コード例 #1
ファイル: Shop.class.php プロジェクト: nahakiole/cloudrexx
  * Shows the form for entering the e-mail address
  * After a valid address has been posted back, creates a new password
  * and sends it to the Customer.
  * Fails if changing or sending the password fails, and when the
  * form isn't posted (i.e. on first loading the page).
  * Returns true only after the new password has been sent successfully.
  * @return    boolean                   True on success, false otherwise
 static function view_sendpass()
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     while (isset($_POST['shopEmail'])) {
         $email = contrexx_input2raw($_POST['shopEmail']);
         $password = \User::make_password();
         if (!Customer::updatePassword($email, $password)) {
         if (!self::sendLogin($email, $password)) {
     return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Coupon.class.php プロジェクト: Niggu/cloudrexx
  * Returns a unique Coupon code with eight characters
  * @return    string            The Coupon code
  * @see       User::make_password()
 static function getNewCode()
     $code = null;
     while (true) {
         $code = \User::make_password(8, false);
         if (!self::codeExists($code)) {
     return $code;
コード例 #3
  * add or edit contact
  * @global array $_ARRAYLANG
  * @global object $objDatabase
  * @return true
 function _modifyContact()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $objDatabase, $objJs, $objResult, $_LANGID, $_CORELANG;
     $objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject();
     \FWUser::getUserLiveSearch(array('minLength' => 3, 'canCancel' => true, 'canClear' => true));
     $cxjs = \ContrexxJavascript::getInstance();
     $mes = isset($_REQUEST['mes']) ? base64_decode($_REQUEST['mes']) : '';
     if (!empty($mes)) {
         switch ($mes) {
             case "customerupdated":
             case "customeradded":
                 $this->_strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CRM_CUSTOMER_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'];
             case "contactupdated":
             case "contactadded":
                 $this->_strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CRM_CUSTOMER_CONTACT_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY'];
     $settings = $this->getSettings();
     $_GET['type'] = isset($_GET['type']) ? $_GET['type'] : 'customer';
     $redirect = isset($_REQUEST['redirect']) ? $_REQUEST['redirect'] : base64_decode('&act=customers');
     $this->_pageTitle = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_ARRAYLANG["TXT_CRM_EDIT_" . strtoupper($_GET['type'])] : $_ARRAYLANG["TXT_CRM_ADD_" . strtoupper($_GET['type'])];
     $this->_objTpl->loadTemplateFile('module_' . $this->moduleNameLC . '_customer_modify.html');
     $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable("MODULE_NAME", $this->moduleName);
     $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0;
     $this->contact = new \Cx\Modules\Crm\Model\Entity\CrmContact();
     !empty($id) ? $this->contact->id = $id : '';
     $contactType = isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'contact' ? 2 : 1;
     $this->contact->family_name = isset($_POST['family_name']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['family_name']) : '';
     $this->contact->contact_role = isset($_POST['contact_role']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['contact_role']) : '';
     $this->contact->contact_language = isset($_POST['contact_language']) ? (int) $_POST['contact_language'] : (empty($id) ? $_LANGID : 0);
     $this->contact->contact_customer = isset($_POST['company']) ? (int) $_POST['company'] : (isset($_GET['custId']) ? (int) $_GET['custId'] : 0);
     $this->contact->contactType = $contactType;
     $this->contact->companySize = isset($_POST['companySize']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['companySize']) : 0;
     $this->contact->contact_gender = isset($_POST['contact_gender']) ? (int) $_POST['contact_gender'] : 0;
     $this->contact->emailDelivery = empty($_POST) || isset($_POST['emailDelivery']) ? 1 : 0;
     $accountUserID = isset($_POST['contactId']) ? intVal($_POST['contactId']) : 0;
     $accountUserEmail = isset($_POST['contact_email']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['contact_email']) : '';
     $accountUserPassword = isset($_POST['contact_password']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['contact_password']) : '';
     $sendLoginDetails = isset($_POST['send_account_notification']);
     $this->contact->account_id = 0;
     // customer
     $tpl = isset($_REQUEST['tpl']) ? contrexx_input2db($_REQUEST['tpl']) : '';
     if (isset($_GET['design']) && $_GET['design'] == 'custom') {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('PM_REMOVE_BACKGROUND_STYLE' => $this->pmRemoveStylesAddcustomer(), 'PM_AJAX_SAVE_FROM_SHADOWBOX_JAVASCRIPT' => $objJs->pmAjaxformSubmitForShadowbox($tpl)));
     $defaultTypeId = $objDatabase->getOne('SELECT `id` FROM ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_' . $this->moduleNameLC . '_customer_types WHERE `default` = 1');
     $this->contact->customerId = isset($_POST['customerId']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['customerId']) : '';
     $this->contact->customerType = isset($_POST['customer_type']) ? (int) $_POST['customer_type'] : (empty($id) ? $defaultTypeId : '');
     $this->contact->customerName = isset($_POST['companyName']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['companyName']) : '';
     $this->contact->addedUser = $objFWUser->objUser->getId();
     $this->contact->currency = isset($_POST['currency']) ? (int) $_POST['currency'] : '';
     $this->contact->datasource = 1;
     $customerContacts = isset($_POST['companyContacts']) ? array_map('intval', (array) $_POST['companyContacts']) : array();
     $assignedMembersShip = isset($_POST['assigned_memberships']) ? array_map('intval', (array) $_POST['assigned_memberships']) : array();
     $this->contact->notes = isset($_POST['notes']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['notes']) : '';
     $this->contact->industryType = isset($_POST['industryType']) ? (int) $_POST['industryType'] : 0;
     $this->contact->user_name = isset($_POST['contact_username']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['contact_username']) : '';
     if (isset($_POST['save_contact']) || isset($_POST['save_add_new_contact'])) {
         $msg = '';
         switch (true) {
             case $contactType == 1 && !empty($id):
                 $msg = "customerupdated";
             case $contactType == 2 && !empty($id):
                 $msg = "contactupdated";
             case $contactType == 1:
                 $msg = "customeradded";
             case $contactType == 2:
                 $msg = "contactadded";
         $result = $this->parseContacts($_POST);
         // unset customer type, customerId the contact have customer
         if ($this->contact->contactType == 2 && $this->contact->contact_customer != 0) {
             $this->contact->customerType = 0;
             $this->contact->currency = 0;
             $this->contact->customerId = '';
         $accountMandatory = !empty($accountUserEmail) ? false : !$settings['user_account_mantatory'];
         if (!$settings['create_user_account'] || $contactType == 1 || !empty($accountUserEmail) && $this->addUser($accountUserEmail, $accountUserPassword, $sendLoginDetails, $result, $accountUserID) || $accountMandatory) {
             $this->updateCustomerMemberships((array) $assignedMembersShip, $this->contact->id);
             if ($contactType == 2) {
                 // For contact
             } else {
                 $this->updateCustomerContacts((array) $customerContacts, $this->contact->id);
             // insert Emails
             $objDatabase->Execute("DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_emails` WHERE `contact_id` = {$this->contact->id}");
             $query = "INSERT INTO `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_emails` (email, email_type, is_primary, contact_id) VALUES ";
             $values = array();
             foreach ($result['contactemail'] as $value) {
                 if (!empty($value['value'])) {
                     $values[] = "('" . contrexx_input2db($value['value']) . "', '" . (int) $value['type'] . "', '" . (int) $value['primary'] . "', '" . $this->contact->id . "')";
             if (is_array($values) && !empty($values)) {
                 $query .= implode(",", $values);
             // insert Phone
             $objDatabase->Execute("DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_phone` WHERE `contact_id` = {$this->contact->id}");
             $query = "INSERT INTO `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_phone` (phone, phone_type, is_primary, contact_id) VALUES ";
             $values = array();
             foreach ($result['contactphone'] as $value) {
                 if (!empty($value['value'])) {
                     $values[] = "('" . contrexx_input2db($value['value']) . "', '" . (int) $value['type'] . "', '" . (int) $value['primary'] . "', '" . $this->contact->id . "')";
             if (is_array($values) && !empty($values)) {
                 $query .= implode(",", $values);
             // insert Website
             $assignedWebsites = array();
             foreach ($result['contactwebsite'] as $value) {
                 if (!empty($value['value'])) {
                     $fields = array('url' => contrexx_input2raw($value['value']), 'url_profile' => (int) $value['profile'], 'is_primary' => $value['primary'], 'contact_id' => $this->contact->id);
                     if (!empty($value['id'])) {
                         array_push($assignedWebsites, $value['id']);
                         $query = \SQL::update("module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_websites", $fields, array('escape' => true)) . " WHERE `id` = {$value['id']} AND `contact_id` = {$this->contact->id}";
                     } else {
                         $query = \SQL::insert("module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_websites", $fields, array('escape' => true));
                         $db = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
                         if ($db) {
                             array_push($assignedWebsites, $objDatabase->INSERT_ID());
             $whereWebId = !empty($assignedWebsites) ? " AND `id` NOT IN (" . implode(',', $assignedWebsites) . ")" : "";
             $objDatabase->Execute("DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_websites` WHERE `contact_id` = {$this->contact->id} {$whereWebId}");
             // insert social networks
             $assignedSocialNetwork = array();
             foreach ($result['contactsocial'] as $value) {
                 if (!empty($value['value'])) {
                     $fields = array('id' => array('val' => !empty($value['id']) ? (int) $value['id'] : null, 'omitEmpty' => true), 'url' => contrexx_input2raw($value['value']), 'url_profile' => (int) $value['profile'], 'is_primary' => $value['primary'], 'contact_id' => $this->contact->id);
                     if (!empty($value['id'])) {
                         array_push($assignedSocialNetwork, $value['id']);
                         $query = \SQL::update("module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_social_network", $fields, array('escape' => true)) . " WHERE `id` = {$value['id']} AND `contact_id` = {$this->contact->id}";
                     } else {
                         $query = \SQL::insert("module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_social_network", $fields, array('escape' => true));
                         $db = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
                         if ($db) {
                             array_push($assignedSocialNetwork, $objDatabase->INSERT_ID());
             $whereWebId = !empty($assignedSocialNetwork) ? " AND `id` NOT IN (" . implode(',', $assignedSocialNetwork) . ")" : "";
             $objDatabase->Execute("DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_social_network` WHERE `contact_id` = {$this->contact->id} {$whereWebId}");
             // insert address
             $objDatabase->Execute("DELETE FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_address` WHERE `contact_id` = {$this->contact->id}");
             $query = "INSERT INTO `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_address` (address, city, state, zip, country, Address_Type, is_primary, contact_id) VALUES ";
             $values = array();
             foreach ($result['contactAddress'] as $value) {
                 if (!empty($value['address']) || !empty($value['city']) || !empty($value['state']) || !empty($value['zip']) || !empty($value['country'])) {
                     $values[] = "('" . contrexx_input2db($value['address']) . "', '" . contrexx_input2db($value['city']) . "', '" . contrexx_input2db($value['state']) . "', '" . contrexx_input2db($value['zip']) . "', '" . contrexx_input2db($value['country']) . "', '" . intval($value['type']) . "', '" . intval($value['primary']) . "', '" . $this->contact->id . "')";
             if (is_array($values) && !empty($values)) {
                 $query .= implode(",", $values);
             $ChckCount = 0;
             if (!empty($id)) {
                 $contactId = $this->contact->contact_customer;
             if ($this->contact->contactType == 2) {
                 $contactId = $this->contact->contact_customer;
             $customerId = $this->contact->id;
             $customerName = $this->contact->customerName;
             // notify the staff's
             $this->notifyStaffOnContactAccModification($this->contact->id, $this->contact->customerName, $this->contact->family_name, $this->contact->contact_gender);
             // ajax request
             if (isset($_GET['design']) && $_GET['design'] == 'custom') {
                 $returnString = array('errChk' => $ChckCount, 'customerId' => $customerId, 'customerName' => $customerName, 'contactId' => $contactId, 'msg' => $msg);
                 echo json_encode($returnString);
             if (isset($_POST['save_add_new_contact'])) {
                 $contactTypeUrl = $contactType == 2 ? '&type=contact' : '';
                 \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header("Location:./index.php?cmd=" . $this->moduleName . "&act=customers&tpl=managecontact&mes=" . base64_encode($msg) . $contactTypeUrl);
             \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::header("Location:./index.php?cmd=" . $this->moduleName . "&act=customers&mes=" . base64_encode($msg) . base64_decode($redirect));
         } elseif (empty($accountUserEmail)) {
             $this->_strErrMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CRM_EMAIL_EMPTY'];
     } elseif ($this->contact->load($id)) {
         if ($contactType == 1) {
             $objContact = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT `id` FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_contacts` WHERE `contact_customer` = {$this->contact->id}");
             if ($objContact) {
                 while (!$objContact->EOF) {
                     $customerContacts[] = (int) $objContact->fields['id'];
         $objMemberShips = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT `membership_id` FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_membership` WHERE `contact_id` = {$this->contact->id}");
         if ($objMemberShips) {
             while (!$objMemberShips->EOF) {
                 $assignedMembersShip[] = (int) $objMemberShips->fields['membership_id'];
         // Get emails and phones
         $objEmails = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT * FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_emails` WHERE contact_id = {$this->contact->id} ORDER BY id ASC");
         if ($objEmails) {
             while (!$objEmails->EOF) {
                 $result['contactemail'][] = array("type" => $objEmails->fields['email_type'], "primary" => $objEmails->fields['is_primary'], "value" => $objEmails->fields['email']);
         $objPhone = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT * FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_phone` WHERE contact_id = {$this->contact->id} ORDER BY id ASC");
         if ($objPhone) {
             while (!$objPhone->EOF) {
                 $result['contactphone'][] = array("type" => $objPhone->fields['phone_type'], "primary" => $objPhone->fields['is_primary'], "value" => $objPhone->fields['phone']);
         $objWebsite = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT * FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_websites` WHERE contact_id = {$this->contact->id} ORDER BY id ASC");
         if ($objWebsite) {
             while (!$objWebsite->EOF) {
                 $result['contactwebsite'][] = array("id" => $objWebsite->fields['id'], "profile" => $objWebsite->fields['url_profile'], "primary" => $objWebsite->fields['is_primary'], "value" => $objWebsite->fields['url']);
         $objSocial = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT * FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_social_network` WHERE contact_id = {$this->contact->id} ORDER BY id ASC");
         if ($objSocial) {
             while (!$objSocial->EOF) {
                 $result['contactsocial'][] = array("id" => $objSocial->fields['id'], "profile" => $objSocial->fields['url_profile'], "primary" => $objSocial->fields['is_primary'], "value" => $objSocial->fields['url']);
         $objAddress = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT * FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_customer_contact_address` WHERE contact_id = {$this->contact->id} ORDER BY id ASC");
         if ($objAddress) {
             while (!$objAddress->EOF) {
                 $result['contactAddress'][] = array("address" => $objAddress->fields['address'], "city" => $objAddress->fields['city'], "state" => $objAddress->fields['state'], "zip" => $objAddress->fields['zip'], "country" => $objAddress->fields['country'], "type" => $objAddress->fields['Address_Type'], "primary" => $objAddress->fields['is_primary']);
     // reset the email and phone fields
     if (empty($result['contactemail'])) {
         $result['contactemail'][] = array("type" => $contactType == 1 ? 1 : 0, "primary" => 1, "value" => "");
     if (empty($result['contactphone'])) {
         $result['contactphone'][] = array("type" => 1, "primary" => 1, "value" => "");
     if (empty($result['contactwebsite'])) {
         $result['contactwebsite'][] = array("id" => 0, "profile" => $contactType == 1 ? 3 : 1, "primary" => 1, "value" => "");
     if (empty($result['contactsocial'])) {
         $result['contactsocial'][] = array("id" => 0, "profile" => 4, "primary" => 1, "value" => "");
     if (empty($result['contactAddress'])) {
         $result['contactAddress'][] = array("address" => '', "city" => '', "state" => '', "zip" => "", "country" => "", "type" => 2, "primary" => 1);
     if (!empty($result['contactemail'])) {
         $Count = 1;
         //$showEmail = false;
         $showEmail = true;
         foreach ($result['contactemail'] as $email) {
             if (!empty($email['value']) && !$showEmail) {
                 $showEmail = true;
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('CRM_CONTACT_EMAIL_NAME' => "contactemail_{$Count}_{$email['type']}_{$email['primary']}", 'CRM_CONTACT_EMAIL' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($email['value']), 'CRM_EMAIL_OPTION' => $_ARRAYLANG[$this->emailOptions[$email['type']]], 'CRM_CONTACT_EMAIL_PRIMARY' => $email['primary'] ? "primary_field" : "not_primary_field"));
             $block = $contactType == 1 ? "customerEmailContainer" : "contactEmailContainer";
     if (!empty($result['contactphone'])) {
         foreach ($result['contactphone'] as $phone) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('CRM_CONTACT_PHONE_NAME' => "contactphone_{$Count}_{$phone['type']}_{$phone['primary']}", 'CRM_CONTACT_PHONE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($phone['value']), 'CRM_PHONE_OPTION' => $_ARRAYLANG[$this->phoneOptions[$phone['type']]], 'CRM_CONTACT_PHONE_PRIMARY' => $phone['primary'] ? "primary_field" : "not_primary_field"));
             $block = $contactType == 1 ? "customerPhoneContainer" : "contactPhoneContainer";
     if (!empty($result['contactwebsite'])) {
         foreach ($result['contactwebsite'] as $website) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('CRM_CONTACT_WEBSITE_NAME' => "contactwebsite_{$Count}_{$website['profile']}_{$website['primary']}", 'CRM_CONTACT_WEBSITE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml(html_entity_decode($website['value'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET)), 'CRM_WEBSITE_PROFILE' => !empty($this->websiteProfileOptions[$website['profile']]) ? $_ARRAYLANG[$this->websiteProfileOptions[$website['profile']]] : '', 'CRM_WEBSITE_OPTION' => $website['type'] != '' && !empty($this->websiteOptions[$website['type']]) ? $_ARRAYLANG[$this->websiteOptions[$website['type']]] : '', 'CRM_CONTACT_WEB_ID_NAME' => "website_{$Count}", 'CRM_CONTACT_WEB_ID' => (int) $website['id'], 'CRM_CONTACT_WEBSITE_PRIMARY' => $website['primary'] ? "primary_field" : "not_primary_field"));
             $block = $contactType == 1 ? "customerwebsiteContainer" : "contactwebsiteContainer";
     if (!empty($result['contactsocial'])) {
         foreach ($result['contactsocial'] as $social) {
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('CRM_CONTACT_SOCIAL_NAME' => "contactsocial_{$Count}_{$social['profile']}_{$social['primary']}", 'CRM_CONTACT_SOCIAL' => contrexx_raw2xhtml(html_entity_decode($social['value'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET)), 'CRM_SOCIAL_PROFILE' => $_ARRAYLANG[$this->socialProfileOptions[$social['profile']]], 'CRM_CONTACT_SOCIAL_ID_NAME' => "social_{$Count}", 'CRM_CONTACT_SOCIAL_ID' => (int) $social['id'], 'CRM_CONTACT_SOCIAL_PRIMARY' => $social['primary'] ? "primary_field" : "not_primary_field"));
             $block = $contactType == 1 ? "customerSocialLinkContainer" : "contactSocialLinkContainer";
     if (!empty($result['contactAddress'])) {
         $showAddress = false;
         foreach ($result['contactAddress'] as $address) {
             if (!empty($address['address']) && !$showAddress) {
                 $showAddress = true;
             $primary = $address['primary'] ? 1 : 0;
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('CRM_CONTACT_ADDRESS_NAME' => "contactAddress_{$Count}_1_{$primary}", 'CRM_CONTACT_ADDRESS_VALUE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($address['address']), 'CRM_CONTACT_CITY_NAME' => "contactAddress_{$Count}_2_{$primary}", 'CRM_CONTACT_CITY_VALUE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($address['city']), 'CRM_CONTACT_STATE_NAME' => "contactAddress_{$Count}_3_{$primary}", 'CRM_CONTACT_STATE_VALUE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($address['state']), 'CRM_CONTACT_ZIP_NAME' => "contactAddress_{$Count}_4_{$primary}", 'CRM_CONTACT_ZIP_VALUE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($address['zip']), 'CRM_CONTACT_COUNTRY_NAME' => "contactAddress_{$Count}_5_{$primary}", 'CRM_CONTACT_COUNTRY_VALUE' => $this->getContactAddressCountry($this->_objTpl, $address['country'], $contactType == 1 ? "customerCrmCountry" : 'crmCountry'), 'CRM_CONTACT_ADDR_TYPE_NAME' => "contactAddress_{$Count}_6_{$primary}", 'CRM_CONTACT_ADDR_TYPE_VALUE' => $this->getContactAddrTypeCountry($this->_objTpl, $address['type'], $contactType == 1 ? "customerAddressType" : 'addressType'), 'CRM_CONTACT_ADDRESS_PRIMARY' => $primary ? "primary_field_address" : "not_primary_field_address"));
             $block = $contactType == 1 ? "customerAddressContainer" : "contactAddressContainer";
     $this->getContactAddressCountry($this->_objTpl, '', $contactType == 1 ? "customerAdditionalcrmCountry" : 'additionalcrmCountry');
     $this->getContactAddrTypeCountry($this->_objTpl, 2, $contactType == 1 ? "customerAdditionaladdressType" : 'additionaladdressType');
     // special fields for contacts
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute('SELECT  id,name,lang FROM    ' . DBPREFIX . 'languages');
     while (!$objResult->EOF) {
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('TXT_LANG_ID' => (int) $objResult->fields['id'], 'TXT_LANG_NAME' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($objResult->fields['name']), 'TXT_LANG_SELECT' => $objResult->fields['id'] == $this->contact->contact_language ? "selected=selected" : ""));
         $langBlock = $contactType == 2 ? "showAddtionalContactLanguages" : "ContactLanguages";
     // special fields for customer
     if ($contactType == 1) {
         $this->getCustomerTypeDropDown($this->_objTpl, $this->contact->customerType, 'customerTypes', array('is_hide' => false));
         // Customer Types
         // Parse the contacts
         if (!empty($customerContacts)) {
             $objContacts = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT `id`, `customer_name`, `contact_familyname` FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_{$this->moduleNameLC}_contacts` WHERE `id` IN (" . implode(',', $customerContacts) . ")");
             if ($objContacts) {
                 $row = "row2";
                 while (!$objContacts->EOF) {
                     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('CRM_CONTACT_ID' => $objContacts->fields['id'], 'CRM_CONTACT_NAME' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($objContacts->fields['contact_familyname'] . " " . $objContacts->fields['customer_name']), 'ROW_CLASS' => $row = $row == 'row2' ? "row1" : "row2"));
         $this->_objTpl->setVariable('CRM_CONTACTS_HEADER_CLASS', !empty($customerContacts) ? 'header-collapse' : 'header-expand');
         // parse currency
         $this->getCustomerCurrencyDropDown($this->_objTpl, $this->contact->currency, "currency");
         // parse companysize
         $this->getCompanySizeDropDown($this->_objTpl, $this->contact->companySize, "companySize");
     } else {
         $this->getCustomerTypeDropDown($this->_objTpl, $this->contact->customerType, "contactCustomerTypes", array('is_hide' => false));
         // Customer Types
         $this->getCustomerCurrencyDropDown($this->_objTpl, $this->contact->currency, "contactCurrency");
         // currency
     $memberships = array_keys($this->getMemberships());
     $membershipBlock = $contactType == 1 ? "assignedGroup" : "contactMembership";
     $this->getMembershipDropdown($this->_objTpl, $memberships, $membershipBlock, $assignedMembersShip);
     if (!empty($this->contact->account_id)) {
         $objUser = $objFWUser->objUser->getUser($this->contact->account_id);
         if ($objUser) {
             $accountName = contrexx_raw2xhtml(\FWUser::getParsedUserTitle($objUser));
     } else {
         $objUser = false;
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('CRM_ADDRESS_HEADER_CLASS' => $showAddress ? 'header-collapse' : 'header-expand', 'CRM_ADDRESS_BLOCK_DISPLAY' => $showAddress ? 'table-row-group' : 'none', 'CRM_DESCRIPTION_HEADER_CLASS' => !empty($this->contact->notes) ? 'header-collapse' : 'header-expand', 'CRM_DESCRIPTION_BLOCK_DISPLAY' => !empty($this->contact->notes) ? 'table-row-group' : 'none', 'CRM_MEMBERSHIP_HEADER_CLASS' => !empty($assignedMembersShip) ? 'header-collapse' : 'header-expand', 'CRM_MEMBERSHIP_BLOCK_DISPLAY' => !empty($assignedMembersShip) ? 'table-row-group' : 'none'));
     if ($contactType == 2) {
         // If contact type eq to `contact`
         if ($settings['create_user_account']) {
         } else {
     } else {
コード例 #4
ファイル: Orders.class.php プロジェクト: Niggu/cloudrexx
  * Returns an array with all placeholders and their values to be
  * replaced in any shop mailtemplate for the given order ID.
  * You only have to set the 'substitution' index value of your MailTemplate
  * array to the array returned.
  * Customer data is not included here.  See {@see Customer::getSubstitutionArray()}.
  * Note that this method is now mostly independent of the current session.
  * The language of the mail template is determined by the browser
  * language range stored with the order.
  * @access  private
  * @static
  * @param   integer $order_id     The order ID
  * @param   boolean $create_accounts  If true, creates User accounts
  *                                    and Coupon codes.  Defaults to true
  * @return  array                 The array with placeholders as keys
  *                                and values from the order on success,
  *                                false otherwise
 static function getSubstitutionArray($order_id, $create_accounts = true)
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     $objOrder = Order::getById($order_id);
     if (!$objOrder) {
         // Order not found
         return false;
     $lang_id = $objOrder->lang_id();
     if (!intval($lang_id)) {
         $lang_id = \FWLanguage::getLangIdByIso639_1($lang_id);
     $status = $objOrder->status();
     $customer_id = $objOrder->customer_id();
     $customer = Customer::getById($customer_id);
     $payment_id = $objOrder->payment_id();
     $shipment_id = $objOrder->shipment_id();
     $arrSubstitution = array('CUSTOMER_COUNTRY_ID' => $objOrder->billing_country_id(), 'LANG_ID' => $lang_id, 'NOW' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME), 'TODAY' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE), 'ORDER_ID' => $order_id, 'ORDER_ID_CUSTOM' => ShopLibrary::getCustomOrderId($order_id), 'ORDER_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, strtotime($objOrder->date_time())), 'ORDER_TIME' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_TIME, strtotime($objOrder->date_time())), 'ORDER_STATUS_ID' => $status, 'ORDER_STATUS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_ORDER_STATUS_' . $status], 'MODIFIED' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME, strtotime($objOrder->modified_on())), 'REMARKS' => $objOrder->note(), 'ORDER_SUM' => sprintf('% 9.2f', $objOrder->sum()), 'CURRENCY' => Currency::getCodeById($objOrder->currency_id()));
     $arrSubstitution += $customer->getSubstitutionArray();
     if ($shipment_id) {
         $arrSubstitution += array('SHIPMENT' => array(0 => array('SHIPMENT_NAME' => sprintf('%-40s', Shipment::getShipperName($shipment_id)), 'SHIPMENT_PRICE' => sprintf('% 9.2f', $objOrder->shipment_amount()))), 'SHIPPING_ADDRESS' => array(0 => array('SHIPPING_COMPANY' => $objOrder->company(), 'SHIPPING_TITLE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_' . strtoupper($objOrder->gender())], 'SHIPPING_FIRSTNAME' => $objOrder->firstname(), 'SHIPPING_LASTNAME' => $objOrder->lastname(), 'SHIPPING_ADDRESS' => $objOrder->address(), 'SHIPPING_ZIP' => $objOrder->zip(), 'SHIPPING_CITY' => $objOrder->city(), 'SHIPPING_COUNTRY_ID' => $objOrder->country_id(), 'SHIPPING_COUNTRY' => \Cx\Core\Country\Controller\Country::getNameById($objOrder->country_id()), 'SHIPPING_PHONE' => $objOrder->phone())));
     if ($payment_id) {
         $arrSubstitution += array('PAYMENT' => array(0 => array('PAYMENT_NAME' => sprintf('%-40s', Payment::getNameById($payment_id)), 'PAYMENT_PRICE' => sprintf('% 9.2f', $objOrder->payment_amount()))));
     $arrItems = $objOrder->getItems();
     if (!$arrItems) {
     // Deduct Coupon discounts, either from each Product price, or
     // from the items total.  Mind that the Coupon has already been
     // stored with the Order, but not redeemed yet.  This is done
     // in this method, but only if $create_accounts is true.
     $coupon_code = NULL;
     $coupon_amount = 0;
     $objCoupon = Coupon::getByOrderId($order_id);
     if ($objCoupon) {
         $coupon_code = $objCoupon->code();
     $orderItemCount = 0;
     $total_item_price = 0;
     // Suppress Coupon messages (see Coupon::available())
     foreach ($arrItems as $item) {
         $product_id = $item['product_id'];
         $objProduct = Product::getById($product_id);
         if (!$objProduct) {
             //die("Product ID $product_id not found");
         //DBG::log("Orders::getSubstitutionArray(): Item: Product ID $product_id");
         $product_name = substr($item['name'], 0, 40);
         $item_price = $item['price'];
         $quantity = $item['quantity'];
         // TODO: Add individual VAT rates for Products
         //            $orderItemVatPercent = $objResultItem->fields['vat_percent'];
         // Decrease the Product stock count,
         // applies to "real", shipped goods only
         $product_code = $objProduct->code();
         // Pick the order items attributes
         $str_options = '';
         // Any attributes?
         if ($item['attributes']) {
             $str_options = '  ';
             // '[';
             $attribute_name_previous = '';
             foreach ($item['attributes'] as $attribute_name => $arrAttribute) {
                 //DBG::log("Attribute /$attribute_name/ => ".var_export($arrAttribute, true));
                 // NOTE: The option price is optional and may be left out
                 foreach ($arrAttribute as $arrOption) {
                     $option_name = $arrOption['name'];
                     $option_price = $arrOption['price'];
                     $item_price += $option_price;
                     // Recognize the names of uploaded files,
                     // verify their presence and use the original name
                     $option_name_stripped = ShopLibrary::stripUniqidFromFilename($option_name);
                     $path = Order::UPLOAD_FOLDER . $option_name;
                     if ($option_name != $option_name_stripped && \File::exists($path)) {
                         $option_name = $option_name_stripped;
                     if ($attribute_name != $attribute_name_previous) {
                         if ($attribute_name_previous) {
                             $str_options .= '; ';
                         $str_options .= $attribute_name . ': ' . $option_name;
                         $attribute_name_previous = $attribute_name;
                     } else {
                         $str_options .= ', ' . $option_name;
                     // TODO: Add proper formatting with sprintf() and language entries
                     if ($option_price != 0) {
                         $str_options .= ' ' . Currency::formatPrice($option_price) . ' ' . Currency::getActiveCurrencyCode();
             //                $str_options .= ']';
         // Product details
         $arrProduct = array('PRODUCT_ID' => $product_id, 'PRODUCT_CODE' => $product_code, 'PRODUCT_QUANTITY' => $quantity, 'PRODUCT_TITLE' => $product_name, 'PRODUCT_OPTIONS' => $str_options, 'PRODUCT_ITEM_PRICE' => sprintf('% 9.2f', $item_price), 'PRODUCT_TOTAL_PRICE' => sprintf('% 9.2f', $item_price * $quantity));
         //DBG::log("Orders::getSubstitutionArray($order_id, $create_accounts): Adding article: ".var_export($arrProduct, true));
         $orderItemCount += $quantity;
         $total_item_price += $item_price * $quantity;
         if ($create_accounts) {
             // Add an account for every single instance of every Product
             for ($instance = 1; $instance <= $quantity; ++$instance) {
                 $validity = 0;
                 // Default to unlimited validity
                 // In case there are protected downloads in the cart,
                 // collect the group IDs
                 $arrUsergroupId = array();
                 if ($objProduct->distribution() == 'download') {
                     $usergroupIds = $objProduct->usergroup_ids();
                     if ($usergroupIds != '') {
                         $arrUsergroupId = explode(',', $usergroupIds);
                         $validity = $objProduct->weight();
                 // create an account that belongs to all collected
                 // user groups, if any.
                 if (count($arrUsergroupId) > 0) {
                     // The login names are created separately for
                     // each product instance
                     $username = self::usernamePrefix . "_{$order_id}_{$product_id}_{$instance}";
                     $userEmail = $username . '-' . $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_EMAIL'];
                     $userpass = \User::make_password();
                     $objUser = new \User();
                     $objUser->setProfile(array('firstname' => array(0 => $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_FIRSTNAME']), 'lastname' => array(0 => $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_LASTNAME']), 'company' => array(0 => $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_COMPANY']), 'address' => array(0 => $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_ADDRESS']), 'zip' => array(0 => $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_ZIP']), 'city' => array(0 => $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_CITY']), 'country' => array(0 => $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_COUNTRY_ID']), 'phone_office' => array(0 => $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_PHONE']), 'phone_fax' => array(0 => $arrSubstitution['CUSTOMER_FAX'])));
                     if (!$objUser->store()) {
                         \Message::error(implode('<br />', $objUser->getErrorMsg()));
                         return false;
                     if (empty($arrProduct['USER_DATA'])) {
                         $arrProduct['USER_DATA'] = array();
                     $arrProduct['USER_DATA'][] = array('USER_NAME' => $username, 'USER_PASS' => $userpass);
                 //echo("Instance $instance");
                 if ($objProduct->distribution() == 'coupon') {
                     if (empty($arrProduct['COUPON_DATA'])) {
                         $arrProduct['COUPON_DATA'] = array();
                     //DBG::log("Orders::getSubstitutionArray(): Getting code");
                     $code = Coupon::getNewCode();
                     //DBG::log("Orders::getSubstitutionArray(): Got code: $code, calling Coupon::addCode($code, 0, 0, 0, $item_price)");
                     Coupon::storeCode($code, 0, 0, 0, $item_price, 0, 0, 10000000000.0, true);
                     $arrProduct['COUPON_DATA'][] = array('COUPON_CODE' => $code);
             // Redeem the *product* Coupon, if possible for the Product
             if ($coupon_code) {
                 $objCoupon = Coupon::available($coupon_code, $item_price * $quantity, $customer_id, $product_id, $payment_id);
                 if ($objCoupon) {
                     $coupon_code = NULL;
                     $coupon_amount = $objCoupon->getDiscountAmount($item_price, $customer_id);
                     if ($create_accounts) {
                         $objCoupon->redeem($order_id, $customer_id, $item_price * $quantity);
                 //\DBG::log("Orders::getSubstitutionArray(): Got Product Coupon $coupon_code");
         if (empty($arrSubstitution['ORDER_ITEM'])) {
             $arrSubstitution['ORDER_ITEM'] = array();
         $arrSubstitution['ORDER_ITEM'][] = $arrProduct;
     $arrSubstitution['ORDER_ITEM_SUM'] = sprintf('% 9.2f', $total_item_price);
     $arrSubstitution['ORDER_ITEM_COUNT'] = sprintf('% 4u', $orderItemCount);
     // Redeem the *global* Coupon, if possible for the Order
     if ($coupon_code) {
         $objCoupon = Coupon::available($coupon_code, $total_item_price, $customer_id, null, $payment_id);
         if ($objCoupon) {
             $coupon_amount = $objCoupon->getDiscountAmount($total_item_price, $customer_id);
             if ($create_accounts) {
                 $objCoupon->redeem($order_id, $customer_id, $total_item_price);
     // Fill in the Coupon block with proper discount and amount
     if ($objCoupon) {
         $coupon_code = $objCoupon->code();
         //\DBG::log("Orders::getSubstitutionArray(): Coupon $coupon_code, amount $coupon_amount");
     if ($coupon_amount) {
         //\DBG::log("Orders::getSubstitutionArray(): Got Order Coupon $coupon_code");
         $arrSubstitution['DISCOUNT_COUPON'][] = array('DISCOUNT_COUPON_CODE' => sprintf('%-40s', $coupon_code), 'DISCOUNT_COUPON_AMOUNT' => sprintf('% 9.2f', -$coupon_amount));
     } else {
         //\DBG::log("Orders::getSubstitutionArray(): No Coupon for Order ID $order_id");
     if (Vat::isEnabled()) {
         //DBG::log("Orders::getSubstitutionArray(): VAT amount: ".$objOrder->vat_amount());
         $arrSubstitution['VAT'] = array(0 => array('VAT_TEXT' => sprintf('%-40s', Vat::isIncluded() ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_VAT_PREFIX_INCL'] : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SHOP_VAT_PREFIX_EXCL']), 'VAT_PRICE' => $objOrder->vat_amount()));
     return $arrSubstitution;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ShopManager.class.php プロジェクト: Niggu/cloudrexx
  * Store a customer
  * Sets a Message according to the outcome.
  * Note that failure to send the e-mail with login data is not
  * considered an error and will only produce a warning.
  * @return  integer       The Customer ID on success, null otherwise
  * @author  Reto Kohli <*****@*****.**>
 static function storeCustomerFromPost()
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     $username = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['username'])));
     $password = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['password'])));
     $company = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['company'])));
     $gender = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['gender'])));
     $firstname = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['firstname'])));
     $lastname = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['lastname'])));
     $address = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['address'])));
     $city = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['city'])));
     $zip = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['zip'])));
     $country_id = intval($_POST['country_id']);
     $phone = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['phone'])));
     $fax = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['fax'])));
     $email = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['email'])));
     $companynote = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['companynote'])));
     $customer_active = intval($_POST['active']);
     $is_reseller = intval($_POST['customer_type']);
     $customer_group_id = intval($_POST['customer_group_id']);
     //        $registerdate = trim(strip_tags(contrexx_input2raw($_POST['registerdate'])));
     $lang_id = isset($_POST['customer_lang_id']) ? intval($_POST['customer_lang_id']) : FRONTEND_LANG_ID;
     $customer_id = intval($_REQUEST['customer_id']);
     $objCustomer = Customer::getById($customer_id);
     if (!$objCustomer) {
         $objCustomer = new Customer();
     // Set automatically: $objCustomer->setRegisterDate($registerdate);
     if (isset($_POST['sendlogindata']) && $password == '') {
         $password = \User::make_password();
     if ($password != '') {
     if (!$objCustomer->store()) {
         foreach ($objCustomer->error_msg as $message) {
         return null;
     if (isset($_POST['sendlogindata'])) {
         // TODO: Use a common sendLogin() method
         $lang_id = $objCustomer->getFrontendLanguage();
         $arrSubs = $objCustomer->getSubstitutionArray();
         $arrSubs['CUSTOMER_LOGIN'] = array(0 => array('CUSTOMER_USERNAME' => $username, 'CUSTOMER_PASSWORD' => $password));
         //DBG::log("Subs: ".var_export($arrSubs, true));
         // Select template for sending login data
         $arrMailTemplate = array('key' => 'customer_login', 'section' => 'Shop', 'lang_id' => $lang_id, 'to' => $email, 'substitution' => $arrSubs);
         if (!\Cx\Core\MailTemplate\Controller\MailTemplate::send($arrMailTemplate)) {
             return $objCustomer->id();
         \Message::ok(sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_EMAIL_SEND_SUCCESSFULLY'], $email));
     return $objCustomer->id();