コード例 #1
ファイル: JsTreeHelper.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
  * @param string $languageCode
  * @param int $parentId
  * @return array
 protected static function getList($languageCode, $parentId)
     $pages = ipDb()->selectAll('page', '*', array('parentId' => $parentId, 'isDeleted' => 0), 'ORDER BY `pageOrder`');
     $answer = array();
     //generate jsTree response array
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $pageData = array();
         $pageData['state'] = 'closed';
         $jsTreeId = 'page_' . $page['id'];
         if (!empty($_SESSION['Pages.nodeOpen'][$jsTreeId])) {
             $pageData['state'] = 'open';
         $children = self::getList($languageCode, $page['id']);
         if (count($children) === 0) {
             $pageData['children'] = false;
             $pageData['state'] = 'leaf';
         $pageData['children'] = $children;
         if ($page['isVisible']) {
             $icon = '';
         } else {
             $icon = ipFileUrl('Ip/Internal/Pages/assets/img/file_hidden.png');
         $pageData['li_attr'] = array('id' => $jsTreeId, 'rel' => 'page', 'languageId' => $languageCode, 'pageId' => $page['id']);
         $pageData['data'] = array('title' => $page['title'] . '', 'icon' => $icon);
         //transform null into empty string. Null break JStree into infinite loop
         $pageData['text'] = htmlspecialchars($page['title']);
         $answer[] = $pageData;
     return $answer;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Service.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 public function generateManagedImage($key, $defaultValue = null, $options = array(), $cssClass = null)
     $defaultPlaceholder = ipFileUrl('Ip/Internal/InlineManagement/assets/empty.gif');
     if (isset($options['languageId'])) {
         $languageId = $options['languageId'];
     } else {
         $languageId = ipContent()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();
     if (isset($options['pageId'])) {
         $pageId = $options['pageId'];
     } else {
         if (ipContent()->getCurrentPage()) {
             $pageId = ipContent()->getCurrentPage()->getId();
         } else {
             $pageId = null;
     // if default value is not defined, we'll add it
     if (empty($defaultValue)) {
         $defaultValue = $defaultPlaceholder;
     $imageStr = $this->dao->getValue(Dao::PREFIX_IMAGE, $key, $languageId, $pageId);
     $image = new Entity\Image($imageStr, $defaultValue);
     $data = array('value' => $image->getImage(), 'defaultValue' => $defaultValue, 'empty' => $image->getImage() == '' || $image->getImage() == $defaultPlaceholder, 'key' => $key, 'options' => $options, 'cssClass' => $cssClass);
     if (ipIsManagementState()) {
         $view = ipView('view/management/image.php', $data);
     } else {
         $view = ipView('view/display/image.php', $data);
     return $view->render();
コード例 #3
ファイル: Image.php プロジェクト: x33n/ImpressPages
  * @param array|string $data
  * @param null $defaultImage
 public function __construct($data, $defaultImage = null)
     if (is_string($data)) {
         $data = $this->parseStr($data);
     if (!empty($data['imageOrig']) && file_exists(ipFile('file/repository/' . $data['imageOrig']))) {
         $this->imageOrig = $data['imageOrig'];
         if (isset($data['x1']) && isset($data['y1']) && isset($data['x2']) && isset($data['y2'])) {
             $this->x1 = $data['x1'];
             $this->y1 = $data['y1'];
             $this->x2 = $data['x2'];
             $this->y2 = $data['y2'];
             if (empty($data['requiredWidth'])) {
                 $data['requiredWidth'] = $this->x2 - $this->x1;
             if (empty($data['requiredHeight'])) {
                 $data['requiredHeight'] = $this->y2 - $this->y1;
             $this->requiredWidth = $data['requiredWidth'];
             $this->requiredHeight = $data['requiredHeight'];
             $transform = array('type' => 'crop', 'x1' => $this->getX1(), 'y1' => $this->getY1(), 'x2' => $this->getX2(), 'y2' => $this->getY2(), 'width' => $this->getRequiredWidth(), 'height' => $this->getRequiredHeight());
             $this->image = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($this->getImageOrig(), $transform, null));
     } else {
         $this->image = $defaultImage;
     if (!empty($data['id'])) {
         $this->id = $data['id'];
     } else {
         $this->id = mt_rand(2, 2147483647);
         //1 used for inline logo
コード例 #4
 public static function ipHead($head)
     $vars = array('siteName' => ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle'));
     $defaultTitle = ipGetOptionLang('FacebookTags.defaultTitle');
     if ($defaultTitle) {
         $vars['title'] = $defaultTitle;
     $defaultImage = array(ipGetOptionLang('FacebookTags.defaultImage'));
     if ($defaultImage) {
         $vars['images'] = $defaultImage;
     $adminId = ipGetOptionLang('FacebookTags.adminId');
     if ($adminId) {
         $vars['adminId'] = $adminId;
     $pageTags = Service::facebookTags();
     if (!empty($pageTags['images'])) {
         foreach ($pageTags['images'] as &$image) {
             $image = ipFileUrl('file/repository/' . $image);
     } else {
     $vars = array_merge($vars, $pageTags);
     $tags = ipView('view/tags.php', $vars)->render();
     $head .= $tags;
     return $head;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Model.php プロジェクト: sspaeti/ImpressPages
 protected static function concatenate($urls, $ext)
     $key = md5(json_encode($urls));
     $path = 'file/concatenate/' . $key . '.' . $ext;
     if (!is_file(ipFile($path))) {
         $concatenated = '';
         foreach ($urls as $url) {
             $urlContent = self::fetchContent($url);
             if ($urlContent === false) {
                 //break if at least one of the assets can't be downloaded
                 return false;
             if ($ext == 'css') {
                 $urlContent = self::replaceUrls($url, $urlContent);
                 $concatenated .= "\n" . '/*' . $url . "*/\n" . $urlContent;
             if ($ext == 'js') {
                 $urlContent .= ';';
                 $concatenated .= "\n" . '//' . $url . "\n" . $urlContent;
         if (!is_dir(ipFile('file/concatenate'))) {
         file_put_contents(ipFile($path), $concatenated);
     return ipFileUrl($path);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Filter.php プロジェクト: sspaeti/ImpressPages
 public static function ipJs($jsFiles)
     if (ipGetOption('ConcatenateJsCss.disableInAdmin', 1) && ipAdminId() || ipStorage()->get('ConcatenateJsCss', 'concatenationInProgress') > time()) {
         return $jsFiles;
     ipStorage()->set('ConcatenateJsCss', 'concatenationInProgress', time() + 60);
     //if some CSS / JS links to the website itself, we may have an infinite recursion. So we have to disable ourself during the concatenation
     $tinymceUrl = ipFileUrl('Ip/Internal/Core/assets/js/tiny_mce');
     $answer = array('concatenateJsCss_tinymce_fix' => array('type' => 'content', 'value' => "var tinyMCEPreInit = {\n    suffix: '.min',\n    base: '" . $tinymceUrl . "',\n    query: ''\n};", 'attributes' => array(), 'cacheFix' => false));
     $chunk = array();
     foreach ($jsFiles as &$file) {
         if ($file['type'] == 'content') {
             //we have faced a piece of inline JS. It can't be concatenated. We have to split concatenated JS in to two parts.
             if (!empty($chunk)) {
                 $answer = array_merge($answer, self::concatenateChunk($chunk));
             $chunk = array();
             //add current inline content JS
             $answer[] = $file;
         } else {
             $chunk[] = $file;
     if (!empty($chunk)) {
         $answer = array_merge($answer, self::concatenateChunk($chunk));
     ipStorage()->remove('ConcatenateJsCss', 'concatenationInProgress');
     return $answer;
コード例 #7
ファイル: AdminController.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 protected function pluginIcon($pluginName)
     if (file_exists(ipFile('Plugin/' . $pluginName . '/assets/icon.svg'))) {
         return ipFileUrl('Plugin/' . $pluginName . '/assets/icon.svg');
     if (file_exists(ipFile('Plugin/' . $pluginName . '/assets/icon.png'))) {
         return ipFileUrl('Plugin/' . $pluginName . '/assets/icon.png');
コード例 #8
ファイル: Model.php プロジェクト: sspaeti/ImpressPages
 public static function showImage($value, $recordData = null)
     if ($value) {
         $transform = array('type' => 'fit', 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100);
         $thumbnailUrl = ipReflection($value, $transform, 'preview.jpg');
         $imageHtml = '<a href="' . ipFileUrl('file/repository/' . $value) . '" target="blank"><img src="' . $thumbnailUrl . '" alt="' . esc($value) . '"></a>';
         return $imageHtml;
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Theme.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 public function getThumbnailUrl()
     if ($this->thumbnail) {
         if ($this->url) {
             $image = $this->url . $this->name . '/' . Model::INSTALL_DIR . $this->thumbnail;
         } else {
             $image = ipFileUrl('Theme/' . $this->name . '/' . Model::INSTALL_DIR . $this->thumbnail);
     } else {
         $image = ipFileUrl('Ip/Internal/Design/assets/theme.png');
     return $image;
コード例 #10
ファイル: Captcha.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
  * Render field
  * @param string $doctype
  * @param $environment
  * @return string
 public function render($doctype, $environment)
     $captcha = new \Ip\Lib\HnCaptcha\HnCaptcha($this->captchaInit, true);
     $_SESSION['developer']['form']['field']['captcha'][$this->getId()]['public_key'] = $captcha->public_key;
     return '
     <div class="captcha">
     <input ' . $this->getAttributesStr($doctype) . ' class="form-control ' . implode(' ', $this->getClasses()) . '" name="' . htmlspecialchars($this->getName()) . '[code]" ' . $this->getValidationAttributesStr($doctype) . ' type="text" />
     <input type="hidden" name="' . htmlspecialchars($this->getName()) . '[id]" value="' . $this->getId() . '" />
     <img src="' . ipFileUrl($captcha->get_filename_url()) . '" alt="Captcha"/>
コード例 #11
ファイル: Event.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 public static function ipBeforeController()
     $configModel = ConfigModel::instance();
     if ($configModel->isInPreviewState()) {
         ipAddJsVariable('ipRepositoryUrl', ipFileUrl('file/repository/'));
     $lessCompiler = LessCompiler::instance();
     if (ipConfig()->isDevelopmentEnvironment()) {
         if ($lessCompiler->shouldRebuild(ipConfig()->theme())) {
コード例 #12
 function img($varname, $default, $width, $height, $class = '', $tagname = 'img')
     $varname = $this->num != -1 ? $varname . '-' . $this->num : $varname;
     $defaultval = ipThemeUrl('assets/') . $default;
     if (array_key_exists($varname, $this->data)) {
         $fileName = $this->data[$varname]['fileName'];
         $transform = array('type' => 'crop', 'x1' => $this->data[$varname]['crop']['x1'], 'y1' => $this->data[$varname]['crop']['y1'], 'x2' => $this->data[$varname]['crop']['x2'], 'y2' => $this->data[$varname]['crop']['y2'], 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height);
         $url = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($fileName, $transform, $fileName));
         $imgdata = escAttr(json_encode($this->data[$varname]));
     } else {
         $url = $defaultval;
         $imgdata = "";
     return "<{$tagname} class=\"ipsEditable {$class}\" data-type=\"Image\" data-varname=\"{$varname}\"\n\t\t\t\t\tdata-cssclass=\"{$class}\" data-image=\"{$imgdata}\" src=\"{$url}\"/>";
コード例 #13
ファイル: Slot.php プロジェクト: WannaCoDev/PageImage
 public static function bkgImage($data)
     $imageFiles = Service::pageImages();
     $images = array();
     foreach ($imageFiles as $image) {
         $file = $image;
         $options = array('type' => 'copy');
         $copiedImage = ipReflection($file, $options);
         if (!$copiedImage) {
             echo ipReflectionException();
         } else {
             $images[] = ipFileUrl($copiedImage);
     $answer = ipView('view/slot2.php', array('images' => $images))->render();
     return $answer;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Controller.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 public function generateHtml($revisionId, $widgetId, $data, $skin)
     if (empty($data['files']) || !is_array($data['files'])) {
         $data['files'] = array();
     $newData = array();
     foreach ($data['files'] as $file) {
         if (!isset($file['fileName'])) {
         $newFile = array();
         $newFile['url'] = ipFileUrl('file/repository/' . $file['fileName']);
         $newFile['path'] = ipFile('file/repository/' . $file['fileName']);
         $newFile['title'] = isset($file['title']) ? $file['title'] : $file['fileName'];
         $newData['files'][] = $newFile;
     return parent::generateHtml($revisionId, $widgetId, $newData, $skin);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Controller.php プロジェクト: sspaeti/ImpressPages
 public function generateHtml($revisionId, $widgetId, $data, $skin)
     $items = Model::widgetItems($widgetId);
     // If it has not been configured yet, sets some default values
     if (empty($data['options'])) {
         $data['options'] = array('gutter' => 10, 'columnWidth' => 320, 'isFitWidth' => true, 'isOriginLeft' => true);
     $image_options = array('type' => 'width', 'width' => $data['options']['columnWidth'] - 10);
     foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
         // Clean Up the URL
         $link = '';
         if ($item['url'] != '') {
             $protocol = parse_url($item['url'], PHP_URL_SCHEME);
             $target = '_self';
             $base_url = ipConfig()->baseUrl();
             // If it is an absolute URL don't make any transformation
             if ($protocol == 'http' or $protocol == 'https') {
                 $link = $item['url'];
                 // If the URL is pointing to another domain, open in a new page.
                 if (strpos($link, $base_url) === false) {
                     $target = '_blank';
             } else {
                 // Asume it is a reference to a local page
                 $link = ipFileUrl($item['url']);
             $items[$key]['link_target'] = $target;
         $items[$key]['clean_url'] = $link;
         // Create Image path
         $items[$key]['image_url'] = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($item['image'], $image_options));
     $data['container_id'] = "masonry_wd_{$widgetId}";
     $data['widgetId'] = $widgetId;
     $data['items'] = $items;
     return parent::generateHtml($revisionId, $widgetId, $data, $skin);
コード例 #16
ファイル: default.php プロジェクト: sspaeti/ImpressPages
 if (!empty($data['blog']['info']['category']) && $data['blog']['info']['category'] == 1 && !empty($data['pages']['categories'][$page['parentId']]['title'])) {
     echo esc($data['pages']['categories'][$page['parentId']]['title']);
     <div class="asdBlog-intro">
 if (!empty($page['image']['imageOriginal']) && !empty($data['blog']['image']['enable'])) {
             <div class="asd-blog-image">
     echo '<img src="' . ipFileUrl(ipReflection($page['image']['imageOriginal'], $imageOptions)) . '" alt="' . $page['title'] . '" />';
 echo $page['intro'];
     <div class="asdBlog-info-bottom">
 if (!empty($data['blog']['info']['date']) && $data['blog']['info']['date'] == 2) {
     echo date(ipGetOption('AsdBlog.dateFormat'), strtotime($page['createdAt']));
コード例 #17
ファイル: SiteController.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 public function logout()
     return new \Ip\Response\Redirect(ipFileUrl('admin/'));
コード例 #18
ファイル: WidgetController.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
  * Get widget icon URL
  * Widget icon is displayed in widget toolbar of administration page.
  * @return string Icon URL
 public function getIcon()
     if ($this->core) {
         if (file_exists(ipFile($this->widgetAssetsDir . 'icon.svg'))) {
             return ipFileUrl($this->widgetAssetsDir . 'icon.svg');
         if (file_exists(ipFile($this->widgetAssetsDir . 'icon.png'))) {
             return ipFileUrl($this->widgetAssetsDir . 'icon.png');
     } else {
         if (file_exists(ipFile($this->widgetAssetsDir . 'icon.svg'))) {
             return ipFileUrl($this->widgetAssetsDir . 'icon.svg');
         if (file_exists(ipFile($this->widgetAssetsDir . 'icon.png'))) {
             return ipFileUrl($this->widgetAssetsDir . 'icon.png');
     return ipFileUrl('Ip/Internal/Content/assets/img/iconWidget.svg');
コード例 #19
_e('Your user credentials were automatically generated.', 'Ip-admin');
_e('You were automatically logged in with the following details.', 'Ip-admin');
                    <p class="alert alert-info">
_e('URL to log in', 'Ip-admin');
: <a href="<?php 
echo ipFileUrl('admin');
echo ipFileUrl('admin');
_e('Administrator username', 'Ip-admin');
: <strong><?php 
echo $adminUsername;
_e('Administrator password', 'Ip-admin');
: <strong><?php 
echo $adminPassword;
コード例 #20
ファイル: repositoryFile.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 class="btn btn-default ipsSelect ipsFileAddButton" href="#"><?php 
_e('Select', 'Ip-admin');

    <div class="ipsFiles">
if ($value && is_array($value)) {
    foreach ($value as $file) {
                <div class="_file ipsFile">
                    <button type="button" class="close ipsRemove">&times;</button>
                    <div><a target="_blank" class="ipsLink ipsFileName" href="<?php 
        echo ipFileUrl('file/repository/' . $file);
        echo esc($file);
                    <input type="hidden" name="<?php 
        echo escAttr($inputName);
        echo escAttr($file);
コード例 #21
ファイル: LessCompiler.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 protected function generateLessVariables($options, $config)
     $less = '';
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         if (isset($option['addToLess']) && !$option['addToLess']) {
         if (empty($option['name']) || empty($option['type'])) {
             // ignore invalid nodes
         if (isset($config[$option['name']])) {
             $rawValue = $config[$option['name']];
         } elseif (isset($option['default'])) {
             $rawValue = $option['default'];
         } else {
             $rawValue = '';
         switch ($option['type']) {
             case 'select':
             case 'Select':
             case 'color':
             case 'Color':
                 $lessValue = $rawValue;
             case 'RepositoryFile':
                 $lessValue = $rawValue;
                 $lessValue = "'" . ipFileUrl('file/repository/' . escAttr($lessValue)) . "'";
             case 'hidden':
             case 'Hidden':
             case 'range':
             case 'Range':
                 $lessValue = $rawValue;
                 if (!empty($option['units'])) {
                     $lessValue .= $option['units'];
                 if (!isset($option['escape']) || $option['escape']) {
                     $lessValue = "'" . preg_replace('~[\\r\\n]+~', '\\r\\n', escAttr($lessValue)) . "'";
         $less .= "\n@{$option['name']}: {$lessValue};";
     return $less;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Controller.php プロジェクト: x33n/ImpressPages
 protected function cropSmallImage($curImage)
     $smallImageUrl = null;
     if (isset($curImage['cropX1']) && isset($curImage['cropY1']) && isset($curImage['cropX2']) && isset($curImage['cropY2'])) {
         $transformSmall = array('type' => 'crop', 'x1' => $curImage['cropX1'], 'y1' => $curImage['cropY1'], 'x2' => $curImage['cropX2'], 'y2' => $curImage['cropY2'], 'width' => ipGetOption('Content.widgetGalleryWidth'), 'height' => ipGetOption('Content.widgetGalleryHeight'), 'quality' => ipGetOption('Content.widgetGalleryQuality'));
     } else {
         $transformSmall = array('type' => 'center', 'width' => ipGetOption('Content.widgetGalleryWidth'), 'height' => ipGetOption('Content.widgetGalleryHeight'), 'quality' => ipGetOption('Content.widgetGalleryQuality'));
     $smallImageUrl = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($curImage['imageOriginal'], $transformSmall, $curImage['title']));
     return $smallImageUrl;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Controller.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 public function generateHtml($revisionId, $widgetId, $data, $skin)
     if (isset($data['imageOriginal'])) {
         $desiredName = isset($data['title']) ? $data['title'] : null;
         $transformBig = array('type' => 'copy');
         $data['imageBig'] = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($data['imageOriginal'], $transformBig, $desiredName));
         if (!empty($data['url']) && !preg_match('/^((http|https):\\/\\/)/i', $data['url'])) {
             $data['url'] = 'http://' . $data['url'];
         if (isset($data['cropX1']) && isset($data['cropY1']) && isset($data['cropX2']) && isset($data['cropY2']) && $data['cropY2'] - $data['cropY1'] > 0) {
             if (!empty($data['width'])) {
                 $width = $data['width'];
             } else {
                 $width = ipGetOption('Content.widgetImageWidth', 1200);
             if ($width <= 0) {
                 $width = 1200;
             //calc height
             $ratio = ($data['cropX2'] - $data['cropX1']) / ($data['cropY2'] - $data['cropY1']);
             if ($ratio == 0) {
                 $ratio = 1;
             $height = round($width / $ratio);
             $transform = array('type' => 'crop', 'x1' => $data['cropX1'], 'y1' => $data['cropY1'], 'x2' => $data['cropX2'], 'y2' => $data['cropY2'], 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'forced' => true);
             $data['imageSmall'] = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($data['imageOriginal'], $transform, $desiredName));
         } else {
             $forced = false;
             if (!empty($data['width'])) {
                 $width = $data['width'];
                 $forced = true;
             } else {
                 $width = ipGetOption('Content.widgetImageWidth', 1200);
             if (!empty($data['height'])) {
                 $height = $data['height'];
                 $forced = true;
             } else {
                 $height = ipGetOption('Content.widgetImageHeight', 900);
             $transform = array('type' => 'fit', 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'forced' => $forced);
         $data['imageSmall'] = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($data['imageOriginal'], $transform, $desiredName));
         if (empty($data['type'])) {
             $data['type'] = 'lightbox';
         if (empty($data['url'])) {
             $data['url'] = '';
         if (empty($data['blank'])) {
             $data['blank'] = '';
         if (empty($data['nofollow'])) {
             $data['nofollow'] = '';
         if (empty($data['title'])) {
             $data['title'] = '';
         if (empty($data['description'])) {
             $data['description'] = '';
     return parent::generateHtml($revisionId, $widgetId, $data, $skin);
コード例 #24
ファイル: menu.php プロジェクト: sspaeti/ImpressPages
                    <a <?php 
            if (!$item->isDisabled()) {
                echo 'href="' . $item->getUrl() . '"';
            echo $item->getBlank() ? 'target="_blank"' : '';
            if (!empty($data['icon']['enable'])) {
                if (ipIsManagementState()) {
                    $defaultImage = "http://dummyimage.com/{$data['icon']['width']}x{$data['icon']['height']}/f5f5f5/888";
                } elseif (!empty($data['icon']['empty'])) {
                    $defaultImage = ipFileUrl('Plugin/AsdMenuWidget/Widget/Menu/assets/empty.png');
                } else {
                    $defaultImage = '';
                $title = $item->getTitle();
                $image = ipSlot('image', array('id' => "asd-menu-item-image-{$data['menu']['name']}-{$item->getId()}", 'pageId' => $data['menu']['pageId'], 'height' => $data['icon']['height'], 'width' => $data['icon']['width'], 'default' => $defaultImage, 'alt' => $title, 'title' => $title));
                if (!empty($image)) {
                                <span class="icon-place"><?php 
                    echo $image;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Controller.php プロジェクト: sspaeti/ImpressPages
 public function generateHtml($revisionId, $widgetId, $data, $skin)
     $data['widgetId'] = $widgetId;
     if (isset($data['images']) && is_array($data['images'])) {
         //loop all current images
         foreach ($data['images'] as &$curImage) {
             if (empty($curImage['imageOriginal'])) {
             $desiredName = isset($curImage['title']) ? $curImage['title'] : null;
             //create big image reflection
             $bigWidth = !empty($data['options']['width']) ? $data['options']['width'] : ipGetOption('AsdSlider.imageWidth');
             $bigHeight = !empty($data['options']['height']) ? $data['options']['height'] : ipGetOption('AsdSlider.imageHeight');
             $transformBig = array('type' => 'fit', 'width' => ipGetOption('AsdSlider.bigImageWidth'), 'height' => ipGetOption('AsdSlider.bigImageHeight'));
             $curImage['imageBig'] = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($curImage['imageOriginal'], $transformBig, $desiredName));
             if (isset($curImage['cropX1']) && isset($curImage['cropY1']) && isset($curImage['cropX2']) && isset($curImage['cropY2'])) {
                 $transformSmall = array('type' => 'crop', 'x1' => $curImage['cropX1'], 'y1' => $curImage['cropY1'], 'x2' => $curImage['cropX2'], 'y2' => $curImage['cropY2'], 'width' => $bigWidth, 'height' => $bigHeight, 'quality' => ipGetOption('Content.widgetGalleryQuality'));
             } else {
                 $transformSmall = array('type' => 'center', 'width' => $bigWidth, 'height' => $bigHeight, 'quality' => ipGetOption('Content.widgetGalleryQuality'));
             $curImage['imageSmall'] = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($curImage['imageOriginal'], $transformSmall, $curImage['title']));
             if (empty($curImage['type'])) {
                 $curImage['type'] = 'lightbox';
             if (empty($curImage['url'])) {
                 $curImage['url'] = '';
             } else {
                 if (!preg_match('/^((http|https):\\/\\/)/i', $curImage['url'])) {
                     $curImage['url'] = 'http://' . $curImage['url'];
             if (empty($curImage['blank'])) {
                 $curImage['blank'] = '';
             if (empty($curImage['title'])) {
                 $curImage['title'] = '';
     return parent::generateHtml($revisionId, $widgetId, $data, $skin);
コード例 #26
ファイル: Config.php プロジェクト: sspaeti/ImpressPages
 public static function imageView($value, $recordData)
     $thumb_options = array('type' => 'fit', 'width' => 100, 'height' => 100);
     $thumbnail = ipFileUrl(ipReflection($value, $thumb_options));
     return "<img src='{$thumbnail}' border='0'/>";
コード例 #27
ファイル: Layout.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
 public function __construct($content = null, $headers = null, $statusCode = 200)
     parent::__construct($content, $headers, $statusCode);
コード例 #28
ファイル: default.php プロジェクト: sspaeti/ImpressPages
if (!empty($data['pages']['pages'])) {
    foreach ($data['pages']['pages'] as $page) {
        <div class="asdBlog-post <?php 
        echo $animation;
            <div class="asdBlog-intro">
        if (!empty($page['image']['imageOriginal']) && !empty($data['blog']['image']['enable'])) {
                    <div class="asd-blog-image">
            echo '<img src="' . ipFileUrl(ipReflection($page['image']['imageOriginal'], array('type' => 'center', 'width' => 980, 'height' => 360, 'quality' => 80, 'forced' => false))) . '" alt="' . $page['title'] . '" />';
        if (!empty($data['blog']['options']['titlelink'])) {
                    <a href="<?php 
            echo $page['urlPath'];
            echo esc($page['title']);
コード例 #29
  * Get preview file for file browser
  * @param string $file
  * @return string
 private function createPreview($file)
     $pathInfo = pathinfo($file);
     $ext = strtolower(isset($pathInfo['extension']) ? $pathInfo['extension'] : '');
     $baseName = $pathInfo['basename'];
     if (in_array($ext, $this->supportedImageExtensions)) {
         $transform = array('type' => 'fit', 'width' => 140, 'height' => 140, 'forced' => true);
         $reflection = ipReflection($file, $transform, $baseName);
         if ($reflection) {
             return ipFileUrl($reflection);
     return ipFileUrl('Ip/Internal/Repository/assets/icons/general.png');
コード例 #30
ファイル: configuration.php プロジェクト: Umz/ImpressPages
            <div class="modal-content">
                <div class="modal-header">
                    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
                    <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel"><?php 
_e('ImpressPages Terms of Use', 'Install');
                <div class="modal-body" style="max-height: 270px; overflow: auto;">
                    <p>Copyright <?php 
echo date("Y");
 by <a href="http://www.impresspages.org">ImpressPages, UAB</a></p>
                    <p>This program is free software: you can re-distribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the <a href="<?php 
echo ipFileUrl('license.html');
">GNU General Public License or MIT License</a>.</p>
                    <p>This program is distributed hoping it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.</p>
                    <p>You are required to keep these "Appropriate Legal Notices" intact as specified in GPL3 section 5(d) and 7(b) and MIT.</p>

                    <h2>Usage statistics</h2>
                    <p>Your website is configured to share usage statistics with ImpressPages to help us make the software better in the future. We may periodically send notifications or promotional materials related to your website, our products and services to the administrators of the website.</p>
                    <p class="alert alert-warning">Website content is NOT transferred.</p>
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