private static function replace_marker($mtemplate, $key, $val) { //-- if ((string) $key != '' and preg_match('/^[A-Z0-9_\\-\\.]+$/', (string) $key) and strpos((string) $mtemplate, '[####' . $key) !== false) { //-- $regex = '/\\[####' . preg_quote((string) $key, '/') . '(\\|bool|\\|num|\\|htmid|\\|jsvar|\\|json)?(\\|url)?(\\|js)?(\\|html)?(\\|nl2br)?' . '####\\]/'; //-- if ((string) $val != '') { $val = (string) str_replace(array('[####', '####]', '[%%%%', '%%%%]', '[@@@@', '@@@@]'), array('(####+', '+####)', '(%%%%+', '+%%%%)', '(@@@@+', '+@@@@)'), (string) $val); // protect against cascade / recursion / undefined variables - for content injections of: variables / syntax / sub-templates } //end if //-- $mtemplate = (string) preg_replace_callback((string) $regex, function ($matches) use($val) { //-- Format if ((string) $matches[1] == '|num') { // Number $val = (string) (double) $val; } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|bool') { // Boolean if ($val) { $val = 'true'; } else { $val = 'false'; } //end if else } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|htmid') { // HTML ID $val = (string) trim((string) preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]/', '', (string) $val)); } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|jsvar') { // JS Variable $val = (string) trim((string) preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', (string) $val)); } elseif ((string) $matches[1] == '|json') { // Json Data (!!! DO NOT ENCLOSE IN ' or " as it can contain them as well as it can be [] or {} ... this is pure JSON !!!) $val = (string) Smart::json_encode($val, false, false); // no pretty print, escape unicode as it is served inline ! } //end if //-- Escape if ((string) $matches[2] == '|url') { $val = (string) Smart::escape_url((string) $val); } //end if if ((string) $matches[3] == '|js') { $val = (string) Smart::escape_js((string) $val); } //end if if ((string) $matches[4] == '|html') { $val = (string) Smart::escape_html((string) $val); } //end if //-- if ((string) $matches[5] == '|nl2br') { $val = (string) Smart::nl_2_br((string) $val); } //end if //-- return (string) $val; //-- }, (string) $mtemplate); //-- } //end if //-- return (string) $mtemplate; //-- }
public static function create_download_link($y_file, $y_ctrl_key) { //-- $y_file = (string) trim((string) $y_file); if ((string) $y_file == '') { Smart::log_warning('Utils / Create Download Link: Empty File Path has been provided. This means the download link will be unavaliable (empty) to assure security protection.'); return ''; } //end if if (!SmartFileSysUtils::check_file_or_dir_name($y_file)) { Smart::log_warning('Utils / Create Download Link: Invalid File Path has been provided. This means the download link will be unavaliable (empty) to assure security protection. File: ' . $y_file); return ''; } //end if //-- $y_ctrl_key = (string) trim((string) $y_ctrl_key); if ((string) $y_ctrl_key == '') { Smart::log_warning('Utils / Create Download Link: Empty Controller Key has been provided. This means the download link will be unavaliable (empty) to assure security protection.'); return ''; } //end if if (SMART_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN_AREA === true) { // {{{SYNC-DWN-CTRL-PREFIX}}} $y_ctrl_key = (string) 'AdminArea/' . $y_ctrl_key; } else { $y_ctrl_key = (string) 'IndexArea/' . $y_ctrl_key; } //end if //-- $crrtime = (int) time(); $access_key = SmartHashCrypto::sha1('DownloadLink:' . SMART_SOFTWARE_NAMESPACE . '-' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY . '-' . SMART_APP_VISITOR_COOKIE . ':' . $y_file . '^' . $y_ctrl_key); $unique_key = SmartHashCrypto::sha1('Time=' . $crrtime . '#' . SMART_SOFTWARE_NAMESPACE . '-' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY . '-' . $access_key . '-' . self::unique_auth_client_private_key() . ':' . $y_file . '+' . $y_ctrl_key); //-- {{{SYNC-DOWNLOAD-ENCRYPT-ARR}}} $safe_download_link = self::crypto_encrypt(trim((string) $crrtime) . "\n" . trim((string) $y_file) . "\n" . trim((string) $access_key) . "\n" . trim((string) $unique_key) . "\n" . '-' . "\n", 'SmartFramework//DownloadLink' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_SECURITY_KEY); //-- return (string) Smart::escape_url(trim((string) $safe_download_link)); //-- }
private static function bttn_open_popup($forced, $winname = '') { if ((string) $winname == '') { $wname = 'test_interractions_pop_' . Smart::uuid_10_seq() . '_' . Smart::uuid_10_num() . '_' . Smart::uuid_10_str(); } else { $wname = (string) $winname; } //end if else if ($forced) { $mode = 'pop'; $set = '1'; $btn = 'Open PopUp (strict)'; } else { $mode = 'auto'; $set = '0'; $btn = 'Open PopUp or Modal (auto)'; } //end if else return '<a class="ux-button ux-button-highlight" style="min-width:325px;" target="' . Smart::escape_html($wname) . '" href="' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_TESTUNIT_BASE_URL . 'testunit.interractions&mode=' . Smart::escape_url($mode) . '" onClick="SmartJS_BrowserUtils.PopUpLink(this.href,, null, null, ' . Smart::escape_js($set) . '); return false;">' . Smart::escape_html($btn) . '</a>'; }
private static function mime_link($y_ctrl_key, $y_msg_file, $y_part, $y_link, $y_rawmime, $y_rawdisp, $y_printable = '') { //-- $y_msg_file = (string) $y_msg_file; $y_part = (string) $y_part; $y_link = (string) $y_link; $y_rawmime = (string) $y_rawmime; $y_rawdisp = (string) $y_rawdisp; $y_printable = (string) $y_printable; //-- $the_url_param_msg = ''; $the_url_param_raw = ''; $the_url_param_mime = ''; $the_url_param_disp = ''; //-- if ((string) $y_link != '' and (string) $y_msg_file != '') { //-- $the_url_param_msg = (string) self::encode_mime_fileurl((string) $y_msg_file, (string) $y_ctrl_key); // {{{SYNC-MIME-ENCRYPT-ARR}}} if ((string) $y_part != '') { $the_url_param_msg .= '@' . SmartUtils::url_hex_encode((string) $y_part); // have part } //end if //-- if ((string) $y_rawmime != '') { $the_url_param_raw = 'raw'; $the_url_param_mime = (string) Smart::escape_url(SmartUtils::url_hex_encode((string) $y_rawmime)); } //end if if ((string) $y_rawdisp != '') { $the_url_param_raw = 'raw'; $the_url_param_disp = (string) Smart::escape_url(SmartUtils::url_hex_encode((string) $y_rawdisp)); } //end if //-- if ((string) $y_printable != '') { // printable display $y_link .= '&' . SMART_FRAMEWORK_URL_PARAM_PRINTABLE . '=' . Smart::escape_url((string) SMART_FRAMEWORK_URL_VALUE_ENABLED); // .'&'.SMART_FRAMEWORK_URL_PARAM_MODALPOPUP.'='. Smart::escape_url((string)SMART_FRAMEWORK_URL_VALUE_ENABLED).'&'; } //end if else //-- $y_link = str_replace(array('{{{MESSAGE}}}', '{{{RAWMODE}}}', '{{{MIME}}}', '{{{DISP}}}'), array((string) $the_url_param_msg, (string) $the_url_param_raw, (string) $the_url_param_mime, (string) $the_url_param_disp), (string) $y_link); //-- } //end if //-- return (string) $y_link; //-- }