コード例 #1
    $testdr = $testsac->addExtraPackage($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testzipcontentfile, $testpackaging, $testcontenttype, false);
    print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status . " (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
    if ($testdr->sac_status >= 200 || $testdr->sac_status < 300) {
    print "\n\n";
if (false) {
    print "About to add atom entry (" . $testatomentry2 . ") to " . $edit_iri . "\n";
    if (empty($testuser)) {
        print "As: anonymous\n";
    } else {
        print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
    $testdr = $testsac->addExtraAtomEntry($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testatomentry2, false);
    print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status . " (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
    if ($testdr->sac_status >= 200 || $testdr->sac_status < 300) {
    print "\n\n";
if (false) {
    print "About to add multipart atom entry and file (" . $testmultipart2 . ") to " . $edit_iri . "\n";
    if (empty($testuser)) {
        print "As: anonymous\n";
    } else {
        print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
    $testdr = $testsac->addExtraMultipartPackage($edit_iri, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo, $testmultipart2, $testpackaging, false);
    print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testdr->sac_status . " (" . $testdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";