static function mqRead($name, $want = 0, $wait = true) { $mq = msg_get_queue(self::_ftok($name)); $type = null; // Recieved Message Type $size = 8192; // Max Message Size $mess = null; // Recieved Message Data $unser = true; $flags = 0; $error = null; if ($wait == false) { $flags |= MSG_IPC_NOWAIT; } if (msg_receive($mq, $want, $type, $size, $mess, $unser, $flags, $error)) { return $mess; } Radix::dump($mq); Radix::dump($want); Radix::dump($type); Radix::dump($size); Radix::dump($mess); Radix::dump($unser); Radix::dump($flags); Radix::dump($error); exit; }
/** AppModel Save @todo use the _data interface, check for dirty */ function save() { // Set Sane Defaults // if (empty($this->_data['auth_user_id'])) { // $this->_data['auth_user_id'] = $_SESSION['uid']; // $cu->id; // } // if (empty($this->_data['hash'])) $this->_data['hash'] = $this->hash(); // Set some Fields to Null // if (empty($this->_data['link_to'])) $this->_data['link_to'] = null; // if (empty($this->_data['link_id'])) $this->_data['link_id'] = null; if (isset($this->_data['link_to'])) { if (empty($this->_data['link_to'])) { $this->_data['link_to'] = null; } } if (isset($this->_data['link_id'])) { if (empty($this->_data['link_id'])) { $this->_data['link_id'] = null; } } // Convert to Array // $rec = array(); // foreach ($this->_properties as $k) { // if (empty($this->$k)) { // $rec[$k] = new Zend_Db_Expr('null'); // } else { // $rec[$k] = $this->$k; // } // } // unset($rec['id']); $rec = array(); foreach ($this->_data as $k => $v) { $rec[$k] = $v; } // @todo implement ts_vector // update vendors set fulltext = to_tsvector('english',name || ' ' || coalesce(description,'')) if (isset($this->_properties['fulltext'])) { // Build Full Text // foreach ($this->_properties as $k=>$v) { // // } } if ($this->_data['id']) { // if ($this->_diff) Base_Diff::diff($this); SQL::update($this->_table, $rec, "id={$this->_data['id']}"); } else { $this->_data['id'] = SQL::insert($this->_table, $rec); if (intval($this->_data['id']) == 0) { Radix::dump($this); Radix::dump(SQL::lastError()); Radix::trace('Unexpected error saving: ' . get_class($this)); } // if ($this->_diff) Base_Diff::diff($this); } }
function mail_part_list($stat, $depth = null) { if ($depth === null) { $depth = null; } $count = 1; // echo "Depth: $depth\n"; if (empty($stat['parts'])) { return false; } // print_r($stat['parts']); // exit; $list = array(); foreach ($stat['parts'] as $i => $chk) { // echo "Type: {$chk->type}\n"; switch ($chk->type) { case TYPETEXT: // Text (0) switch (strtolower($chk->subtype)) { case 'html': $list["{$depth}{$count}"] = array('mime-type' => 'text/html'); break; case 'plain': $list["{$depth}{$count}"] = array('mime-type' => 'text/plain'); // Radix::dump($chk,true); break; default: die('Unknonw SubType'); } // Encoding? switch ($chk->encoding) { case ENC7BIT: $list["{$depth}{$count}"]['mime-encoding'] = '7bit'; break; case ENC8BIT: die("8bit\n"); case ENCBINARY: die("Binary\n"); case ENCBASE64: die("Base64"); case ENCQUOTEDPRINTABLE: case 4: // quoted-printable $list["{$depth}{$count}"]['mime-encoding'] = 'quoted-printable'; break; case ENCOTHER: die('Other'); default: print_r($stat['head']); print_r($chk); die('Unknown Encoding: ' . $chk->encoding); } break; case TYPEMULTIPART: // Multipart? switch (strtolower($chk->subtype)) { case 'alternative': // Radix::dump($chk,true); $list["1"] = array('mime-type' => 'multipart/alternative'); $list += mail_part_list((array) $chk, "{$count}."); break; default: Radix::dump($chk); die("Unknown Multipart?\n"); } break; case TYPEIMAGE: // Image, blindly accept $list["{$depth}{$count}"] = array('mime-type' => 'image/' . strtolower($chk->subtype)); break; default: Radix::dump($chk); die("Unknown Type: {$chk->type}\n"); } $count++; } return $list; }