/** * Ajax request to submit data * @param array $request the request * @return array ajax format status */ public function submitFormData($request) { $errors = array(); if (isset($_FILES['doc_file'])) { if (is_array($_FILES['doc_file']['name'])) { // Consider only the first file $files = array('name' => $_FILES['doc_file']['name'][0], 'type' => $_FILES['doc_file']['type'][0], 'tmp_name' => $_FILES['doc_file']['tmp_name'][0], 'error' => $_FILES['doc_file']['error'][0], 'size' => $_FILES['doc_file']['size'][0]); } else { $files = array('name' => $_FILES['doc_file']['name'], 'type' => $_FILES['doc_file']['type'], 'tmp_name' => $_FILES['doc_file']['tmp_name'], 'error' => $_FILES['doc_file']['error'], 'size' => $_FILES['doc_file']['size']); } } else { $files = array('name' => null, 'type' => null, 'tmp_name' => null, 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE, 'size' => null); } $request['doc_id'] = forceInteger($request['id'], 0, false, '.'); $request['type'] = strtoupper($request['type']); // Foreign key $file_info = $this->getDocFileInfo($request['doc_id']); if ($this->act == 'mod') { // Rimuove il campo: Evita lo spostamento di oggetti da una tipologia ad un altra $this->removeField('doc_object_id'); } else { if (in_array($request['type'], array('BUILDING', 'BUILDING_PHOTO', 'BUILDING_THERMOGRAPHY', 'BUILDING_LABEL'))) { // Check foreign key per edifici $this->setFieldAttrib('doc_object_id', array('lookup' => array('table' => 'building', 'field' => 'bu_id'))); } else { if (in_array($request['type'], array('STREET_LIGHTING'))) { // Check foreign key per illuminazione pubblica $this->setFieldAttrib('doc_object_id', array('lookup' => array('table' => 'street_lighting', 'field' => 'sl_id'))); } else { if (in_array($request['type'], array('GLOBAL_ENTRY'))) { // Check foreign key per illuminazione pubblica $this->setFieldAttrib('doc_object_id', array('lookup' => array('table' => 'global_entry', 'field' => 'ge_id'))); } else { if (in_array($request['type'], array('GLOBAL_PLAIN'))) { // Check foreign key per illuminazione pubblica $this->setFieldAttrib('doc_object_id', array('lookup' => array('table' => 'global_plain', 'field' => 'gp_id'))); } } } } } if ($files['error'] == 0) { $request['doc_file'] = $files['name']; } if ($this->act != 'del') { if ($this->act == 'add') { $request['doct_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDocumentTypeIdByCode($request['type']); } else { $request['doct_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDocumentTypeByDocumentId($request['doc_id']); } $errors = $this->checkFormData($request); } if (count($errors) > 0) { return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors); } else { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $db->beginTransaction(); if ($files['error'] == 0) { if ($this->hasVirus($files['tmp_name']) === true) { // Verifica la presenza di un virus nel file da caricare return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDocumentVirusError()"); } if ($file_info !== false) { //Remove the old file (Replacement) $this->removeOldFile($file_info['doc_file'], 'document', '', $file_info['doc_file_id']); } $new_id = $this->getDocFileId($request['doc_id']); $request['doc_file_id'] = $new_id; $this->addFile($request['doc_file'], 'document', '', $request['doc_file_id'], $files['tmp_name']); } else { if ($this->act == 'del') { $this->removeOldFile($file_info['doc_file'], 'document', '', $file_info['doc_file_id']); } else { // Keey the old values $request['doc_file'] = $file_info['doc_file']; $request['doc_file_id'] = $file_info['doc_file_id']; } } $id = $this->applyData($request); $db->commit(); R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true)); return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneDocument({$id})"); } }
/** * Ajax request to submit data * @param array $request the request * @return array ajax format status */ public function submitFormData($request) { $errors = array(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $auth = R3AuthInstance::get(); $this->setMunicipalityForUser($request); if ($this->act != 'add' && !defined('UNIT_TEST_MODE')) { // Security check R3Security::checkBuilding(@$request['id']); } $request['bu_id'] = $request['id']; if (isset($request['mu_name'])) { $request['mu_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityIdByName($this->do_id, $request['mu_name'], $this->auth->getParam('mu_id')); } if (isset($request['fr_name'])) { $request['fr_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getFractionIdByName($this->do_id, $request['mu_id'], $request['fr_name']); } if (isset($request['st_name'])) { $request['st_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getStreetIdByName($this->do_id, $request['mu_id'], $request['st_name']); } if ($this->act != 'del') { $errors = $this->checkFormData($request); if ($auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_CODE_REQUIRED') == 'T' && trim($request['bu_code']) == '') { $errors['bu_code'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Il campo "Codice edificio" è obbligatorio')); } if (isset($request['mu_name']) && $request['mu_name'] != '' && $request['mu_id'] == '') { $errors['mu_name'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Il comune immesso non è stato trovato')); } if (isset($request['fr_name']) && $request['fr_name'] != '' && $request['fr_id'] == '') { $errors['fr_name'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('La frazione immessa non è stata trovata')); } if (isset($request['st_name']) && $request['st_name'] != '' && $request['st_id'] == '') { $errors['st_name'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('La strada immessa non è stata trovata')); } if ($request['bu_usage_weeks'] > 52) { $errors['bu_usage_weeks'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Numero di settimane massimo inseribile: 52')); } if ($auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_CODE_UNIQUE') == 'T' && !$this->checkBuildingCodeUnique($request['mu_id'], $request['bu_code'], $request['id'])) { $errors['bu_code'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Il campo "Codice edificio" non è univoco')); } if ($this->act == 'mod') { // Check compatibility between action and building purpose use $this->checkBuildingPurposeUseCompatibility($request['id'], $request['bpu_id'], $errors); } } if (count($errors) > 0) { return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors); } else { $deleteIDs = array(); // Array che contiene l'elenco delle immagini da cancellare (processato dopo il commit per evitare perdita di dati!) $db->beginTransaction(); if ($this->act != 'del') { $id = $this->applyData($request); // Update compatibility between action and building purpose use $this->updateBuildingPurposeUseCompatibility($request['id'], $request['bpu_id']); // Delete photo marked as delete foreach ($this->getOldImagesIDs($id, null) as $photoID) { if (isset($request["photo_{$photoID}_delete"]) || isset($request["label_{$photoID}_delete"]) || isset($request["thermography_{$photoID}_delete"])) { $deleteIDs[] = $photoID; } } // Save images $uploads = array('bu_photo' => 'photo', 'bu_label' => 'label', 'bu_thermography' => 'thermography'); foreach ($uploads as $upload => $kind) { if (isset($_FILES[$upload])) { $tot = count($_FILES[$upload]['name']); for ($i = 0; $i < $tot; $i++) { if ($_FILES[$upload]['error'][$i] == 0) { $deleteIDs = array_merge($deleteIDs, $this->getOldImagesIDs($id, $kind)); $doc_file_id = $this->getDocFileId(); $this->addFile($_FILES[$upload]['name'][$i], 'building', $kind, $doc_file_id, $_FILES[$upload]['tmp_name'][$i]); $doct_id = R3EcoGisHelper::getDocumentTypeIdByCode(strtoupper("BUILDING_{$kind}")); $sql = "INSERT INTO document (doc_object_id, doct_id, doc_file_id, doc_file, doc_date) VALUES ({$id}, {$doct_id}, {$doc_file_id}, " . $db->quote($_FILES[$upload]['name'][$i]) . ", NOW()) "; $db->exec($sql); } } } } // Save map if (isset($request['geometryStatus']) && strtoupper($request['geometryStatus']) == 'CHANGED') { $session_id = session_id(); $sql = "UPDATE building\n SET the_geom=foo.the_geom\n FROM (SELECT MULTI(ST_Force_2d(ST_union(ST_Buffer(the_geom, 0.0)))) AS the_geom FROM edit_tmp_polygon WHERE session_id='{$session_id}') AS foo\n WHERE bu_id={$id}"; $db->exec($sql); } } else { $id = $this->applyData($request); $deleteIDs = $this->getOldImagesIDs($id, null); // Delete old images } $db->commit(); R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true)); $this->removeOldFilesByIDs(array_unique($deleteIDs)); R3EcoGisCacheHelper::resetMapPreviewCache(null); return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneBuilding({$id})"); } }
/** * Ajax request to submit data * @param array $request the request * @return array ajax format status */ public function submitFormData($request) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act == 'del') { $id = (int) $request['id']; $mu_id = $db->query("SELECT mu_id\r\n FROM ecogis.document_data doc\r\n INNER JOIN ecogis.municipality mu ON doc.doc_object_id=mu_id AND doct_code='SEAP'\r\n WHERE do_id={$this->do_id} AND doc_id={$id}")->fetchColumn(); $db->beginTransaction(); $this->deleteImportedData($mu_id); // Delete document $file_info = $this->getDocFileInfo($id); $this->removeOldFile($file_info['doc_file'], 'import_seap', '', $file_info['doc_file_id']); $request['doc_id'] = $id; $id = $this->applyData($request); $db->commit(); die; } $files = R3EcoGisHelper::getUploadedFile('doc_file'); $errors = array(); if ($files['error'] != 0) { if ($files['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { $errors['doc_file'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Bisogna indicare il file da caricare')); } else { $errors['doc_file'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _("Si è veificato un errore durante il caricamento del file. Si prega di riprovare. Errore #") . $files['error']); } } $mu_id = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id') != '' ? $this->auth->getParam('mu_id') : (int) $this->mu_id; $istat = $db->query("SELECT mu_istat FROM ecogis.municipality WHERE do_id={$this->do_id} AND mu_id={$mu_id}")->fetchColumn(); if ($istat == '') { $errors['mu_id'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _("Indicare il comune per cui si intende importare i dati")); } if (count($errors) > 0) { return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors); } $db->beginTransaction(); $result = $this->importDataFromTemplate($files['tmp_name'], $istat); if (!$result['done']) { $errors['doc_file'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => $result['log']); return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors); } // Insert into document // Remove old document $doc_id = $db->query("SELECT doc_id\r\n FROM ecogis.document_data doc\r\n INNER JOIN ecogis.municipality mu ON mu_id=doc_object_id\r\n WHERE doct_code='SEAP' AND do_id={$this->do_id} AND doc_object_id={$mu_id}")->fetchColumn(); if ($doc_id != '') { $file_info = $this->getDocFileInfo($doc_id); $this->removeOldFile($file_info['doc_file'], 'import_seap', '', $file_info['doc_file_id']); $db->exec("DELETE FROM ecogis.document WHERE doc_id={$doc_id}"); } $request['doc_title_1'] = _('Import PAES'); $request['doc_descr_1'] = json_encode($result['log']); $request['doc_object_id'] = $mu_id; $request['doc_file'] = $files['name']; $request['doc_file_id'] = $this->getDocFileId(); $request['doct_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDocumentTypeIdByCode('SEAP'); $request['doc_date'] = date('Y-m-d'); $this->addFile($request['doc_file'], 'import_seap', '', $request['doc_file_id'], $files['tmp_name']); $id = $this->applyData($request); $db->commit(); R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true)); return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneImportSeap({$id})"); }