public function changePageSize($sender, $param) { $this->DataGrid->PageSize = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($this->PageSize->Text); $this->DataGrid->CurrentPageIndex = 0; $this->DataGrid->DataSource = $this->Data; $this->DataGrid->dataBind(); }
public function setTotalRowCount($value) { if (($value = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value)) < 0) { $value = 0; } $this->_totalRowCount = $value; }
private function createParameter($id, $value) { $element = new TXmlElement('parameter'); $element->Attributes['id'] = $id; $element->Attributes['value'] = TPropertyValue::ensureString($value); return $element; }
public function editRow($sender, $param) { if ($this->IsValid) { $rows = new nNewsletterRecord(); $rows->Name = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->Name->getSafeText()); $rows->Status = 0; $rows->save(); $lay = new nLayoutRecord(); //$lay->PlaneText = TPropertyValue::ensureString ( $this->PlaneText->getText () ); $lay->HtmlText = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->HtmlText->getText()); $lay->nNewsletterID = $rows->ID; $lay->save(); $mailList = explode(";", $this->SendDescription->getText()); foreach ($mailList as $email) { if (filter_var(trim($email), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { if (!nSenderRecord::finder()->findBy_nLayoutID_AND_Email($lay->ID, trim($email))) { $send = new nSenderRecord(); $send->Email = trim($email); $send->Status = 0; $send->nLayoutID = $lay->ID; $send->save(); } } } $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->constructUrl("Newsletter.Data")); } }
private function getPageSize() { if (($limit = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($this->Request['limit'])) <= 0) { $limit = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($this->Application->Parameters['PostPerPage']); } return $limit; }
/** * Initialize the TTranslate translation components */ public static function init($catalogue = 'messages') { static $saveEventHandlerAttached = false; //initialized the default class wide formatter if (!isset(self::$formatters[$catalogue])) { $app = Prado::getApplication()->getGlobalization(); $config = $app->getTranslationConfiguration(); $source = MessageSource::factory($config['type'], $config['source'], $config['filename']); $source->setCulture($app->getCulture()); if (TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($config['cache'])) { $source->setCache(new MessageCache($config['cache'])); } self::$formatters[$catalogue] = new MessageFormat($source, $app->getCharset()); //mark untranslated text if ($ps = $config['marker']) { self::$formatters[$catalogue]->setUntranslatedPS(array($ps, $ps)); } //save the message on end request // Do it only once ! if (!$saveEventHandlerAttached && TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($config['autosave'])) { Prado::getApplication()->attachEventHandler('OnEndRequest', array('Translation', 'saveMessages')); $saveEventHandlerAttached = true; } } }
public function saveButtonClicked($sender, $param) { if ($this->IsValid) { $postRecord = new PostRecord(); $postRecord->Title = $this->Title->SafeText; $postRecord->Content = $this->Content->SafeText; if ($this->DraftMode->Checked) { $postRecord->Status = PostRecord::STATUS_DRAFT; } else { if (!$this->User->IsAdmin && TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($this->Application->Parameters['PostApproval'])) { $postRecord->Status = PostRecord::STATUS_PENDING; } else { $postRecord->Status = PostRecord::STATUS_PUBLISHED; } } $postRecord->CreateTime = time(); $postRecord->ModifyTime = $postRecord->CreateTime; $postRecord->AuthorID = $this->User->ID; $cats = array(); foreach ($this->Categories->SelectedValues as $value) { $cats[] = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); } $this->DataAccess->insertPost($postRecord, $cats); $this->gotoPage('Posts.ViewPost', array('id' => $postRecord->ID)); } }
public function editRow($sender, $param) { if ($this->IsValid) { $finder = CatalogueRecord::finder(); $finder->DbConnection->Active = true; $transaction = $finder->DbConnection->beginTransaction(); try { $rows = $finder->findBycat_id($this->getRequest()->itemAt("id")); $rows->MasterName = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->Name->getSafeText()); $rows->ShortName = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->ShortName->getSafeText()); $baseMethod = new BaseFunction(); $d = dir($baseMethod->UploadFilePath); while ($entry = $d->read()) { if (strlen($entry) > 2 && is_file($d->path . '/' . $entry) && $entry != '.htaccess') { copy($baseMethod->UploadFilePath . $entry, Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles') . '/Language/' . $this->getRequest()->itemAt("id") . '/' . $entry) or die("Błąd przy kopiowaniu"); $rows->Photo = $entry; } } $d->close(); $rows->save(); $transaction->commit(); $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->constructUrl("Language.Index", array("id" => $this->getRequest()->itemAt("id")))); } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollBack(); } } }
/** * Sets the decay rate between callback. Default is 0; * @param float decay rate between callbacks. */ public function setDecayRate($value) { $decay = TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($value); if ($decay < 0) { throw new TConfigurationException('callback_decay_be_not_negative', $this->getID()); } $this->setViewState('Decay', $decay); }
/** * @param integer maximum number of page states that should be kept in session * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the number is smaller than 1. */ public function setHistorySize($value) { if (($value = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value)) > 0) { $this->_historySize = $value; } else { throw new TInvalidDataValueException('sessionpagestatepersister_historysize_invalid'); } }
private function getCategoryFilter() { if (($catID = $this->Request['cat']) !== null) { $catID = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($catID); return "category_id={$catID}"; } else { return ''; } }
public function onInit($param) { parent::onInit($param); $id = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($this->Request['id']); $this->_category = $this->DataAccess->queryCategoryByID($id); if ($this->_category === null) { throw new BlogException(500, 'category_id_invalid', $id); } }
protected function createBooleanControl($container, $column, $record) { $value = $this->getRecordPropertyValue($column, $record); $control = new TCheckBox(); $control->setChecked(TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value)); $control->setCssClass('boolean-checkbox'); $this->setDefaultProperty($container, $control, $column, $record); return $control; }
public function editRow($sender, $param) { if ($this->IsValid) { $short = strtolower($this->ShortName->getSafeText()); $rows = new CatalogueRecord(); $rows->name = 'messages.' . $short; $rows->MasterName = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->Name->getSafeText()); $rows->ShortName = TPropertyValue::ensureString($short); $rows->save(); if (!is_dir(Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles') . '/Language/' . $rows->cat_id)) { $dirun = dir(Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles')); mkdir($dirun->path . '/Language/' . $rows->cat_id, 0775); $dirun->close(); } $baseMethod = new BaseFunction(); $d = dir($baseMethod->UploadFilePath); while ($entry = $d->read()) { if (strlen($entry) > 2 && is_file($d->path . '/' . $entry) && $entry != '.htaccess') { copy($baseMethod->UploadFilePath . $entry, Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles') . '/Language/' . $rows->cat_id . '/' . $entry) or die("Błąd przy kopiowaniu"); $row = CatalogueRecord::finder()->findBycat_id($rows->cat_id); $row->Photo = $entry; $row->save(); } } $statyczne = PagesRecord::finder()->findAll('PageID IS NULL AND LanguageID = 1'); foreach ($statyczne as $page) { $new = new PagesRecord(); $new->Name = $rows->ShortName . ' : ' . $page->Name; $new->LanguageID = $rows->cat_id; $new->LangCode = $short; $new->PageID = $page->PageID; $new->Protected = $page->Protected; $new->Position = $page->Position; $new->ShowMenu = $page->ShowMenu; $new->save(); } $translation = TransUnitRecord::finder()->findAll('cat_id = 1'); foreach ($translation as $page) { $new = new TransUnitRecord(); $new->id = $page->id; $new->cat_id = $rows->cat_id; $new->source = $page->source; $new->save(); } $settings = SettingsRecord::finder()->findAll('LanguageID = 1'); foreach ($settings as $set) { $newS = new SettingsRecord(); $newS->Key = $set->Key; $newS->Value = $rows->ShortName . ' : ' . $set->Value; $newS->LanguageID = $rows->cat_id; $newS->LangCode = $short; $newS->save(); } $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->constructUrl("Language.Index", array('id' => $rows->cat_id))); } }
public function saveItem($sender, $param) { $item = $param->Item; $postID = $this->PostGrid->DataKeys[$item->ItemIndex]; $postRecord = $this->DataAccess->queryPostByID($postID); $postRecord->Status = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($item->Cells[2]->PostStatus->SelectedValue); $this->DataAccess->updatePost($postRecord); $this->PostGrid->EditItemIndex = -1; $this->bindData(); }
public function loadTestTemplate($sender, $param) { $c = new TestTemplate(); $this->Content->Controls[] = $c; $c->dataBind(); $this->Content->render($param->newWriter); $value = $this->Page->getControlState('WebgisDynamicControls'); $value[] = array('classname' => get_class($c), 'args' => null); $this->Page->setControlState('WebgisDynamicControls', TPropertyValue::ensureArray($value), 0); }
public function saveItem($sender, $param) { $item = $param->Item; $userID = $this->UserGrid->DataKeys[$item->ItemIndex]; $userRecord = $this->DataAccess->queryUserByID($userID); $userRecord->Role = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($item->Cells[1]->UserRole->SelectedValue); $userRecord->Status = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($item->Cells[2]->UserStatus->SelectedValue); $this->DataAccess->updateUser($userRecord); $this->UserGrid->EditItemIndex = -1; $this->bindData(); }
public function selectLevel($sender, $param) { if (($selection = $this->LevelSelection->SelectedValue) === '') { $this->LevelError->Visible = true; return; } else { $this->Level = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($selection); } $this->Word = $this->generateWord(); $this->GuessWord = str_repeat('_', strlen($this->Word)); $this->Misses = 0; $this->GameMultiView->ActiveView = $this->GuessView; }
public function onInit($param) { parent::onInit($param); if (($id = $this->Request['id']) !== null) { $id = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($id); } else { $id = $this->User->ID; } if (($this->_userRecord = $this->DataAccess->queryUserByID($id)) === null) { throw new BlogException(500, 'profile_id_invalid', $id); } $this->_userRecord->Email = strtr(strtoupper($this->_userRecord->Email), array('@' => ' at ', '.' => ' dot ')); }
public function onLoad($param) { parent::onLoad($param); $commentLimit = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($this->Application->Parameters['RecentComments']); $comments = $this->Application->getModule('data')->queryComments('', 'ORDER BY create_time DESC', "LIMIT {$commentLimit}"); foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment->ID = $this->Service->constructUrl('Posts.ViewPost', array('id' => $comment->PostID)) . '#c' . $comment->ID; if (strlen($comment->Content) > 40) { $comment->Content = substr($comment->Content, 0, 40) . ' ...'; } } $this->CommentList->DataSource = $comments; $this->CommentList->dataBind(); }
public function onInit($param) { parent::onInit($param); if (($id = $this->Request['id']) !== null) { $id = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($id); if (!$this->User->IsAdmin && $this->User->ID !== $id) { throw new BlogException(500, 'profile_edit_disallowed', $id); } } else { $id = $this->User->ID; } if (($this->_userRecord = $this->DataAccess->queryUserByID($id)) === null) { throw new BlogException(500, 'profile_id_invalid', $id); } }
public function saveInput($sender, $param) { if ($this->IsValid) { $index = 0; $products = $this->Products; $data = array(); foreach ($this->Repeater->Items as $item) { $item = array('id' => $products[$index]['id'], 'name' => $item->ProductName->Text, 'category' => $item->ProductCategory->SelectedItem->Text, 'price' => TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($item->ProductPrice->Text), 'imported' => $item->ProductImported->Checked); $data[] = $item; $index++; } $this->Repeater2->DataSource = $data; $this->Repeater2->dataBind(); } }
public function onLoad($param) { parent::onLoad($param); $url = $this->Request->RequestUri; if (strpos($url, '?') === false) { $url .= '?notheme=true'; } else { $url .= '&notheme=true'; } $this->PrinterLink->NavigateUrl = $url; if (isset($this->Request['notheme'])) { $this->MainMenu->Visible = false; $this->TopicPanel->Visible = false; } $this->languages->DataSource = TPropertyValue::ensureArray($this->Application->Parameters['languages']); $this->languages->dataBind(); }
/** * Constructor, similar to the parent constructor. For parameters that * are of SimpleXmlElement, the tag name and its attribute names and values * are expanded into a string. */ public function __construct($errorMessage) { $this->setErrorCode($errorMessage); $errorMessage = $this->translateErrorMessage($errorMessage); $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); $n = count($args); $tokens = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i) { if ($args[$i] instanceof SimpleXmlElement) { $tokens['{' . $i . '}'] = $this->implodeNode($args[$i]); } else { $tokens['{' . $i . '}'] = TPropertyValue::ensureString($args[$i]); } } parent::__construct(strtr($errorMessage, $tokens)); }
protected function updateProduct($id, $name, $quantity, $price, $imported) { // In real applications, data should be saved to database using an SQL UPDATE statement if ($this->_data === null) { $this->loadData(); } $updateRow = null; foreach ($this->_data as $index => $row) { if ($row['id'] === $id) { $updateRow =& $this->_data[$index]; } } if ($updateRow !== null) { $updateRow['name'] = $name; $updateRow['quantity'] = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($quantity); $updateRow['price'] = TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($price); $updateRow['imported'] = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($imported); $this->saveData(); } }
public function changePassword2($sender, $param) { $finder = UserRecord::finder(); $finder->DbConnection->Active = true; $transaction = $finder->DbConnection->beginTransaction(); try { $baseMethod = new BaseFunction(); $hash = $this->getRequest()->itemAt("amp;hash"); if ($this->getRequest()->contains("amp;hash") == false) { $hash = $this->getRequest()->itemAt("hash"); } $rows = $finder->findByUsername($hash); $rows->Password = TPropertyValue::ensureString($baseMethod->cryptString($this->ConfirmPassword->getSafeText())); $rows->save(); $transaction->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { print_R($e->getMessage()); $transaction->rollBack(); } $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->constructUrl("Login")); }
protected function updateBook($isbn, $title, $publisher, $price, $instock, $rating) { // In real applications, data should be saved to database using an SQL UPDATE statement if ($this->_data === null) { $this->loadData(); } $updateRow = null; foreach ($this->_data as $index => $row) { if ($row['ISBN'] === $isbn) { $updateRow =& $this->_data[$index]; } } if ($updateRow !== null) { $updateRow['title'] = $title; $updateRow['publisher'] = $publisher; $updateRow['price'] = TPropertyValue::ensureFloat(ltrim($price, '$')); $updateRow['instock'] = TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($instock); $updateRow['rating'] = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($rating); $this->saveData(); } }
public function editRow($sender, $param) { if ($this->IsValid) { $rows = new SliderRecord(); $rows->Name = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->Name->getSafeText()); $rows->Description = TPropertyValue::ensureString($this->Description->getText()); $rows->save(); $baseMethod = new BaseFunction(); $d = dir($baseMethod->UploadFilePath); while ($entry = $d->read()) { if (strlen($entry) > 2 && is_file($d->path . '/' . $entry) && $entry != '.htaccess') { $namePhoto = strtolower($entry); $rowPhoto = SliderRecord::finder()->findByID($rows->ID); $rowPhoto->Photo = $namePhoto; $rowPhoto->save(); copy($baseMethod->UploadFilePath . $entry, Prado::getPathOfAlias('UserFiles') . '/Slider/' . $namePhoto) or die("Błąd przy kopiowaniu"); } } $d->close(); $this->Response->redirect($this->Service->constructUrl("Slider.Index", array("id" => $rows->ID))); } }
public function createUser($sender, $param) { if ($this->IsValid) { $userRecord = new UserRecord(); $userRecord->Name = strtolower($this->Username->Text); $userRecord->FullName = $this->FullName->Text; $userRecord->Role = 0; $userRecord->Password = md5($this->Password->Text); $userRecord->Email = $this->Email->Text; $userRecord->CreateTime = time(); $userRecord->Website = $this->Website->Text; if (TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($this->Application->Parameters['AccountApproval'])) { $userRecord->Status = UserRecord::STATUS_PENDING; } else { $userRecord->Status = UserRecord::STATUS_NORMAL; } $this->DataAccess->insertUser($userRecord); $authManager = $this->Application->getModule('auth'); $authManager->login($this->Username->Text, $this->Password->Text); $this->gotoDefaultPage(); } }
public function changePageSize($sender, $param) { $this->dgDescuentosDet->PageSize = TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($this->PageSize->Text); $this->dgDescuentosDet->CurrentPageIndex = 0; $this->dgDescuentosDet->dataBind(); }