/** * 课程教师回调,针对有多个教师的情况 * @author mohuishou<*****@*****.**> * @param $str * @return mixed */ function cbTeacher($str) { $str = str_replace("*", '', $str); $str = str_replace(" ", ',', $str); $str = removeSpace($str); return $str; }
function getCategory2ListingCn($active = NULL, $category1_id) { $category2String = ""; $catids = getCat2counting($category1_id); $category = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM category2 WHERE category1_id = '" . $category1_id . "'"); while ($category2RS = mysql_fetch_assoc($category)) { $categoryName = htmlspecialchars_decode($category2RS['name_py']) == $category2RS['name_py'] ? htmlspecialchars($category2RS['name_py']) : $category2RS['name_py']; $link = LIVESITEURL . "/cn/" . removeSpace($categoryName); if ($active != "") { if ($active == $category2RS['id']) { $class = "turn_on"; } else { $class = "turn_off"; } $cat2_id = "cat2_" . $category2RS['id']; $cat2_ids = "'" . $cat2_id . "'"; $category2String .= '<li><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="changeCategory2(' . $cat2_ids . ')" id=' . $cat2_id . ' class=' . $class . '>' . $category2RS['name_cn'] . '</a></li>'; } } $category2String .= '<input type="hidden" name="cate2IDS" id="cate2IDS" value="' . $catids . '">'; return $category2String; }
<?php // GET HTML // $raw_in = file_get_contents("html/category2_en.html"); // SQL STATEMENTS // $cat2name = trim(urldecode(makeSpace($requestType[3]))); $cat1name = trim(urldecode(makeSpace($requestType[2]))); $category1 = mysql_query("SELECT id,name_en,description_en,category1_id FROM category2 WHERE name_en = '" . $cat2name . "'"); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($category1); $category2_id = $result['id']; // Category 2 listing $locationString = ""; $locations = mysql_query("SELECT l.* FROM locations_category AS lc LEFT JOIN locations AS l ON l.id = lc.location_id WHERE lc.category2_id = '" . $category2_id . "'"); while ($locationRS = mysql_fetch_assoc($locations)) { $link = LIVESITEURL . "/en/" . removeSpace($cat1name) . "/" . removeSpace($cat2name) . "/" . removeSpace($locationRS['name_en']) . "/" . md5($locationRS['id']); $locationString .= "<li><a href='" . $link . "'>" . $locationRS['name_en'] . "</a></li>"; } // GET PAGE DATA // $sitename_en = "SoNingbo"; $siteURL = "soningbo.com"; $category1_en = $cat1name; $category2_en = $result['name_en']; $category2_description_en = $result['description_en']; $category1Listing = getCategory1ListingEn(); $topMenusItems = topMenusItems($lang, $request2, $staticPages); // COMBINE PAGE DATA AND HTML // $find = array("#sitename_en", "#siteURL", "#category1_en", "#category2_en", "#category2_description_en", "<li>#all_locationname_en</li>", "<li>#all_category1_en</li>", "#topMenusItems"); $replaceCatName = array($sitename_en, $siteURL, $category1_en, $category2_en, $category2_description_en, $locationString, $category1Listing, $topMenusItems); $result = str_replace($find, $replaceCatName, $raw_in); // WRITE OUT HTML echo $result;
function returnWixID() { global $WixID, $RequestPath, $matchingHostName; $firstCandidates = returnCandidates(); $RequestPath = subjectPath(); //ソート後 $secondCandidates = array(); //Selection後 $finalCandidates = array(); //既入wid除外用Array $finalCandidates_wids = array(); $no_attachFlag = false; try { foreach ($firstCandidates as $key => $value) { $pattern = $key; $wids = $value; //正規表現パス if (strpos($pattern, '"') !== false) { $pattern = removeSpace($pattern); $pattern = substr($pattern, 1, strlen($pattern) - 2); } else { //パスパターン if (strpos(substr($pattern, 0, 1), '/') !== false) { $pattern = '^' . $pattern; } else { $pattern = '^/' . $pattern; } if (strpos($pattern, ' ') !== false) { $pattern = removeSpace($pattern); } if (strpos($pattern, '*') !== false) { $pattern = preg_replace('/\\*/', '.*', $pattern); } if (strpos($pattern, '?') !== false) { //元々ある.をエスケープしてから?を.に。 $pattern = preg_replace('/\\./', '\\\\.', $pattern); $pattern = preg_replace('/\\?/', '.', $pattern); } } //URLパスとマッチしたら$secondCandidatesに。 if (preg_match('{' . $pattern . '}', $RequestPath, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) == 1) { if (mb_strtolower($wids) !== 'no_attach') { //$matches[0][0]にマッチング文字列, [0][1]にマッチング開始位置 array_push($secondCandidates, array('pattern' => $pattern, 'wids' => $wids, 'endLocation' => strlen($matches[0][0]) + $matches[0][1], 'patternLength' => strlen($matches[0][0]))); } else { //最長一致でない限りフラグは立てない if (strlen($matches[0][0]) + $matches[0][1] == strlen($RequestPath)) { $no_attachFlag = true; break; } } } } if ($no_attachFlag == false) { $endLocation = array(); $patternLength = array(); foreach ($secondCandidates as $key => $row) { //endLocation:マッチング終端位置, patternLength:マッチング文字列長 $endLocation[$key] = $row['endLocation']; $patternLength[$key] = $row['patternLength']; } //ソート array_multisort($endLocation, SORT_DESC, $patternLength, SORT_DESC, $secondCandidates); //オプションの判定 $finalCandidates = selectCandidates($secondCandidates); $decided_WixID = ''; //wids決定 foreach ($finalCandidates as $key => $value) { $tmpArray = $value; //既にあるwidは返さない if (empty($finalCandidates_wids) === true) { $decided_WixID = $tmpArray['wids']; $finalCandidates_wids = explode('-', $tmpArray['wids']); } else { $flag = false; foreach ($finalCandidates_wids as $key => $value) { $tmpWid = $value; if (strpos($tmpArray['wids'], $tmpWid) !== false) { $flag = true; break; } } if ($flag == false) { $decided_WixID = $decided_WixID . '-' . $tmpArray['wids']; foreach (explode('-', $tmpArray['wids']) as $key => $value) { array_push($finalCandidates_wids, $value); } } } } $WixID = $decided_WixID; } else { $WixID = '0'; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo '捕捉した例外: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } return $WixID; }
if (!empty($login)) { if (empty($password)) { $password = $User->randomPass(); } $prenom = ""; if (isset($_POST['prenom'])) { $prenom = $_POST['prenom']; } $user_data = array("id_user" => $_POST['id_user'], "login" => $login, "first_name" => $prenom, "last_name" => $_POST['nom'], "password" => $_POST['password'], "email" => $emails, "role" => array("client"), "disabled" => "off", "admin" => "off"); if ($User->exists($id_user)) { $User->saveData($user_data); } else { $id_user = $User->createUser($user_data); } } $q = sprintf("UPDATE webfinance_clients SET " . "nom='%s',\n addr1='%s',\n addr2='%s',\n addr3='%s',\n cp='%s',\n\t ville='%s',\n rcs='%s',\n vat='%s',\n capital='%s',\n pays='%s',\n tel='%s',\n fax='%s',\n web='%s',\n\t email='%s',\n\t vat_number='%s',\n siren='%s',\n id_company_type='%d',\n id_user=%d,\n password='******',\n rib_titulaire='%s',\n id_mantis='%d',\n id_toggl='%d',\n supportHoursIncludedInContract='%s',\n language='%s',\n id_business_entity=%d,\n contract_signer = '%s',\n id_contract_signer_role = %d,\n invoice_delivery = '%s'\n WHERE id_client=%d", mysql_real_escape_string($nom), mysql_real_escape_string($addr1), mysql_real_escape_string($addr2), mysql_real_escape_string($addr3), mysql_real_escape_string($cp), mysql_real_escape_string($ville), mysql_real_escape_string($rcs), mysql_real_escape_string($vat), mysql_real_escape_string($capital), mysql_real_escape_string($pays), mysql_real_escape_string(removeSpace($tel)), mysql_real_escape_string(removeSpace($fax)), mysql_real_escape_string($web), mysql_real_escape_string($emails), mysql_real_escape_string($vat_number), mysql_real_escape_string($siren), mysql_real_escape_string($id_company_type), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id_user']), mysql_real_escape_string($password), mysql_real_escape_string($rib_titulaire), mysql_real_escape_string($id_mantis), mysql_real_escape_string($id_toggl), mysql_real_escape_string($supportHoursIncludedInContract), mysql_real_escape_string($clt_language), mysql_real_escape_string($id_business_entity), mysql_real_escape_string($contract_signer), mysql_real_escape_string($id_contract_signer_role), mysql_real_escape_string($invoice_delivery), mysql_real_escape_string($id_client)); mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error()); // Check if we have to rename clients if ($_POST['nom'] != $Client->nom) { // Rename Mantis project $mantis_project = array('name' => $nom, 'view_state' => array('id' => 50)); $mantis = new WebfinanceMantis(); $mantis->updateProject($id_mantis, $mantis_project); // Rename Toggl client $toggl = new WebfinanceToggl(); $toggl->renameClient($id_client, $nom); } if (isset($_SESSION['message'])) { $_SESSION['message'] .= "<br/>" . _('Update customer'); } else { $_SESSION['message'] = _('Update customer');
//redirect to index.php header("Location:index.php"); } elseif ($this_user_status == 1) { $confirmationMessage = "<span style='color: red'>Your account has already been activated.You can now login.</span>"; } elseif ($this_user_status == 0) { $update_status_query = "UPDATE users SET status='1' WHERE user_id='{$this_user_id}'"; if ($connection1->query($update_status_query)) { $confirmationMessage = "<span style='color: #008000'>Account has been successfully activated.You can now login.</span>"; } else { $confirmationMessage = "<span style='color: red'>Account activation not successful.Click on the link in your email again.</span>"; } } } if (!empty($_POST["register"]) && isset($_POST["register"])) { $fname = removeSpace(stripcslashes($_POST["fname"])); $lname = removeSpace(stripcslashes($_POST["lname"])); $username = removeSpace2(stripcslashes($_POST["username"])); $password1 = removeSpace2(stripcslashes($_POST["password1"])); $password2 = removeSpace2(stripcslashes($_POST["password2"])); $email = removeSpace2(stripcslashes($_POST["email"])); $phone = removeSpace2(stripcslashes($_POST["phone"])); $sex = stripcslashes($_POST["sex"]); $error = false; //Validating create account form if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]*\$/", $fname) || !preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]*\$/", $lname)) { $mainError = "Name is not valid"; $error = true; } if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*\$/", $username)) { $mainError = "Only letters and numbers are required"; $error = true;
<?php // GET HTML // $raw_in = file_get_contents("html/category1_en.html"); // SQL STATEMENTS // $category1 = mysql_query("SELECT id,name_en,description_en FROM category1 WHERE name_en = '" . makeSpace($requestType[2]) . "'"); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($category1); $category1_id = $result['id']; // Category 2 listing $cat2String = ""; $subCat = mysql_query("SELECT name_en FROM category2 WHERE category1_id = '" . $category1_id . "'"); while ($category2RS = mysql_fetch_assoc($subCat)) { $link = LIVESITEURL . "/en/" . removeSpace($result['name_en']) . "/" . removeSpace($category2RS['name_en']); $cat2String .= "<li><a href='" . $link . "'>" . $category2RS['name_en'] . "</a></li>"; } // GET PAGE DATA // $sitename_en = "SoNingbo"; $siteURL = "soningbo.com"; $category1_en = $result['name_en']; $category1_description = $result['description_en']; $category1Listing = getCategory1ListingEn(); $topMenusItems = topMenusItems($lang, $request2, $staticPages); // COMBINE PAGE DATA AND HTML // $find = array("#sitename_en", "#siteURL", "#category1_en", "#category1_description_en", "<li>#all_category2_en</li>", "<li>#all_category1_en</li>", "#topMenusItems"); $replaceCatName = array($sitename_en, $siteURL, $category1_en, $category1_description, $cat2String, $category1Listing, $topMenusItems); $result = str_replace($find, $replaceCatName, $raw_in); // WRITE OUT HTML echo $result;
function format_phone($phone) { return preg_replace("/[^0-9++]/", "", removeSpace($phone)); }
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ include "../inc/main.php"; $roles = "manager,employee,accounting"; $User = new User(); if (!$User->isAuthorized("manager,accounting,employee")) { $_SESSION['came_from'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; header("Location: /login.php"); exit; } $User->getInfos(); if (isset($_GET['ctc'])) { if (empty($User->prefs->ctc_ovh_login)) { exit; } $num = removeSpace($_GET['num']); $id_client = $_GET['id']; echo "Calling {$num} ..."; logmessage(_("Call contact: ") . " {$num}", $id_client); try { ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 60); $soap = new SoapClient('https://www.ovh.com/soapi/soapi-re-1.3.wsdl'); $soap->telephonyClick2CallDo($User->prefs->ctc_ovh_login, $User->prefs->ctc_ovh_pass, $User->prefs->ctc_ovh_num, $num, $User->prefs->ctc_ovh_num); } catch (SoapFault $fault) { echo $fault; } exit; } // Create new client if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == '_new') { $client_name = 'Nouvelle Entreprise_' . time();
</div>'; } //push the display of this post into string_array array_push($string_array, $string); array_push($string_result_array, $string_result); //the loop picks the next post till all post are picked } $contestant_id = ""; $last_id = $joined_id = ""; $message = $hasvoted = $message1 = ""; $last_vote_id = $last_id = 0; $hasvoted = hasvoted(user_id($myemail), $election_id); if ($hasvoted == 0) { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { for ($i = 0; $i < count($superIndex); $i++) { if (isset($_POST[removeSpace($superIndex[$i])])) { $contestant_id = $_POST[removeSpace($superIndex[$i])]; $last_id = incrementContestantVote($contestant_id); } } } if ($last_id !== 0) { $joined_id = joined_id(user_id($myemail), $_SESSION["election_id_view"]); $sql = "UPDATE joined SET has_voted= 1 WHERE joined_id='{$joined_id}'"; $connection1->exec($sql); $last_vote_id = $connection1->lastInsertId(); // $message1 = "You have have successfully cast your vote thanks for using E-voting"; header("Location:../html/electionResult.php"); } } //working on the nav bar
public function addeditRegion($Data, $id) { $ragion_map = ""; $flag = ""; $query = $this->db->query("select region_name from tbl_regions where id!=" . $id . " and region_name='" . $Data['region_name'] . "'"); $RsCount = $query->result_array(); if (count($RsCount) == 0) { if ($_FILES['db_flag']['name'] != "") { $val = $_FILES['db_flag']; $strDirectory = SITE_UPLOADPATH; @chmod($strDirectory, 0777); $val['name'] = mktime() . removeSpace($val['name']); move_uploaded_file($val['tmp_name'], $strDirectory . $val['name']); @chmod($strDirectory . $val['name'], 0644); $FileNameArray = pathinfo('upload/' . $val['name']); if ($FileNameArray['extension'] == 'mp4' || $FileNameArray['extension'] == 'mov' || $FileNameArray['extension'] == 'dat') { $this->mpeg2Mp4('upload/' . $val['name'], $FileNameArray['filename']); } if ($arrSize[0] != '') { foreach ($arrSize as $tmpSize) { $thName = str_replace(":", "_", $tmpSize); $tmpArr = explode(':', $tmpSize); $strFileName = $strDirectory . $thName . $val['name']; } } if ($id > 0) { $flag = "flag='" . $val['name'] . "',"; } else { $flag = $val['name']; } } if ($_FILES['db_ragion_map']['name'] != "") { $val = $_FILES['db_ragion_map']; $strDirectory = SITE_UPLOADPATH; @chmod($strDirectory, 0777); $val['name'] = mktime() . removeSpace($val['name']); move_uploaded_file($val['tmp_name'], $strDirectory . $val['name']); @chmod($strDirectory . $val['name'], 0644); $FileNameArray = pathinfo('upload/' . $val['name']); if ($FileNameArray['extension'] == 'mp4' || $FileNameArray['extension'] == 'mov' || $FileNameArray['extension'] == 'dat') { $this->mpeg2Mp4('upload/' . $val['name'], $FileNameArray['filename']); } if ($arrSize[0] != '') { foreach ($arrSize as $tmpSize) { $thName = str_replace(":", "_", $tmpSize); $tmpArr = explode(':', $tmpSize); $strFileName = $strDirectory . $thName . $val['name']; //$this->objThumb->create_thumbnail($strDirectory.$val['name'], $strFileName,$tmpArr[0],$tmpArr[1]); } } if ($id > 0) { $ragion_map = "ragion_map='" . $val['name'] . "',"; } else { $ragion_map = $val['name']; } } if ($id == 0) { $sqlstr = "Insert into tbl_regions (region_name, region_title, independenceday, description, flag, flag_desc, population, image, cover_image, longitude, latitude, ragion_map, status) values('" . StriptStr($Data['region_name']) . "','" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t'" . StriptStr($Data['independenceday']) . "','" . StriptStr($Data['description']) . "','" . StriptStr($flag) . "','" . StriptStr($Data['flag_desc']) . "','" . StriptStr($Data['population']) . "','" . StriptStr($Data['image']) . "','" . StriptStr($Data['cover_image']) . "','" . StriptStr($Data['longitude']) . "','" . StriptStr($Data['latitude']) . "','" . $ragion_map . "','1')"; } else { $sqlstr = "update tbl_regions set \n\t\t\t\t\tregion_name='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tregion_title='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tindependenceday='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tdescription='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t" . $flag . " flag_desc='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tpopulation='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\timage='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tcover_image='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tlongitude='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\tlatitude='" . StriptStr($Data['region_title']) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\t" . $ragion_map . " status='" . $Data['status'] . "' where id=" . $id; } $this->db->query($sqlstr); return "ins"; } else { return 0; } }
$raw_in = file_get_contents("html/category2_cn.html"); $cat2name = trim(urldecode(makeSpace($requestType[3]))); $cat1name = trim(urldecode(makeSpace($requestType[2]))); // SQL STATEMENTS // $category1 = mysql_query("SELECT id,name_cn,description_cn,category1_id,name_py FROM category2 WHERE name_py = '{$cat2name}'"); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($category1); $categoryName = $result['name_cn']; $description = $result['description_cn']; $category2_id = $result['id']; // locations listing $locationString = ""; $locations = mysql_query("SELECT l.* FROM locations_category AS lc LEFT JOIN locations AS l ON l.id = lc.location_id WHERE lc.category2_id = '" . $category2_id . "'"); while ($locationRS = mysql_fetch_assoc($locations)) { $link = LIVESITEURL . "/cn/" . removeSpace($cat1name) . "/" . removeSpace($cat2name) . "/" . removeSpace($locationRS['name_py'] . "/" . md5($locationRS['id'])); $locationString .= "<li><a href='" . $link . "'>" . $locationRS['name_cn'] . "</a></li>"; } // GET PAGE DATA // $sitename_cn = "搜索宁波"; $siteURL = "soningbo.com"; $linkCat1 = removeSpace($cat1name); $category1_cn = getCategoryChineseName($cat1name, 'cn'); $category2_cn = $result['name_cn']; $category2_description_cn = $result['description_cn']; $category1Listing = getCategory1ListingCn(); $topMenusItems = topMenusItems($lang, $request2, $staticPages); // COMBINE PAGE DATA AND HTML // $find = array("#sitename_cn", "#siteURL", "#category1_cn", "#category2_cn", "#category2_description_cn", "<li>#all_locationname_cn</li>", "<li>#all_category1_cn</li>", "#linkCat1", "#topMenusItems"); $replaceCatName = array($sitename_cn, $siteURL, $category1_cn, $category2_cn, $category2_description_cn, $locationString, $category1Listing, $linkCat1, $topMenusItems); $result = str_replace($find, $replaceCatName, $raw_in); // WRITE OUT HTML echo $result;
function getActualtime($input) { $time = explode(":", $input); if (count($time) == 3) { $hour = removeSpace($time[0]); if (removeSpace($time[2]) == "PM") { $hour += 12; } if ($hour == 24) { $hour = "00"; } return $hour . ":" . removeSpace($time[1]) . ":00"; } else { return "00:00:00"; } }
include_once 'html_dom.php'; include_once 'func.php'; //Server Details $dbUsername = "******"; $dbPassword = "******"; $dbHost = "localhost"; $dbName = "mks_data"; $conn = new mysqli($dbHost, $dbUsername, $dbPassword, $dbName); // Check connection if ($conn->connect_error == 1) { die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); } else { $html = file_get_html('http://www.mks.ch/mobile/myr/v1/'); $we_buy = removeSpace($html->find('tr[class="L10"]', 1)->find('td[align="right"]', 0)->plaintext); $we_sell = removeSpace($html->find('tr[class="L10"]', 1)->find('td[align="right"]', 1)->plaintext); $d_time = formatDatetime($html->find('tr[class="L0"]', 0)->find('font.date', 0)->plaintext); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"); $s_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($we_buy != "0.00" && $we_sell != "0.00") { $sql = "INSERT INTO `mks_price` (`we_buy`, `we_sell`, `data_time`, `server_time`) VALUES ('{$we_buy}', '{$we_sell}', '{$d_time}', '{$s_time}')"; if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) { echo " Data added to database"; } else { echo " Error: " . $sql . "&nsbp;" . $conn->error; } } else { $sql = "SELECT `we_buy`,`we_sell`,`data_time` FROM `mks_price` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"; if ($result = $conn->query($sql)) { $row = $result->fetch_row(); $timestamp = strtotime($row[2]);
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Webfinance; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ include "../inc/main.php"; must_login(); if ($_POST['action'] == "create") { $_SESSION['tmp_message'] = $_SESSION['message']; $q = sprintf("INSERT INTO webfinance_personne (nom,prenom,email,tel,mobile,client,fonction,date_created,note) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', now(),'%s')", mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nom']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['prenom']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']), mysql_real_escape_string(removeSpace($_POST['tel'])), mysql_real_escape_string(removeSpace($_POST['mobile'])), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['client']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['fonction']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['note'])); mysql_query($q) or die("QUERY ERROR: {$q} " . mysql_error()); $_SESSION['message'] = _("Contact added"); logmessage(_('Add contact') . " " . $_POST['nom'] . " " . $_POST['prenom'] . " ( client:" . $_POST['client'] . ")", $_POST['client']); $client = $_POST['client']; } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "save") { $q = sprintf("UPDATE webfinance_personne SET nom='%s',prenom='%s',email='%s',tel='%s',mobile='%s',fonction='%s',note='%s' WHERE id_personne=%d", mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['nom']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['prenom']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']), mysql_real_escape_string(removeSpace($_POST['tel'])), mysql_real_escape_string(removeSpace($_POST['mobile'])), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['fonction']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['note']), mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id_personne'])); mysql_query($q) or die("QUERY ERROR: {$q} " . mysql_error()); $_SESSION['message'] = _("Contact updated"); $res = mysql_query("SELECT client FROM webfinance_personne WHERE id_personne=" . $_POST['id_personne']) or die("QUERY ERROR: " . mysql_error()); list($client) = mysql_fetch_array($res); logmessage(_('Update contact') . " " . $_POST['nom'] . " " . $_POST['prenom'] . " ( client:{$client})", $client); } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "delete") { $res = mysql_query("SELECT nom, prenom, client FROM webfinance_personne WHERE id_personne=" . $_POST['id_personne']) or die("QUERY ERROR: " . mysql_error()); list($nom, $prenom, $client) = mysql_fetch_array($res); logmessage(_('Delete contact') . " {$nom} {$prenom} client:{$client} ", $client); mysql_query("DELETE FROM webfinance_personne WHERE id_personne=" . $_POST['id_personne']); $_SESSION['message'] = _("Contact deleted"); } else { die(_("Don't know what to do with posted data")); } header("Location: fiche_prospect.php?id={$client}&onglet=contacts");