/** * Creates the initial character filter control. * * Accepted option for the $atts property are: * return (bool) Whether or not to return or echo the result. * * @access public * @since 0.7.4 * @static * * @uses add_query_arg() * @uses cnQuery::getVar() * @uses wp_parse_args() * @uses is_admin() * * @param array $atts [description] * * @return string */ public static function index($atts = array()) { $links = array(PHP_EOL); $current = ''; $styles = ''; $defaults = array('status' => array('approved'), 'visibility' => array(), 'tag' => 'div', 'style' => array(), 'return' => FALSE); $atts = wp_parse_args($atts, $defaults); $characters = cnRetrieve::getCharacters($atts); // $currentPageURL = add_query_arg( array( 'page' => FALSE , 'cn-action' => 'cn_filter' ) ); // If in the admin init an instance of the cnFormObjects class to be used to create the URL nonce. if (is_admin()) { $form = new cnFormObjects(); } // Current character if (is_admin()) { if (isset($_GET['cn-char']) && 0 < strlen($_GET['cn-char'])) { $current = urldecode($_GET['cn-char']); } } else { if (cnQuery::getVar('cn-char')) { $current = urldecode(cnQuery::getVar('cn-char')); } } if (is_array($atts['style']) && !empty($atts['style'])) { array_walk($atts['style'], create_function('&$i, $property', '$i = "$property: $i";')); $styles = implode($atts['style'], '; '); } foreach ($characters as $key => $char) { $char = strtoupper($char); // If we're in the admin, add the nonce to the URL to be verified when settings the current user filter. if (is_admin()) { $links[] = '<a' . ($current == $char ? ' class="cn-char-current"' : ' class="cn-char"') . ' href="' . esc_url($form->tokenURL(add_query_arg(array('cn-char' => urlencode($char))), 'filter')) . '">' . $char . '</a> ' . PHP_EOL; } else { $url = cnURL::permalink(array('type' => 'character', 'slug' => $char, 'title' => $char, 'class' => $current == $char ? 'cn-char-current' : 'cn-char', 'text' => $char, 'home_id' => in_the_loop() && is_page() ? get_the_ID() : cnSettingsAPI::get('connections', 'connections_home_page', 'page_id'), 'force_home' => FALSE, 'return' => TRUE)); $links[] = $url . PHP_EOL; } } $out = '<' . $atts['tag'] . ' class="cn-alphaindex"' . ($styles ? ' style="' . $styles . '"' : '') . '>' . implode(' ', $links) . '</' . $atts['tag'] . '>' . PHP_EOL; return self::echoOrReturn($atts['return'], $out); }
<?php /** * Team edit form extension for selecting players. */ // Get an array of individuals from connections $individuals = cnRetrieve::individuals(); foreach ($individuals as $id => $name) { $parts = explode(', ', $name); $individuals[$id] = trim($parts[1] . ' ' . $parts[0]); } uasort($individuals, function ($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($a, $b); }); // Get the list of existing players $players = array_keys($Team->listPlayers()); ?> <tr> <th scope='row'><?php _e('Players', 'my5280'); ?> </th> <td> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) { ?> <div> <select name="my5280_players[]"> <option value="NONE">(None/No More)</option> <?php foreach ($individuals as $id => $name) {
/** * Callback to render the 'family' entry type part of the 'Name' metabox. * Called from self::name() * * @access private * @since 0.8 * * @param cnEntry $entry An instance of the cnEntry object. * @param array $atts The metabox attributes array set in self::register(). Passed from self::name(). * * @return void */ public static function family($entry, $atts) { // Grab an instance of the Connections object. $instance = Connections_Directory(); $html = ''; $id = $entry->getId(); $ckey = $entry->getId() ? 'relative_select_entry_' . $id : 'relative_select_user_' . $instance->currentUser->getID(); if (FALSE !== ($cache = cnCache::get($ckey, 'transient'))) { echo $cache; return; } // Retrieve all the entries of the "individual" entry type that the user is permitted to view and is approved. $individuals = cnRetrieve::individuals(); // Get the core entry relations. $options = $instance->options->getDefaultFamilyRelationValues(); $html .= '<div class="cn-metabox" id="cn-metabox-section-family">'; // --> Start template for Family <-- \\ $html .= '<textarea id="cn-relation-template" style="display: none">'; $html .= cnHTML::select(array('class' => 'family-member-name', 'id' => 'family_member[::FIELD::][entry_id]', 'default' => __('Select Entry', 'connections'), 'options' => $individuals, 'enhanced' => TRUE, 'return' => TRUE)); $html .= cnHTML::select(array('class' => 'family-member-relation', 'id' => 'family_member[::FIELD::][relation]', 'default' => __('Select Relation', 'connections'), 'options' => $options, 'enhanced' => TRUE, 'return' => TRUE)); $html .= '</textarea>'; // --> End template for Family <-- \\ $html .= '<label for="family_name">' . __('Family Name', 'connections') . ':</label>'; $html .= '<input type="text" name="family_name" value="' . $entry->getFamilyName() . '" />'; $html .= '<ul id="cn-relations">'; if ($relations = $entry->getFamilyMembers()) { foreach ($relations as $relationData) { $token = str_replace('-', '', cnUtility::getUUID()); if (array_key_exists($relationData['entry_id'], $individuals)) { $html .= '<li id="relation-row-' . $token . '" class="cn-relation"><i class="fa fa-sort"></i> '; $html .= cnHTML::select(array('class' => 'family-member-name', 'id' => 'family_member[' . $token . '][entry_id]', 'default' => __('Select Entry', 'connections'), 'options' => $individuals, 'enhanced' => TRUE, 'return' => TRUE), $relationData['entry_id']); $html .= cnHTML::select(array('class' => 'family-member-relation', 'id' => 'family_member[' . $token . '][relation]', 'default' => __('Select Relation', 'connections'), 'options' => $options, 'enhanced' => TRUE, 'return' => TRUE), $relationData['relation']); $html .= '<a href="#" class="cn-remove cn-button button cn-button-warning" data-type="relation" data-token="' . $token . '">' . __('Remove', 'connections') . '</a>'; $html .= '</li>'; } } } $html .= '</ul>'; $html .= '<p class="add"><a id="add-relation" class="button">' . __('Add Relation', 'connections') . '</a></p>'; $html .= '</div>'; cnCache::set($ckey, $html, YEAR_IN_SECONDS, 'transient'); echo $html; }
/** * show the scoresheet for a league * * @param array * @param bool * @return void */ function showScoresheet($atts, $widget = false) { global $leaguemanager; // Extract attributes extract(shortcode_atts(array('league_id' => 0, 'league_name' => '', 'season' => false, 'mode' => null, 'title' => null, 'match_id' => isset($_GET['match']) ? $_GET['match'] : null), $atts)); // Get the league, session, and teams $league = $leaguemanager->getLeague($league_id); $session = new my5280_Session($league_id, $season); $format = $session->getLeagueFormat(); // Determine the title if (!isset($title) || $title === null) { $title = $session->getLeagueName() . '<br />' . $session->getName(true); } // Check for a specific match $curMatch = null; $helperMatch = null; $matches = $session->listMatches(false); if (isset($match_id) && $match_id !== null) { if (isset($matches[$match_id])) { $curMatch = $matches[$match_id]; $helperMatch = $curMatch; } else { $helperMatch = array_pop($matches); } } else { $helperMatch = array_pop($matches); } // Get the home and away teams if ($curMatch) { // Load format-specific functionality $format = $session->getLeagueFormat(); // Initialize the team array $teams = array(); // Get home team information $team = $curMatch->getHomeTeam(); $players = array(); foreach ($team->listPlayers() as $player) { $players[$player->getId()] = array('id' => $player->getId(), 'name' => $player->getName(), 'handicap' => round($player->getHandicap($curMatch->getDate(), $session->getMaxHandicapGames()), 0), 'sel' => array()); } // Indicate the selected players $homeHcp = 0; foreach ($curMatch->listHomePlayers() as $index => $player) { $id = $player->player_id; if ($id) { // Make sure the player is in the list and is selected if (!isset($players[$id])) { $players[$id] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => isset($player->player) ? $player->player->getName() : '(Unknown)', 'handicap' => $player->handicap, 'sel' => array($index)); } else { $players[$id]['handicap'] = $player->handicap; $players[$id]['sel'][] = $index; } // Calculate total home handicap $homeHcp += $player->handicap; } } // Get round handicaps $roundHandicaps = $curMatch->listRoundHandicaps(); // Add the home team to the list $teams['HOME'] = array('team' => $team, 'players' => $players, 'selPlayers' => $curMatch->listHomePlayers(), 'scores' => $curMatch->listHomeScores(), 'handicap' => $homeHcp, 'hcpPerRound' => 0, 'roundTotals' => array(), 'roundHandicaps' => array(), 'playerTotals' => array(), 'totalHcpPoints' => 0, 'totalPoints' => 0, 'doublesHandicap' => $curMatch instanceof my5280_Match_8BallScotch ? $curMatch->getHomeDoublesHandicap() : null); // Get away team information $team = $curMatch->getAwayTeam(); $players = array(); foreach ($team->listPlayers() as $player) { $players[$player->getId()] = array('id' => $player->getId(), 'name' => $player->getName(), 'handicap' => round($player->getHandicap($curMatch->getDate(), $session->getMaxHandicapGames()), 0), 'sel' => array()); } // Indicate the selected players $awayHcp = 0; foreach ($curMatch->listAwayPlayers() as $index => $player) { $id = $player->player_id; if ($id) { // Make sure the player is in the list if (!isset($players[$id])) { $players[$id] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => isset($player->player) ? $player->player->getName() : '(Unknown)', 'handicap' => $player->handicap, 'sel' => array($index)); } else { $players[$id]['handicap'] = $player->handicap; $players[$id]['sel'][] = $index; } // Calculate total away handicap $awayHcp += $player->handicap; } } // Add the away team to the list $teams['AWAY'] = array('team' => $team, 'players' => $players, 'selPlayers' => $curMatch->listAwayPlayers(), 'scores' => $curMatch->listAwayScores(), 'handicap' => $awayHcp, 'hcpPerRound' => 0, 'roundTotals' => array(), 'roundHandicaps' => array(), 'playerTotals' => array(), 'totalHcpPoints' => 0, 'totalPoints' => 0, 'doublesHandicap' => $curMatch instanceof my5280_Match_8BallScotch ? $curMatch->getAwayDoublesHandicap() : null); // Process scores foreach (array('HOME', 'AWAY') as $key) { foreach ($teams[$key]['scores'] as $game => $score) { // Calculate round totals $round = $curMatch->getRoundNumber($game); if (!isset($teams[$key]['roundTotals'][$round])) { // Determine handicap points for the round if (isset($roundHandicaps[$round])) { $hcpPts = $roundHandicaps[$round][$key == 'HOME' ? 0 : 1]; } else { $hcpPts = 0; } // Add the handicap points to the round totals, total handicap, and total points for the team $teams[$key]['roundHandicaps'][$round] = $hcpPts; $teams[$key]['roundTotals'][$round] = $hcpPts; $teams[$key]['totalHcpPoints'] += $hcpPts; $teams[$key]['totalPoints'] += $hcpPts; } // Calculate round totals and total points $teams[$key]['roundTotals'][$round] += $score; $teams[$key]['totalPoints'] += $score; // Calculate player totals $player = $key == 'HOME' ? $curMatch->getHomePlayerNumber($game) : $curMatch->getAwayPlayerNumber($game); if (!isset($teams[$key]['playerTotals'][$player])) { $teams[$key]['playerTotals'][$player] = $score; } else { $teams[$key]['playerTotals'][$player] += $score; } } } } else { $teams = array('HOME' => null, 'AWAY' => null); } // Handle flags if (!isset($mode) || $mode === null || $curMatch === null) { $mode = 'view'; } // Get an array of all players in the system $allPlayers = cnRetrieve::individuals(); foreach (array_keys($allPlayers) as $id) { $allPlayers[$id] = my5280::$instance->getPlayer($id); } uasort($allPlayers, function ($a, $b) { return strcasecmp($a->getName(), $b->getName()); }); // Determine the path to the template $template = null; if (isset($league->league_format)) { $template = MY5280_PLUGIN_DIR . '/templates/scoresheets/' . $league->league_format . '_' . $mode . '.php'; if (!file_exists($template)) { $template = null; } } // Display the template if ($template) { include $template; } else { print "<i>There is no scoresheet for this league.</i>"; } }
/** * Returns the categories assigned to the entry. * * @access public * @since unknown * * @see cnEntry::$category * * @return array */ public function getCategory() { $id = $this->getId(); if (!empty($id)) { $terms = cnRetrieve::entryTerms($id, 'category'); if (!is_wp_error($terms) && is_array($terms)) { $this->categories = $terms; } } return $this->categories; }
function connectionsShowViewPage($action = NULL) { // Grab an instance of the Connections object. $instance = Connections_Directory(); $queryVars = array(); echo '<div class="wrap">'; switch ($action) { case 'add_entry': echo '<h2>Connections : ', __('Add Entry', 'connections'), '</h2>'; /* * Check whether current user can add an entry. */ if (current_user_can('connections_add_entry') || current_user_can('connections_add_entry_moderated')) { $form = new cnFormObjects(); $entry = new cnOutput(); $attr = array('id' => 'cn-form', 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'); $form->open($attr); $field = array('id' => 'metabox-name', 'title' => __('Name', 'connections'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'callback' => array('cnEntryMetabox', 'name')); cnMetabox_Render::add($instance->pageHook->add, $field); echo '<div id="poststuff">'; echo '<div id="post-body" class="metabox-holder columns-' . (1 == get_current_screen()->get_columns() ? '1' : '2') . '">'; wp_nonce_field('cn-manage-metaboxes'); wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', FALSE); wp_nonce_field('meta-box-order', 'meta-box-order-nonce', FALSE); $form->tokenField('add_entry', FALSE, '_cn_wpnonce', FALSE); do_action('cn_admin_form_add_entry_before', $entry, $form); echo '<div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container">'; echo '<div id="side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable">'; do_meta_boxes($instance->pageHook->add, 'side', $entry); echo '</div> <!-- #side-sortables -->'; echo '</div> <!-- #postbox-container-1 -->'; echo '<div id="postbox-container-2" class="postbox-container">'; echo '<div id="normal-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable">'; do_meta_boxes($instance->pageHook->add, 'normal', $entry); echo '</div> <!-- #normal-sortables -->'; echo '</div> <!-- #postbox-container-2 -->'; do_action('cn_admin_form_add_entry_after', $entry, $form); echo '</div> <!-- #post-body -->'; echo '<br class="clear">'; echo '</div> <!-- #poststuff -->'; $form->close(); unset($entry); } else { cnMessage::render('error', __('You are not authorized to add entries. Please contact the admin if you received this message in error.', 'connections')); } break; case 'copy_entry': echo '<div class="wrap">'; echo '<h2>Connections : ', __('Copy Entry', 'connections'), '</h2>'; /* * Check whether current user can add an entry. */ if (current_user_can('connections_add_entry') || current_user_can('connections_add_entry_moderated')) { $id = esc_attr($_GET['id']); check_admin_referer('entry_copy_' . $id); $form = new cnFormObjects(); $entry = new cnOutput($instance->retrieve->entry($id)); $attr = array('id' => 'cn-form', 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'); $form->open($attr); $field = array('id' => 'metabox-name', 'title' => __('Name', 'connections'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'callback' => array('cnEntryMetabox', 'name')); cnMetabox_Render::add($instance->pageHook->manage, $field); echo '<div id="poststuff">'; echo '<div id="post-body" class="metabox-holder columns-' . (1 == get_current_screen()->get_columns() ? '1' : '2') . '">'; wp_nonce_field('cn-manage-metaboxes'); wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', FALSE); wp_nonce_field('meta-box-order', 'meta-box-order-nonce', FALSE); $form->tokenField('add_entry', FALSE, '_cn_wpnonce', FALSE); do_action('cn_admin_form_copy_entry_before', $entry, $form); echo '<div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container">'; echo '<div id="side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable">'; do_meta_boxes($instance->pageHook->manage, 'side', $entry); echo '</div> <!-- #side-sortables -->'; echo '</div> <!-- #postbox-container-1 -->'; echo '<div id="postbox-container-2" class="postbox-container">'; echo '<div id="normal-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable">'; do_meta_boxes($instance->pageHook->manage, 'normal', $entry); echo '</div> <!-- #normal-sortables -->'; echo '</div> <!-- #postbox-container-2 -->'; do_action('cn_admin_form_copy_entry_after', $entry, $form); echo '</div> <!-- #post-body -->'; echo '<br class="clear">'; echo '</div> <!-- #poststuff -->'; $form->close(); unset($entry); } else { cnMessage::render('error', __('You are not authorized to add entries. Please contact the admin if you received this message in error.', 'connections')); } break; case 'edit_entry': echo '<h2>Connections : ', __('Edit Entry', 'connections'), '</h2>'; /* * Check whether the current user can edit entries. */ if (current_user_can('connections_edit_entry') || current_user_can('connections_edit_entry_moderated')) { $id = esc_attr($_GET['id']); check_admin_referer('entry_edit_' . $id); $form = new cnFormObjects(); $entry = new cnOutput($instance->retrieve->entry($id)); $attr = array('id' => 'cn-form', 'action' => 'admin.php?connections_process=true&process=manage&action=update&id=' . $id, 'method' => 'post', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'); $form->open($attr); $field = array('id' => 'metabox-name', 'title' => __('Name', 'connections'), 'context' => 'normal', 'priority' => 'high', 'callback' => array('cnEntryMetabox', 'name')); cnMetabox_Render::add($instance->pageHook->manage, $field); echo '<div id="poststuff">'; echo '<div id="post-body" class="metabox-holder columns-' . (1 == get_current_screen()->get_columns() ? '1' : '2') . '">'; wp_nonce_field('cn-manage-metaboxes'); wp_nonce_field('closedpostboxes', 'closedpostboxesnonce', FALSE); wp_nonce_field('meta-box-order', 'meta-box-order-nonce', FALSE); $form->tokenField('update_entry', FALSE, '_cn_wpnonce', FALSE); do_action('cn_admin_form_edit_entry_before', $entry, $form); echo '<div id="postbox-container-1" class="postbox-container">'; echo '<div id="side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable">'; do_meta_boxes($instance->pageHook->manage, 'side', $entry); echo '</div> <!-- #side-sortables -->'; echo '</div> <!-- #postbox-container-1 -->'; echo '<div id="postbox-container-2" class="postbox-container">'; echo '<div id="normal-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable">'; do_meta_boxes($instance->pageHook->manage, 'normal', $entry); echo '</div> <!-- #normal-sortables -->'; echo '</div> <!-- #postbox-container-2 -->'; do_action('cn_admin_form_edit_entry_after', $entry, $form); echo '</div> <!-- #post-body -->'; echo '<br class="clear">'; echo '</div> <!-- #poststuff -->'; $form->close(); unset($entry); } else { cnMessage::render('error', __('You are not authorized to edit entries. Please contact the admin if you received this message in error.', 'connections')); } break; default: $form = new cnFormObjects(); $page = $instance->currentUser->getFilterPage('manage'); $offset = ($page->current - 1) * $page->limit; echo '<div class="wrap">'; echo get_screen_icon('connections'); echo '<h2>Connections : ', __('Manage', 'connections'), ' <a class="button add-new-h2" href="admin.php?page=connections_add">', __('Add New', 'connections'), '</a></h2>'; /* * Check whether user can view the entry list */ if (current_user_can('connections_manage')) { $retrieveAttr['list_type'] = $instance->currentUser->getFilterEntryType(); $retrieveAttr['category'] = $instance->currentUser->getFilterCategory(); $retrieveAttr['char'] = isset($_GET['cn-char']) && 0 < strlen($_GET['cn-char']) ? $_GET['cn-char'] : ''; $retrieveAttr['visibility'] = $instance->currentUser->getFilterVisibility(); $retrieveAttr['status'] = $instance->currentUser->getFilterStatus(); $retrieveAttr['limit'] = $page->limit; $retrieveAttr['offset'] = $offset; if (isset($_GET['s']) && !empty($_GET['s'])) { $retrieveAttr['search_terms'] = $_GET['s']; } $results = $instance->retrieve->entries($retrieveAttr); // print_r($instance->lastQuery); ?> <?php if (current_user_can('connections_edit_entry')) { ?> <ul class="subsubsub"> <?php $statuses = array('all' => __('All', 'connections'), 'approved' => __('Approved', 'connections'), 'pending' => __('Moderate', 'connections')); foreach ($statuses as $key => $status) { $subsubsub[] = sprintf('<li><a%1$shref="%2$s">%3$s</a> <span class="count">(%4$d)</span></li>', $instance->currentUser->getFilterStatus() == $key ? ' class="current" ' : ' ', esc_url($form->tokenURL(add_query_arg(array('page' => 'connections_manage', 'cn-action' => 'filter', 'status' => $key)), 'filter')), $status, cnRetrieve::recordCount(array('status' => $key))); } echo implode(' | ', $subsubsub); ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <form method="post"> <p class="search-box"> <label class="screen-reader-text" for="post-search-input"><?php _e('Search Entries', 'connections'); ?> :</label> <input type="search" id="entry-search-input" name="s" value="<?php if (isset($_GET['s']) && !empty($_GET['s'])) { echo $_GET['s']; } ?> " /> <input type="submit" name="" id="search-submit" class="button" value="<?php _e('Search Entries', 'connections'); ?> " /> </p> <?php $form->tokenField('cn_manage_actions'); ?> <input type="hidden" name="cn-action" value="manage_actions"/> <div class="tablenav"> <div class="alignleft actions"> <?php cnTemplatePart::walker('term-select', array('name' => 'category', 'show_option_all' => __('Show All Categories', 'connections'), 'hide_empty' => FALSE, 'hierarchical' => TRUE, 'show_count' => FALSE, 'orderby' => 'name', 'selected' => $instance->currentUser->getFilterCategory())); echo $form->buildSelect('entry_type', array('all' => __('Show All Entries', 'connections'), 'individual' => __('Show Individuals', 'connections'), 'organization' => __('Show Organizations', 'connections'), 'family' => __('Show Families', 'connections')), $instance->currentUser->getFilterEntryType()); /* * Builds the visibilty select list base on current user capabilities. */ if (current_user_can('connections_view_public') || $instance->options->getAllowPublic()) { $visibilitySelect['public'] = __('Show Public', 'connections'); } if (current_user_can('connections_view_private')) { $visibilitySelect['private'] = __('Show Private', 'connections'); } if (current_user_can('connections_view_unlisted')) { $visibilitySelect['unlisted'] = __('Show Unlisted', 'connections'); } if (isset($visibilitySelect)) { /* * Add the 'Show All' option and echo the list. */ $showAll['all'] = __('Show All', 'connections'); $visibilitySelect = $showAll + $visibilitySelect; echo $form->buildSelect('visibility_type', $visibilitySelect, $instance->currentUser->getFilterVisibility()); } ?> <input class="button-secondary action" type="submit" name="filter" value="Filter"/> </div> <div class="tablenav-pages"> <?php echo '<span class="displaying-num">' . sprintf(__('Displaying %1$d of %2$d entries.', 'connections'), $instance->resultCount, $instance->resultCountNoLimit) . '</span>'; /* * // START --> Pagination * * Grab the pagination data again incase a filter reset the values * or the user input an invalid number which the retrieve query would have reset. */ $page = $instance->currentUser->getFilterPage('manage'); $pageCount = ceil($instance->resultCountNoLimit / $page->limit); if ($pageCount > 1) { $pageDisabled = array(); $pageFilterURL = array(); $pageValue = array(); $currentPageURL = add_query_arg(array('page' => FALSE, 'cn-action' => 'filter')); $pageValue['first_page'] = 1; $pageValue['previous_page'] = $page->current - 1 >= 1 ? $page->current - 1 : 1; $pageValue['next_page'] = $page->current + 1 <= $pageCount ? $page->current + 1 : $pageCount; $pageValue['last_page'] = $pageCount; $page->current > 1 ? $pageDisabled['first_page'] = '' : ($pageDisabled['first_page'] = ' disabled'); $page->current - 1 >= 1 ? $pageDisabled['previous_page'] = '' : ($pageDisabled['previous_page'] = ' disabled'); $page->current + 1 <= $pageCount ? $pageDisabled['next_page'] = '' : ($pageDisabled['next_page'] = ' disabled'); $page->current < $pageCount ? $pageDisabled['last_page'] = '' : ($pageDisabled['last_page'] = ' disabled'); /* * Genreate the page link token URL. */ $pageFilterURL['first_page'] = esc_url($form->tokenURL(add_query_arg(array('pg' => $pageValue['first_page']), $currentPageURL), 'filter')); $pageFilterURL['previous_page'] = esc_url($form->tokenURL(add_query_arg(array('pg' => $pageValue['previous_page']), $currentPageURL), 'filter')); $pageFilterURL['next_page'] = esc_url($form->tokenURL(add_query_arg(array('pg' => $pageValue['next_page']), $currentPageURL), 'filter')); $pageFilterURL['last_page'] = esc_url($form->tokenURL(add_query_arg(array('pg' => $pageValue['last_page']), $currentPageURL), 'filter')); echo '<span class="page-navigation" id="page-input">'; echo '<a href="' . $pageFilterURL['first_page'] . '" title="' . __('Go to the first page.', 'connections') . '" class="first-page', $pageDisabled['first_page'], '">«</a> '; echo '<a href="' . $pageFilterURL['previous_page'] . '" title="' . __('Go to the previous page.', 'connections') . '" class="prev-page', $pageDisabled['previous_page'], '">‹</a> '; echo '<span class="paging-input"><input type="text" size="2" value="' . $page->current . '" name="pg" title="' . __('Current page', 'connections') . '" class="current-page"> ' . __('of', 'connections') . ' <span class="total-pages">' . $pageCount . '</span></span> '; echo '<a href="' . $pageFilterURL['next_page'] . '" title="' . __('Go to the next page.', 'connections') . '" class="next-page', $pageDisabled['next_page'], '">›</a> '; echo '<a href="' . $pageFilterURL['last_page'] . '" title="' . __('Go to the last page.', 'connections') . '" class="last-page', $pageDisabled['last_page'], '">»</a>'; echo '</span>'; } /* * // END --> Pagination */ ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="tablenav"> <?php if (current_user_can('connections_edit_entry') || current_user_can('connections_delete_entry')) { echo '<div class="alignleft actions">'; echo '<select name="action">'; echo '<option value="" SELECTED>', __('Bulk Actions', 'connections'), '</option>'; $bulkActions = array(); if (current_user_can('connections_edit_entry') || current_user_can('connections_edit_entry_moderated')) { $bulkActions['unapprove'] = __('Unapprove', 'connections'); $bulkActions['approve'] = __('Approve', 'connections'); $bulkActions['public'] = __('Set Public', 'connections'); $bulkActions['private'] = __('Set Private', 'connections'); $bulkActions['unlisted'] = __('Set Unlisted', 'connections'); } if (current_user_can('connections_delete_entry')) { $bulkActions['delete'] = __('Delete', 'connections'); } $bulkActions = apply_filters('cn_manage_bulk_actions', $bulkActions); foreach ($bulkActions as $action => $string) { echo '<option value="', $action, '">', $string, '</option>'; } echo '</select>'; echo '<input class="button-secondary action" type="submit" name="bulk_action" value="', __('Apply', 'connections'), '" />'; echo '</div>'; } ?> <div class="tablenav-pages"> <?php /* * Display the character filter control. */ echo '<span class="displaying-num">', __('Filter by character:', 'connections'), '</span>'; cnTemplatePart::index(array('status' => $instance->currentUser->getFilterStatus(), 'tag' => 'span')); cnTemplatePart::currentCharacter(); ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <table cellspacing="0" class="widefat connections"> <thead> <tr> <th class="manage-column column-cb check-column" id="cb" scope="col"><input type="checkbox"/></th> <th class="col" style="width:10%;"></th> <th scope="col" colspan="2" style="width:40%;"><?php _e('Name', 'connections'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" style="width:30%;"><?php _e('Categories', 'connections'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" style="width:20%;"><?php _e('Last Modified', 'connections'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <th class="manage-column column-cb check-column" scope="col"><input type="checkbox"/></th> <th class="col" style="width:10%;"></th> <th scope="col" colspan="2" style="width:40%;"><?php _e('Name', 'connections'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" style="width:30%;"><?php _e('Categories', 'connections'); ?> </th> <th scope="col" style="width:20%;"><?php _e('Last Modified', 'connections'); ?> </th> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody> <?php $previousLetter = ''; foreach ($results as $row) { /** * * * @TODO: Use the Output class to show entry details. */ $entry = new cnvCard($row); $vCard =& $entry; $currentLetter = strtoupper(mb_substr($entry->getSortColumn(), 0, 1)); if ($currentLetter != $previousLetter) { $setAnchor = "<a name='{$currentLetter}'></a>"; $previousLetter = $currentLetter; } else { $setAnchor = null; } /* * Generate the edit, copy and delete URLs with nonce tokens. */ $editTokenURL = esc_url($form->tokenURL('admin.php?page=connections_manage&cn-action=edit_entry&id=' . $entry->getId(), 'entry_edit_' . $entry->getId())); $copyTokenURL = esc_url($form->tokenURL('admin.php?page=connections_manage&cn-action=copy_entry&id=' . $entry->getId(), 'entry_copy_' . $entry->getId())); $deleteTokenURL = esc_url($form->tokenURL('admin.php?cn-action=delete_entry&id=' . $entry->getId(), 'entry_delete_' . $entry->getId())); $approvedTokenURL = esc_url($form->tokenURL('admin.php?cn-action=set_status&status=approved&id=' . $entry->getId(), 'entry_status_' . $entry->getId())); $unapproveTokenURL = esc_url($form->tokenURL('admin.php?cn-action=set_status&status=pending&id=' . $entry->getId(), 'entry_status_' . $entry->getId())); switch ($entry->getStatus()) { case 'pending': $statusClass = ' unapproved'; break; case 'approved': $statusClass = ' approved'; break; default: $statusClass = ''; break; } echo '<tr id="row-', $entry->getId(), '" class="parent-row' . $statusClass . '">'; echo "<th class='check-column' scope='row'><input type='checkbox' value='" . $entry->getId() . "' name='id[]'/></th> \n"; echo '<td>'; $entry->getImage(array('image' => 'photo', 'height' => 54, 'width' => 80, 'zc' => 2, 'fallback' => array('type' => 'block', 'string' => __('No Photo Available', 'connections')))); echo '</td>'; echo '<td colspan="2">'; if ($setAnchor) { echo $setAnchor; } echo '<div style="float:right"><a href="#wphead" title="Return to top."><img src="' . CN_URL . 'assets/images/uparrow.gif" /></a></div>'; if (current_user_can('connections_edit_entry') || current_user_can('connections_edit_entry_moderated')) { echo '<a class="row-title" title="Edit ' . $entry->getName(array('format' => '%last%, %first%')) . '" href="' . $editTokenURL . '"> ' . $entry->getName(array('format' => '%last%, %first%')) . '</a><br />'; } else { echo '<strong>' . $entry->getName(array('format' => '%last%, %first%')) . '</strong>'; } echo '<div class="row-actions">'; $rowActions = array(); $rowEditActions = array(); $rowActions[] = '<a class="detailsbutton" id="row-' . $entry->getId() . '" title="' . __('Click to show details.', 'connections') . '" >' . __('Show Details', 'connections') . '</a>'; $rowActions[] = $vCard->download(array('anchorText' => __('vCard', 'connections'), 'return' => TRUE)); $rowActions[] = cnURL::permalink(array('slug' => $entry->getSlug(), 'title' => sprintf(__('View %s', 'connections'), $entry->getName(array('format' => '%first% %last%'))), 'text' => __('View', 'connections'), 'return' => TRUE)); if ($entry->getStatus() == 'approved' && current_user_can('connections_edit_entry')) { $rowEditActions[] = '<a class="action unapprove" href="' . $unapproveTokenURL . '" title="' . __('Unapprove', 'connections') . ' ' . $entry->getFullFirstLastName() . '">' . __('Unapprove', 'connections') . '</a>'; } if ($entry->getStatus() == 'pending' && current_user_can('connections_edit_entry')) { $rowEditActions[] = '<a class="action approve" href="' . $approvedTokenURL . '" title="' . __('Approve', 'connections') . ' ' . $entry->getFullFirstLastName() . '">' . __('Approve', 'connections') . '</a>'; } if (current_user_can('connections_edit_entry') || current_user_can('connections_edit_entry_moderated')) { $rowEditActions[] = '<a class="editbutton" href="' . $editTokenURL . '" title="' . __('Edit', 'connections') . ' ' . $entry->getFullFirstLastName() . '">' . __('Edit', 'connections') . '</a>'; } if (current_user_can('connections_add_entry') || current_user_can('connections_add_entry_moderated')) { $rowEditActions[] = '<a class="copybutton" href="' . $copyTokenURL . '" title="' . __('Copy', 'connections') . ' ' . $entry->getFullFirstLastName() . '">' . __('Copy', 'connections') . '</a>'; } if (current_user_can('connections_delete_entry')) { $rowEditActions[] = '<a class="submitdelete" onclick="return confirm(\'You are about to delete this entry. \\\'Cancel\\\' to stop, \\\'OK\\\' to delete\');" href="' . $deleteTokenURL . '" title="' . __('Delete', 'connections') . ' ' . $entry->getFullFirstLastName() . '">' . __('Delete', 'connections') . '</a>'; } if (!empty($rowEditActions)) { echo implode(' | ', $rowEditActions), '<br/>'; } if (!empty($rowActions)) { echo implode(' | ', $rowActions); } echo '</div>'; echo "</td> \n"; echo "<td > \n"; $categories = $entry->getCategory(); if (!empty($categories)) { $i = 0; foreach ($categories as $category) { /* * Genreate the category link token URL. */ $categoryFilterURL = $form->tokenURL('admin.php?cn-action=filter&category=' . $category->term_id, 'filter'); echo '<a href="' . $categoryFilterURL . '">' . $category->name . '</a>'; $i++; if (count($categories) > $i) { echo ', '; } } unset($i); } echo "</td> \n"; echo '<td >'; echo '<strong>' . __('On', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getFormattedTimeStamp('m/d/Y g:ia') . '<br />'; echo '<strong>' . __('By', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getEditedBy() . '<br />'; echo '<strong>' . __('Visibility', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->displayVisibilityType() . '<br />'; $user = $entry->getUser() ? get_userdata($entry->getUser()) : FALSE; /** * NOTE: WP 3.5 introduced get_edit_user_link() * REF: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_edit_user_link * * @TODO Use get_edit_user_link() to simplify this code when WP hits >= 3.9. */ if ($user) { if (get_current_user_id() == $user->ID) { $editUserLink = get_edit_profile_url($user->ID); } else { $editUserLink = add_query_arg('user_id', $user->ID, self_admin_url('user-edit.php')); } echo '<strong>' . __('Linked to:', 'connections') . '</strong> ' . '<a href="' . esc_url($editUserLink) . '">' . esc_attr($user->display_name) . '</a>'; } echo "</td> \n"; echo "</tr> \n"; echo "<tr class='child-row-" . $entry->getId() . " cn-entry-details' id='contact-" . $entry->getId() . "-detail' style='display:none;'>"; echo '<td colspan="2"> </td>', "\n"; //echo "<td > </td> \n"; echo '<td colspan="2">'; /* * Check if the entry has relations. Count the relations and then cycle thru each relation. * Before the out check that the related entry still exists. If it does and the current user * has edit capabilites the edit link will be displayed. If the user does not have edit capabilities * the only the relation will be shown. After all relations have been output insert a <br> * for spacing [@TODO: NOTE: this should be done with styles]. */ if ($entry->getFamilyMembers()) { $count = count($entry->getFamilyMembers()); $i = 0; foreach ($entry->getFamilyMembers() as $key => $value) { $relation = new cnEntry(); $relation->set($key); $editRelationTokenURL = $form->tokenURL('admin.php?page=connections&action=edit&id=' . $relation->getId(), 'entry_edit_' . $relation->getId()); if ($relation->getId()) { if (current_user_can('connections_edit_entry')) { echo '<strong>' . $instance->options->getFamilyRelation($value) . ':</strong> ' . '<a href="' . $editRelationTokenURL . '" title="' . __('Edit', 'connections') . ' ' . $relation->getFullFirstLastName() . '">' . $relation->getFullFirstLastName() . '</a><br />' . "\n"; } else { echo '<strong>' . $instance->options->getFamilyRelation($value) . ':</strong> ' . $relation->getFullFirstLastName() . '<br />' . "\n"; } } if ($count - 1 == $i) { echo '<br />'; } // Insert a break after all connections are listed. $i++; unset($relation); } unset($i); unset($count); } if ($entry->getContactFirstName() || $entry->getContactLastName()) { echo '<strong>' . __('Contact', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getContactFirstName() . ' ' . $entry->getContactLastName() . '<br />'; } if ($entry->getTitle()) { echo '<strong>' . __('Title', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getTitle() . '<br />'; } if ($entry->getOrganization() && $entry->getEntryType() !== 'organization') { echo '<strong>' . __('Organization', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getOrganization() . '<br />'; } if ($entry->getDepartment()) { echo '<strong>' . __('Department', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getDepartment() . '<br />'; } $addresses = $entry->getAddresses(); //print_r($addresses); if (!empty($addresses)) { foreach ($addresses as $address) { $outCache = array(); echo '<div style="margin: 10px 0;">'; $address->preferred ? $preferred = '*' : ($preferred = ''); if (!empty($address->name)) { echo '<span style="display: block"><strong>', $address->name, $preferred, '</strong></span>'; } if (!empty($address->line_1)) { echo '<span style="display: block">', $address->line_1, '</span>'; } if (!empty($address->line_2)) { echo '<span style="display: block">', $address->line_2, '</span>'; } if (!empty($address->line_3)) { echo '<span style="display: block">', $address->line_3, '</span>'; } if (!empty($address->city)) { $outCache[] = '<span>' . $address->city . '</span>'; } if (!empty($address->state)) { $outCache[] = '<span>' . $address->state . '</span>'; } if (!empty($address->zipcode)) { $outCache[] = '<span>' . $address->zipcode . '</span>'; } if (!empty($outCache)) { echo '<span style="display: block">', implode(' ', $outCache), '</span>'; } if (!empty($address->country)) { echo '<span style="display: block">', $address->country, '</span>'; } if (!empty($address->latitude) && !empty($address->longitude)) { echo '<span style="display: block">', '<strong>', __('Latitude', 'connections'), ':</strong>', ' ', $address->latitude, ' ', '<strong>', __('Longitude', 'connections'), ':</strong>', ' ', $address->longitude, '</span>'; } echo '</div>'; } unset($outCache); } echo '</td>', "\n"; echo '<td>'; $phoneNumbers = $entry->getPhoneNumbers(); if (!empty($phoneNumbers)) { echo '<div class="phone-numbers">'; foreach ($phoneNumbers as $phone) { $phone->preferred ? $preferred = '*' : ($preferred = ''); echo '<span class="phone"><strong>', $phone->name, '</strong>: ', $phone->number, $preferred, '</span>'; } echo '</div>'; } $emailAddresses = $entry->getEmailAddresses(); if (!empty($emailAddresses)) { echo '<div class="email-addresses">'; foreach ($emailAddresses as $email) { $email->preferred ? $preferred = '*' : ($preferred = ''); echo '<span class="email"><strong>', $email->name, ':</strong> <a href="mailto:', $email->address, '">', $email->address, '</a>', $preferred, '</span>'; } echo '</div>'; } $imIDs = $entry->getIm(); if (!empty($imIDs)) { echo '<div class="im-ids">'; foreach ($imIDs as $im) { $im->preferred ? $preferred = '*' : ($preferred = ''); echo '<span class="im"><strong>', $im->name, ':</strong> ', $im->id, $preferred, '</span>'; } echo '</div>'; } $socialNetworks = $entry->getSocialMedia(); if (!empty($socialNetworks)) { echo '<div class="social-networks">'; foreach ($entry->getSocialMedia() as $network) { $network->preferred ? $preferred = '*' : ($preferred = ''); echo '<span class="social-network"><strong>', $network->name, ':</strong> <a target="_blank" href="', $network->url, '">', $network->url . '</a>', $preferred, '</span>'; } echo '</div>'; } $links = $entry->getLinks(); if (!empty($links)) { echo '<div class="links">'; foreach ($links as $link) { $link->preferred ? $preferred = '*' : ($preferred = ''); echo '<span class="link"><strong>', $link->name, ':</strong> <a target="_blank" href="', $link->url, '">', $link->url, '</a>', $preferred, '</span>'; } echo '</div>'; } echo "</td> \n"; echo "<td>"; $entry->getDateBlock(); echo "</td> \n"; echo "</tr> \n"; echo "<tr class='child-row-" . $entry->getId() . " entrynotes' id='contact-" . $entry->getId() . "-detail-notes' style='display:none;'>"; echo "<td colspan='2'> </td> \n"; //echo "<td > </td> \n"; echo "<td colspan='3'>"; echo $entry->getBio() ? '<strong>' . __('Bio', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getBio() . '<br />' : ' '; echo $entry->getNotes() ? '<strong>' . __('Notes', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getNotes() : ' '; echo "</td> \n"; echo '<td> <span style="display: block;"><strong>' . __('Entry ID', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getId() . '</span>' . ' <span style="display: block;"><strong>' . __('Entry Slug', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getSlug() . '</span>' . ' <span style="display: block;"><strong>' . __('Date Added', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getDateAdded('m/d/Y g:ia') . '</span> <span style="display: block;"><strong>' . __('Added By', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . $entry->getAddedBy() . '</span>'; echo '<span style="display: block;"><strong>' . __('Image Linked', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . (!$entry->getImageLinked() ? __('No', 'connections') : __('Yes', 'connections')) . '</span>'; echo '<span style="display: block;"><strong>' . __('Display', 'connections') . ':</strong> ' . ($entry->getImageLinked() && $entry->getImageDisplay() ? __('Yes', 'connections') : __('No', 'connections')) . '</span>'; echo "</td> \n"; echo "</tr> \n"; } ?> </tbody> </table> </form> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ (function($){ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#doaction, #doaction2').click(function(){ if ( $('select[name^="action"]').val() == 'delete' ) { var m = 'You are about to delete the selected entry(ies).\n \'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.'; return showNotice.warn(m); } }); }); })(jQuery); /* ]]> */ </script> <?php } else { cnMessage::set('error', 'capability_view_entry_list'); } break; } echo '</div> <!-- .wrap -->'; }