public function getFilterValues() { $filters = array(); $filters['do_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDomainList(); $filters['us_name_email'] = $this->us_name_email; if ($this->auth->getConfigValue('PUBLIC_SITE', 'REGISTRATION_NEED_OPERATOR_CONFIRM', 'F') == 'T') { $filters['us_status_list'] = array('E' => _('Attivo'), 'D' => _('In attesa di attivazione')); } $filters['us_status'] = $this->us_status; return $filters; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getLookupData() { $lkp = array(); $energyMeterData = $this->data['em_data']; $lkp['dt_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDeviceTypeList($_SESSION['do_id'], $this->kind, array('production' => $energyMeterData['em_is_production'] == 'T' ? true : null, 'consumption' => $energyMeterData['em_is_production'] == 'T' ? null : true)); if (1 == 2) { // Inizio e fine impianto sono solo anni $lkp['dev_install_date_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDeviceInstallYearList($_SESSION['do_id'], $this->kind); $lkp['dev_end_date_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDeviceEndYearList($_SESSION['do_id'], $this->kind); } return $lkp; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM stat_general WHERE do_id=" . $this->do_id; $vlu = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($vlu === false) { $vlu = array('sg_id' => null); } $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('stat_general', $vlu['sg_id'])); $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Return the filter values (list form) */ public function getFilterValues() { $filters = array(); if ($this->auth->hasPerm('SHOW', 'ALL_DOMAINS')) { $do_id = null; $filters['do_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDomainList(); } else { $do_id = $this->auth->getDomainID(); } $filters['pr_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getProvinceList($do_id); $filters['mu_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityList($do_id); $filters['bpu_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getBuildingPurposeUseList($do_id); $filters['do_id'] = $this->do_id; $filters['pr_id'] = $this->pr_id; $filters['mu_id'] = $this->mu_id; $filters['bpu_id'] = $this->bpu_id; return $filters; }
public function getPageVars() { $hasReductionOrPruduction = count(R3EcoGisHelper::getGlobalPlainGaugeTypeList($_SESSION['do_id'], $this->gpr_id)) > 0; return array('hasReductionOrPruduction' => $hasReductionOrPruduction, 'gpr_id' => $this->gpr_id, 'tab_mode' => $this->tab_mode, 'parent_act' => $this->parent_act, 'date_format' => R3Locale::getJQueryDateFormat()); }
public function create_grid($request) { global $dbini; $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); session_write_close(); ignore_user_abort(); //transaction $gridSize = (int) $request['sg_size']; $db->beginTransaction(); R3EcoGisCustomerHelper::createGrid((int) $request['do_id'], $gridSize); $dnName = R3EcoGisHelper::getDomainCodeFromID($request['do_id']); $dbini2 = clone $dbini; $dbini2->setDomainName($dnName); $dbini2->setValue('APPLICATION', 'STAT_GRID_SIZE', $gridSize > 0 ? $gridSize : null); $db->commit(); return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR); }
public function performActionCatalogCalc($request) { setlocale(LC_ALL, 'C'); $energySavingData = R3EcoGisHelper::getEnergySourceUdmData($_SESSION['do_id'], $request['es_id_consumption'], $request['udm_id_consumption'], $request['mu_id']); $energyProductionData = R3EcoGisHelper::getEnergySourceUdmData($_SESSION['do_id'], $request['es_id_production'], $request['udm_id_production'], $request['mu_id']); $ac_expected_co2_reduction_total = 0; $ac_expected_co2_reduction = array(); $ac_expected_energy_saving_mwh = array(); foreach ($energySavingData as $i => $val) { $ac_expected_co2_reduction_total += $request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$i] == '' ? null : $request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$i] * $energySavingData[$i]['esu_co2_factor'] / 1000; $ac_expected_co2_reduction[$i] = R3NumberFormat($request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$i] == '' ? null : $request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$i] * $energySavingData[$i]['esu_co2_factor'] / 1000, 2, true); $ac_expected_energy_saving_mwh[$i] = R3NumberFormat($request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$i] == '' ? null : $request['ac_expected_energy_saving'][$i] * $energySavingData[$i]['esu_kwh_factor'] / 1000, 2, true); } if ($energyProductionData === null) { $energyProductionMWh = null; } else { $energyProductionMWh = $request['ac_expected_renewable_energy_production'] == '' ? null : $request['ac_expected_renewable_energy_production'] * $energyProductionData[0]['esu_kwh_factor'] / 1000; } return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'data' => array('ac_expected_co2_reduction_total' => R3NumberFormat($ac_expected_co2_reduction_total, null, true), 'ac_expected_co2_reduction' => $ac_expected_co2_reduction, 'ac_expected_energy_saving_mwh' => $ac_expected_energy_saving_mwh, 'ac_expected_renewable_energy_production_mwh' => R3NumberFormat($energyProductionMWh, null, true))); }
/** * Build the js if necessary * */ function R3BuildJS($force = false) { global $auth, $jsPacker; $appCode = strtolower(APPLICATION_CODE); $jsDestPath = R3_UPLOAD_DATA_DIR . strtolower(R3EcoGisHelper::getCurrentDomainName()) . "/js/"; $masterFileName = "{$jsDestPath}{$appCode}_all.js"; if (!$force) { $rebuild = !file_exists($masterFileName); if (!$rebuild) { $compiledAge = filemtime($masterFileName); $files = $jsPacker['JS_files']; if (isset($jsPacker['files'])) { foreach ($jsPacker['files'] as $name => $fileGroup) { $name = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), $name); if (!file_exists("{$jsDestPath}{$name}")) { $rebuild = true; ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript file \"{$jsDestPath}{$name}\" not found. Rebuild necessary", ezcLog::DEBUG); break; } foreach ($fileGroup as $file) { $files[] = $file; } } } foreach ($files as $file) { $file = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), $file); if (filemtime(R3_WEB_JS_DIR . $file) > $compiledAge) { // Complie needed $rebuild = true; break; } } } } if ($force || $rebuild) { checkPath(dirname($masterFileName), true, true); // Non packed files if (isset($jsPacker['files'])) { foreach ($jsPacker['files'] as $name => $fileGroup) { $script = ''; foreach ($fileGroup as $file) { $file = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), $file); $script .= "/*** " . basename($file) . " ***/\n\n\n" . file_get_contents(R3_WEB_JS_DIR . $file) . "\n\n\n"; } $name = str_replace('<LANG>', R3Locale::getLanguageCode(), dirname($masterFileName) . '/' . $name); ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript rebuild for \"{$name}\"", ezcLog::DEBUG); file_put_contents($name, $script); } } require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'class.JavaScriptPacker.php'; $script = ''; $funcList = array(); foreach ($jsPacker['JS_files'] as $file) { $data = file_get_contents(R3_WEB_JS_DIR . $file); $script .= "{$data}\n\n\n"; // Check function averride! foreach (explode("\n", $data) as $lineNo => $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 9) == 'function ' && ($p = strpos($line, '(')) !== false) { $name = trim(substr($line, 9, $p - 9)); if (isset($funcList[$name])) { echo "<b>Warning</b>: JavaScript function \"{$name}\" in file {$file}:{$lineNo} already declared in file {$funcList[$name]['file']}:{$funcList[$name]['line']}.<br />\n"; } $funcList[$name] = array('file' => $file, 'line' => $lineNo); } } } if (!isset($jsPacker['minify_output'])) { ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript rebuild for \"{$masterFileName}\"", ezcLog::DEBUG); file_put_contents($masterFileName, $script); } else { $packer = new JavaScriptPacker($script, $jsPacker['minify_output'] ? 'Normal' : 'None', true, false); $packed = $packer->pack(); ezcLog::getInstance()->log("JavaScript rebuild for \"{$masterFileName}\"", ezcLog::DEBUG); file_put_contents($masterFileName, $packed); } } }
/** * Ajax request to submit data * @param array $request the request * @return array ajax format status */ public function submitFormData($request) { $errors = array(); if (isset($_FILES['doc_file'])) { if (is_array($_FILES['doc_file']['name'])) { // Consider only the first file $files = array('name' => $_FILES['doc_file']['name'][0], 'type' => $_FILES['doc_file']['type'][0], 'tmp_name' => $_FILES['doc_file']['tmp_name'][0], 'error' => $_FILES['doc_file']['error'][0], 'size' => $_FILES['doc_file']['size'][0]); } else { $files = array('name' => $_FILES['doc_file']['name'], 'type' => $_FILES['doc_file']['type'], 'tmp_name' => $_FILES['doc_file']['tmp_name'], 'error' => $_FILES['doc_file']['error'], 'size' => $_FILES['doc_file']['size']); } } else { $files = array('name' => null, 'type' => null, 'tmp_name' => null, 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE, 'size' => null); } $request['doc_id'] = forceInteger($request['id'], 0, false, '.'); $request['type'] = strtoupper($request['type']); // Foreign key $file_info = $this->getDocFileInfo($request['doc_id']); if ($this->act == 'mod') { // Rimuove il campo: Evita lo spostamento di oggetti da una tipologia ad un altra $this->removeField('doc_object_id'); } else { if (in_array($request['type'], array('BUILDING', 'BUILDING_PHOTO', 'BUILDING_THERMOGRAPHY', 'BUILDING_LABEL'))) { // Check foreign key per edifici $this->setFieldAttrib('doc_object_id', array('lookup' => array('table' => 'building', 'field' => 'bu_id'))); } else { if (in_array($request['type'], array('STREET_LIGHTING'))) { // Check foreign key per illuminazione pubblica $this->setFieldAttrib('doc_object_id', array('lookup' => array('table' => 'street_lighting', 'field' => 'sl_id'))); } else { if (in_array($request['type'], array('GLOBAL_ENTRY'))) { // Check foreign key per illuminazione pubblica $this->setFieldAttrib('doc_object_id', array('lookup' => array('table' => 'global_entry', 'field' => 'ge_id'))); } else { if (in_array($request['type'], array('GLOBAL_PLAIN'))) { // Check foreign key per illuminazione pubblica $this->setFieldAttrib('doc_object_id', array('lookup' => array('table' => 'global_plain', 'field' => 'gp_id'))); } } } } } if ($files['error'] == 0) { $request['doc_file'] = $files['name']; } if ($this->act != 'del') { if ($this->act == 'add') { $request['doct_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDocumentTypeIdByCode($request['type']); } else { $request['doct_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDocumentTypeByDocumentId($request['doc_id']); } $errors = $this->checkFormData($request); } if (count($errors) > 0) { return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors); } else { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $db->beginTransaction(); if ($files['error'] == 0) { if ($this->hasVirus($files['tmp_name']) === true) { // Verifica la presenza di un virus nel file da caricare return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDocumentVirusError()"); } if ($file_info !== false) { //Remove the old file (Replacement) $this->removeOldFile($file_info['doc_file'], 'document', '', $file_info['doc_file_id']); } $new_id = $this->getDocFileId($request['doc_id']); $request['doc_file_id'] = $new_id; $this->addFile($request['doc_file'], 'document', '', $request['doc_file_id'], $files['tmp_name']); } else { if ($this->act == 'del') { $this->removeOldFile($file_info['doc_file'], 'document', '', $file_info['doc_file_id']); } else { // Keey the old values $request['doc_file'] = $file_info['doc_file']; $request['doc_file_id'] = $file_info['doc_file_id']; } } $id = $this->applyData($request); $db->commit(); R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true)); return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneDocument({$id})"); } }
public function loadEmissionDataFrominventory($ge_id) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); R3EcoGisHelper::includeHelperClass('obj.global_result_table.php'); // Emissioni $data = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::getCategoriesData($ge_id, 'EMISSION', 1); $result['emission']['total'] = $data['table_sum']; // Consumi $consumptionData = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::getCategoriesData($ge_id, 'CONSUMPTION', 1); // Ricavo ID PAES Elettricità (dovrebbe essere 1 nei db standard) $sql = "SELECT ges_id\r\n FROM global_energy_source ges\r\n INNER JOIN global_energy_type get ON ges.get_id=get.get_id WHERE get_code='ELECTRICITY'"; $electricityGesId = $db->query($sql)->fetchColumn(); if (!isset($data['sum']['source'][$electricityGesId])) { $result['consumption']['electricity'] = null; } else { $result['consumption']['electricity'] = isset($consumptionData['sum']['source'][$electricityGesId]) ? $consumptionData['sum']['source'][$electricityGesId] : 0; } $result['consumption']['total'] = $consumptionData['sum']['total']; // Produzione $productionData = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::getCategoriesData($ge_id, 'ENERGY_PRODUCTION', 1); $result['production']['electricity'] = $productionData['production_sum']['tot']; $result['production']['production_emission'] = $productionData['production_emission_sum']['tot']; // Energia verde $sql = "SELECT ge_green_electricity_purchase, ge_green_electricity_co2_factor\r\n FROM global_entry\r\n WHERE ge_id=?"; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array($ge_id)); $data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $result['green_energy']['consumption'] = $data['ge_green_electricity_purchase']; $result['green_energy']['factor'] = $data['ge_green_electricity_co2_factor']; $result['green_energy']['emission'] = $result['green_energy']['consumption'] * $result['green_energy']['factor']; // Energia rinnovabile $sql = "SELECT ges.ges_id, ges_name_1 AS ges_name\r\nFROM global_energy_source ges\r\nINNER JOIN global_energy_type get ON ges.get_id=get.get_id\r\nINNER JOIN global_energy_source_type gest ON ges.ges_id=gest.ges_id\r\nINNER JOIN global_type gt ON gt.gt_id=gest.gt_id\r\nWHERE get_code='RENEWABLE' AND gt_code='CONSUMPTION'\r\nORDER BY gest_order"; $renewableConsumption = 0; foreach ($db->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $tot = 0; foreach ($consumptionData['data'] as $data) { if (isset($data['sum']['source'][$row['ges_id']])) { $tot += $data['sum']['source'][$row['ges_id']]; } } $gesIds[$row['ges_id']] = array('id' => $row['ges_id'], 'name' => $row['ges_name'], 'tot' => $tot); $renewableConsumption += $tot; } $result['green_energy']['production'] = $renewableConsumption; return $result; }
/** * Return the UDM * @param array $request the request * @return array the result data */ public function fetchUDM($request) { return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'data' => R3EcoGisHelper::forceJSonArray(R3EcogisHelper::getEnergyUDMListByEnergySource($this->do_id, $request['kind'], $request['es_id'], array('constraints' => 'esu_allow_in_building IS TRUE')))); }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getLookupData($id = null) { $lkp = array(); if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') == '') { $lkp['pr_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getProvinceList($this->do_id); $lkp['mu_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityAndMunicipalityCollectionList($this->do_id); } else { $lkp['mu_values'] = array($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') => ''); } $mu_id = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); if ($this->act == 'add' && count($lkp['mu_values']) == 1) { $mu_id = key($lkp['mu_values']); } else { if ($this->act == 'mod') { $mu_id = $this->data['mu_id']; } } return $lkp; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getLookupData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $lkp = array(); $lkp['kind_values'] = array('HEATING' => _('Riscaldamento'), 'ELECTRICITY' => _('Elettrico')); $lkp['pr_list'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getProvinceList($this->do_id); $lkp['mu_list'] = R3EcoGisUtilityHelper::getAvailableMunicipalityList($this->do_id, $this->id); $lkp['mu_selected'] = $this->data['municipality']; $lkp['ges_values'] = R3EcoGisUtilityHelper::getGlobalEnergySourceList(); return $lkp; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getLookupData($id = null) { $lkp = array(); $lkp['do_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDomainList(); if (count($lkp['do_values']) == 1) { $lkp['mu_list'] = R3EcoGisMunicipalityCollectionHelper::getAvailableMunicipalityList(key($lkp['do_values'])); } if ($this->act == 'mod') { $lkp['mu_selected'] = R3EcoGisMunicipalityCollectionHelper::getSelectedMunicipalityList($this->id); } return $lkp; }
public function askDelESU($request) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $id = forceInteger($request['id'], 0, false, '.'); $data = $db->query("SELECT es_name_{$lang} AS es_name, udm_name_{$lang} AS udm_name, mu_id FROM energy_source_udm_data WHERE esu_id={$id}")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($request['type'] == 'MUNICIPALITY') { $mu_name = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityName($data['mu_id']); return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'confirm' => sprintf(_("Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il fattore di conversione \"%s (%s)\" e ripristinare il valore standard per i consumi già inseriti nel comune di \"%s\"?"), $data['es_name'], $data['udm_name'], $mu_name)); } else { if ($this->tryDeleteData($id)) { return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'confirm' => sprintf(_("Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il fattore di conversione \"%s (%s)\"?"), $data['es_name'], $data['udm_name'])); } else { return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'alert' => _('Impossibile cancellare questo fattore di conversione poichè vi sono dei dati ad esso legati')); } } }
public function getPageVars() { if ($this->act != 'list') { $mu_id = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); if ($this->act == 'add') { $mu_values = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityList($this->do_id); if (count($mu_values) == 1) { $mu_id = key($mu_values); } } else { if ($this->act == 'mod' || $this->act == 'show') { $mu_id = $this->data['mu_id']; } } if ($mu_id > 0) { $autoSelectedActions = $this->select_done == 'T' && $this->data['actions']['ac_id_list'] != ''; return array('catalog_html' => R3EcoGisSimulationHelper::getCatalogDataHTML($this->do_id, $mu_id, array('alternative_data_only' => $this->alternativeSimulation)), 'selected_html' => R3EcoGisSimulationHelper::getSelectedCatalogDataHTML($this->do_id, $mu_id), 'auto_selected_actions' => $autoSelectedActions); } } return array(); }
public function getGlobalAction($request) { return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'data' => R3EcoGisHelper::forceJSonArray(R3EcoGisGlobalPlainHelper::getPlainActionList($_SESSION['do_id'], $request['gc_id'], array('allow_empty' => true)))); }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $sql = "SELECT gc1.gc_id, gc2.gc_name_{$lang} AS gc_name_main, gc1.gc_name_{$lang} AS gc_name\r\n FROM global_category gc1\r\n INNER JOIN global_category gc2 ON gc1.gc_parent_id=gc2.gc_id\r\n WHERE gc1.gc_id=" . (int) $this->id; $vlu = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $gpac_id = $db->query("SELECT gpac_id FROM ecogis.global_plain_action_category WHERE gc_id={$this->id} ORDER BY gpac_id LIMIT 1")->fetchColumn(); // Ricavo il primo record per determinare la data di modifica $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('global_plain_action_category', $gpac_id)); return $vlu; }
/** * Return the UDM * @param array $request the request * @return array the result data */ public function confirmDeleteStreetLighting($request) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $id = (int) $request['id']; $name = $db->query("SELECT sl_full_name_{$lang} AS sw_title FROM street_lighting_data WHERE sl_id={$id}")->fetchColumn(); $hasEnergyMeter = R3EcoGisHelper::hasEnergyMeter('STREET_LIGHTING', $id); $hasDocument = R3EcoGisHelper::hasDocument('STREET_LIGHTING', $id); if (!$hasEnergyMeter && !$hasDocument && $this->tryDeleteData($id)) { return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'confirm' => sprintf(_('Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il tratto "%s"?'), $name)); } return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'alert' => sprintf(_('Impossibile cancellare il tratto "%s", poichè vi sono dei dati ad esso associati'), $name)); }
public function getData() { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $id = $this->id; $vlu = array(); if ($this->act != 'add') { $id = (int) $this->id; try { $this->checkLookupDomainSecurity($id, $this->act); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Security error'); } $pkName = $this->getPrimaryKeyName(); $q = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$pkName}={$id}"; $vlu = $db->query($q)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData($this->table, $id)); } else { $vlu = array(); foreach ($this->fields as $key => $field) { if (isset($field['name'])) { $key = $field['name']; } if (isset($field['default'])) { $vlu[$key] = $field['default']; } } } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
/** * Generate the preview map */ static function generateMapPreview($layer, $key, $lang, $tollerance = '10%') { require_once R3_LIB_DIR . 'maplib.php'; require_once R3_LIB_DIR . ''; global $languages; ezcLog::getInstance()->log(__METHOD__ . "({$layer}, {$key}, {$lang}, {$tollerance}) called", ezcLog::DEBUG); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $auth = R3AuthInstance::get(); list($width, $height) = explode('x', $auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'MAP_PREVIEW_SIZE', '200x200')); $cus_schema = R3EcoGisHelper::getGeoSchema(); $domain_name = strtolower(R3EcoGisHelper::getDomainCodeFromID($_SESSION['do_id'])); $mapfileDir = R3_CONFIG_DIR . $domain_name . '/map/'; $mapPrev = new mapPreview($mapfileDir, $languages[$lang], $width, $height); if (function_exists('custom_map_edit_map_file')) { custom_map_edit_map_file($mapPrev->map); } switch ($layer) { case 'building': $opt = $auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_TABLE'); $options['outlinecolor'] = isset($opt['outlinecolor']) ? $opt['outlinecolor'] : array(); $sql = "SELECT ST_Extent(the_geom) FROM building WHERE bu_id=" . (int) $key; $mapPrev->highlight('ecogis_building_outline_selected', "the_geom FROM (SELECT * FROM {$cus_schema}.building WHERE bu_id=" . (int) $key . ") AS foo USING UNIQUE bu_id ", $options); break; case 'edit_building': // Edit building $opt = $auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_TABLE'); $options['outlinecolor'] = isset($opt['outlinecolor']) ? $opt['outlinecolor'] : array(); $sql = "SELECT ST_Extent(the_geom) FROM edit_tmp_polygon WHERE session_id=" . $db->quote($key); $mapPrev->highlight('ecogis_building_outline_selected', "the_geom FROM (SELECT gid AS bu_id, the_geom FROM ecogis.edit_tmp_polygon WHERE session_id=" . $db->quote($key) . ") AS foo USING UNIQUE bu_id ", $options); break; case 'street_lighting': $opt = $auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'STREET_LIGHTING_TABLE'); $options['outlinecolor'] = isset($opt['outlinecolor']) ? $opt['outlinecolor'] : array(); $sql = "SELECT ST_Extent(the_geom) FROM street_lighting WHERE sl_id=" . (int) $key; $mapPrev->highlight('ecogis_street_lighting_outline_selected', "the_geom FROM (SELECT * FROM {$cus_schema}.street_lighting WHERE sl_id=" . (int) $key . ") AS foo USING UNIQUE sl_id ", $options); break; case 'edit_street_lighting': $opt = $auth->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'BUILDING_TABLE'); $options['outlinecolor'] = isset($opt['outlinecolor']) ? $opt['outlinecolor'] : array(); $sql = "SELECT ST_Extent(the_geom) FROM edit_tmp_polygon WHERE session_id=" . $db->quote($key); $mapPrev->highlight('ecogis_street_lighting_outline_selected', "the_geom FROM (SELECT gid AS sl_id, the_geom FROM ecogis.edit_tmp_polygon WHERE session_id=" . $db->quote($key) . ") AS foo USING UNIQUE sl_id ", $options); break; default: $this->deliverError(sprintf(_("Il layer \"{$this->layer}\" non e' valido"))); die; } $the_geom = $db->query($sql)->fetchColumn(0); if ($the_geom != '') { $extentArr = array(); $extentArr = ST_FetchBox($the_geom); $extentArr['geox1'] = $extentArr[0]; $extentArr['geoy1'] = $extentArr[1]; $extentArr['geox2'] = $extentArr[2]; $extentArr['geoy2'] = $extentArr[3]; $deltaX = $deltaY = $tollerance; $layer = @$mapPrev->map->getLayerByName('comuni_overlay'); if ($layer) { $class0 = @$layer->getClass(0); if ($class0) { $class0->setExpression("('[istat]' != '" . $vlu['mu_id'] . "')"); } } $PrevFile = $mapPrev->getMapImgByBox($extentArr['geox1'], $extentArr['geoy1'], $extentArr['geox2'], $extentArr['geoy2'], max($deltaX, $deltaY)); return $PrevFile; } return null; }
public function askDelGlobalPlain($request) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $id = (int) @$request['id']; R3Security::checkGlobalPlain($id); $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $name = $db->query("SELECT gp_name_{$lang} AS gp_name FROM global_plain_data WHERE gp_id=" . (int) $request['id'])->fetchColumn(); if (R3EcoGisHelper::hasGlobalPlainRowHasGauge($id)) { return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'alert' => _("Impossibile cancellare questo piano d'azione, poichè vi sono definiti degli indicatori ad esso legati")); } if (R3EcoGisHelper::hasDocument('GLOBAL_PLAIN', $id)) { return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'alert' => _("Impossibile cancellare questo piano d'azione, poichè vi sono dei documenti ad esso legati")); } return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'confirm' => sprintf(_("Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il piano di azione \"%s\"?"), $name)); }
/** * Ajax request to submit data * @param array $request the request * @return array ajax format status */ public function submitFormData($request) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act == 'del') { $id = (int) $request['id']; $mu_id = $db->query("SELECT mu_id\r\n FROM ecogis.document_data doc\r\n INNER JOIN ecogis.municipality mu ON doc.doc_object_id=mu_id AND doct_code='SEAP'\r\n WHERE do_id={$this->do_id} AND doc_id={$id}")->fetchColumn(); $db->beginTransaction(); $this->deleteImportedData($mu_id); // Delete document $file_info = $this->getDocFileInfo($id); $this->removeOldFile($file_info['doc_file'], 'import_seap', '', $file_info['doc_file_id']); $request['doc_id'] = $id; $id = $this->applyData($request); $db->commit(); die; } $files = R3EcoGisHelper::getUploadedFile('doc_file'); $errors = array(); if ($files['error'] != 0) { if ($files['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { $errors['doc_file'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _('Bisogna indicare il file da caricare')); } else { $errors['doc_file'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _("Si è veificato un errore durante il caricamento del file. Si prega di riprovare. Errore #") . $files['error']); } } $mu_id = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id') != '' ? $this->auth->getParam('mu_id') : (int) $this->mu_id; $istat = $db->query("SELECT mu_istat FROM ecogis.municipality WHERE do_id={$this->do_id} AND mu_id={$mu_id}")->fetchColumn(); if ($istat == '') { $errors['mu_id'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => _("Indicare il comune per cui si intende importare i dati")); } if (count($errors) > 0) { return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors); } $db->beginTransaction(); $result = $this->importDataFromTemplate($files['tmp_name'], $istat); if (!$result['done']) { $errors['doc_file'] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => $result['log']); return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors); } // Insert into document // Remove old document $doc_id = $db->query("SELECT doc_id\r\n FROM ecogis.document_data doc\r\n INNER JOIN ecogis.municipality mu ON mu_id=doc_object_id\r\n WHERE doct_code='SEAP' AND do_id={$this->do_id} AND doc_object_id={$mu_id}")->fetchColumn(); if ($doc_id != '') { $file_info = $this->getDocFileInfo($doc_id); $this->removeOldFile($file_info['doc_file'], 'import_seap', '', $file_info['doc_file_id']); $db->exec("DELETE FROM ecogis.document WHERE doc_id={$doc_id}"); } $request['doc_title_1'] = _('Import PAES'); $request['doc_descr_1'] = json_encode($result['log']); $request['doc_object_id'] = $mu_id; $request['doc_file'] = $files['name']; $request['doc_file_id'] = $this->getDocFileId(); $request['doct_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getDocumentTypeIdByCode('SEAP'); $request['doc_date'] = date('Y-m-d'); $this->addFile($request['doc_file'], 'import_seap', '', $request['doc_file_id'], $files['tmp_name']); $id = $this->applyData($request); $db->commit(); R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true)); return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "submitFormDataDoneImportSeap({$id})"); }
/** * Set the mu_id for the user from auth, installation, mu_id & mu_name * @param type $request */ public function setMunicipalityForUser(&$request) { if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') != '') { $request['mu_id'] = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); return true; } $muList = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityList($this->do_id); if (count($muList) == 1) { $request['mu_id'] = key($muList); return true; } if (isset($request['mu_name'])) { $request['mu_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityIdByName($this->do_id, $request['mu_name'], $this->auth->getParam('mu_id')); return true; } // User has more municipality return false; }
public function loadGE_GS($request) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); if (isset($request['mu_name'])) { $request['mu_id'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityIdByName($this->do_id, $request['mu_name'], $this->auth->getParam('mu_id')); } $data = R3EcoGisGlobalStrategyHelper::getGlobalData($_SESSION['do_id'], $request['mu_id'], array('allow_empty' => true)); return array('status' => 0, 'data' => array('mu_id_selected' => (int) $request['mu_id'], 'ge_id' => array('options' => $data['ge_values']), 'ge_id_2' => array('options' => $data['ge_values']), 'gp_id' => array('options' => $data['gp_values']), 'info_text' => $data['info_text'])); }
private static function getCategoriesDataMunicipality($ge_id, $kind, $divider, $returnAsLocale, $gc_id) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $ge_id = (int) $ge_id; $decimals = $divider == 1 ? 0 : 1; $em_is_production = $kind == 'ENERGY_PRODUCTION' || $kind == 'HEATH_PRODUCTION' ? 'T' : 'F'; $sql = "SELECT mu_id, ge_year, ge_national_efe, ge_local_efe FROM global_entry WHERE ge_id={$ge_id}"; list($mu_id, $year, $nationalEFE, $localEFE) = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $mu_id = (int) $mu_id; $year = (int) $year; // EFE migliore: Locale inventario, nazionale inventario, locale globale, nazionale if ($localEFE != '') { $efe = $localEFE; } else { if ($nationalEFE != '') { $efe = $nationalEFE; } else { $efe = R3EcoGisHelper::getElectricityCO2Factor($_SESSION['do_id'], $mu_id); } } $sql = "SELECT gest_id, get.get_id, BOOL2TEXT(get_show_label) AS get_show_label, get_name_{$lang} AS get_name, ges.ges_id, ges_name_{$lang} AS ges_name\r\n FROM ecogis.global_type gt\r\n INNER JOIN ecogis.global_energy_source_type gest ON gt.gt_id=gest.gt_id\r\n INNER JOIN ecogis.global_energy_source ges ON gest.ges_id=ges.ges_id\r\n INNER JOIN ecogis.global_energy_type get ON get.get_id=ges.get_id\r\n WHERE gt_code='{$kind}'\r\n ORDER BY gest_order, get_order, ges_order"; $parameters = array(); $globalSumSourceDefault = array(); foreach ($db->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $parameters[$row['ges_id']] = $row; $globalSumSourceDefault[$row['ges_id']] = null; } $sql = "SELECT gc1.gc_id AS main_id, gc1.gc_code AS main_code, gc1.gc_name_{$lang} AS main_name, gc1.gc_show_label AS main_show_label,\r\n gc2.gc_id AS gc_id, gc2.gc_code AS gc_code, gc2.gc_name_{$lang} AS gc_name, gc2.gc_total_only\r\n FROM global_category gc1\r\n INNER JOIN global_category gc2 ON gc2.gc_parent_id=gc1.gc_id\r\n INNER JOIN ecogis.global_category_type gcat ON gc2.gc_id=gcat.gc_id\r\n INNER JOIN global_type gt ON gt.gt_id=gcat.gt_id\r\n WHERE gt_code='{$kind}' "; if ($gc_id !== null) { $gc_id = (int) $gc_id; $sql .= " AND gc2.gc_id={$gc_id} "; } $sql .= "ORDER BY gc1.gc_order, gc1.gc_name_{$lang}, gc1.gc_id, gcat_order, gc2.gc_order, gc2.gc_name_{$lang}, gc2.gc_id"; $categories = array(); foreach ($db->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $categories[$row['gc_id']] = $row; } $fieldName = $kind == 'EMISSION' ? 'co_value_co2' : 'co_value_kwh'; $data = array(); $buildingProduction = array(); //Ricavo dati inseriti da form (non edifici e non illuminazione) e i totali $sql = "SELECT 'GLOBAL' AS kind, ge_id, gs_id, gs_name_{$lang} AS gs_name, gc_id, ges_id, co_value_kwh, co_value_co2, NULL AS gs_tot_value, the_geom IS NOT NULL AS has_geometry\r\n FROM ecogis.consumption_year_global\r\n WHERE mu_id={$mu_id} AND ge_id={$ge_id} AND ge_year={$year}\r\n\r\n UNION\r\n\r\n SELECT 'GLOBAL' AS kind, ge_id, gs_id, gs_name_{$lang} AS gs_name, gc.gc_id, NULL AS ges_id, NULL AS co_value_kwh, NULL AS co_value_co2, gs_tot_value, the_geom IS NOT NULL AS has_geometry\r\n FROM ecogis.global_subcategory gs\r\n INNER JOIN ecogis.global_category gc ON gs.gc_id=gc.gc_id\r\n WHERE ge_id={$ge_id} \r\n\r\n ORDER BY gs_name"; foreach ($db->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $gcIdList[$row['gc_id']] = $row['gc_id']; $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['gs_id']]['header'] = array('kind' => $row['kind'], 'id' => $row['gs_id'], 'name' => $row['gs_name'], 'sum' => R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($row['gs_tot_value'], $divider), 'co2_sum' => null, 'has_geometry' => $row['has_geometry']); if ($row['ges_id'] != '') { if ($kind == 'EMISSION' && self::getEnergyTypeBySourceId($row['ges_id']) == 'ELECTRICITY') { $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['gs_id']]['data'][$row['ges_id']] = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($efe * $row['co_value_kwh'], $divider); } else { $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['gs_id']]['data'][$row['ges_id']] = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($row[$fieldName], $divider); } $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['gs_id']]['co2_value'][$row['ges_id']] = $row['co_value_co2']; } } // Ricavo dati edifici $sql = "SELECT 'BUILDING' AS kind, 10000000+bu_id as bu_id, bu_name_{$lang} AS bu_name, gc_id, ges_id, co_value_kwh, co_value_co2, the_geom IS NOT NULL AS has_geometry\r\n FROM consumption_year_building \r\n WHERE mu_id={$mu_id} AND co_year={$year} AND ges_id IS NOT NULL AND em_is_production='{$em_is_production}'\r\n ORDER BY bu_name"; foreach ($db->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { if ($em_is_production) { $buildingProduction[$row['gc_id']][$row['bu_id']] = $row['co_value_kwh']; } $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['bu_id']]['header'] = array('kind' => $row['kind'], 'id' => $row['bu_id'], 'name' => $row['bu_name'], 'sum' => null, 'co2_sum' => null, 'has_geometry' => $row['has_geometry']); if ($kind == 'EMISSION' && $row['co_value_co2'] > 0 && self::getEnergyTypeBySourceId($row['ges_id']) == 'ELECTRICITY') { // Applico efe locale o nazionale se presenti nell'inventario $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['bu_id']]['data'][$row['ges_id']] = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($efe * $row['co_value_kwh'], $divider); } else { $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['bu_id']]['data'][$row['ges_id']] = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($row[$fieldName], $divider); } } //Ricavo dati illuminazione pubblica $sql = "SELECT 'STREET_LIGHTING' AS kind, 11000000+sl_id as sl_id, sl_full_name_{$lang} AS sl_name, gc_id, ges_id, co_value_kwh, co_value_co2, the_geom IS NOT NULL AS has_geometry\r\n FROM consumption_year_street_lighting\r\n WHERE mu_id={$mu_id} AND co_year={$year} AND ges_id IS NOT NULL AND em_is_production='{$em_is_production}'\r\n ORDER BY sl_name"; foreach ($db->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['sl_id']]['header'] = array('kind' => $row['kind'], 'id' => $row['sl_id'], 'name' => $row['sl_name'], 'sum' => null, 'co2_sum' => null, 'has_geometry' => $row['has_geometry']); if ($kind == 'EMISSION' && self::getEnergyTypeBySourceId($row['ges_id']) == 'ELECTRICITY') { $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['sl_id']]['data'][$row['ges_id']] = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($efe * $row['co_value_kwh'], $divider); } else { $data[$row['gc_id']][$row['sl_id']]['data'][$row['ges_id']] = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($row[$fieldName], $divider); } } // Ricavo i dati aggiuntivi per produzione elettricità e calore/freddo (Nel db i valori sono in kWH) $sql = "SELECT gs.gc_id, gs_id, gs_tot_production_value, gs_tot_emission_value, gs_tot_emission_factor\r\n FROM global_subcategory gs\r\n INNER JOIN global_category gc on gs.gc_id=gc.gc_id\r\n INNER JOIN global_category_type gcat on gc.gc_id=gcat.gc_id\r\n INNER JOIN global_type gt on gt.gt_id=gcat.gt_id\r\n WHERE gt_code='{$kind}' AND ge_id={$ge_id} AND gs_tot_production_value IS NOT NULL"; $productionData = array(); $productionSum = array(); $productionEmissionSum = array(); $productionEmissionSumFactor = array(); // Imposto array (serve per export) foreach ($categories as $gc_id => $dummy) { $productionSum['category'][$gc_id] = null; $productionEmissionSum['category'][$gc_id] = null; } // Add building production data $productionTot = 0; $productionEmissionTot = 0; foreach ($buildingProduction as $gc_id => $buildingProductionData) { foreach ($buildingProductionData as $bu_id => $val) { $val = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($val, $divider); if (isset($categories[$gc_id])) { $productionData[$gc_id][$bu_id]['production'] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($val, $decimals, true) : $val; if (!isset($productionSum['category'][$gc_id])) { $productionSum['category'][$gc_id] = 0; $productionEmissionSum['category'][$gc_id] = 0; } $productionSum['category'][$gc_id] += $val; $productionTot += $val; } } } $canSumFactor = array(); foreach ($db->query($sql, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $val = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($row['gs_tot_production_value'], $divider); $emissionVal = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($row['gs_tot_emission_value'], $divider); $emissionFactorVal = R3EcoGisGlobalTableHelper::applyDivider($row['gs_tot_emission_factor'], $divider); $productionData[$row['gc_id']][$row['gs_id']]['production'] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($val, $decimals, true) : $val; $productionData[$row['gc_id']][$row['gs_id']]['production_emission'] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($emissionVal, $decimals, true) : $emissionVal; $productionData[$row['gc_id']][$row['gs_id']]['production_emission_factor'] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($emissionFactorVal, $decimals, true) : $emissionFactorVal; if (!isset($productionSum['category'][$row['gc_id']])) { $productionSum['category'][$row['gc_id']] = 0; $productionEmissionSum['category'][$row['gc_id']] = 0; } $productionSum['category'][$row['gc_id']] += $val; $productionEmissionSum['category'][$row['gc_id']] += $emissionVal; // Solo se ho un singolo entry posso sommare i fattori di conversione if (!isset($canSumFactor[$row['gc_id']])) { $canSumFactor[$row['gc_id']] = $emissionVal; $productionEmissionSumFactor['category'][$row['gc_id']] = $emissionFactorVal; } else { $productionEmissionSumFactor['category'][$row['gc_id']] = 'N/A'; } $productionTot += $val; $productionEmissionTot += $emissionVal; } $productionSum['tot'] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($productionTot, $decimals, true) : $productionTot; $productionEmissionSum['tot'] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($productionEmissionTot, $decimals, true) : $productionEmissionTot; if (isset($productionSum['category']) && $returnAsLocale) { foreach ($productionSum['category'] as $key => $val) { $productionSum['category'][$key] = R3NumberFormat($val, $decimals, true); } foreach ($productionEmissionSum['category'] as $key => $val) { $productionEmissionSum['category'][$key] = R3NumberFormat($val, $decimals, true); } } // Generazione tabella $result = array(); foreach ($categories as $gc_id => $cat) { $result[$cat['main_id']]['code'] = $cat['main_code']; $result[$cat['main_id']]['name'] = $cat['main_name']; $result[$cat['main_id']]['sub_total'] = 'T'; $result[$cat['main_id']]['sub_total_label'] = _('Totale parziale') . ' ' . mb_strtolower($cat['main_name'], 'UTF-8'); $result[$cat['main_id']]['show_label'] = $cat['main_show_label'] ? 'T' : 'F'; $result[$cat['main_id']]['options']['xls_style'] = 'category-header'; $result[$cat['main_id']]['options']['xls_style_sub_total_header'] = 'subtotal-header'; $result[$cat['main_id']]['options']['xls_style_sub_total_data'] = 'subtotal-data'; $result[$cat['main_id']]['options']['xls_style_sub_total_data_sum'] = 'subtotal-data-sum'; $result[$cat['main_id']]['options']['xls_style_category'] = 'category'; $result[$cat['main_id']]['options']['xls_style_category_data'] = 'category-data'; $result[$cat['main_id']]['options']['xls_style_category_sum'] = 'category-sum'; $result[$cat['main_id']]['sum'] = array(); $result[$cat['main_id']]['categories'][$cat['gc_id']]['header'] = array('id' => $cat['gc_id'], 'code' => $cat['gc_code'], 'name' => $cat['gc_name'], 'total_only' => $cat['gc_total_only'] ? 'T' : 'F', 'sum' => '', 'method' => self::getGlobalMethod($ge_id, $cat['gc_id'])); if (isset($data[$gc_id])) { $row = array(); $sum = array(); foreach ($parameters as $ges_id => $dummy) { $sum[$ges_id] = ''; } foreach ($data[$gc_id] as $id => $data2) { $row[$id]['header'] = $data2['header']; $row[$id]['header']['sum'] = ''; foreach ($parameters as $ges_id => $param) { if (isset($data2['data'][$ges_id])) { $row[$id]['data'][$ges_id] = $data2['data'][$ges_id]; if (isset($data2['co2_value'][$ges_id])) { $row[$id]['co2_value'][$ges_id] = $data2['co2_value'][$ges_id]; } else { $row[$id]['co2_value'][$ges_id] = 0; } $row[$id]['header']['sum'] += $data2['data'][$ges_id]; $sum[$ges_id] += $data2['data'][$ges_id]; $result[$cat['main_id']]['categories'][$cat['gc_id']]['header']['sum'] += $data2['data'][$ges_id]; } else { $row[$id]['data'][$ges_id] = ''; } } if ($data2['header']['sum'] != '') { $row[$id]['header']['sum'] = $data2['header']['sum'] == '' ? '' : $data2['header']['sum']; $result[$cat['main_id']]['categories'][$cat['gc_id']]['header']['sum'] += $data2['header']['sum']; } } // Check sum $result[$cat['main_id']]['categories'][$cat['gc_id']]['sum'] = $sum; $result[$cat['main_id']]['categories'][$cat['gc_id']]['sub_categories'] = $row; } else { $sum = array(); foreach ($parameters as $ges_id => $dummy) { $sum[$ges_id] = ''; } $result[$cat['main_id']]['categories'][$cat['gc_id']]['sum'] = $sum; } } $tableSum = self::getTableSum($result); // Formatto numeri $mainCategorySum = array(); $globalSum = array('label' => _('Totale'), 'total' => null, 'source' => $globalSumSourceDefault); foreach ($result as $key1 => $val1) { $mainCategorySum[$key1]['total'] = null; foreach ($val1['categories'] as $key2 => $val2) { // Totale di categoria $mainCategorySum[$key1]['total'] += $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['header']['sum']; // totale $globalSum['total'] += $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['header']['sum']; // totale $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['header']['sum'] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['header']['sum'], $decimals, true) : $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['header']['sum']; foreach ($val2['sum'] as $key3 => $val3) { // Totale parziale categoria $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sum'][$key3] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sum'][$key3], $decimals, true) : $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sum'][$key3]; } if (isset($val2['sub_categories'])) { foreach ($val2['sub_categories'] as $key3 => $val3) { // Totale sottocategoria $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sub_categories'][$key3]['header']['sum'] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sub_categories'][$key3]['header']['sum'], $decimals, true) : $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sub_categories'][$key3]['header']['sum']; foreach ($val3['data'] as $key4 => $val4) { if (!isset($mainCategorySum[$key1]['source'][$key4])) { $mainCategorySum[$key1]['source'][$key4] = null; } if (!isset($globalSum['source'][$key4])) { $globalSum['source'][$key4] = null; } if ($result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sub_categories'][$key3]['data'][$key4] != null) { $mainCategorySum[$key1]['source'][$key4] += $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sub_categories'][$key3]['data'][$key4]; $globalSum['source'][$key4] += $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sub_categories'][$key3]['data'][$key4]; } // Dato $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sub_categories'][$key3]['data'][$key4] = $returnAsLocale ? R3NumberFormat($result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sub_categories'][$key3]['data'][$key4], $decimals, true) : $result[$key1]['categories'][$key2]['sub_categories'][$key3]['data'][$key4]; } } } } $result[$key1]['sum'] = $mainCategorySum[$key1]; } if ($returnAsLocale) { // Conversione in locale foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $result[$key]['sum']['total'] = R3NumberFormat($result[$key]['sum']['total'], $decimals, true); if (isset($val['sum']['source'])) { foreach ($val['sum']['source'] as $key2 => $val2) { $result[$key]['sum']['source'][$key2] = R3NumberFormat($val2, $decimals, true); } } } $globalSum['total'] = R3NumberFormat($globalSum['total'], $decimals, true); if (isset($globalSum['source'])) { foreach ($globalSum['source'] as $key => $val) { $globalSum['source'][$key] = R3NumberFormat($val, $decimals, true); } } } return array('data' => $result, 'table_sum' => $tableSum, 'sum' => $globalSum, 'production_data' => $productionData, 'production_sum' => $productionSum, 'production_emission_sum' => $productionEmissionSum, 'production_emission_sum_factor' => $productionEmissionSumFactor); }
public function getLookupData($id = null) { $lkp = parent::getLookupData($id); if ($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') == '') { $lkp['pr_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getProvinceList($this->do_id); $lkp['mu_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getMunicipalityAndMunicipalityCollectionList($this->do_id, null, null, array('join_with_global_strategy_paes' => true)); } else { $lkp['mu_values'] = array($this->auth->getParam('mu_id') => ''); } $mu_id = $this->auth->getParam('mu_id'); if ($this->act == 'add' && count($lkp['mu_values']) == 1) { $mu_id = key($lkp['mu_values']); } else { if ($this->act == 'mod') { $mu_id = $this->data['mu_id']; } } $lkp['gpa_gauge_values'] = R3EcoGisHelper::getGlobalPlainActionTypeList($_SESSION['do_id']); return $lkp; }
/** * Return the data for a single customer */ public function getData($id = null) { $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); if ($this->act == 'add') { $vlu = array(); $vlu['gt_id'] = null; } else { $sql = "SELECT *\r\n FROM global_type\r\n WHERE gt_id=" . $this->id; $vlu = $db->query($sql)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $vlu = array_merge($vlu, R3EcoGisHelper::getChangeLogData('global_type', $vlu['gt_id'])); } $this->data = $vlu; // Save the data (prevent multiple sql) return $vlu; }
public function askDelBuilding($request) { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $lang = R3Locale::getLanguageID(); $id = forceInteger($request['id'], 0, false, '.'); $name = $db->query("SELECT bu_name_{$lang} FROM building WHERE bu_id={$id}")->fetchColumn(); $hasEnergyMeter = R3EcoGisHelper::hasEnergyMeter('BUILDING', $id); $hasDocument = R3EcoGisHelper::hasDocument('BUILDING', $id); if (!$hasEnergyMeter && !$hasDocument && $this->tryDeleteData($id)) { return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'confirm' => sprintf(_("Sei sicuro di voler cancellare l'edificio \"%s\"?"), $name)); } else { return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'alert' => _('Impossibile cancellare questo edificio poichè vi sono dei dati ad esso legati')); } }
/** * Ajax request to submit data * @param array $request the request * @return array ajax format status */ public function submitFormData($request) { $this->defFields(); // Definisce i campi in base al parametro kind $request = $this->translateFields($request); // Converte i nomi generici della richiesta in nomi specifici (fr, st_cm) if (!R3EcoGisHelper::isValidMunicipality($request['mu_id'])) { die("INVALID MUNICIPALITY [{$request['mu_id']}]"); } // Security trap $errors = $this->checkFormData($request); for ($langId = 1; $langId <= R3AuthInstance::get()->getConfigValue('APPLICATION', 'NUM_LANGUAGES', 1); $langId++) { if ($this->objectExistsByName($langId, $request['mu_id'], $request["{$this->prefix}_name_{$langId}"])) { $errors["popup_name_{$langId}"] = array('CUSTOM_ERROR' => sprintf(_("{$this->lookupName} con nome \"%s\" esiste già"), $request["{$this->prefix}_name_{$langId}"])); } } if (count($errors) > 0) { return $this->getAjaxErrorResult($errors); } else { $id = $this->applyData($request); if ($this->kind == 'fraction') { $jsFunc = 'addFractionDlgDone'; } else { if ($this->kind == 'street') { $jsFunc = 'addStreetDlgDone'; } else { if ($this->kind == 'catmunic') { $jsFunc = 'addCatMunicDlgDone'; } } } R3EcoGisEventNotifier::notifyDataChanged($this, array('data_changed' => true)); return array('status' => R3_AJAX_NO_ERROR, 'js' => "{$jsFunc}({$id})"); } }