コード例 #1
ファイル: Language.php プロジェクト: rvanbaalen/bili
 public static function get($strName, $strCategory = "global", $blnReturnError = true)
     //*** Get a translation from the language file.
     $strReturn = $blnReturnError ? sprintf(self::$error, $strName, $strCategory) : "";
     if (isset(self::$languages[$strCategory][$strName])) {
         $strReturn = self::$languages[$strCategory][$strName];
     //*** Output sanitisation?
     switch (self::$sanitizeType) {
         case "xhtml":
             if (class_exists("Bili\\Sanitize", true)) {
                 $strReturn = Sanitize::toXhtml($strReturn);
         case "entities":
             if (class_exists("Bili\\Sanitize", true)) {
                 $strReturn = Sanitize::toEntities($strReturn);
     return $strReturn;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Display.php プロジェクト: rvanbaalen/bili
  * Format a numeric value according to the language settings.
  * @return string string representation of a numeric value
 public static function renderNumber($fltValue, $intMaxDecimal = 2, $intMinDecimal = 2, $blnShowThousandSeparator = true)
     $fltValue = floatval($fltValue);
     $intValue = floor($fltValue);
     for ($intDecimals = 0; $fltValue != round($fltValue, $intDecimals); $intDecimals++) {
         //*** Just counting.
     if ($intDecimals <= $intMinDecimal) {
         $intMaxDecimal = $intMinDecimal;
     $strDecimalPoint = Language::get("decimal_separator", "global", false);
     $strThousandSeparator = Language::get("thousands_separator", "global", false);
     if (empty($strDecimalPoint) || empty($strThousandSeparator)) {
         $arrLocaleInfo = localeconv();
         if (empty($strDecimalPoint) && isset($arrLocaleInfo["decimal_point"])) {
             $strDecimalPoint = $arrLocaleInfo["decimal_point"];
         if (empty($strThousandSeparator) && isset($arrLocaleInfo["thousands_sep"])) {
             $strThousandSeparator = $arrLocaleInfo["thousands_sep"];
     $strThousandSeparator = $blnShowThousandSeparator ? $strThousandSeparator : "";
     $strReturn = number_format($fltValue, $intMaxDecimal, $strDecimalPoint, $strThousandSeparator);
     return Sanitize::toXhtml($strReturn);