コード例 #1
 function index()
     $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'module_id', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_id'));
     $this->viewSuffix = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'tmpl_suffix');
     $cache_file = 'modules_totals_' . $module_id . '_' . md5(serialize($this->params['module']));
     $page = $this->cached($cache_file);
     if ($page) {
         return $page;
     // Initialize variables
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'extension');
     // Automagically load and initialize Everywhere Model
     App::import('Model', 'everywhere_' . $extension, 'jreviews');
     $class_name = inflector::camelize('everywhere_' . $extension) . 'Model';
     $conditions_reviews = array('Review.published = 1');
     $extension == 'com_content' and $conditions_listings = array('Listing.state = 1');
     $extension != '' and $conditions_reviews[] = "Review.mode = " . $this->quote($extension);
     if (class_exists($class_name)) {
         $this->Listing = new $class_name();
         $this->Listing->_user = $this->_user;
         $listings = $this->Listing->findCount(array('conditions' => $conditions_listings), 'DISTINCT Listing.' . $this->Listing->realKey);
         $reviews = $this->Review->findCount(array('conditions' => $conditions_reviews), 'DISTINCT Review.id');
     # Send variables to view template
     $this->set(array('listing_count' => isset($listings) ? $listings : 0, 'review_count' => isset($reviews) ? $reviews : 0));
     $page = $this->render('modules', 'totals');
     # Save cached version
     $this->cacheView('modules', 'totals', $cache_file, $page);
     return $page;
コード例 #2
ファイル: geocoding.php プロジェクト: atikahmed/joomla-probid
 function google($address)
     $this->_API['google'] = str_replace('{google_url}', Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'geomaps.google_url', 'http://maps.google.com'), $this->_API['google']);
     $geoData = false;
     $curl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, sprintf($this->_API['google'], urlencode($address)));
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     $response = trim(curl_exec($curl));
     // Process JSON
     if (!empty($response)) {
         $data = json_decode($response);
         if ($data->status == "OK" && is_array($data->results) && ($result = $data->results[0])) {
             $status = 200;
             $elev = 0;
             $lat = $result->geometry->location->lat;
             $lon = $result->geometry->location->lng;
             if (!is_numeric($lat) || !is_numeric($lon)) {
                 $status = 'error';
             $geoData = array('status' => $status, 'lon' => $lon, 'lat' => $lat, 'elev' => $elev);
     return $geoData;
コード例 #3
ファイル: geocoding.php プロジェクト: bizanto/Hooked
 function google($address)
     $this->_API['google'] = str_replace('{google_url}', Sanitize::getString($this->Config, 'geomaps.google_url', 'http://maps.google.com'), $this->_API['google']);
     $geoData = false;
     $curl = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, sprintf($this->_API['google'], urlencode($address)));
     curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     $response = trim(curl_exec($curl));
     // Process CSV
     if ($response != '' && $response != 620 && count(explode(',', $response)) > 3) {
         // Split pieces of data by the comma that separates them
         list($status, $elev, $lat, $lon) = explode(",", $response);
         if (!is_numeric($lat) || !is_numeric($lon)) {
             $status = 'error';
         $geoData = array('status' => $status, 'lon' => $lon, 'lat' => $lat, 'elev' => $elev);
         // More complete data can be found via XML
         // Create SimpleXML object from XML Content
         //                    $xmlObject = simplexml_load_string($xmlContent);
         //                    $localObject = $xmlObject->Response;
         //                    prx($localObject);
     return $geoData;
コード例 #4
 function findChildOptions()
     $response = array();
     $childField = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'childField');
     $childSelected = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'childSelected');
     $parentValue = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'parentValue');
     $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_id');
     if ($parentValue == '') {
         $ret = '<option value="">' . __t("Select", true, true) . '</option>';
         $response[] = "jQuery(\"#{$childField}{$module_id}\").html('{$ret}').attr('disabled','disabled');";
         return implode(' ', $response);
     $query = "                                                                                           \r\n            SELECT \r\n                FieldOption.optionid, FieldOption.text, FieldOption.value\r\n            FROM #__jreviews_fieldoptions AS FieldOption\r\n            INNER JOIN #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON FieldOption.fieldid = Field.fieldid AND Field.name = '" . $childField . "'\r\n            WHERE FieldOption.value LIKE '" . $parentValue . "-%'\r\n        ";
     $options = $this->_db->loadAssocList();
     $ret = '<option value="">' . __t("Select", true, true) . '</option>';
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         if ($childSelected != '' && $option['value'] == $childSelected) {
             $ret .= '<option selected="selected" value="' . $option['value'] . '">' . $option['text'] . '</option>';
         } else {
             $ret .= '<option value="' . $option['value'] . '">' . $option['text'] . '</option>';
     $response[] = "jQuery(\"#{$childField}{$module_id}\").html('{$ret}').removeAttr('disabled');";
     return implode(' ', $response);
コード例 #5
ファイル: paginator.php プロジェクト: atikahmed/joomla-probid
 function addPagination($page, $limit)
     if (cmsFramework::isAdmin()) {
         $url = rtrim($this->base_url, '/') . ($page > 1 ? '/' . 'page' . _PARAM_CHAR . $page . '/limit' . _PARAM_CHAR . $limit . '/' : '');
     } else {
         $order = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'order');
         $default_limit = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'default_limit');
         $url_params = $this->passedArgs;
         unset($url_params['page'], $url_params['Itemid'], $url_params['option'], $url_params['view']);
         if ($page == 1 && $this->limit == $default_limit && ($order == '' || $order == Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'default_order')) && empty($url_params)) {
             preg_match('/^index.php\\?option=com_jreviews&amp;Itemid=[0-9]+/i', $this->base_url, $matches);
             $url = $matches[0];
         } else {
             $url = $this->base_url;
             $page > 1 and $url = rtrim($url, '/') . '/' . 'page' . _PARAM_CHAR . $page . '/';
             if ($this->limit != $default_limit) {
                 $url = rtrim($url, '/') . '/limit' . _PARAM_CHAR . $limit . '/';
         // Remove menu segment from url if page 1 and it' a menu
         if ($page == 1 && preg_match('/^(index.php\\?option=com_jreviews&amp;Itemid=[0-9]+)(&amp;url=menu\\/)$/i', $url, $matches)) {
             $url = $matches[1];
         $url = cmsFramework::route($url);
     return $url;
コード例 #6
 function index($params)
     $this->action = 'directory';
     // Set view file
     # Read module params
     $dir_id = cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir_ids'));
     $conditions = array();
     $order = array();
     $cat_id = '';
     $section_id = '';
     $directories = $this->Directory->getTree($dir_id, true);
     if ($menu_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'Itemid')) {
         $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
     # Category auto detect
     $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     if ($cat_id != '' && $section_id == '') {
         $cat_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id);
         $sql = "SELECT section FROM #__categories WHERE id IN (" . $cat_id . ")";
         $section_id = $this->_db->loadResult();
     $this->set(array('directories' => $directories, 'cat_id' => is_numeric($cat_id) && $cat_id > 0 ? $cat_id : false, 'section_id' => $section_id));
     return $this->render('modules', 'directories');
コード例 #7
ファイル: feeds.php プロジェクト: bizanto/Hooked
 function saveFeed($filename = "", $view)
     if (Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'action') != 'xml') {
         return false;
     $type = '.' . Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'type', 'rss2');
     $App =& App::getInstance();
     if (!isset($App->jreviewsPaths['Theme'][$this->c->viewTheme][$this->layout][$view . $type . '.thtml']) && !isset($App->jreviewsPaths['Theme']['default'][$this->layout][$view . $type . '.thtml'])) {
         return false;
     $this->c->autoLayout = false;
     $this->c->autoRender = false;
     $rss = array('title' => $this->c->Config->rss_title, 'link' => WWW_ROOT, 'description' => $this->c->Config->rss_description, 'image_url' => WWW_ROOT . "images/stories/" . $this->c->Config->rss_image, 'image_link' => WWW_ROOT);
     $this->c->set(array('encoding' => $this->encoding, 'rss' => $rss));
     $feedFile = fopen($filename, "w+");
     if ($feedFile) {
         $feed = $this->c->render($this->layout, $view . $type);
         fputs($feedFile, $feed);
         echo $feed;
     } else {
         echo "<br /><b>Error creating feed file, please check write permissions.</b><br />";
コード例 #8
 function index($params)
     $this->action = 'directory';
     // Trigger assets helper method
     if ($this->_user->id === 0) {
         $this->cacheAction = Configure::read('Cache.expires');
     $page = array('title' => '', 'show_title' => 0);
     $conditions = array();
     $order = array();
     if ($menu_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'Itemid')) {
         $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
         $page['title'] = Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title');
         $page['show_title'] = Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'dirtitle', 0);
     $override_keys = array('dir_show_alphaindex', 'dir_cat_images', 'dir_columns', 'dir_cat_num_entries', 'dir_category_hide_empty', 'dir_category_levels', 'dir_cat_format');
     if (Sanitize::getBool($menuParams, 'dir_overrides')) {
         $overrides = array_intersect_key($menuParams, array_flip($override_keys));
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         $directories = $this->Directory->getTree(Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'dir'));
     } else {
         $directories = $this->Category->findTree(array('level' => $this->Config->dir_cat_format === 0 ? 2 : $this->Config->dir_category_levels, 'menu_id' => true, 'dir_id' => Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'dir'), 'pad_char' => ''));
     $this->set(array('page' => $page, 'directories' => $directories));
     return $this->render('directories', 'directory');
コード例 #9
 function _addOption()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->autoLayout = false;
     $response = array();
     $option = $this->data['FieldOption']['text'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'text');
     $value = $this->data['FieldOption']['value'] = Sanitize::stripAll($this->data, 'text');
     $fieldid = $this->data['FieldOption']['fieldid'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'field_id');
     $fieldName = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'name');
     // Begin validation
     if ($value == '') {
         $validation = __t("The field is empty.", true);
         $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_fieldOption{$fieldid}').siblings('.jr_loadingSmall').after('<span class=\"jr_validation\">&nbsp;" . $validation . "</span>');";
         return $this->ajaxResponse($response);
     // Save
     $result = $this->FieldOption->save($this->data);
     switch ($result) {
         case 'success':
             // Begin update display
             $option = $this->data['FieldOption']['text'];
             $value = $this->data['FieldOption']['value'];
             $response = "\n                        jQuery('#{$fieldName}').addOption('{$value}','" . addslashes($option) . "');\n                        jQuery('#jr_fieldOption{$fieldid}').val('');            \n                        jQuery('#submitButton{$fieldid}').removeAttr('disabled');\n                    ";
             return $this->ajaxResponse($response);
         case 'duplicate':
             $validation = sprintf(__t("%s already exists", true), $value);
         case 'db_error':
             $validation = s2Messages::submitErrorGeneric();
     $response[] = "jQuery('#{$fieldName}').selectOptions('" . addslashes($option) . "');";
     $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_fieldOption{$fieldid}').siblings('.jr_loadingSmall').after('<span class=\"jr_validation\">&nbsp;" . $validation . "</span>');";
     return $this->ajaxResponse($response);
コード例 #10
 function index($params)
     /*        if($this->_user->id === 0) 
                 $this->cacheAction = Configure::read('Cache.expires');        
     $this->action = 'directory';
     // Set view file
     # Read module params
     $dir_id = isset($this->params['module']) ? cleanIntegerCommaList(Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir_ids')) : '';
     $conditions = array();
     $order = array();
     $cat_id = '';
     $section_id = '';
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
         $directories = $this->Directory->getTree($dir_id, true);
     } else {
         $directories = $this->Category->findTree(array('level' => $this->Config->dir_category_levels, 'menu_id' => true, 'dir_id' => $dir_id, 'pad_char' => ''));
     if ($menu_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'Itemid')) {
         $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
     # Category auto detect
     $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 && ($cat_id != '' && $section_id == '')) {
         $cat_id = cleanIntegerCommaList($cat_id);
         $sql = "SELECT section FROM #__categories WHERE id IN (" . $cat_id . ")";
         $section_id = $this->_db->loadResult();
     $this->set(array('directories' => $directories, 'dir_id' => $dir_id, 'cat_id' => is_numeric($cat_id) && $cat_id > 0 ? $cat_id : false, 'section_id' => $section_id));
     return $this->render('modules', 'directories');
コード例 #11
 function beforeFilter()
     $this->viewSuffix = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'tmpl_suffix');
     # Set Theme
     $this->viewTheme = $this->Config->template;
     $this->viewImages = S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_THEMES_URL') . $this->viewTheme . _DS . 'theme_images' . _DS;
コード例 #12
 function index()
     $Session = RegisterClass::getInstance('MvcSession');
     $module_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'module_id', Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'module_id'));
     if (!isset($this->params['module'])) {
         $this->params['module'] = array();
     // For direct calls to the controller
     if ($this->ajaxRequest) {
         $this->params = $Session->get('module_params' . $module_id, null, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP'));
     } else {
         srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
         $this->params['rand'] = rand();
         $Session->set('module_rand' . $module_id, $this->params['rand'], S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP'));
         $Session->set('module_params' . $module_id, $this->params, S2Paths::get('jreviews', 'S2_CMSCOMP'));
     $this->viewSuffix = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'tmpl_suffix');
     // Read the module parameters
     $img_width = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'img_width', 50);
     $random_mode = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'random_mode', 'Random Users');
     $favorites_mode = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'favorites_mode', 'Other users interested in {title}');
     // Pagination
     $this->Community->limit = $this->module_limit;
     $this->Community->offset = $this->module_offset;
     # Get url params for current controller/action
     $url = Sanitize::getString($_REQUEST, 'url');
     $route['url']['url'] = $url;
     $route['data'] = array();
     $route = S2Router::parse($route, true, 'jreviews');
     # Check if page is listing detail
     $detail = Sanitize::getString($route['url'], 'extension', 'com_content') == 'com_content' && isset($route['data']) && Sanitize::getString($route['data'], 'controller') == 'listings' && Sanitize::getString($route['data'], 'action') == 'detail' ? true : false;
     # Initialize variables
     $listing_id = $detail ? Sanitize::getInt($route, 'id') : Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     $option = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'option');
     $view = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'view');
     $task = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'task');
     $listing_title = '';
     # Article auto-detect - only for com_content
     if ($detail || 'com_content' == $option && ('article' == $view || 'view' == $task)) {
         $query = "SELECT Listing.id, Listing.title FROM #__content AS Listing WHERE Listing.id = " . $listing_id;
         $listing = current($this->_db->loadObjectList());
         $listing_title = $listing->title;
     } else {
         $listing_id = null;
     $profiles = $this->Community->getListingFavorites($listing_id, $this->_user->id, $this->params);
     $total = $this->Community->count;
     $this->set(array('profiles' => $profiles, 'listing_title' => $listing_title, 'total' => $total));
     $page = $this->render('modules', 'favorite_cbusers');
     if ($this->ajaxRequest) {
         return $this->ajaxResponse($page, false);
     } else {
         return $page;
コード例 #13
 function _loadValues()
     $field_id = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'field_id');
     $valueq = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'value');
     if ($field_id != '') {
         $field_options = $this->FieldOption->getControlList($field_id, $valueq);
         return json_encode($field_options);
コード例 #14
 function reviews()
     $access = $this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15 ? $this->Access->getAccessId() : $this->Access->getAccessLevels();
     $feed_filename = PATH_ROOT . 'cache' . DS . 'jreviewsfeed_' . md5($access . $this->here) . '.xml';
     $this->Feeds->useCached($feed_filename, 'reviews');
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'extension', 'com_content');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'cat');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'section');
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'dir');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     $this->encoding = cmsFramework::getCharset();
     $feedPage = null;
     $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
     // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model
     $this->limit = $this->Config->rss_limit;
     $rss = array('title' => $this->Config->rss_title, 'link' => WWW_ROOT, 'description' => $this->Config->rss_description, 'image_url' => WWW_ROOT . "images/stories/" . $this->Config->rss_image, 'image_link' => WWW_ROOT);
     $queryData = array('conditions' => array('Review.published = 1', "Review.mode = '{$extension}'"), 'fields' => array('Review.mode AS `Review.extension`'), 'limit' => $this->limit, 'order' => array('Review.created DESC'));
     if ($extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.state = 1';
         $queryData['conditions'][] = '( Listing.publish_up = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_up <= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" )';
         $queryData['conditions'][] = '( Listing.publish_down = "' . NULL_DATE . '" OR Listing.publish_down >= "' . _CURRENT_SERVER_TIME . '" )';
         # Shows only links users can access
         if ($this->cmsVersion == CMS_JOOMLA15) {
             $access_id = $this->Access->getAccessId();
             $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.access <= ' . $access_id;
             $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Category.access <= ' . $access_id;
         } else {
             $cat_id > 0 and $cat_id = array_keys($this->Category->getChildren($cat_id));
             $access_id = $this->Access->getAccessLevels();
             $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.access IN ( ' . $access_id . ')';
             $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Category.access IN ( ' . $access_id . ')';
     if (!empty($cat_id) && $extension == 'com_content') {
         // Category feeds only supported for core content
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'JreviewsCategory.id IN (' . $this->quote($cat_id) . ')';
         $feedPage = 'category';
     } elseif ($section_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.sectionid= ' . $section_id;
         $feedPage = 'section';
     } elseif ($dir_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid= ' . $dir_id;
         $feedPage = 'directory';
     } elseif ($extension != 'com_content') {
         unset($this->Review->joins['listings'], $this->Review->joins['jreviews_categories'], $this->Review->joins['listings']);
         $feedPage = 'everywhere';
     if ($listing_id > 0) {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Review.pid = ' . $listing_id;
         $feedPage = 'listing';
     # Don't run it here because it's run in the Everywhere Observer Component
     $this->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
     $reviews = $this->Review->findAll($queryData);
     $this->set(array('feedPage' => $feedPage, 'encoding' => $this->encoding, 'rss' => $rss, 'reviews' => $reviews));
     return $this->Feeds->saveFeed($feed_filename, 'reviews');
コード例 #15
 function startup(&$controller)
     if (!isset($controller->Config) || $controller->ajaxRequest || Sanitize::getString($controller->params, 'action') == 'xml') {
     $this->c =& $controller;
コード例 #16
 function saveInPlace()
     $column = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'column');
     $fieldid = Sanitize::getInt($this->data, 'fieldid');
     $value = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'text');
     $this->_db->setQuery("\n            UPDATE \n                #__jreviews_fields \n                    SET {$column} = " . $this->quote($value) . "\n\t\t        WHERE fieldid = {$fieldid}\n\t\t");
     if (!$this->_db->query()) {
         return false;
     // Clear cache
     clearCache('', 'views');
     clearCache('', '__data');
     return true;
コード例 #17
 function index()
     global $Itemid;
     $cat_id = null;
     $conditions = array();
     $joins = array();
     $order = array();
     $menu_id = '';
     // Read module params
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'section');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'cat');
     $criteria_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
     $itemid_options = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'itemid_options');
     $itemid_hc = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'hc_itemid');
     $field = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'field');
     $option_length = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'fieldoption_length');
     $custom_params = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_params');
     $sort = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'fieldoption_order');
     # Set menu id
     switch ($itemid_options) {
         case 'none':
             $menu_id = '';
         case 'current':
         case 'hardcode':
             $menu_id = $itemid_hc;
     # Category auto detect
     if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'catauto')) {
         $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     $this->FieldOption->modelUnbind(array('FieldOption.value AS `FieldOption.value`', 'FieldOption.fieldid AS `FieldOption.fieldid`', 'FieldOption.image AS `FieldOption.image`', 'FieldOption.ordering AS `FieldOption.ordering`', 'FieldOption.optionid AS `FieldOption.optionid`', 'FieldOption.text AS `FieldOption.text`'));
     $fields[] = 'FieldOption.optionid AS `FieldOption.optionid`';
     $fields[] = 'FieldOption.value AS `FieldOption.value`';
     if ($option_length) {
         $fields[] = 'IF(CHAR_LENGTH(FieldOption.text)>' . $option_length . ',CONCAT(SUBSTR(FieldOption.text,1,' . $option_length . '),"..."),FieldOption.text) AS `FieldOption.text`';
     } else {
         $fields[] = 'FieldOption.text AS `FieldOption.text`';
     $joins[] = 'INNER JOIN #__jreviews_fields AS Field ON Field.fieldid = FieldOption.fieldid';
     $order[] = 'FieldOption.' . $sort;
     $field_options = $this->FieldOption->findAll(array('fields' => $fields, 'conditions' => 'Field.name = "' . $field . '"', 'joins' => $joins, 'order' => $order));
     # Send variables to view template
     $this->set(array('field' => $field, 'field_options' => $field_options, 'section_ids' => $section_id, 'category_ids' => $cat_id, 'criteria_id' => $criteria_id, 'menu_id' => $menu_id, 'custom_params' => $custom_params));
     return $this->render('modules', 'fields');
コード例 #18
ファイル: twitter.php プロジェクト: bizanto/Hooked
 function startup(&$controller)
     $this->inAdmin = defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN');
     $this->published = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'twitter_enable');
     $this->tweet_new_listing = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'twitter_listings');
     $this->tweet_new_review = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'twitter_reviews');
     $this->tweet_new_discussion = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'twitter_discussions');
     $this->bitly_user = trim(Sanitize::getString($controller->Config, 'bitly_user'));
     $this->bitly_key = trim(Sanitize::getString($controller->Config, 'bitly_key'));
     $this->bitly_history = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'bitly_history');
     App::import('Helper', array('routes', 'html'), 'jreviews');
     $this->Routes = RegisterClass::getInstance('RoutesHelper');
     $this->Html = RegisterClass::getInstance('HtmlHelper');
     $this->c =& $controller;
コード例 #19
 function _getList()
     if (!$this->_user->id || !$this->Access->isEditor()) {
         return '[]';
     $q = $this->User->makeSafe(mb_strtolower(Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'value'), 'utf-8'));
     if (!$q) {
         return '[]';
     $query = "\r\n            SELECT \r\n                id AS id, username AS value, name AS name, CONCAT(username,' (',name,')') AS label, email\r\n            FROM \r\n                #__users\r\n            WHERE \r\n                name LIKE " . $this->quoteLike($q) . " \r\n                OR \r\n                username LIKE " . $this->quoteLike($q) . " \r\n            LIMIT 15\r\n        ";
     $users = $this->_db->loadObjectList();
     return json_encode($users);
コード例 #20
 function index($params)
     if ($this->_user->id === 0) {
         $this->cacheAction = Configure::read('Cache.expires');
     $this->action = 'directory';
     // Set view file
     $page = array('title' => '', 'show_title' => 0);
     $conditions = array();
     $order = array();
     $directories = $this->Directory->getTree(Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'dir'));
     if ($menu_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'Itemid')) {
         $menuParams = $this->Menu->getMenuParams($menu_id);
         $page['title'] = Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'title');
         $page['show_title'] = Sanitize::getString($menuParams, 'dirtitle', 0);
     $this->set(array('page' => $page, 'directories' => $directories));
コード例 #21
ファイル: reports_controller.php プロジェクト: bizanto/Hooked
 function _save()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->autoLayout = false;
     $response = array();
     # Validate form token
     $this->components = array('security');
     if ($this->invalidToken) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2messages::invalidToken());
     if ($this->Config->user_report) {
         $this->data['Report']['report_text'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Report'], 'report_text');
         $listing_id = $this->data['Report']['listing_id'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Report'], 'listing_id');
         $review_id = $this->data['Report']['review_id'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Report'], 'review_id');
         $post_id = $this->data['Report']['post_id'] = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Report'], 'post_id');
         $extension = $this->data['Report']['extension'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Report'], 'extension');
         if ($this->data['Report']['report_text'] != '') {
             $this->data['Report']['user_id'] = $this->_user->id;
             $this->data['Report']['ipaddress'] = $this->ipaddress;
             $this->data['Report']['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $this->data['Report']['approved'] = 0;
             if ($this->_user->id) {
                 $this->data['Report']['name'] = $this->_user->name;
                 $this->data['Report']['username'] = $this->_user->username;
                 $this->data['Report']['email'] = $this->_user->email;
             } else {
                 $this->data['Report']['name'] = 'Guest';
                 $this->data['Report']['username'] = '******';
             if ($this->Report->store($this->data)) {
                 $update_text = __t("Your report was submitted, thank you.", true);
                 $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_reportLink" . ($post_id > 0 ? $post_id : $review_id) . "').remove();";
                 return $this->ajaxUpdateDialog($update_text, $response);
             return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::submitErrorDb());
         # Validation failed
         if (isset($this->Security)) {
             $reponse[] = "jQuery('jr_reportToken').val('" . $this->Security->reissueToken() . "')";
         return $this->ajaxValidation(__t("The message is empty.", true), $response);
コード例 #22
ファイル: twitter.php プロジェクト: atikahmed/joomla-probid
 function startup(&$controller)
     $this->inAdmin = defined('MVC_FRAMEWORK_ADMIN');
     $this->published = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'twitter_enable');
     $this->tweet_new_listing = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'twitter_listings');
     $this->tweet_new_review = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'twitter_reviews');
     $this->tweet_new_discussion = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'twitter_discussions');
     $this->bitly_user = trim(Sanitize::getString($controller->Config, 'bitly_user'));
     $this->bitly_key = trim(Sanitize::getString($controller->Config, 'bitly_key'));
     $this->bitly_history = Sanitize::getBool($controller->Config, 'bitly_history');
     App::import('Helper', array('routes', 'html'), 'jreviews');
     $this->Routes = ClassRegistry::getClass('RoutesHelper');
     $this->Html = ClassRegistry::getClass('HtmlHelper');
     $this->c =& $controller;
      * Tweets configuration
      * You can customize the strings below for the Twitter messages
     $this->activities = array('listing_new' => __t("Listing: %1\$s. %2\$s", true), 'review_new' => __t("Review for: %1\$s. %2\$s", true), 'comment_new' => __t("Discussion on: %1\$s. %2\$s", true));
コード例 #23
ファイル: feeds_controller.php プロジェクト: bizanto/Hooked
 function reviews()
     $extension = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'extension', 'com_content');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'cat');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'section');
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'dir');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->params, 'id');
     $this->encoding = cmsFramework::getCharset();
     $feedPage = null;
     $this->EverywhereAfterFind = true;
     // Triggers the afterFind in the Observer Model
     $this->limit = $this->Config->rss_limit;
     $rss = array('title' => $this->Config->rss_title, 'link' => WWW_ROOT, 'description' => $this->Config->rss_description, 'image_url' => WWW_ROOT . "images/stories/" . $this->Config->rss_image, 'image_link' => WWW_ROOT);
     $queryData = array('conditions' => array('Review.published = 1', "Review.mode = '{$extension}'"), 'fields' => array('Review.mode AS `Review.extension`'), 'limit' => $this->limit, 'order' => array('Review.created DESC'));
     if ($cat_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         // Category feeds only supported for core content
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'JreviewsCategory.id= ' . $cat_id;
         //			$queryData['joins'] = $this->Listing->joinsReviews;
         $feedPage = 'category';
     } elseif ($section_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Listing.sectionid= ' . $section_id;
         //            $queryData['joins'] = $this->Listing->joinsReviews;
         $feedPage = 'section';
     } elseif ($dir_id > 0 && $extension == 'com_content') {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'JreviewsCategory.dirid= ' . $dir_id;
         //            $queryData['joins'] = $this->Listing->joinsReviews;
         $feedPage = 'directory';
     } elseif ($extension != 'com_content') {
         unset($this->Review->joins['listings'], $this->Review->joins['jreviews_categories'], $this->Review->joins['listings']);
         $feedPage = 'everywhere';
     if ($listing_id > 0) {
         $queryData['conditions'][] = 'Review.pid = ' . $listing_id;
         $feedPage = 'listing';
     # Don't run it here because it's run in the Everywhere Observer Component
     $this->Review->runProcessRatings = false;
     $reviews = $this->Review->findAll($queryData);
     $this->set(array('feedPage' => $feedPage, 'encoding' => $this->encoding, 'rss' => $rss, 'reviews' => $reviews));
     return $this->Feeds->saveFeed(PATH_ROOT . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'jreviewsfeed_' . md5($this->here) . '.xml', 'reviews');
コード例 #24
ファイル: claims_controller.php プロジェクト: bizanto/Hooked
 function _save()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->autoLayout = false;
     $this->components = array('security');
     $listing_id = Sanitize::getInt($this->data['Claim'], 'listing_id');
     $response = array();
     # Validate form token
     if ($this->invalidToken) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::invalidToken());
     if (!$listing_id) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::accessDenied());
     if ($this->Config->claims_enable && $this->_user->id) {
         $this->data['Claim']['claim_text'] = Sanitize::getString($this->data['Claim'], 'claim_text');
         if ($this->data['Claim']['claim_text'] != '') {
             // Check if this user already has a claim for this listing to update it
             $claim_id = $this->Claim->findOne(array('fields' => array('Claim.claim_id AS `Claim.claim_id`'), 'conditions' => array('Claim.user_id = ' . (int) $this->_user->id, 'Claim.listing_id = ' . $listing_id, 'Claim.approved <= 0')));
             if ($claim_id > 0) {
                 $this->data['Claim']['claim_id'] = $claim_id;
             $this->data['Claim']['user_id'] = $this->_user->id;
             $this->data['Claim']['created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $this->data['Claim']['approved'] = 0;
             if ($this->Claim->store($this->data)) {
                 $update_text = __t("Your claim was submitted, thank you.", true);
                 $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_claimImg{$listing_id}').remove();";
                 return $this->ajaxUpdateDialog($update_text, $response);
         } else {
             # Validation failed
             if (isset($this->Security)) {
                 $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_claimToken').val('" . $this->Security->reissueToken() . "');";
             return $this->ajaxValidation(__t("The message is empty.", true), $response);
     return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::submitErrorDb());
コード例 #25
 function _save()
     $response = array();
     $formToken = cmsFramework::getCustomToken($this->review_id);
     if ($this->denyAccess == true || !Sanitize::getString($this->params['form'], $formToken)) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::accessDenied());
     # Validate form token
     $this->components = array('security');
     if ($this->invalidToken) {
         return $this->ajaxError(s2messages::invalidToken());
     // Check if an owner reply already exists
     $this->OwnerReply->fields = array();
     if ($reply = $this->OwnerReply->findRow(array('fields' => array('OwnerReply.owner_reply_text', 'OwnerReply.owner_reply_approved'), 'conditions' => array('OwnerReply.id = ' . $this->review_id)))) {
         if ($reply['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_approved'] == 1) {
             $error_text = __t("A reply for this review already exists.", true);
             $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_ownerReplyLink{$this->review_id}').remove();";
             return $this->ajaxError($error_text, $response);
     if ($this->Config->owner_replies) {
         if ($this->data['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_text'] != '' && $this->data['OwnerReply']['id'] > 0) {
             $this->data['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $this->data['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_approved'] = 1;
             // Replies will be moderated by default
             if ($this->OwnerReply->store($this->data)) {
                 $update_text = $this->data['OwnerReply']['owner_reply_approved'] ? __t("Your reply was submitted and has been approved.", true) : __t("Your reply was submitted and will be published once it is verified.", true);
                 $response[] = "jQuery('#jr_ownerReplyLink{$this->review_id}').remove();";
                 return $this->ajaxUpdateDialog($update_text, $response);
             return $this->ajaxError(s2Messages::submitErrorDb());
         # Validation failed
         if (isset($this->Security)) {
             $reponse[] = "jQuery('s2Token').val('" . $this->Security->reissueToken() . "')";
         return $this->ajaxValidation(__t("The reply is empty.", true), $response);
コード例 #26
ファイル: users_controller.php プロジェクト: bizanto/Hooked
 function _getList()
     if (!$this->_user || !$this->Access->isEditor()) {
     $query = $this->User->makeSafe(strtolower(Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'q')));
     if (!$query) {
     $fields = array('
         User.id AS `User.user_id`,
         User.name AS `User.name`,
         User.username AS `User.username`,
         User.email AS `User.email`
     $users = $this->User->findAll(array('fields' => $fields, 'conditions' => array("User.username LIKE '%{$query}%' OR User.name LIKE '%{$query}%'")));
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         echo "{$user['User']['name']}|{$user['User']['user_id']}|{$user['User']['username']}|{$user['User']['email']}\n";
コード例 #27
 function index()
     global $Itemid;
     $cat_id = null;
     $conditions = array();
     $joins = array();
     $order = array();
     $menu_id = '';
     // Read module params
     $itemid_options = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'itemid_options');
     $itemid_hc = Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'hc_itemid');
     $field = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'field');
     $custom_params = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'custom_params');
     $dir_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'dir');
     $section_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params, 'section');
     $cat_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'cat');
     $criteria_id = Sanitize::getString($this->params['module'], 'criteria');
     # Set menu id
     switch ($itemid_options) {
         case 'none':
             $menu_id = '';
         case 'current':
         case 'hardcode':
             $menu_id = $itemid_hc;
     # Category auto detect
     if (Sanitize::getInt($this->params['module'], 'catauto')) {
         $ids = CommonController::_discoverIDs($this);
     # Send variables to view template
     $this->set(array('field' => $field, 'dir_id' => $dir_id, 'section_ids' => $section_id, 'category_ids' => $cat_id, 'criteria_id' => $criteria_id, 'menu_id' => $menu_id, 'custom_params' => $custom_params));
     return $this->render('modules', 'range');
コード例 #28
ファイル: inquiry_controller.php プロジェクト: bizanto/Hooked
 function _send()
     $recipient = '';
     $error = array();
     $response = array();
     $this->components = array('security');
     if ($this->invalidToken) {
         $error[] = 'jQuery("#jr_inquiryTokenValidation").show();';
         return json_encode(array('error' => $this->makeJS($error)));
     // Required fields
     $fields = array('name', 'email', 'text');
     //        $fields = array('name','email','phone','text');
     foreach ($fields as $id) {
         $input_id = '#jr_inquiry' . Inflector::camelize($id) . 'Validation';
         if ($this->data['Inquiry'][$id] == '') {
             $error[] = 'jQuery("' . $input_id . '").show();';
         } else {
             $reponse[] = 'jQuery("' . $input_id . '").hide();';
     # Validate user's email
     $this->Listing->validateInput($this->data['Inquiry']['email'], "email", "email", __t("You must fill in a valid email address.", true), 1);
     # Validate security code
     if ($this->Access->showCaptcha()) {
         if (!isset($this->data['Captcha']['code'])) {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true));
         } elseif ($this->data['Captcha']['code'] == '') {
             $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("You must fill in the security code.", true));
         } else {
             if (!$this->Captcha->checkCode($this->data['Captcha']['code'], $this->ipaddress)) {
                 $this->Listing->validateSetError("code", __t("The security code you entered was invalid.", true));
     # Process validation errors
     $validation = $this->Listing->validateGetErrorArray();
     $validation = is_array($validation) ? implode("<br />", $validation) : '';
     if (!empty($error) || $validation != '') {
         // Reissue form token
         if (isset($this->Security)) {
             $error[] = "jQuery('#jr_inquiryToken').val('" . $this->Security->reissueToken() . "');";
         if ($this->Access->showCaptcha()) {
             // Replace captcha with new instance
             $captcha = $this->Captcha->displayCode();
             $error[] = "jQuery('#captcha').attr('src','{$captcha['src']}');";
             $error[] = "jQuery('#jr_inquiryCode').val('');";
         if ($validation != '') {
             $error[] = "jQuery('#jr_inquiryCodeValidation').html('{$validation}').show();";
         return json_encode(array('error' => $this->makeJS($error)));
     // Now we can send the email
     # Read cms mail config settings
     $configSendmailPath = cmsFramework::getConfig('sendmail');
     $configSmtpAuth = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpauth');
     $configSmtpUser = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpuser');
     $configSmtpPass = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtppass');
     $configSmtpHost = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtphost');
     $configSmtpSecure = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpsecure');
     $configSmtpPort = cmsFramework::getConfig('smtpport');
     $configMailFrom = cmsFramework::getConfig('mailfrom');
     $configFromName = cmsFramework::getConfig('fromname');
     $configMailer = cmsFramework::getConfig('mailer');
     # Get the recipient email
     Configure::write('Cache.query', false);
     $listing = $this->Listing->findRow(array('fields' => array('User.email AS `Listing.email`'), 'conditions' => array('Listing.id = ' . (int) $this->data['Inquiry']['listing_id'])));
     $url = cmsFramework::makeAbsUrl($listing['Listing']['url'], array('sef' => true));
     $link = '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $listing['Listing']['title'] . '</a>';
     switch ($this->Config->inquiry_recipient) {
         case 'owner':
             $recipient = Sanitize::getString($listing['Listing'], 'email');
         case 'admin':
             $recipient = $configMailFrom;
         case 'field':
             if (isset($listing['Field']['pairs'][$this->Config->inquiry_field])) {
                 $recipient = $listing['Field']['pairs'][$this->Config->inquiry_field]['value'][0];
     if ($recipient == '') {
         $recipient = $configMailFrom;
     if (!class_exists('PHPMailer')) {
         App::import('Vendor', 'phpmailer' . DS . 'class.phpmailer');
     $mail = new PHPMailer();
     $mail->CharSet = cmsFramework::getCharset();
     $mail->SetLanguage('en', S2_VENDORS . 'phpmailer' . DS . 'language' . DS);
     $mail->Mailer = $configMailer;
     // Mailer used mail,sendmail,smtp
     switch ($configMailer) {
         case 'smtp':
             $mail->Host = $configSmtpHost;
             $mail->SMTPAuth = $configSmtpAuth;
             $mail->Username = $configSmtpUser;
             $mail->Password = $configSmtpPass;
             $mail->SMTPSecure = $configSmtpSecure != '' ? $configSmtpSecure : '';
             $mail->Port = $configSmtpPort;
         case 'sendmail':
             $mail->Sendmail = $configSendmailPath;
     $mail->From = $configMailFrom;
     $mail->FromName = $configFromName;
     $mail->Subject = sprintf(__t("New inquiry for: %s", true), $listing['Listing']['title']);
     $mail->Body = sprintf(__t("From: %s", true), Sanitize::getString($this->data['Inquiry'], 'name')) . "<br />";
     $mail->Body .= sprintf(__t("Email: %s", true), Sanitize::getString($this->data['Inquiry'], 'email')) . "<br />";
     //        $mail->Body .= sprintf(__t("Phone number: %s",true),Sanitize::getString($this->data['Inquiry'],'phone')) . "<br />";
     $mail->Body .= sprintf(__t("Listing: %s", true), $listing['Listing']['title']) . "<br />";
     $mail->Body .= sprintf(__t("Listing link: %s", true), $link) . "<br />";
     $mail->Body .= $this->data['Inquiry']['text'];
     if (!$mail->Send()) {
         $error[] = 'jQuery("#jr_inquiryTokenValidation").show();';
         return json_encode(array('error' => $this->makeJS($error)));
     $bccAdmin = $this->Config->inquiry_bcc;
     if ($bccAdmin != '' && $bccAdmin != $recipient) {
     return json_encode(array('error' => $this->makeJS($response), 'html' => true));
コード例 #29
ファイル: object.php プロジェクト: atikahmed/joomla-probid
  * Calls a controller's method from any location.
  * @param string $url URL in the form of Cake URL ("/controller/method/parameter")
  * @param array $extra if array includes the key "return" it sets the AutoRender to true.
  * @return mixed Success (true/false) or contents if 'return' is set in $extra
  * @access public
 function requestAction($url, $extra = array())
     $app = Sanitize::getString($extra, 'app', 'jreviews');
     if (empty($url)) {
         return false;
     if (!class_exists('S2Dispatcher')) {
         require S2_FRAMEWORK . DS . 'dispatcher.php';
     if (in_array('return', $extra, true)) {
         $extra = array_merge($extra, array('return' => 0, 'autoRender' => 1));
     $params = array_merge(array('token' => cmsFramework::formIntegrityToken($extra, array('module', 'module_id', 'form', 'data'), false), 'autoRender' => 0, 'return' => 1, 'bare' => 1, 'requested' => 1), $extra);
     $disable404 = true;
     $dispatcher = new S2Dispatcher($app, null, $disable404);
     return $dispatcher->dispatch($url, $params);
コード例 #30
 function _installfix()
     // Load fields model
     App::import('Model', 'field', 'jreviews');
     $FieldModel = new FieldModel();
     $task = Sanitize::getString($this->data, 'task');
     $msg = '';
     $mambot_error = 0;
     switch ($task) {
         case 'fix_install_jreviews':
             if (!$this->_installPlugin()) {
                 $msg = "There was a problem updating the database or copying the plugin files. Make sure the Joomla plugins/content folder is writable.";
         case 'fix_content_fields':
             $output = '';
             $rows = $this->_db->getTableFields(array('#__jreviews_content'));
             $columns = array_keys($rows['#__jreviews_content']);
             $sql = "SELECT name,type FROM #__jreviews_fields WHERE location = 'content'";
             $fields = $this->_db->loadObjectList('name');
             $missing = array();
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 if (!in_array($field->name, $columns)) {
                     $output = $FieldModel->addTableColumn($field->name, $field->type, 'content');
             $query = "DELETE FROM #__jreviews_fields WHERE name = ''";
             $output = $this->_db->query();
             if ($output != '') {
                 $msg = "There was a problem fixing one or more of the content fields";
         case 'fix_review_fields':
             $output = '';
             $rows = $this->_db->getTableFields(array('#__jreviews_review_fields'));
             $columns = array_keys($rows['#__jreviews_review_fields']);
             $sql = "SELECT name,type FROM #__jreviews_fields WHERE location = 'review'";
             $fields = $this->_db->loadObjectList('name');
             $missing = array();
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 if (!in_array($field->name, $columns)) {
                     $output = $FieldModel->addTableColumn($field->name, $field->type, 'review');
             $query = "DELETE FROM #__jreviews_fields WHERE name = ''";
             $output = $this->_db->query();
             if ($output != '') {
                 $msg = "There was a problem fixing one or more of the review fields";
     cmsFramework::redirect("index.php?option=com_jreviews", $msg);