public static function test_sqlite3_json_flexigrid($flexigrid_page, $flexigrid_resperpage, $flexigrid_sortfld, $flexigrid_sortdir, $flexigrid_srcby, $flexigrid_search, $flexigrid_xsrcby, $flexigrid_xsearch) { //-- ensure the correct types $flexigrid_page = (int) $flexigrid_page; $flexigrid_resperpage = (int) $flexigrid_resperpage; $flexigrid_srcby = (string) $flexigrid_srcby; $flexigrid_search = (string) $flexigrid_search; $flexigrid_xsrcby = (string) $flexigrid_xsrcby; $flexigrid_xsearch = (string) $flexigrid_xsearch; $flexigrid_sortfld = (string) $flexigrid_sortfld; $flexigrid_sortdir = (string) $flexigrid_sortdir; //-- //-- db init $model = new SmartTestSQLite3Model(); if (!is_object($model)) { return Smart::json_encode(array('error' => 'Flexigrid JSON DB Object Failed to initialize')); } //end if //-- //-- where management (we have 2 situations: 1st is normal search ; 2nd is search by starting letter) if ((string) $flexigrid_srcby != '' and (string) $flexigrid_search != '') { //-- normal search (by field and value) $where_field = $flexigrid_srcby; $where_value = $flexigrid_search; $where_mode = ''; //-- } else { //-- search by starting letters $where_field = $flexigrid_xsrcby; $where_value = $flexigrid_xsearch; $where_mode = 'letters'; //-- } //end if else //-- //-- output data init $jsonData = array('page' => $flexigrid_page, 'total' => $model->table_flexigrid_count($where_field, $where_value, $where_mode), 'rows' => array()); //-- //-- read data $rows = $model->table_flexigrid_read($where_field, $where_value, $where_mode, $flexigrid_sortfld, $flexigrid_sortdir, $flexigrid_resperpage, $flexigrid_page); //-- if (is_array($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { //-- $entry = array('id' => 'ID_' . $row['iso'], 'cell' => array('iso' => $row['iso'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'printable_name' => $row['printable_name'], 'iso3' => $row['iso3'], 'numcode' => $row['numcode'])); //-- $jsonData['rows'][] = $entry; //-- } //end foreach } //end if //-- //-- return Smart::json_encode($jsonData); //-- }
/** * Answer Post Form by Ajax * * NOTICE: * - if OK: and redirect URL have been provided, the replace div is not handled * - if ERROR: no replace div or redirect is handled * * @param $y_status OK / ERROR * @param $y_title Dialog Title * @param $y_message Dialog Message (Optional in the case of OK) * @param $y_redirect_url **OPTIONAL** URL to redirect in the case of OK * @param $y_replace_div **OPTIONAL** The ID of the DIV to Replace * @param $y_replace_html **OPTIONAL** the HTML Code to replace in DIV * * @return STRING [javascript code] * */ public static function post_answer_by_ajax($y_status, $y_title, $y_message, $y_redirect_url = '', $y_replace_div = '', $y_replace_html = '') { //-- $translator_core_messages = SmartTextTranslations::getTranslator('@core', 'messages'); //-- if ((string) $y_status == 'OK') { $y_status = 'OK'; $button_text = $translator_core_messages->text('ok'); } else { $y_status = 'ERROR'; $button_text = $translator_core_messages->text('cancel'); } //end if else //-- if ((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_DEBUG_MODE == 'yes') { $y_redirect_url = ''; // avoid redirect if DEBUG IS ON to catch the debug messages ... } //end if //-- return Smart::json_encode(array('completed' => 'DONE', 'status' => $y_status, 'action' => $button_text, 'title' => $y_title, 'message' => base64_encode($y_message), 'redirect' => $y_redirect_url, 'replace_div' => $y_replace_div, 'replace_html' => base64_encode($y_replace_html))); //-- }
private static function replace_marker($mtemplate, $key, $val) { //-- if ((string) $key != '' and preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+$/', (string) $key) and strpos((string) $mtemplate, '[####' . $key) !== false) { //-- $regex = '/\\[####' . preg_quote((string) $key, '/') . '(\\|bool|\\|num|\\|htmid|\\|jsvar|\\|json)?(\\|url)?(\\|js)?(\\|html)?(\\|nl2br)?' . '####\\]/'; //-- if ((string) $val != '') { $val = (string) str_replace(array('[####', '####]', '[%%%%', '%%%%]', '[@@@@', '@@@@]'), array('(####+', '+####)', '(%%%%+', '+%%%%)', '(@@@@+', '+@@@@)'), (string) $val); // protect against cascade / recursion / undefined variables - for content injections of: variables / syntax / sub-templates } //end if //-- $mtemplate = (string) preg_replace_callback((string) $regex, function ($matches) use($val) { //-- Format if ((string) $matches[1] == '|num') { // Number $val = (string) (double) $val; } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|bool') { // Boolean if ($val) { $val = 'true'; } else { $val = 'false'; } //end if else } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|htmid') { // HTML ID $val = (string) trim((string) preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]/', '', (string) $val)); } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|jsvar') { // JS Variable $val = (string) trim((string) preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', (string) $val)); } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|json') { // Json Data (!!! DO NOT ENCLOSE IN ' or " as it can contain them as well as it can be [] or {} ... this is pure JSON !!!) $val = (string) Smart::json_encode($val, false, false); // no pretty print, escape unicode as it is served inline ! } //end if //-- Escape if ((string) $matches[2] == '|url') { $val = (string) Smart::escape_url((string) $val); } //end if if ((string) $matches[3] == '|js') { $val = (string) Smart::escape_js((string) $val); } //end if if ((string) $matches[4] == '|html') { $val = (string) Smart::escape_html((string) $val); } //end if //-- if ((string) $matches[5] == '|nl2br') { $val = (string) Smart::nl_2_br((string) $val); } //end if //-- return (string) $val; //-- }, (string) $mtemplate); //-- } //end if //-- return (string) $mtemplate; //-- }
public static function test_sqlite3_json_smartgrid($ofs, $sortby, $sortdir, $sorttype, $src = '') { //-- $db = new SmartTestSQLite3Model(); $model = $db->getConnection(); //-- //-- $data = array(); $data['status'] = 'OK'; $data['crrOffset'] = (int) $ofs; $data['itemsPerPage'] = 25; $data['sortBy'] = (string) $sortby; $data['sortDir'] = (string) $sortdir; $data['sortType'] = (string) $sorttype; $data['filter'] = array('src' => (string) $src); //-- if ((string) strtoupper((string) $sortdir) == 'DESC') { $syntax_sort_dir = 'DESC'; } else { $syntax_sort_dir = 'ASC'; } //end if else $syntax_sort_mode = ''; switch ((string) $sortby) { case 'iso': $syntax_sort_mode = ' ORDER BY iso ' . $syntax_sort_dir; break; case 'name': $syntax_sort_mode = ' ORDER BY name ' . $syntax_sort_dir; break; case 'iso3': $syntax_sort_mode = ' ORDER BY iso3 ' . $syntax_sort_dir; break; case 'numcode': $syntax_sort_mode = ' ORDER BY numcode ' . $syntax_sort_dir; break; default: $syntax_sort_mode = ''; } //end switch //-- $where = ''; if ((string) $src != '') { if (is_numeric($src)) { $where = $model->prepare_param_query(' WHERE numcode = ?', array((int) $src)); } elseif (strlen((string) $src) == 2) { $where = $model->prepare_param_query(' WHERE iso = ?', array(SmartUnicode::str_toupper($src))); } elseif (strlen((string) $src) == 3) { $where = $model->prepare_param_query(' WHERE iso3 = ?', array(SmartUnicode::str_toupper($src))); } else { $where = $model->prepare_param_query(' WHERE name LIKE ?', array($src . '%')); } //end if else } //end if $data['totalRows'] = $model->count_data('SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sample_countries' . $where); $data['rowsList'] = $model->read_adata('SELECT iso, name, iso3, numcode FROM sample_countries' . $where . $syntax_sort_mode . ' LIMIT ' . (int) $data['itemsPerPage'] . ' OFFSET ' . (int) $data['crrOffset']); //-- unset($db); // close //-- //-- return Smart::json_encode((array) $data); //-- }
public function Run() { //-- require_once 'lib/core/lib_smart_test_suite.php'; // test suite //-- //-- SmartSession::start(); // start the session //-- //-- if (SmartPersistentCache::isActive()) { SmartPersistentCache::getKey('test-unit', 'version'); // just test if redis re-uses the connection ... } //end if //-- //-- $op = $this->RequestVarGet('op', 'testunit.main', 'string'); //-- switch ((string) $op) { case 'testunit.phpinfo': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); ob_start(); phpinfo(); $main = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); break; case 'testunit.captcha': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', 'yes'); // should work both: true or 'yes' $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawmime', 'image/png'); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawdisp', 'inline'); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_captcha('png'); //-- break; case '': //-- sleep(1); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::post__answer__by__ajax($this->RequestVarGet('tab'), $this->RequestVarGet('frm')); //-- break; case 'testunit.strings-test': //-- sleep(1); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_strings(); //-- break; case 'testunit.crypto-test': //-- sleep(1); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_crypto(); //-- break; case 'testunit.filesys-test': //-- sleep(1); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_fs(); //-- break; case 'testunit.pgsql-server-test': //-- sleep(1); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_pgsqlserver(); //-- break; case 'testunit.redis-server-test': //-- sleep(1); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_redisserver(); //-- break; case 'testunit.json-sqlite3-smartgrid': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); //-- $ofs = $this->RequestVarGet('ofs', 0, 'integer+'); $sortby = $this->RequestVarGet('sortby', 'id', 'string'); $sortdir = $this->RequestVarGet('sortdir', 'ASC', 'string'); $sorttype = $this->RequestVarGet('sorttype', 'text', 'string'); $src = $this->RequestVarGet('src', '', 'string'); // filter var //-- $main = SmartTestSuite::test_sqlite3_json_smartgrid($ofs, $sortby, $sortdir, $sorttype, $src); //-- break; case 'testunit.html-editor': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('template-file', 'template-modal.htm'); $main = SmartComponents::js_init_away_page(); $main .= SmartComponents::js_init_html_area(); $main .= SmartComponents::js_draw_html_area('test_html_area', 'test_html_area', '', '920px', '500px'); $main .= '<button class="ux-button" onClick="alert($(\'#test_html_area\').val());">Get HTML Source</button>'; //-- break; case 'testunit.code-editor': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('template-file', 'template-modal.htm'); $main = SmartComponents::js_init_away_page('The changes will be lost !'); $main .= SmartComponents::js_init_editarea(); $main .= SmartComponents::js_draw_editarea('test_code_editor', 'test_code_editor', '', 'html', true, '920px', '450px'); //-- break; case 'testunit.load-url-or-file': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::load__url__or__file(''); //-- break; case 'testunit.barcodes-qrcode': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_barcode2d_qrcode(); //-- break; case 'testunit.barcodes-semcode': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_barcode2d_datamatrix(); //-- break; case 'testunit.barcodes-pdf417': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_barcode2d_pdf417(); //-- break; case 'testunit.barcodes-code128': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_barcode1d_128B(); //-- break; case 'testunit.barcodes-code93': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_barcode1d_93(); //-- break; case 'testunit.barcodes-code39': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_barcode1d_39(); //-- break; case 'testunit.barcodes-rm4kix': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_barcode1d_kix(); //-- break; case 'testunit.charts-biz': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $this->PageViewSetCfg('expires', 120); // cache expire test //-- $chart = new SmartImgBizCharts('matrix', 'Marketing Chart', array('Chart 1' => array('red label' => array('x' => Smart::random_number(5, 7), 'y' => Smart::random_number(100, 120), 'z' => Smart::random_number(45, 75), 'color' => '#FF3300'), 'blue' => array('x' => Smart::random_number(100, 115), 'y' => Smart::random_number(200, 210), 'z' => Smart::random_number(20, 50), 'color' => '#003399'), 'green' => array('x' => Smart::random_number(150, 175), 'y' => Smart::random_number(250, 270), 'z' => Smart::random_number(2, 8), 'color' => '#33CC33', 'labelcolor' => '#11AA11'), 'yellow' => array('x' => Smart::random_number(400, 420), 'y' => Smart::random_number(70, 90), 'z' => Smart::random_number(50, 90), 'color' => '#FFCC00'), 'default' => array('x' => Smart::random_number(300, 325), 'y' => Smart::random_number(300, 320)))), 'png'); $chart->width = 500; $chart->height = 500; $chart->axis_x_label = 'Relative Market Share'; $chart->axis_y_label = 'Market Growth Rate'; //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawmime', $chart->mime_header()); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawdisp', $chart->disposition_header()); $main = $chart->generate(); //-- break; case 'testunit.charts-gfx': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); //-- $showgraph2 = Smart::random_number(0, 1); $showgraphdepths = Smart::random_number(0, 1); $showtype = Smart::random_number(1, 6); switch ((string) $showtype) { case 1: $mode = 'vbars'; break; case 2: $mode = 'hbars'; break; case 3: $mode = 'dots'; break; case 4: $mode = 'lines'; break; case 5: $mode = 'pie'; break; case 6: default: $mode = 'donut'; } //end if //-- $chart = new SmartImgGfxCharts($mode, "Type [" . $mode . "]", array(array('x' => "white", 'y' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'z' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'w' => 10, 'v' => '#ECECEC'), array('x' => "red", 'y' => 22.45, 'z' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'w' => 25, 'v' => '#FF3300'), array('x' => "blue", 'y' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'z' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'w' => 7, 'v' => '#003399'), array('x' => "yellow", 'y' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'z' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'w' => 17, 'v' => '#FFCC00'), array('x' => "green", 'y' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'z' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'w' => 31, 'v' => '#33CC33'), array('x' => "black", 'y' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'z' => Smart::random_number(10, 90), 'w' => 17, 'v' => '#333333')), 'png', $showgraph2, $showgraphdepths); $chart->axis_x = 'X-Axis'; $chart->axis_y = 'Y-Axis'; //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawmime', $chart->mime_header()); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawdisp', $chart->disposition_header()); $main = $chart->generate(); //-- break; case 'testunit.ods': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $oo = new SmartExportToOpenOffice(); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawmime', $oo->ODS_Mime_Header()); $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawdisp', $oo->ODS_Disposition_Header('myfile.ods', 'attachment')); $main = $oo->ODS_SpreadSheet('A Table', array('<column 1>', 'column " 2', 'column & 3'), array('data 1.1', 'data 1.2', 1.3, 'data 2.1', 'data 2.2', 2.31), array('', '', 'decimal4')); //-- break; case 'testunit.json-test': //-- $mixed_data = ['Unicode Text' => '"Unicode78źź:ăĂîÎâÂșȘțȚşŞţŢグッド\'#@<tag>!$%^&*()-_=+' . "\r\n\t" . '</tag>', 'Numbers' => 1234567890.99, 'Boolean TRUE:' => true, 'Boolean FALSE:' => false]; //-- $main = '<h1> Json Test</h1>'; $main .= '<pre style="background:#ECECEC; border:1px solid #CCCCCC; line-height:32px; padding:8px;">'; $main .= '<b>Default (Unicode Unescaped) Json:</b>' . "\n" . Smart::json_encode($mixed_data) . "\n"; $main .= '<hr>'; $main .= '<b>Default (Unicode Unescaped) Json / Pretty Print:</b>' . "\n" . Smart::json_encode($mixed_data, true) . "\n"; $main .= '<hr>'; $main .= '<b>Unicode Escaped Json:</b>' . "\n" . Smart::json_encode($mixed_data, false, false) . "\n"; $main .= '<hr>'; $main .= '<b>Unicode Escaped Json / Pretty Print:</b>' . "\n" . Smart::json_encode($mixed_data, true, false) . "\n"; $main .= '</pre>'; //-- break; case 'testunit.interractions': //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('template-file', 'template-modal.htm'); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_interractions($this->RequestVarGet('mode')); //-- break; case 'testunit.autocomplete': //-- $src = $this->RequestVarGet('src', '', 'string'); //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('rawpage', true); $main = SmartTestSuite::test_sqlite3_json_autocomplete($src); //-- break; case 'testunit.main': //-- $is_modal = false; if ($this->IfRequestModalPopup() or $this->IfRequestPrintable()) { $is_modal = true; $this->PageViewSetCfg('template-file', 'template-modal.htm'); } //end if //-- $main = SmartTestSuite::main_screen($this->RequestVarGet('tab'), $this->RequestVarGet('frm'), $this->RequestVarGet('testformdata')); //-- if (!$is_modal) { SmartTestSuite::test_load_libs(); // just for testing all libs if ($this->IfDebug()) { $this->SetDebugData('TestUnit.Main', 'Loading all staticload libs at once for test purposes ...'); } //end if } //end if //-- break; default: //-- $this->PageViewSetCfg('error', 'Invalid TestUnit Operation ! ...'); return 400; //-- } //end switch //-- //-- $this->PageViewSetVars(array('title' => 'Test Suite', 'main' => $main)); //-- }