just wanted to focus on sharedviews
         //the foreach below will loop through all views shared with the group
         foreach ($data['sharedviews'] as $aView) {
             if (is_array($aView)) {
                 //20140909 JW sort the array returned by View::get_sharedviews_data($limit, $offset, $group->id)
                 //by ctime, this requires the query within get_sharedviews_data to have ctime in its select string
                 $aView = self::array_msort($aView, array('ctime' => SORT_DESC));
                 //the foreach below will loop through all the properties for a view (returned by get_data method) and assigns them to the required variables
                 foreach ($aView as $aViewProperty) {
                     //get the view
                     $viewID = $aViewProperty['id'];
                     //the page shared
                     $fullurl = $aViewProperty['fullurl'];
                     //full url of the page shared
                     $viewTitle = str_shorten_text($aViewProperty['displaytitle'], $texttitletrim, true);
                     //view's title
                     //get the owner of the view
                     $viewOwnerName = $aViewProperty['user']->firstname . " " . $aViewProperty['user']->lastname;
                     //owner of the view's name
                     $userobj = new User();
                     $profileurl = profile_url($userobj);
                     //owner of the view's proflie page
                     $avatarurl = profile_icon_url($aViewProperty['user']->id, 50, 50);
                     //owner of the view's profile picture
                     //get the artefact id of an image in the view
                     $theView = new View($aViewProperty['id']);
                     //create the view
                     $artefactInView = $theView->get_artefact_metadata();
                     //get all artefacts in the view
                     foreach ($artefactInView as $anArtefact) {
                         //for each artefact
                         if ($anArtefact->artefacttype == 'image') {
                             $artefactID = $anArtefact->id;
                             //if it is an image artefact assign the id and break the loop
                         //20150331 JW added that if page contains a folder with images (galleries count as folders)
                         //it will pull an image from that folder and use it as the cover
                         if ($anArtefact->artefacttype == 'folder') {
                             $query = "SELECT id FROM {artefact} where parent = ? AND artefacttype = 'image'";
                             $imagesInAFolder = get_records_sql_array($query, array($anArtefact->id));
                             //only assign the id of an image if the folder contains at least 1 image
                             if (!empty($imagesInAFolder)) {
                                 $artefactID = $imagesInAFolder[0]->id;
                         //20140903 JW if there are no images on the page then set to artefactID to 0
                         //this way, when display each page, instead of a blank box it will show a place holder image
                         $artefactID = 0;
                     //the items variable below requires the contents array to be in this format
                     $contents['photos'][] = array("image" => array("id" => $artefactID, "view" => $viewID), "type" => "photo", "page" => array("url" => $fullurl, "title" => $viewTitle), "owner" => array("name" => $viewOwnerName, "profileurl" => $profileurl, "avatarurl" => $avatarurl));
         //20150723 JW added the if statement to check if $content is set, if not then skip
         if (isset($contents)) {
             $items2 = array('count' => $data['sharedviews']->count, 'data' => $contents, 'offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit);
     //$data['group'] = $group;
     return $items2;
コード例 #8
define('JSON', 1);
require dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/init.php';
safe_require('blocktype', 'groupviews');
require_once get_config('libroot') . 'view.php';
require_once get_config('libroot') . 'group.php';
$offset = param_integer('offset', 0);
$groupid = param_integer('group');
$group_homepage_view = group_get_homepage_view($groupid);
$bi = group_get_homepage_view_groupview_block($groupid);
if (!can_view_view($group_homepage_view)) {
    json_reply(true, get_string('accessdenied', 'error'));
$configdata = $bi->get('configdata');
if (!isset($configdata['showsharedviews'])) {
    $configdata['showsharedviews'] = 1;
$limit = isset($configdata['count']) ? intval($configdata['count']) : 5;
$limit = $limit > 0 ? $limit : 5;
$sharedviews = (array) View::get_sharedviews_data($limit, $offset, $groupid);
foreach ($sharedviews['data'] as &$view) {
    if (isset($view['template']) && $view['template']) {
        $view['form'] = pieform(create_view_form($group_homepage_view, null, $view->id));
if (!empty($configdata['showsharedviews']) && isset($sharedviews)) {
    $baseurl = $group_homepage_view->get_url();
    $baseurl .= (strpos($baseurl, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . 'group=' . $groupid;
    $pagination = array('baseurl' => $baseurl, 'id' => 'sharedviews_pagination', 'datatable' => 'sharedviewlist', 'jsonscript' => 'blocktype/groupviews/sharedviews.json.php', 'resultcounttextsingular' => get_string('view', 'view'), 'resultcounttextplural' => get_string('views', 'view'));
    PluginBlocktypeGroupViews::render_items($sharedviews, 'blocktype:groupviews:sharedviews.tpl', $configdata, $pagination);
json_reply(false, array('data' => $sharedviews));