コード例 #1
// The test atom multipart file to deposit
$testmultipart = "test-files/atom_multipart_package";
// The second test file to deposit
$testmultipart2 = "test-files/atom_multipart_package2";
// The test content zip file to deposit
$testzipcontentfile = "test-files/atom_multipart_package2.zip";
// A plain content file
$testextrafile = "test-files/swordlogo.jpg";
// The file type of the extra file
$testextrafiletype = "image/jpg";
// The content type of the test file
$testcontenttype = "application/zip";
// The packaging format of the test file
$testpackaging = "http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip";
require "../swordappclient.php";
$testsac = new SWORDAPPClient();
if (false) {
    print "About to request servicedocument from " . $testurl . "\n";
    if (empty($testuser)) {
        print "As: anonymous\n";
    } else {
        print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
    $testsdr = $testsac->servicedocument($testurl, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo);
    print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testsdr->sac_status . " (" . $testsdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
    if ($testsdr->sac_status == 200) {
    print "\n\n";
if (true) {
コード例 #2

// Load the PHP library
include_once '../../../../swordappclient.php';
include_once '../../utils.php';
// Store the values
// Try and deposit the multipart package
$client = new SWORDAPPClient();
try {
    $response = $client->depositMultipart($_SESSION['durl'], $_SESSION['u'], $_SESSION['p'], $_SESSION['obo'], $_SESSION['filename'], 'http://purl.org/net/sword/package/SimpleZip', 'application/zip', $_SESSION['inprogress']);
    if ($response->sac_status != 201) {
        $error = 'Unable to deposit package. HTTP response code: ' . $response->sac_status . ' - ' . $response->sac_statusmessage;
        $_SESSION['error'] = $error;
    } else {
        $_SESSION['error'] = '';
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $error = 'Unable to deposit package: ' . $e->getMessage();
    $_SESSION['error'] = $error;
    header('Location: ../../get/sd/');
// Show the response
include '../../common/depositresponse.php';
コード例 #3
 function display(&$args, $request)
     $templateMgr =& TemplateManager::getManager();
     parent::display($args, $request);
     $journal =& Request::getJournal();
     $plugin =& $this->getSwordPlugin();
     $swordUrl = Request::getUserVar('swordUrl');
     $depositPointKey = Request::getUserVar('depositPoint');
     $depositPoints = $plugin->getSetting($journal->getId(), 'depositPoints');
     $username = Request::getUserVar('swordUsername');
     $password = Request::getUserVar('swordPassword');
     if (isset($depositPoints[$depositPointKey])) {
         $selectedDepositPoint = $depositPoints[$depositPointKey];
         if ($selectedDepositPoint['username'] != '') {
             $username = $selectedDepositPoint['username'];
         if ($selectedDepositPoint['password'] != '') {
             $password = $selectedDepositPoint['password'];
     $swordDepositPoint = Request::getUserVar('swordDepositPoint');
     $depositEditorial = Request::getUserVar('depositEditorial');
     $depositGalleys = Request::getUserVar('depositGalleys');
     switch (array_shift($args)) {
         case 'deposit':
             $depositIds = array();
             try {
                 foreach (Request::getUserVar('articleId') as $articleId) {
                     $depositIds[] = $this->deposit($swordDepositPoint, $username, $password, $articleId, $depositEditorial, $depositGalleys);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 // Deposit failed
                 $templateMgr->assign(array('pageTitle' => 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositFailed', 'messageTranslated' => $e->getMessage(), 'backLink' => Request::url(null, null, null, array('plugin', $this->getName()), array('swordUrl' => $swordUrl, 'swordUsername' => $username, 'swordDepositPoint' => $swordDepositPoint, 'depositEditorial' => $depositEditorial, 'depositGalleys' => $depositGalleys)), 'backLinkLabel' => 'common.back'));
                 return $templateMgr->display('common/message.tpl');
             // Deposit was successful
             $templateMgr->assign(array('pageTitle' => 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositSuccessful', 'message' => 'plugins.importexport.sword.depositSuccessfulDescription', 'backLink' => Request::url(null, null, null, array('plugin', $this->getName()), array('swordUrl' => $swordUrl, 'swordUsername' => $username, 'swordDepositPoint' => $swordDepositPoint, 'depositEditorial' => $depositEditorial, 'depositGalleys' => $depositGalleys)), 'backLinkLabel' => 'common.continue'));
             return $templateMgr->display('common/message.tpl');
             $journal =& Request::getJournal();
             $publishedArticleDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('PublishedArticleDAO');
             $rangeInfo = Handler::getRangeInfo('articles');
             $articleIds = $publishedArticleDao->getPublishedArticleIdsAlphabetizedByJournal($journal->getId(), false);
             $totalArticles = count($articleIds);
             if ($rangeInfo->isValid()) {
                 $articleIds = array_slice($articleIds, $rangeInfo->getCount() * ($rangeInfo->getPage() - 1), $rangeInfo->getCount());
             $iterator = new VirtualArrayIterator(ArticleSearch::formatResults($articleIds), $totalArticles, $rangeInfo->getPage(), $rangeInfo->getCount());
             foreach (array('swordUrl', 'swordUsername', 'swordPassword', 'depositEditorial', 'depositGalleys', 'swordDepositPoint') as $var) {
                 $templateMgr->assign($var, Request::getUserVar($var));
             $templateMgr->assign('depositPoints', $depositPoints);
             if (!empty($swordUrl)) {
                 $client = new SWORDAPPClient();
                 $doc = $client->servicedocument($swordUrl, $username, $password, '');
                 $depositPoints = array();
                 if (is_array($doc->sac_workspaces)) {
                     foreach ($doc->sac_workspaces as $workspace) {
                         if (is_array($workspace->sac_collections)) {
                             foreach ($workspace->sac_collections as $collection) {
                                 $depositPoints["{$collection->sac_href}"] = "{$collection->sac_colltitle}";
                 $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('swordDepositPoints', $depositPoints);
             $templateMgr->assign_by_ref('articles', $iterator);
             $templateMgr->display($this->getTemplatePath() . 'articles.tpl');
コード例 #4
// Store the values
if (isset($_POST['sdurl'])) {
    $_SESSION['sdurl'] = $_POST['sdurl'];
if (isset($_POST['u'])) {
    $_SESSION['u'] = $_POST['u'];
if (isset($_POST['p'])) {
    $_SESSION['p'] = $_POST['p'];
if (isset($_POST['obo'])) {
    $_SESSION['obo'] = $_POST['obo'];
// Try and load the service document
$client = new SWORDAPPClient();
$response = $client->servicedocument($_SESSION['sdurl'], $_SESSION['u'], $_SESSION['p'], $_SESSION['obo']);
if ($response->sac_status != 200) {
    $error = 'Unable to load service document. HTTP response code: ' . $response->sac_status . ' - ' . $response->sac_statusmessage;
    $_SESSION['error'] = $error;
    header('Location: ../../');
} else {
    $_SESSION['error'] = '';
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <title>SWORD v2 exerciser - GET the Service Document</title>
        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='../../css/style.css' />
コード例 #5
 function index()
     // A variable to hold an error message
     $error = '';
     try {
         // Check to see if the packager directory exists, and if not
         // make the directory to save the files in
         $path = str_replace('index.php', '', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]);
         $id = $this->userid;
         $savepath = $path . $this->config->item('easydeposit_uploadfiles_savedir') . $id;
         if (!file_exists($savepath)) {
         // Allow each step to contribute to the package
         require_once $this->config->item('easydeposit_librarylocation') . '/packager_mets_swap.php';
         $package = new PackagerMetsSwap($this->config->item('easydeposit_uploadfiles_savedir'), $this->userid, $this->config->item('easydeposit_deposit_packages'), $this->userid . '.zip');
         foreach ($this->easydeposit_steps as $stepname) {
             if ($stepname == 'multipledeposit') {
             include_once APPPATH . 'controllers/' . $stepname . '.php';
             $stepclass = ucfirst($stepname);
             call_user_func(array($stepclass, '_package'), $package);
         // Deposit the package
         require_once $this->config->item('easydeposit_librarylocation') . '/swordappclient.php';
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($_SESSION['depositurls'] as $depositurl) {
             $sac = new SWORDAPPClient();
             $contenttype = "application/zip";
             $format = "http://purl.org/net/sword-types/METSDSpaceSIP";
             $response = $sac->deposit($_SESSION['depositurls'][$counter], $_SESSION['sword-usernames'][$counter], $_SESSION['sword-passwords'][$counter], $_SESSION['sword-obos'][$counter], $this->config->item('easydeposit_deposit_packages') . $this->userid . '.zip', $format, $contenttype);
             if ($response->sac_status == 200 || $response->sac_status == 201) {
                 $_SESSION['deposited-response'][$counter] = $response->sac_xml;
                 $_SESSION['deposited-url'][$counter] = (string) $response->sac_id;
             } else {
                 $error .= 'For deposit URL ' . $_SESSION['depositurls'][$counter] . "\n";
                 $error .= 'Server returned status code: ' . $response->sac_status . "\n\n";
                 $error .= 'Server provided response: ' . $response->sac_xml . "\n\n";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Catch the exception for reporting
         $error = 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
         $error .= 'Deposit URL: ' . $_SESSION['depositurls'][$counter] . "\n";
         $error .= 'Deposit username: '******'sword-usernames'][$counter] . "\n";
         $error .= 'Package file: ' . $this->config->item('easydeposit_deposit_packages') . $this->userid . '.zip' . "\n";
         if (!empty($response->sac_xml)) {
             $error .= "\n\nResponse:" . $response->sac_xml;
     // If there was an error, send it to the administrator
     if (!empty($error)) {
         $to = $this->config->item('easydeposit_supportemail');
         $subject = 'Error with EasyDeposit system';
         $headers = 'From: ' . $to . ' <' . $to . ">\r\n";
         $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
         $headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n";
         $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n";
         mail($to, $subject, $error, $headers);
     // Go to the next stage
コード例 #6

require_once '../../swordappclient.php';
// Settings
$atom = 'atom.xml';
$contentzip = 'content.zip';
$metadatazip = 'metadata.zip';
$servicedocument = 'http://demo.dspace.org/swordv2/servicedocument';
$depositlocation = 'http://demo.dspace.org/swordv2/collection/10673/11';
$dspacerest = 'https://demo.dspace.org/rest';
$user = '******';
$password = '******';
// Initiatiate the SWORD client
$sword = new SWORDAPPClient();
// Get the service document
print "About to request servicedocument from " . $servicedocument . "\n";
$sd = $sword->servicedocument($servicedocument, $user, $password, '');
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $sd->sac_status . " (" . $sd->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if ($sd->sac_status == 200) {
print "\n\n";
// Create the item by depositing an atom document
print "About to create new item at " . $depositlocation . "\n";
$response = $sword->depositAtomEntry($depositlocation, $user, $password, '', $atom, $sac_inprogress = true);
print "Received HTTP status code: " . $response->sac_status . " (" . $response->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
if ($response->sac_status >= 200 || $response->sac_status < 300) {
$edit_iri = $response->sac_edit_iri;
$edit_media = $response->sac_edit_media_iri;
コード例 #7

// Load the PHP library
include_once '../../../../swordappclient.php';
include_once '../../utils.php';
// Try and load the file
$client = new SWORDAPPClient();
$response = $client->get($_POST['uri'], $_SESSION['u'], $_SESSION['p'], $_SESSION['obo']);
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <title>SWORD v2 exerciser - GET a URI</title>
        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='../../css/style.css' />

        <div id="header">
            <h1>SWORD v2 exerciser</h1>

if (!empty($errormsg)) {
<div class="error"><?php 
    echo $errormsg;
コード例 #8
ファイル: deposit.php プロジェクト: stuartlewis/EasyDeposit
 private function _depositatomtwostep()
     $response = '';
     $editmediairi = '';
     try {
         $package = new PackagerAtomTwoStep($this->config->item('easydeposit_uploadfiles_savedir'), $this->userid, $this->config->item('easydeposit_deposit_packages'), $this->userid . '.multipart');
         foreach ($this->easydeposit_steps as $stepname) {
             if ($stepname == 'deposit') {
             include_once APPPATH . 'controllers/' . $stepname . '.php';
             $stepclass = ucfirst($stepname);
             call_user_func(array($stepclass, '_packagemultipart'), $package);
         // Deposit the atom entry, leave 'in progress'
         $sac = new SWORDAPPClient();
         $response = $sac->depositAtomEntry($_SESSION['depositurl'], $_SESSION['sword-username'], $_SESSION['sword-password'], $_SESSION['sword-obo'], $this->config->item('easydeposit_deposit_packages') . $this->userid . '/atom', true);
         if ($response->sac_status >= 200 && $response->sac_status < 300) {
             $_SESSION['deposited-response'] = $response->sac_xml;
             $_SESSION['deposited-url'] = (string) $response->sac_id;
             $editmediairi = $response->sac_edit_media_iri;
         } else {
             $error = 'Server returned status code: ' . $response->sac_status . "\n\n";
             $error .= 'Server provided response: ' . $response->sac_xml;
         echo '3';
         // Deposit each file
         $counter = 0;
         $inprogress = True;
         foreach ($package->getFiles() as $file) {
             echo $counter;
             if ($counter == count($package->getFiles())) {
                 $inprogress = False;
             $response = $sac->addExtraFileToMediaResource($editmediairi, $_SESSION['sword-username'], $_SESSION['sword-password'], $_SESSION['sword-obo'], $this->config->item('easydeposit_deposit_packages') . $this->userid . '/' . $file, $inprogress);
         $response = $sac->completeIncompleteDeposit($editmediairi, $_SESSION['sword-username'], $_SESSION['sword-password'], $_SESSION['sword-obo']);
         echo '5';
         echo $response;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Catch the exception for reporting
         $error = 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n\n";
         $error .= 'Deposit URL: ' . $_SESSION['depositurl'] . "\n";
         $error .= 'Deposit username: '******'sword-username'] . "\n";
         $error .= 'Package file: ' . $this->config->item('easydeposit_deposit_packages') . $this->userid . '.zip' . "\n";
         if (!empty($response->sac_xml)) {
             $error .= "\n\nResponse:" . $response->sac_xml;
         $_SESSION['deposited-response'] = $error;
     // If there was an error, send it to the administrator
     if (!empty($error)) {
         $to = $this->config->item('easydeposit_supportemail');
         $subject = 'Error with EasyDeposit system';
         $headers = 'From: ' . $to . ' <' . $to . ">\r\n";
         $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
         $headers .= "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n";
         $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\r\n";
         mail($to, $subject, $error, $headers);
コード例 #9
 function _getservicedocument($str)
     // Clear out old session data related to the service document
     $_SESSION['servicedocumenturl'] = '';
     $_SESSION['servicedocumentxml'] = '';
     $_SESSION['servicedocumentstatuscode'] = '';
     // Try and get the service document
     // If we succeed, store the xml in the SESSION for future steps
     // If we fail, report so
     try {
         $swordappclient = new SWORDAPPClient();
         $urls = $this->config->item('easydeposit_selectrepository_list');
         if (!empty($_POST['otherurl'])) {
             $url = $_POST['otherurl'];
         } else {
             if (isset($_POST['url'])) {
                 $url = $_POST['url'];
                 $url = str_replace('/client/client/', '/client/', $url);
                 if (is_numeric($_POST['url'])) {
                     $url = $urls[$_POST['url']];
             } else {
                 $this->form_validation->set_message('_getservicedocument', 'No Service Document URL provided');
                 return FALSE;
         $servicedocument = $swordappclient->servicedocument($url, $_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['obo']);
         if ($servicedocument->sac_status == 200) {
             // Store the service document in the session
             $_SESSION['servicedocumenturl'] = $url;
             $_SESSION['servicedocumentxml'] = $servicedocument->sac_xml;
             $_SESSION['servicedocumentstatuscode'] = $servicedocument->sac_status;
             // Store the username / password / obo in the session
             $_SESSION['sword-username'] = $_POST['username'];
             $_SESSION['sword-password'] = $_POST['password'];
             $_SESSION['sword-obo'] = $_POST['obo'];
             return TRUE;
         } else {
             $this->form_validation->set_message('_getservicedocument', $servicedocument->sac_statusmessage);
             return FALSE;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->form_validation->set_message('_getservicedocument', 'An error occurred when trying to parse the service document: ' . $e);
         return FALSE;
コード例 #10

// Load the PHP library
include_once '../../../../swordappclient.php';
include_once '../../utils.php';
// Store the values
// Try and deposit the multipart package
$client = new SWORDAPPClient();
$response = $client->depositAtomEntry($_SESSION['durl'], $_SESSION['u'], $_SESSION['p'], $_SESSION['obo'], $_SESSION['filename'], $_SESSION['inprogress']);
if ($response->sac_status != 201) {
    $error = 'Unable to deposit package. HTTP response code: ' . $response->sac_status . ' - ' . $response->sac_statusmessage;
    $_SESSION['error'] = $error;
} else {
    $_SESSION['error'] = '';
// Show the response
include '../../common/depositresponse.php';
コード例 #11
// The user (if required)
$testuser = "******";
// The password of the user (if required)
$testpw = "sword-user";
// The on-behalf-of user (if required)
//$testobo = "*****@*****.**";
// The URL of the example deposit collection
$testdepositurl = "http://client.swordapp.org/client/deposit/sword-user";
// The test file to deposit
$testfile = "test-files/sword-article.zip";
// The content type of the test file
$testcontenttype = "application/zip";
// The packaing format of the test fifle
$testformat = "http://purl.org/net/sword-types/METSDSpaceSIP";
require "swordappclient.php";
$testsac = new SWORDAPPClient();
if (true) {
    print "About to request servicedocument from " . $testurl . "\n";
    if (empty($testuser)) {
        print "As: anonymous\n";
    } else {
        print "As: " . $testuser . "\n";
    $testsdr = $testsac->servicedocument($testurl, $testuser, $testpw, $testobo);
    print "Received HTTP status code: " . $testsdr->sac_status . " (" . $testsdr->sac_statusmessage . ")\n";
    if ($testsdr->sac_status == 200) {
        print " - Version: " . $testsdr->sac_version . "\n";
        print " - Supports Verbose: " . $testsdr->sac_verbose . "\n";
        print " - Supports NoOp: " . $testsdr->sac_noop . "\n";
        print " - Maximum uplaod size: ";
        if (!empty($testsdr->sac_maxuploadsize)) {
コード例 #12

// Load the PHP library
include_once '../../../../swordappclient.php';
include_once '../../utils.php';
// Store the values
// Try and delete the edit-iri package
$client = new SWORDAPPClient();
$response = $client->deleteContainer($_POST['editiri'], $_SESSION['u'], $_SESSION['p'], $_SESSION['obo']);
if ($response->sac_status != 204) {
    $error = 'Unable to delete container. HTTP response code: ' . $response->sac_status;
} else {
    $_SESSION['error'] = '';
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <title>SWORD v2 exerciser - DELETE a container</title>
        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='../../css/style.css' />

        <div id="header">
            <h1>SWORD v2 exerciser</h1>

        <div class="section">
            <pre>Status code: <?php 
コード例 #13
  * Deposit the package.
  * @param $url string SWORD deposit URL
  * @param $username string SWORD deposit username (i.e. email address for DSPACE)
  * @param $password string SWORD deposit password
 function deposit($url, $username, $password)
     $client = new SWORDAPPClient();
     $response = $client->deposit($url, $username, $password, '', $this->outPath . '/deposit.zip', 'http://purl.org/net/sword-types/METSDSpaceSIP', 'application/zip', false, true);
     return $response;
コード例 #14

// Load the PHP library
include_once '../../../../swordappclient.php';
include_once '../../utils.php';
// Store the values
// Try and complete the incomplete deposit
$client = new SWORDAPPClient();
$response = $client->completeIncompleteDeposit($_SESSION['seiri'], $_SESSION['u'], $_SESSION['p'], $_SESSION['obo']);
if ($response->sac_status != 200) {
    $error = 'Unable to deposit package. HTTP response code: ' . $response->sac_status . ' - ' . $response->sac_statusmessage;
    $_SESSION['error'] = $error;
} else {
    $_SESSION['error'] = '';
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <title>SWORD v2 exerciser - Complete an incomplete deposit</title>
        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='../../css/style.css' />

        <div id="header">
            <h1>SWORD v2 exerciser</h1>

if (!empty($errormsg)) {
コード例 #15

// Load the PHP library
include_once '../../../../swordappclient.php';
include_once '../../utils.php';
// Store the values
// Try and delete the edit-iri package
$client = new SWORDAPPClient();
$response = $client->deleteResourceContent($_POST['editmediairi'], $_SESSION['u'], $_SESSION['p'], $_SESSION['obo']);
if ($response->sac_status != 204) {
    $error = 'Unable to delete content. HTTP response code: ' . $response->sac_status;
} else {
    $_SESSION['error'] = '';
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <title>SWORD v2 exerciser - DELETE a resource container</title>
        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' media='all' href='../../css/style.css' />

        <div id="header">
            <h1>SWORD v2 exerciser</h1>

        <div class="section">
            <pre>Status code: <?php 
コード例 #16
ファイル: imap-email.php プロジェクト: nimish321/openscholar
            $mimetype = $type[(int) $info->parts[$counter]->type] . '/' . $info->parts[$counter]->subtype;
            $mimetype = strtolower($mimetype);
            echo " - File: {$filename} ({$mimetype})... ";
            $fullfilename = 'tmp/attachments/' . $uid . '/' . $filename;
            $file = 'tmp/attachments/' . $uid . '/mail.txt';
            imap_savebody($inbox, $file, $message->msgno);
            $parser = new MimeMailParser();
            $attachments = $parser->getAttachmentsAsStreams();
            file_put_contents($fullfilename, $attachments[$counter - 1]);
            echo "done\n";
            $package->addFile($filename, $mimetype);
        // Deposit the package
        $client = new SWORDAPPClient();
        $response = $client->deposit($swordurl, $sworduser, $swordpassword, '', 'tmp/' . $packagefilename, 'http://purl.org/net/sword-types/METSDSpaceSIP', 'application/zip', false, true);
        // print_r($response);
        $id = $response->sac_id;
        $id = str_replace("http://hdl.handle.net/", "http://dspace.swordapp.org/jspui/handle/", $id);
        echo "Deposited at " . $id . "\n\n";
        $to = $message->from;
        $from = "From: " . $mailuser;
        $subject = "Deposit successful: " . $id;
        $contents = "Thanks you for your deposit. It can be viewed at " . $id;
        mail($to, $subject, $contents, $from);
        // Mark the message as read
        imap_setflag_full($inbox, $message->msgno, "\\Seen");
コード例 #17
 function _getDepositableDepositPoints()
     $depositPoints = $this->swordPlugin->getSetting($this->article->getJournalId(), 'depositPoints');
     foreach ($depositPoints as $key => $depositPoint) {
         $type = $depositPoint['type'];
             // Get a list of supported deposit points
             $client = new SWORDAPPClient();
             $doc = $client->servicedocument($depositPoint['url'], $depositPoint['username'], $depositPoint['password'], '');
             $points = array();
             foreach ($doc->sac_workspaces as $workspace) {
                 foreach ($workspace->sac_collections as $collection) {
                     $points["{$collection->sac_href}"] = "{$collection->sac_colltitle}";
             $depositPoints[$key]['depositPoints'] = $points;
         } elseif ($type == SWORD_DEPOSIT_TYPE_OPTIONAL_FIXED) {
             // Don't need to do anything special
         } else {
     return $depositPoints;