/** * @param integer $id * @param null|PdoDatabase $database * @return Comment[] * @throws Exception */ public static function getForRequest($id, PdoDatabase $database = null) { if ($database == null) { $database = gGetDb(); } if (User::getCurrent()->isAdmin() || User::getCurrent()->isCheckuser()) { // current user is an admin or checkuser, so retrieve everything. $statement = $database->prepare("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE request = :target;"); } else { // current user isn't an admin, so limit to only those which are visible to users, and private comments // the user has posted themselves. $statement = $database->prepare(<<<SQL SELECT * FROM comment WHERE request = :target AND (visibility = 'user' OR user = :userid); SQL ); $statement->bindValue(":userid", User::getCurrent()->getId()); } $statement->bindValue(":target", $id); $statement->execute(); $result = array(); /** @var Comment $v */ foreach ($statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, get_called_class()) as $v) { $v->isNew = false; $v->setDatabase($database); $result[] = $v; } return $result; }
/** * Send a "close pend ticket" email to the end user. (created, taken, etc...) */ function sendemail($messageno, $target, $id) { $template = EmailTemplate::getById($messageno, gGetDb()); $headers = 'From: accounts-enwiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org'; // Get the closing user's Email signature and append it to the Email. if (User::getCurrent()->getEmailSig() != "") { $emailsig = html_entity_decode(User::getCurrent()->getEmailSig(), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); mail($target, "RE: [ACC #{$id}] English Wikipedia Account Request", $template->getText() . "\n\n" . $emailsig, $headers); } else { mail($target, "RE: [ACC #{$id}] English Wikipedia Account Request", $template->getText(), $headers); } }
/** * @param User $user */ private static function createLogEntry(PdoDatabase $database, DataObject $object, $logaction, $comment = null, $user = null) { if ($user == null) { $user = User::getCurrent(); } $log = new Log(); $log->setDatabase($database); $log->setAction($logaction); $log->setObjectId($object->getId()); $log->setObjectType(get_class($object)); $log->setUser($user); $log->setComment($comment); $log->save(); }
/** * Summary of displayInternalHeader */ public static function displayInternalHeader() { // userid // username // sitenotice global $smarty, $session; $userid = isset($_SESSION['userID']) ? $_SESSION['userID'] : 0; $user = isset($_SESSION['user']) ? $_SESSION['user'] : ""; $sitenotice = InterfaceMessage::get(InterfaceMessage::SITENOTICE); $smarty->assign("userid", $userid); $smarty->assign("username", $user); $smarty->assign("sitenotice", $sitenotice); $smarty->assign("alerts", SessionAlert::retrieve()); $smarty->display("header-internal.tpl"); if ($userid != 0) { User::getCurrent()->touchLastLogin(); $session->forceLogout($_SESSION['userID']); } }
<div class="option" id="ln-media"><a class="section" href="media.php">General Media</a></div> <?php } if ($section == 'links') { ?> <div class="option-active" id="ln-links-active"><a class="section" href="links.php">Links</a></div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="option" id="ln-links"><a class="section" href="links.php">Links</a></div> <?php } ?> <?php $u = User::getCurrent(); if ($u->isAdmin()) { if ($section == 'admin_users' || $section == 'admin_streaming_audio') { ?> <div class="option-active" id="ln-admin-active"><a class="section" href="admin.php">Admin Options</a></div> <ul> <li<?php if ($section == 'admin_users') { ?> class="active"<?php } ?> ><a href="admin_users.php">Users</a></li> <li<?php if ($section == 'admin_streaming_audio') { ?>
function update($postArray) { $db = new db(); $title = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['title']); $uo = User::getCurrent(); include_class('band_members'); if (User::isAdmin()) { $uo = User::get($postArray['user_id']); if (db::isError($uo)) { $e->add($uo); } else { if (!$uo->isAdmin() && $uo->isBandMember()) { $e->add("Invalid user. User must be a band member or an administrator."); } } } else { $uo = User::getCurrent(); } $user_id = $uo->getID(); $_dt = strtotime($postArray['date']); $dt = date('Y-m-d', $_dt) . ' ' . $postArray['time']; $dateTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($dt)); $description = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['description']); $body = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['body']); if (!$title) { $title = '(untitled)'; } if (!$this->canEdit()) { return Error::create("You may not edit this news posting."); } $r = @mysql_query("update Band_News set title='{$title}', user_id = {$user_id}, date_time='{$dateTime}', description='{$description}', body='{$body}' where ID = " . $this->ID); if ($r) { return BandNews::get($this->ID); } else { return Error::MySQL(); } }
function zoomPage($id, $urlhash) { global $session, $availableRequestStates, $createdid; global $smarty, $locationProvider, $rdnsProvider, $antispoofProvider; global $xffTrustProvider, $enableEmailConfirm; $database = gGetDb(); $request = Request::getById($id, $database); if ($request == false) { // Notifies the user and stops the script. BootstrapSkin::displayAlertBox("Could not load the requested request!", "alert-error", "Error", true, false); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } $smarty->assign('ecenable', $enableEmailConfirm); if (isset($_GET['ecoverride']) && User::getCurrent()->isAdmin()) { $smarty->assign('ecoverride', true); } else { $smarty->assign('ecoverride', false); } $smarty->assign('request', $request); $smarty->assign("usernamerawunicode", html_entity_decode($request->getName())); $smarty->assign("iplocation", $locationProvider->getIpLocation($request->getTrustedIp())); $createdreason = EmailTemplate::getById($createdid, gGetDb()); $smarty->assign("createdEmailTemplate", $createdreason); #region setup whether data is viewable or not $viewableDataStatement = $database->prepare(<<<SQL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM request WHERE ( email = :email OR ip = :trustedIp OR forwardedip LIKE :trustedProxy ) AND reserved = :reserved AND emailconfirm = 'Confirmed' AND status != 'Closed'; SQL ); $viewableDataStatement->bindValue(":email", $request->getEmail()); $viewableDataStatement->bindValue(":reserved", User::getCurrent()->getId()); $viewableDataStatement->bindValue(":trustedIp", $request->getTrustedIp()); $viewableDataStatement->bindValue(":trustedProxy", '%' . $request->getTrustedIp() . '%'); $viewableDataStatement->execute(); $viewableData = $viewableDataStatement->fetchColumn(); $viewableDataStatement->closeCursor(); $hideinfo = $viewableData == 0; #endregion if ($request->getStatus() == "Closed") { $hash = md5($request->getId() . $request->getEmail() . $request->getTrustedIp() . microtime()); //If the request is closed, change the hash based on microseconds similar to the checksums. $smarty->assign("isclosed", true); } else { $hash = md5($request->getId() . $request->getEmail() . $request->getTrustedIp()); $smarty->assign("isclosed", false); } $smarty->assign("hash", $hash); if ($hash == $urlhash) { $correcthash = true; } else { $correcthash = false; } $smarty->assign("showinfo", false); if ($hideinfo == false || $correcthash == true || User::getCurrent()->isAdmin() || User::getCurrent()->isCheckuser()) { $smarty->assign("showinfo", true); } // force to not show, overriden later $smarty->assign("proxyip", ""); if ($hideinfo == false || $correcthash == true || User::getCurrent()->isAdmin() || User::getCurrent()->isCheckuser()) { $smarty->assign("proxyip", $request->getForwardedIp()); if ($request->getForwardedIp()) { $smartyproxies = array(); // Initialize array to store data to be output in Smarty template. $smartyproxiesindex = 0; $proxies = explode(",", $request->getForwardedIp()); $proxies[] = $request->getIp(); $origin = $proxies[0]; $smarty->assign("origin", $origin); $proxies = array_reverse($proxies); $trust = true; global $rfc1918ips; foreach ($proxies as $proxynum => $p) { $p2 = trim($p); $smartyproxies[$smartyproxiesindex]['ip'] = $p2; // get data on this IP. $trusted = $xffTrustProvider->isTrusted($p2); $ipisprivate = ipInRange($rfc1918ips, $p2); if (!$ipisprivate) { $iprdns = $rdnsProvider->getRdns($p2); $iplocation = $locationProvider->getIpLocation($p2); } else { // this is going to fail, so why bother trying? $iprdns = false; $iplocation = false; } // current trust chain status BEFORE this link $pretrust = $trust; // is *this* link trusted? $smartyproxies[$smartyproxiesindex]['trustedlink'] = $trusted; // current trust chain status AFTER this link $trust = $trust & $trusted; if ($pretrust && $p2 == $origin) { $trust = true; } $smartyproxies[$smartyproxiesindex]['trust'] = $trust; $smartyproxies[$smartyproxiesindex]['rdnsfailed'] = $iprdns === false; $smartyproxies[$smartyproxiesindex]['rdns'] = $iprdns; $smartyproxies[$smartyproxiesindex]['routable'] = !$ipisprivate; $smartyproxies[$smartyproxiesindex]['location'] = $iplocation; if ($iprdns == $p2 && $ipisprivate == false) { $smartyproxies[$smartyproxiesindex]['rdns'] = null; } $smartyproxies[$smartyproxiesindex]['showlinks'] = (!$trust || $p2 == $origin) && !$ipisprivate; $smartyproxiesindex++; } $smarty->assign("proxies", $smartyproxies); } } global $defaultRequestStateKey; // TODO: remove me and replace with call in the template directly $smarty->assign("isprotected", $request->isProtected()); $smarty->assign("defaultstate", $defaultRequestStateKey); $smarty->assign("requeststates", $availableRequestStates); try { $spoofs = $antispoofProvider->getSpoofs($request->getName()); } catch (Exception $ex) { $spoofs = $ex->getMessage(); } $smarty->assign("spoofs", $spoofs); // START LOG DISPLAY $logs = Logger::getRequestLogsWithComments($request->getId(), $request->getDatabase()); $requestLogs = array(); if (trim($request->getComment()) !== "") { $requestLogs[] = array('type' => 'comment', 'security' => 'user', 'userid' => null, 'user' => $request->getName(), 'entry' => null, 'time' => $request->getDate(), 'canedit' => false, 'id' => $request->getId(), 'comment' => $request->getComment()); } $namecache = array(); $editableComments = false; if (User::getCurrent()->isAdmin() || User::getCurrent()->isCheckuser()) { $editableComments = true; } foreach ($logs as $entry) { // both log and comment have a 'user' field if (!array_key_exists($entry->getUser(), $namecache)) { $namecache[$entry->getUser()] = $entry->getUserObject(); } if ($entry instanceof Comment) { $requestLogs[] = array('type' => 'comment', 'security' => $entry->getVisibility(), 'user' => $namecache[$entry->getUser()]->getUsername(), 'userid' => $entry->getUser() == -1 ? null : $entry->getUser(), 'entry' => null, 'time' => $entry->getTime(), 'canedit' => $editableComments || $entry->getUser() == User::getCurrent()->getId(), 'id' => $entry->getId(), 'comment' => $entry->getComment()); } if ($entry instanceof Log) { $requestLogs[] = array('type' => 'log', 'security' => 'user', 'userid' => $entry->getUser() == -1 ? null : $entry->getUser(), 'user' => $namecache[$entry->getUser()]->getUsername(), 'entry' => Logger::getLogDescription($entry), 'time' => $entry->getTimestamp(), 'canedit' => false, 'id' => $entry->getId(), 'comment' => $entry->getComment()); } } $smarty->assign("requestLogs", $requestLogs); // START OTHER REQUESTS BY IP AND EMAIL STUFF // Displays other requests from this ip. // assign to user $userListQuery = "SELECT username FROM user WHERE status = 'User' or status = 'Admin';"; $userListResult = gGetDb()->query($userListQuery); $userListData = $userListResult->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $userListProcessedData = array(); foreach ($userListData as $userListItem) { $userListProcessedData[] = "\"" . htmlentities($userListItem) . "\""; } $userList = '[' . implode(",", $userListProcessedData) . ']'; $smarty->assign("jsuserlist", $userList); // end: assign to user // TODO: refactor this! $createreasons = EmailTemplate::getActiveTemplates(EmailTemplate::CREATED); $smarty->assign("createreasons", $createreasons); $declinereasons = EmailTemplate::getActiveTemplates(EmailTemplate::NOT_CREATED); $smarty->assign("declinereasons", $declinereasons); $allcreatereasons = EmailTemplate::getAllActiveTemplates(EmailTemplate::CREATED); $smarty->assign("allcreatereasons", $allcreatereasons); $alldeclinereasons = EmailTemplate::getAllActiveTemplates(EmailTemplate::NOT_CREATED); $smarty->assign("alldeclinereasons", $alldeclinereasons); $allotherreasons = EmailTemplate::getAllActiveTemplates(false); $smarty->assign("allotherreasons", $allotherreasons); return $smarty->fetch("request-zoom.tpl"); }
function add($postArray) { $db = new db(); $uo = User::getCurrent(); if (User::isAdmin()) { $uo = User::get($postArray['user_id']); if (db::isError($uo)) { $e->add($uo); } else { if (!$uo->isAdmin() && $uo->isBandMember()) { $e->add("Invalid user. User must be a band member or an administrator."); } } } else { $uo = User::getCurrent(); } $user_id = $uo->getID(); $name = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['name']); $address1 = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['address1']); $address2 = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['address2']); $city = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['city']); $stateProvince = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['stateProvince']); if ($stateProvince == "??") { $stateProvince = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['stateProvinceOther']); } $postalCode = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['postalCode']); $directions = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['directions']); $country = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['country']); $country = $country == null ? VENUE_DEFAULT_COUNTRY : $country; if (!$name) { $name = '(untitled venue)'; } $r = mysql_query("insert into Venues (user_id, country, name, address1, address2, city, stateProvince, postalCode, directions, is_active) values ('{$user_id}', '{$country}', '{$name}', '{$address1}', '{$address2}', '{$city}', '{$stateProvince}', '{$postalCode}', '{$directions}'," . DEFAULT_ACTIVE . ")"); if ($r) { return Venue::get(mysql_insert_id()); } else { return Error::MySQL(); } }
/** * Shows the statistics page. */ public function Show() { // Get the needed objects. // fetch and show page header global $dontUseWikiDb; BootstrapSkin::displayInternalHeader(); if ($this->requiresWikiDatabase() && $dontUseWikiDb == 1) { // wiki database unavailable, don't show stats page BootstrapSkin::displayAlertBox("This statistics page is currently unavailable.", "alert-error", "Database unavailable", true, false); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } // wiki database available OR stats page doesn't need wiki database // check protection level if ($this->isProtected()) { if (User::getCurrent()->isCommunityUser()) { showlogin(); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } $session = new session(); $session->checksecurity(); } // not protected or access allowed echo '<div class="page-header"><h1>' . $this->getPageTitle() . '</h1></div>'; if ($this->requiresSimpleHtmlEnvironment()) { echo '<div class="row-fluid"><div class="span12">'; BootstrapSkin::pushTagStack("</div>"); BootstrapSkin::pushTagStack("</div>"); } echo $this->execute(); // Display the footer of the interface. BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); }
function add($postArray) { $db = new db(); include_class('venues'); $e = new Error(); $name = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['name']); $dt = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['date']); $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($dt)); if ($postArray['time']) { $time = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['time']); $time = "'" . date("H:i:s", strtotime($time)) . "'"; } else { $time = "null"; } if ($postArray['cost'] != "") { $cost = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['cost']); $cost = "'{$cost}'"; } else { $cost = "null"; } $is_all_ages = $postArray['is_all_ages'] == '1' ? 1 : 0; $other_bands = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['other_bands']); $notes = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['notes']); if (User::isAdmin()) { $uo = User::get($postArray['user_id']); if (db::isError($uo)) { $e->add($uo); } else { if (!$uo->isAdmin() && $uo->isBandMember()) { $e->add("Invalid user. User must be a band member or an administrator."); } } } else { $uo = User::getCurrent(); } if ($postArray['venue_id'] != '0') { $ve = Venue::get($postArray['venue_id']); } if (db::isError($ve)) { $e->add($ve); } if ($e->hasErrors()) { return $e; } $user_id = $uo->getID(); $venue_id = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['venue_id']); if (!$name) { $name = is_object($ve) && !db::isError($ve) ? $db->sanitize_to_db($ve->getName()) : "(untitled show)"; } $r = mysql_query("insert into Shows (name, venue_id, date, time, user_id, cost, is_all_ages, other_bands, notes, is_active) values ('{$name}', '{$venue_id}', '{$date}', {$time}, {$user_id}, {$cost}, {$is_all_ages}, '{$other_bands}', '{$notes}'," . DEFAULT_ACTIVE . ")"); if ($r) { return Show::get(mysql_insert_id()); } else { return Error::MySQL(); } }
function canEdit() { $uo = User::getCurrent(); if (is_object($uo)) { $bm = $this->getMemberObject(); return $uo->getID() == $bm->getUserID() || $uo->isAdmin(); } }
function statsTopCreatorsRowCallback($row, $rowno) { $out = "<tr"; if ($row['log_user'] == User::getCurrent()->getUsername()) { $out .= ' class="info"'; } $out .= '>'; $out .= '<td>' . $rowno . '</td>'; $out .= '<td>' . $row['COUNT(*)'] . '</td>'; global $baseurl; $out .= '<td><a '; if ($row['user_level'] == "Suspended") { $out .= 'class="muted" '; } if ($row['user_level'] == "Admin") { $out .= 'class="text-success" '; } $out .= 'href="' . $baseurl . '/statistics.php?page=Users&user='******'user_id'] . '">' . $row['log_user'] . '</a></td>'; $out .= '</tr>'; return $out; }
/** * Summary of emailEdited * @param EmailTemplate $template */ public static function emailEdited(EmailTemplate $template) { self::send("Email {$template->getId()} ({$template->getName()}) edited by " . User::getCurrent()->getUsername()); }
<?php include 'base.php'; User::protect(); $page_title = 'Band Member Diaries'; include_class('band_diaries'); include_class('band_members'); if ($_GET['memberID']) { $bm = BandMember::get($_GET['memberID']); $bdlist = $bm->getDiaries($_GET['entries_per_page'], $_GET['start']); $news_total = $bm->getTotalDiaryEntries(); if (!db::isError($bm)) { $uo = $bm->getUserObject(); $uoc = User::getCurrent(); } } $section = 'band_diaries'; include 'layout/header.php'; if (is_object($bm) && !db::isError($bm)) { ?> <div id="breadcrumb"> <a href="index.php">Audition ></a> <a href="band.php">Manage Band ></a> <a href="band_diaries.php">Diaries ></a> <?php echo $uo->getFirstName(); ?> 's Diary </div> <h1><?php echo strtolower($uo->getFirstName()); ?>
?> SELECTED<?php } ?> ><?php echo $uo->getFirstName(); ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select> <?php } else { $uo = User::getCurrent(); echo $uo->getFirstName(); } ?> </td> <td><strong>Is All Ages?</strong><br/><input type="radio" name="is_all_ages" value="1"<?php if ($_POST['is_all_ages']) { ?> checked<?php } ?> > Yes <input type="radio" name="is_all_ages" value="0"<?php if (!$_POST['is_all_ages']) { ?>
function update($postArray, $filterObj = null) { if ($filterObj) { $proceed = $filterObj->validateMediaOperation("UPDATE"); if (db::isError($proceed)) { return $proceed; } } $db = new db(); $title = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['title']); $description = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['description']); $u = User::getCurrent(); if ($u->isAdmin()) { $access = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['access']); if ($access == 'STREAMING') { $result = $this->setupStreaming(); if ($db->isError($result)) { return $result; } } $q = "update DarkRoom_Media_to_Areas set title = '{$title}', description = '{$description}', access = '{$access}' where ID = " . $this->ID; } else { $q = "update DarkRoom_Media_to_Areas set title = '{$title}', description = '{$description}' where ID = " . $this->ID; } $r = mysql_query($q); if ($r) { return $r; } else { $e = new Error(); $e->add(mysql_error()); return $e; } }
} elseif ($action == "oauthdetach") { if ($enforceOAuth) { BootstrapSkin::displayAccessDenied(); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } global $baseurl; $currentUser = User::getCurrent(); $currentUser->detachAccount(); header("Location: {$baseurl}/acc.php?action=logout"); } elseif ($action == "oauthattach") { $database = gGetDb(); $database->transactionally(function () use($database) { try { global $oauthConsumerToken, $oauthSecretToken, $oauthBaseUrl, $oauthBaseUrlInternal; $user = User::getCurrent(); // Get a request token for OAuth $util = new OAuthUtility($oauthConsumerToken, $oauthSecretToken, $oauthBaseUrl, $oauthBaseUrlInternal); $requestToken = $util->getRequestToken(); // save the request token for later $user->setOAuthRequestToken($requestToken->key); $user->setOAuthRequestSecret($requestToken->secret); $user->save(); $redirectUrl = $util->getAuthoriseUrl($requestToken); header("Location: {$redirectUrl}"); } catch (Exception $ex) { throw new TransactionException($ex->getMessage(), "Connection to Wikipedia failed.", "alert-error", 0, $ex); } }); } else { echo defaultpage();
function isAdmin() { $uo = User::getCurrent(); return $uo->getLevel() == 'ADMIN'; }
<?php if (!defined("ACC")) { die; } // Invalid entry point require_once 'lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php'; global $smarty, $smartydebug; $smarty = new Smarty(); $toolVersion = Environment::getToolVersion(); $currentUser = User::getCurrent(); $smarty->assign("baseurl", $baseurl); $smarty->assign("wikiurl", $wikiurl); $smarty->assign("mediawikiScriptPath", $mediawikiScriptPath); $smarty->assign("toolversion", $toolVersion); $smarty->assign("currentUser", $currentUser); $smarty->debugging = $smartydebug;
/** * Check the user's security level on page load, and bounce accordingly * * @deprecated */ public function checksecurity() { global $secure, $smarty; // CommunityUser has no database row, and we really don't want CommunityUser to have oauth credentials... if (!User::getCurrent()->isCommunityUser()) { if (User::getCurrent()->getStoredOnWikiName() == "##OAUTH##" && User::getCurrent()->getOAuthAccessToken() == null) { reattachOAuthAccount(User::getCurrent()); } if (User::getCurrent()->isOAuthLinked()) { try { // test retrieval of the identity User::getCurrent()->getOAuthIdentity(); } catch (TransactionException $ex) { User::getCurrent()->setOAuthAccessToken(null); User::getCurrent()->setOAuthAccessSecret(null); User::getCurrent()->save(); reattachOAuthAccount(User::getCurrent()); } } else { global $enforceOAuth; if ($enforceOAuth) { reattachOAuthAccount(User::getCurrent()); } } } if (User::getCurrent()->isNew()) { BootstrapSkin::displayAlertBox("I'm sorry, but, your account has not been approved by a site administrator yet. Please stand by.", "alert-error", "New account", true, false); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } elseif (User::getCurrent()->isSuspended()) { $database = gGetDb(); $suspendstatement = $database->prepare(<<<SQL SELECT comment FROM log WHERE action = 'Suspended' AND objectid = :userid and objecttype = 'User' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1; SQL ); $suspendstatement->bindValue(":userid", User::getCurrent()->getId()); $suspendstatement->execute(); $suspendreason = $suspendstatement->fetchColumn(); $suspendstatement->closeCursor(); $smarty->assign("suspendreason", $suspendreason); $smarty->display("login/suspended.tpl"); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } elseif (User::getCurrent()->isDeclined()) { $database = gGetDb(); $suspendstatement = $database->prepare(<<<SQL SELECT comment FROM log WHERE action = 'Declined' AND objectid = :userid and objecttype = 'User' ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1; SQL ); $suspendstatement->bindValue(":userid", User::getCurrent()->getId()); $suspendstatement->execute(); $suspendreason = $suspendstatement->fetchColumn(); $suspendstatement->closeCursor(); $smarty->assign("suspendreason", $suspendreason); $smarty->display("login/declined.tpl"); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } elseif (!User::getCurrent()->isCommunityUser() && (User::getCurrent()->isUser() || User::getCurrent()->isAdmin())) { $secure = 1; } else { //die("Not logged in!"); } }
$qterm = '%' . $term . '%'; $statement = gGetDb()->prepare("SELECT * FROM request WHERE email LIKE :term;"); $statement->bindValue(":term", $qterm); $statement->execute(); $requests = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "Request"); foreach ($requests as $r) { $r->setDatabase(gGetDb()); } $smarty->assign("term", $term); $smarty->assign("requests", $requests); $target = "email address"; $smarty->assign("target", $target); $smarty->display("search/searchresult.tpl"); } elseif ($_GET['type'] == 'IP') { // move this to here, so non-admins can perform searches, but not on IP addresses or emails if (!User::getCurrent()->isAdmin() && !User::getCurrent()->isCheckuser()) { // Displays both the error message and the footer of the interface. BootstrapSkin::displayAlertBox("IP address search is only available to tool admins and checkusers.", "alert-error", "Access Denied"); $smarty->display("search/searchform.tpl"); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } $qterm = '%' . $term . '%'; $statement = gGetDb()->prepare("SELECT * FROM request WHERE email <> '*****@*****.**' and ip <> '' and ip LIKE :term or forwardedip LIKE :term2;"); $statement->bindValue(":term", $qterm); $statement->bindValue(":term2", $qterm); $statement->execute(); $requests = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, "Request"); foreach ($requests as $r) { $r->setDatabase(gGetDb()); }
public function isProtected() { if ($this->reserved != 0) { if ($this->reserved == User::getCurrent()->getId()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } }
} if (!isset($_POST['reason'])) { global $smarty; $smarty->assign("user", $user); $smarty->assign("status", "Declined"); $smarty->assign("action", "decline"); $smarty->display("usermanagement/changelevel-reason.tpl"); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } else { $user->decline($_POST['reason']); Notification::userDeclined($user, $_POST['reason']); BootstrapSkin::displayAlertBox("Declined user " . htmlentities($user->getUsername(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), "alert-info", "", false); $headers = 'From: accounts-enwiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org'; // TODO: move to template? mail($user->getEmail(), "ACC Account Declined", "Dear " . $user->getOnWikiName() . ",\nYour account " . $user->getUsername() . " has been declined access to the account creation tool by " . User::getCurrent()->getUsername() . " because " . $_POST['reason'] . ". For more infomation please email accounts-enwiki-l@lists.wikimedia.org.\n- The English Wikipedia Account Creation Team", $headers); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } } #endregion #region renaming if (isset($_GET['rename'])) { $user = User::getById($_GET['rename'], gGetDb()); if ($user == false) { BootstrapSkin::displayAlertBox("Sorry, the user you are trying to rename could not be found.", "alert-error", "Error", true, false); BootstrapSkin::displayInternalFooter(); die; } if (!isset($_POST['newname'])) { global $smarty;