コード例 #1
ファイル: somerc.php プロジェクト: janisvepris/proj4php
  * @param type $p
  * @return type 
 public function inverse($p)
     $Y = $p->x - $this->x0;
     $X = $p->y - $this->y0;
     $rotI = $Y / $this->R;
     $rotB = 2 * (atan(exp($X / $this->R)) - Proj4php::$common->PI / 4.0);
     $b = asin(cos($this->b0) * sin($rotB) + sin($this->b0) * cos($rotB) * cos($rotI));
     $I = atan(sin($rotI) / (cos($this->b0) * cos($rotI) - sin($this->b0) * tan($rotB)));
     $lambda = $this->lambda0 + $I / $this->alpha;
     $S = 0.0;
     $phy = $b;
     $prevPhy = -1000.0;
     $iteration = 0;
     while (abs($phy - $prevPhy) > 1.0E-7) {
         if (++$iteration > 20) {
         //S = log(tan(PI / 4.0 + phy / 2.0));
         $S = 1.0 / $this->alpha * (log(tan(Proj4php::$common->PI / 4.0 + $b / 2.0)) - $this->K) + $this->e * log(tan(Proj4php::$common->PI / 4.0 + asin($this->e * sin($phy)) / 2.0));
         $prevPhy = $phy;
         $phy = 2.0 * atan(exp($S)) - Proj4php::$common->PI / 2.0;
     $p->x = $lambda;
     $p->y = $phy;
     return $p;
コード例 #2
ファイル: moll.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
 public function forward($p)
     /* Forward equations
        ----------------- */
     $lon = $p->x;
     $lat = $p->y;
     $delta_lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($lon - $this->long0);
     $theta = $lat;
     $con = Proj4php::$common->PI * sin($lat);
     /* Iterate using the Newton-Raphson method to find theta
        ----------------------------------------------------- */
     for ($i = 0; true; ++$i) {
         $delta_theta = -($theta + sin($theta) - $con) / (1.0 + cos($theta));
         $theta += $delta_theta;
         if (abs($delta_theta) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         if ($i >= 50) {
     $theta /= 2.0;
     /* If the latitude is 90 deg, force the x coordinate to be "0 . false easting"
        this is done here because of precision problems with "cos(theta)"
        -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
     if (Proj4php::$common->PI / 2 - abs($lat) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         $delta_lon = 0;
     $x = 0.900316316158 * $this->a * $delta_lon * cos($theta) + $this->x0;
     $y = 1.4142135623731 * $this->a * sin($theta) + $this->y0;
     $p->x = $x;
     $p->y = $y;
     return $p;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Merc.php プロジェクト: academe/proj4php
 public function forward($p)
     //alert("ll2m coords : ".coords);
     $lon = $p->x;
     $lat = $p->y;
     // Check ranges. Checks done in degrees, for clarity.
     if ($lat * Proj4Php::$common->R2D > 90.0 && $lat * Proj4Php::$common->R2D < -90.0 && $lon * Proj4Php::$common->R2D > 180.0 && $lon * Proj4Php::$common->R2D < -180.0) {
         Proj4Php::reportError("merc:forward: llInputOutOfRange: " . $lon . " : " . $lat);
         return null;
     if (abs(abs($lat) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) <= Proj4Php::$common->EPSLN) {
         Proj4php::reportError("merc:forward: ll2mAtPoles");
         return null;
     } else {
         if ($this->sphere) {
             $x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $this->k0 * Proj4Php::$common->adjust_lon($lon - $this->long0);
             $y = $this->y0 + $this->a * $this->k0 * log(tan(Proj4Php::$common->FORTPI + 0.5 * $lat));
         } else {
             $sinphi = sin($lat);
             $ts = Proj4Php::$common . tsfnz($this->e, $lat, $sinphi);
             $x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $this->k0 * Proj4Php::$common->adjust_lon($lon - $this->long0);
             $y = $this->y0 - $this->a * $this->k0 * log($ts);
         $p->x = $x;
         $p->y = $y;
         return $p;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Utm.php プロジェクト: academe/proj4php
  * @return void
 public function init()
     if (!isset($this->zone)) {
         Proj4php::reportError("utm:init: zone must be specified for UTM");
     $this->lat0 = 0.0;
     $this->long0 = (6 * abs($this->zone) - 183) * Proj4php::$common->D2R;
     $this->x0 = 500000.0;
     $this->y0 = $this->utmSouth ? 10000000.0 : 0.0;
     $this->k0 = 0.9996;
コード例 #5
ファイル: equi.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
 public function inverse($p)
     $p->x -= $this->x0;
     $p->y -= $this->y0;
     $lat = $p->y / $this->a;
     if (abs($lat) > Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) {
     $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 + $p->x / ($this->a * cos($this->lat0)));
     $p->x = $lon;
     $p->y = $lat;
コード例 #6
ファイル: sterea.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
  * @return void 
 public function init()
     if (!$this->rc) {
     $this->sinc0 = sin($this->phic0);
     $this->cosc0 = cos($this->phic0);
     $this->R2 = 2.0 * $this->rc;
     if (!$this->title) {
         $this->title = "Oblique Stereographic Alternative";
コード例 #7
ファイル: gnom.php プロジェクト: Tjoosten/input
 public function forward($p)
     /* sin and cos value				*/
     /* delta longitude value			*/
     /* cos of longitude				*/
     /* scale factor					*/
     $lon = $p->x;
     $lat = $p->y;
     /* Forward equations
     $dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($lon - $this->long0);
     $sinphi = sin($lat);
     $cosphi = cos($lat);
     $coslon = cos($dlon);
     $g = $this->sin_p14 * $sinphi + $this->cos_p14 * $cosphi * $coslon;
     $ksp = 1.0;
     if (g > 0 || abs(g) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         $x = $this->x0 + $this->a * $ksp * $cosphi * sin($dlon) / $g;
         $y = $this->y0 + $this->a * $ksp * ($this->cos_p14 * $sinphi - $this->sin_p14 * $cosphi * $coslon) / $g;
     } else {
         // Point is in the opposing hemisphere and is unprojectable
         // We still need to return a reasonable point, so we project
         // to infinity, on a bearing
         // equivalent to the northern hemisphere equivalent
         // This is a reasonable approximation for short shapes and lines that
         // straddle the horizon.
         $x = $this->x0 + $this->infinity_dist * $cosphi * sin($dlon);
         $y = $this->y0 + $this->infinity_dist * ($this->cos_p14 * $sinphi - $this->sin_p14 * $cosphi * $coslon);
     $p->x = $x;
     $p->y = $y;
     return $p;
コード例 #8
ファイル: gauss.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
  * @param type $p
  * @return null 
 public function inverse($p)
     $DEL_TOL = 1.0E-14;
     $lon = $p->x / $this->C;
     $lat = $p->y;
     $num = pow(tan(0.5 * $lat + Proj4php::$common->FORTPI) / $this->K, 1.0 / $this->C);
     for ($i = Proj4php::$common->MAX_ITER; $i > 0; --$i) {
         $lat = 2.0 * atan($num * Proj4php::$common->srat($this->e * sin($p->y), -0.5 * $this->e)) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
         if (abs($lat - $p->y) < $DEL_TOL) {
         $p->y = $lat;
     /* convergence failed */
     if (!$i) {
         Proj4php::reportError("gauss:inverse:convergence failed");
         return null;
     $p->x = $lon;
     $p->y = $lat;
     return $p;
コード例 #9
ファイル: aeqd.php プロジェクト: Tjoosten/input
 public function inverse($p)
     $p->x -= $this->x0;
     $p->y -= $this->y0;
     $rh = sqrt($p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y);
     if ($rh > 2.0 * Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI * $this->a) {
     $z = $rh / $this->a;
     $sinz = sin($z);
     $cosz = cos($z);
     $lon = $this->long0;
     if (abs($rh) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         $lat = $this->lat0;
     } else {
         $lat = Proj4php::$common->asinz($cosz * $this->sin_p12 + $p->y * $sinz * $this->cos_p12 / $rh);
         $con = abs($this->lat0) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
         if (abs($con) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
             if ($lat0 >= 0.0) {
                 $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 + atan2($p->x, -$p->y));
             } else {
                 $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 - atan2(-$p->x, $p->y));
         } else {
             $con = $cosz - $this->sin_p12 * sin($lat);
             if (abs($con) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN && abs($p->x) < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
                 //no-op, just keep the lon value as is
             } else {
                 $temp = atan2($p->x * $sinz * $this->cos_p12, $con * $rh);
                 $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 + atan2($p->x * $sinz * $this->cos_p12, $con * $rh));
     $p->x = $lon;
     $p->y = $lat;
     return $p;
コード例 #10
ファイル: poly.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
function phi4z($eccent, $e0, $e1, $e2, $e3, $a, $b, &$c, $phi)
    $phi = $a;
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 15; $i++) {
        $sinphi = sin($phi);
        $tanphi = tan($phi);
        $c = $tanphi * sqrt(1.0 - $eccent * $sinphi * $sinphi);
        $sin2ph = sin(2.0 * $phi);
         ml = e0 * *phi - e1 * sin2ph + e2 * sin (4.0 *  *phi);
         mlp = e0 - 2.0 * e1 * cos (2.0 *  *phi) + 4.0 * e2 *  cos (4.0 *  *phi);
        $ml = $e0 * $phi - $e1 * $sin2ph + $e2 * sin(4.0 * $phi) - $e3 * sin(6.0 * $phi);
        $mlp = $e0 - 2.0 * $e1 * cos(2.0 * $phi) + 4.0 * $e2 * cos(4.0 * $phi) - 6.0 * $e3 * cos(6.0 * $phi);
        $con1 = 2.0 * $ml + $c * ($ml * $ml + $b) - 2.0 * $a * ($c * $ml + 1.0);
        $con2 = $eccent * $sin2ph * ($ml * $ml + $b - 2.0 * $a * $ml) / (2.0 * $c);
        $con3 = 2.0 * ($a - $ml) * ($c * $mlp - 2.0 / $sin2ph) - 2.0 * $mlp;
        $dphi = $con1 / ($con2 + $con3);
        $phi += $dphi;
        if (abs($dphi) <= 1.0E-10) {
            return $phi;
    Proj4php::reportError("phi4z: No convergence");
    return null;
コード例 #11
ファイル: sinu.php プロジェクト: Tjoosten/input
 public function inverse($p)
     /* Inverse equations
     $p->x -= $this->x0;
     $p->y -= $this->y0;
     $lat = $p->y / $this->R;
     if (abs($lat) > Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) {
     $temp = abs($lat) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
     if (abs($temp) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         $temp = $this->long0 + $p->x / ($this->R * cos($lat));
         $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($temp);
     } else {
         $lon = $this->long0;
     $p->x = $lon;
     $p->y = $lat;
     return $p;
コード例 #12
ファイル: krovak.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
  * calculate lat/lon from xy
  * @param Point $p
  * @return Point $p 
 public function inverse($p)
     /* Transformation */
     /* revert y, x */
     $tmp = $p->x;
     $p->x = $p->y;
     $p->y = $tmp;
     if ($this->czech) {
         $p->y *= -1.0;
         $p->x *= -1.0;
     $ro = sqrt($p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y);
     $eps = atan2($p->y, $p->x);
     $d = $eps / sin($this->s0);
     $s = 2.0 * (atan(pow($this->ro0 / $ro, 1.0 / $this->n) * tan($this->s0 / 2.0 + $this->s45)) - $this->s45);
     $u = asin(cos($this->ad) * sin(s) - sin($this->ad) * cos(s) * cos(d));
     $deltav = asin(cos($s) * sin($d) / cos($u));
     $p->x = $this->long0 - $deltav / $this->alfa;
     /* ITERATION FOR $lat */
     $fi1 = $u;
     $ok = 0;
     $iter = 0;
     do {
         $p->y = 2.0 * (atan(pow($this->k, -1.0 / $this->alfa) * pow(tan($u / 2.0 + $this->s45), 1.0 / $this->alfa) * pow((1.0 + $this->e * sin($fi1)) / (1.0 - $this->e * sin($fi1)), $this->e / 2.0)) - $this->s45);
         if (abs($fi1 - $p->y) < 1.0E-10) {
             $ok = 1;
         $fi1 = $p->y;
         $iter += 1;
     } while ($ok == 0 && $iter < 15);
     if ($iter >= 15) {
         Proj4php::reportError("PHI3Z-CONV:Latitude failed to converge after 15 iterations");
         //console.log('iter:', iter);
         return null;
     return $p;
コード例 #13
ファイル: ortho.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
  * @param type $p
  * @return type 
 public function inverse($p)
     $rh;  // height above ellipsoid	
     $z;  // angle
     $cosz; // sin of z and cos of z	
     /* Inverse equations
        ----------------- */
     $p->x -= $this->x0;
     $p->y -= $this->y0;
     $rh = sqrt($p->x * $p->x + $p->y * $p->y);
     if ($rh > $this->a + 1.0E-7) {
     $z = Proj4php::$common->asinz($rh / $this->a);
     $sinz = sin($z);
     $cosz = cos($z);
     $lon = $this->long0;
     if (abs($rh) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         $lat = $this->lat0;
     $lat = Proj4php::$common->asinz($cosz * $this->sin_p14 + $p->y * $sinz * $this->cos_p14 / $rh);
     $con = abs($this->lat0) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
     if (abs(con) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         if ($this->lat0 >= 0) {
             $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 + atan2($p->x, -$p->y));
         } else {
             $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 - atan2(-$p->x, $p->y));
     $con = $cosz - $this->sin_p14 * sin($lat);
     $p->x = $lon;
     $p->y = $lat;
     return $p;
コード例 #14
ファイル: stere.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
  * Stereographic forward equations--mapping lat,long to x,y
  * @param type $p
  * @return type 
 public function forward($p)
     $lon = $p->x;
     $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($lon - $this->long0);
     $lat = $p->y;
     if ($this->sphere) {
         $sinphi = sin($lat);
         $cosphi = cos($lat);
         $coslam = cos($lon);
         $sinlam = sin($lon);
         switch ($this->mode) {
             case $this->EQUIT:
                 $y = 1.0 + $cosphi * $coslam;
                 if (y <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
                 $y = $this->akm1 / $y;
                 $x = $y * $cosphi * $sinlam;
                 $y *= $sinphi;
             case $this->OBLIQ:
                 $y = 1.0 + $this->sinph0 * $sinphi + $this->cosph0 * $cosphi * $coslam;
                 if ($y <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
                 $y = $this->akm1 / $y;
                 $x = $y * $cosphi * $sinlam;
                 $y *= $this->cosph0 * $sinphi - $this->sinph0 * $cosphi * $coslam;
             case $this->N_POLE:
                 $coslam = -$coslam;
                 $lat = -$lat;
                 //Note  no break here so it conitnues through S_POLE
             //Note  no break here so it conitnues through S_POLE
             case $this->S_POLE:
                 if (abs($lat - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) < $this->TOL) {
                 $y = $this->akm1 * tan(Proj4php::$common->FORTPI + 0.5 * $lat);
                 $x = $sinlam * $y;
                 $y *= $coslam;
     } else {
         $coslam = cos($lon);
         $sinlam = sin($lon);
         $sinphi = sin($lat);
         if ($this->mode == $this->OBLIQ || $this->mode == $this->EQUIT) {
             $Xt = 2.0 * atan($this->ssfn_($lat, $sinphi, $this->e));
             $sinX = sin($Xt - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI);
             $cosX = cos($Xt);
         switch ($this->mode) {
             case $this->OBLIQ:
                 $A = $this->akm1 / ($this->cosX1 * (1.0 + $this->sinX1 * $sinX + $this->cosX1 * $cosX * $coslam));
                 $y = $A * ($this->cosX1 * $sinX - $this->sinX1 * $cosX * $coslam);
                 $x = $A * $cosX;
             case $this->EQUIT:
                 $A = 2.0 * $this->akm1 / (1.0 + $cosX * $coslam);
                 $y = $A * $sinX;
                 $x = $A * $cosX;
             case $this->S_POLE:
                 $lat = -$lat;
                 $coslam = -$coslam;
                 $sinphi = -$sinphi;
             case $this->N_POLE:
                 $x = $this->akm1 * Proj4php::$common->tsfnz($this->e, $lat, $sinphi);
                 $y = -$x * $coslam;
         $x = $x * $sinlam;
     $p->x = $x * $this->a + $this->x0;
     $p->y = $y * $this->a + $this->y0;
     return $p;
コード例 #15
  * Function: defsFailed
  *    Report an error in loading the proj file.  Initialization of the Proj
  *    object has failed and the readyToUse flag will never be set.
 public function loadProjCodeFailure($projName)
     Proj4php::reportError("failed to find projection file for: " . $projName);
     //TBD initialize with identity transforms so proj will still work?
コード例 #16
ファイル: Aea.php プロジェクト: academe/proj4php
  * Function to compute phi1, the latitude for the inverse of the Albers Conical Equal-Area projection.
  * @param type $eccent
  * @param type $qs
  * @return $phi or null on Convergence error
 public function phi1z($eccent, $qs)
     $phi = Proj4php::$common->asinz(0.5 * $qs);
     if ($eccent < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         return $phi;
     $eccnts = $eccent * $eccent;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 25; ++$i) {
         $sinphi = sin($phi);
         $cosphi = cos($phi);
         $con = $eccent * $sinphi;
         $com = 1.0 - $con * $con;
         $dphi = 0.5 * $com * $com / $cosphi * ($qs / (1.0 - $eccnts) - $sinphi / $com + 0.5 / $eccent * log((1.0 - $con) / (1.0 + $con)));
         $phi = $phi + $dphi;
         if (abs($dphi) <= 1.0E-7) {
             return $phi;
     Proj4php::reportError("aea:phi1z:Convergence error");
     return null;
コード例 #17
ファイル: laea.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
 public function inverse($p)
     $p->x -= $this->x0;
     $p->y -= $this->y0;
     $x = $p->x / $this->a;
     $y = $p->y / $this->a;
     if ($this->sphere) {
         $cosz = 0.0;
         $sinz = 0.0;
         $rh = sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y);
         $phi = $rh * 0.5;
         if ($phi > 1.0) {
             return null;
         $phi = 2.0 * asin($phi);
         if ($this->mode == $this->OBLIQ || $this->mode == $this->EQUIT) {
             $sinz = sin($phi);
             $cosz = cos($phi);
         switch ($this->mode) {
             case $this->EQUIT:
                 $phi = abs($rh) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ? 0.0 : asin($y * $sinz / $rh);
                 $x *= $sinz;
                 $y = $cosz * $rh;
             case $this->OBLIQ:
                 $phi = abs($rh) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN ? $this->phi0 : asin($cosz * $this->sinph0 + $y * $sinz * $this->cosph0 / $rh);
                 $x *= $sinz * $this->cosph0;
                 $y = ($cosz - sin($phi) * $this->sinph0) * $rh;
             case $this->N_POLE:
                 $y = -$y;
                 $phi = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI - $phi;
             case $this->S_POLE:
                 $phi -= Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
         $lam = $y == 0.0 && ($this->mode == $this->EQUIT || $this->mode == $this->OBLIQ) ? 0.0 : atan2($x, $y);
     } else {
         $ab = 0.0;
         switch ($this->mode) {
             case $this->EQUIT:
             case $this->OBLIQ:
                 $x /= $this->dd;
                 $y *= $this->dd;
                 $rho = sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y);
                 if ($rho < Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
                     $p->x = 0.0;
                     $p->y = $this->phi0;
                     return $p;
                 $sCe = 2.0 * asin(0.5 * $rho / $this->rq);
                 $cCe = cos($sCe);
                 $x *= $sCe = sin($sCe);
                 if ($this->mode == $this->OBLIQ) {
                     $ab = $cCe * $this->sinb1 + $y * $sCe * $this->cosb1 / $rho;
                     $q = $this->qp * $ab;
                     $y = $rho * $this->cosb1 * $cCe - $y * $this->sinb1 * $sCe;
                 } else {
                     $ab = $y * $sCe / $rho;
                     $q = $this->qp * $ab;
                     $y = $rho * $cCe;
             case $this->N_POLE:
                 $y = -$y;
             case $this->S_POLE:
                 $q = $x * $x + $y * $y;
                 if (!$q) {
                     $p->x = 0.0;
                     $p->y = $this->phi0;
                     return $p;
                  q = $this->qp - q;
                 $ab = 1.0 - $q / $this->qp;
                 if ($this->mode == $this->S_POLE) {
                     $ab = -$ab;
         $lam = atan2($x, $y);
         $phi = $this->authlat(asin($ab), $this->apa);
      $Rh = sqrt($p->x *$p->x +$p->y * $p->y);
      $temp = Rh / (2.0 * $this->a);
      if (temp > 1) {
      return null;
      $z = 2.0 * Proj4php::$common.asinz(temp);
      $lon =$this->long0;
      if (abs(Rh) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
      $lat = Proj4php::$common.asinz($this->sin_lat_o * cos_z +$this-> cos_lat_o * sin_z *$p->y / Rh);
      $temp =abs($this->lat0) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
      if (abs(temp) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
      temp = cos_z -$this->sin_lat_o * sin(lat);
      if(temp!=0.0) lon=Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0+atan2($p->x*sin_z*$this->cos_lat_o,temp*Rh));
      } else if ($this->lat0 < 0.0) {
      lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 - atan2(-$p->x,$p->y));
      } else {
      lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 + atan2($p->x, -$p->y));
      } else {
      lat = $this->lat0;
     $p->x = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 + $lam);
     $p->y = $phi;
     return $p;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Datum.php プロジェクト: proj4php/proj4php
 public function geodetic_to_geocentric($p)
     Proj4php::reportDebug('geodetic_to_geocentric(' . $p->x . ',' . $p->y . ")\n");
     $Longitude = $p->x;
     $Latitude = $p->y;
     // Z value not always supplied
     $Height = isset($p->z) ? $p->z : 0;
     $Error_Code = 0;
      * * Don't blow up if Latitude is just a little out of the value
      * * range as it may just be a rounding issue.  Also removed longitude
      * * test, it should be wrapped by cos() and sin().  NFW for PROJ.4, Sep/2001.
     if ($Latitude < -Common::HALF_PI && $Latitude > -1.001 * Common::HALF_PI) {
         $Latitude = -Common::HALF_PI;
     } elseif ($Latitude > Common::HALF_PI && $Latitude < 1.001 * Common::HALF_PI) {
         $Latitude = Common::HALF_PI;
     } elseif ($Latitude < -Common::HALF_PI || $Latitude > Common::HALF_PI) {
         // Latitude out of range.
         Proj4php::reportError('geocent:lat out of range:' . $Latitude . "\n");
         return null;
     if ($Longitude > Common::PI) {
         $Longitude -= 2 * Common::PI;
     // sin(Latitude)
     $Sin_Lat = sin($Latitude);
     // cos(Latitude)
     $Cos_Lat = cos($Latitude);
     // Square of sin(Latitude)
     $Sin2_Lat = $Sin_Lat * $Sin_Lat;
     // Earth radius at location
     $Rn = $this->a / sqrt(1.0 - $this->es * $Sin2_Lat);
     $p->x = ($Rn + $Height) * $Cos_Lat * cos($Longitude);
     $p->y = ($Rn + $Height) * $Cos_Lat * sin($Longitude);
     $p->z = ($Rn * (1 - $this->es) + $Height) * $Sin_Lat;
     return $Error_Code;
コード例 #19
ファイル: tmerc.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
  Transverse Mercator Inverse  -  x/y to long/lat
 public function inverse($p)
     #$phi;  /* temporary angles       */
     #$delta_phi; /* difference between longitudes    */
     $max_iter = 6;
     /* maximun number of iterations */
     if (isset($this->sphere) && $this->sphere === true) {
         /* spherical form */
         $f = exp($p->x / ($this->a * $this->k0));
         $g = 0.5 * ($f - 1 / $f);
         $temp = $this->lat0 + $p->y / ($this->a * $this->k0);
         $h = cos($temp);
         $con = sqrt((1.0 - $h * $h) / (1.0 + $g * $g));
         $lat = Proj4php::$common->asinz($con);
         if ($temp < 0) {
             $lat = -$lat;
         if ($g == 0 && $h == 0) {
             $lon = $this->long0;
         } else {
             $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon(atan2($g, $h) + $this->long0);
     } else {
         // ellipsoidal form
         $x = $p->x - $this->x0;
         $y = $p->y - $this->y0;
         $con = ($this->ml0 + $y / $this->k0) / $this->a;
         $phi = $con;
         for ($i = 0; true; $i++) {
             $delta_phi = ($con + $this->e1 * sin(2.0 * $phi) - $this->e2 * sin(4.0 * $phi) + $this->e3 * sin(6.0 * $phi)) / $this->e0 - $phi;
             $phi += $delta_phi;
             if (abs($delta_phi) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
             if ($i >= $max_iter) {
                 Proj4php::reportError("tmerc:inverse: Latitude failed to converge");
                 return 95;
         // for()
         if (abs($phi) < Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) {
             // sincos(phi, &sin_phi, &cos_phi);
             $sin_phi = sin($phi);
             $cos_phi = cos($phi);
             $tan_phi = tan($phi);
             $c = $this->ep2 * pow($cos_phi, 2);
             $cs = pow($c, 2);
             $t = pow($tan_phi, 2);
             $ts = pow($t, 2);
             $con = 1.0 - $this->es * pow($sin_phi, 2);
             $n = $this->a / sqrt($con);
             $r = $n * (1.0 - $this->es) / $con;
             $d = $x / ($n * $this->k0);
             $ds = pow($d, 2);
             $lat = $phi - $n * $tan_phi * $ds / $r * (0.5 - $ds / 24.0 * (5.0 + 3.0 * $t + 10.0 * $c - 4.0 * $cs - 9.0 * $this->ep2 - $ds / 30.0 * (61.0 + 90.0 * $t + 298.0 * $c + 45.0 * $ts - 252.0 * $this->ep2 - 3.0 * $cs)));
             $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 + $d * (1.0 - $ds / 6.0 * (1.0 + 2.0 * $t + $c - $ds / 20.0 * (5.0 - 2.0 * $c + 28.0 * $t - 3.0 * $cs + 8.0 * $this->ep2 + 24.0 * $ts))) / $cos_phi);
         } else {
             $lat = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI * Proj4php::$common->sign($y);
             $lon = $this->long0;
     $p->x = $lon;
     $p->y = $lat;
     return $p;
コード例 #20
ファイル: lcc.php プロジェクト: Tjoosten/input
 public function forward($p)
     $lon = $p->x;
     $lat = $p->y;
     // convert to radians
     if ($lat <= 90.0 && $lat >= -90.0 && $lon <= 180.0 && $lon >= -180.0) {
         //lon = lon * Proj4php::$common.D2R;
         //lat = lat * Proj4php::$common.D2R;
     } else {
         Proj4php::reportError("lcc:forward: llInputOutOfRange: " . $lon . " : " . $lat);
         return null;
     $con = abs(abs($lat) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI);
     if ($con > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         $ts = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz($this->e, $lat, sin($lat));
         $rh1 = $this->a * $this->f0 * pow($ts, $this->ns);
     } else {
         $con = $lat * $this->ns;
         if ($con <= 0) {
             Proj4php::reportError("lcc:forward: No Projection");
             return null;
         $rh1 = 0;
     $theta = $this->ns * Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($lon - $this->long0);
     $p->x = $this->k0 * ($rh1 * sin($theta)) + $this->x0;
     $p->y = $this->k0 * ($this->rh - $rh1 * cos($theta)) + $this->y0;
     return $p;
コード例 #21
ファイル: merc.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
 public function inverse($p)
     $x = $p->x - $this->x0;
     $y = $p->y - $this->y0;
     if ($this->sphere) {
         $lat = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI - 2.0 * atan(exp(-$y / $this->a * $this->k0));
     } else {
         $ts = exp(-$y / ($this->a * $this->k0));
         $lat = Proj4php::$common->phi2z($this->e, $ts);
         if ($lat == -9999) {
             Proj4php::reportError("merc:inverse: lat = -9999");
             return null;
     $lon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($this->long0 + $x / ($this->a * $this->k0));
     $p->x = $lon;
     $p->y = $lat;
     return $p;
コード例 #22
ファイル: Datum.php プロジェクト: academe/proj4php
 public function geodetic_to_geocentric($p)
     $Longitude = $p->x;
     $Latitude = $p->y;
     $Height = isset($p->z) ? $p->z : 0;
     //Z value not always supplied
     $Error_Code = 0;
      * * Don't blow up if Latitude is just a little out of the value
      * * range as it may just be a rounding issue.  Also removed longitude
      * * test, it should be wrapped by cos() and sin().  NFW for PROJ.4, Sep/2001.
     if ($Latitude < -Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI && $Latitude > -1.001 * Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) {
         $Latitude = -Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
     } else {
         if ($Latitude > Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI && $Latitude < 1.001 * Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) {
             $Latitude = Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI;
         } else {
             if ($Latitude < -Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI || $Latitude > Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) {
                 /* Latitude out of range */
                 Proj4php::reportError('geocent:lat out of range:' . $Latitude);
                 return null;
     if ($Longitude > Proj4php::$common->PI) {
         $Longitude -= 2 * Proj4php::$common->PI;
     $Sin_Lat = sin($Latitude);
     /*  sin(Latitude)  */
     $Cos_Lat = cos($Latitude);
     /*  cos(Latitude)  */
     $Sin2_Lat = $Sin_Lat * $Sin_Lat;
     /*  Square of sin(Latitude)  */
     $Rn = $this->a / sqrt(1.0 - $this->es * $Sin2_Lat);
     /*  Earth radius at location  */
     $p->x = ($Rn + $Height) * $Cos_Lat * cos($Longitude);
     $p->y = ($Rn + $Height) * $Cos_Lat * sin($Longitude);
     $p->z = ($Rn * (1 - $this->es) + $Height) * $Sin_Lat;
     return $Error_Code;
コード例 #23
ファイル: omerc.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
 public function forward($p)
     $theta;   // angle					 
     $cos_phi;  // sin and cos value	
     $b;  // temporary values
     $tq; // temporary values
     $ml; // cone constant, small m	
     $lon = $p->x;
     $lat = $p->y;
     /* Forward equations
        ----------------- */
     $sin_phi = sin($lat);
     $dlon = Proj4php::$common->adjust_lon($lon - $this->longc);
     $vl = sin($this->bl * $dlon);
     if (abs(abs($lat) - Proj4php::$common->HALF_PI) > Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         $ts1 = Proj4php::$common->tsfnz($this->e, $lat, $sin_phi);
         $q = $this->el / pow($ts1, $this->bl);
         $s = 0.5 * ($q - 1.0 / $q);
         $t = 0.5 * ($q + 1.0 / $q);
         $ul = ($s * $this->singam - $vl * $this->cosgam) / $t;
         $con = cos($this->bl * $dlon);
         if (abs(con) < 1.0E-7) {
             $us = $this->al * $this->bl * $dlon;
         } else {
             $us = $this->al * atan(($s * $this->cosgam + $vl * $this->singam) / $con) / $this->bl;
             if ($con < 0) {
                 $us = $us + Proj4php::$common->PI * $this->al / $this->bl;
     } else {
         if ($lat >= 0) {
             $ul = $this->singam;
         } else {
             $ul = -$this->singam;
         $us = $this->al * $lat / $this->bl;
     if (abs(abs($ul) - 1.0) <= Proj4php::$common->EPSLN) {
         //alert("Point projects into infinity","omer-for");
     $vs = 0.5 * $this->al * log((1.0 - $ul) / (1.0 + $ul)) / $this->bl;
     $us = $us - $this->u;
     $p->x = $this->x0 + $vs * $this->cosaz + $us * $this->sinaz;
     $p->y = $this->y0 + $us * $this->cosaz - $vs * $this->sinaz;
     return $p;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Common.php プロジェクト: rldhont/proj4php
  * @param type $arg
  * @param type $es
  * @param type $en
  * @return type
 public static function pj_inv_mlfn($arg, $es, $en)
     $k = (double) 1 / (1 - $es);
     $phi = $arg;
     for ($i = Common::MAX_ITER; $i; --$i) {
         // rarely goes over 2 iterations
         $s = sin($phi);
         $t = 1.0 - $es * $s * $s;
         //$t = static::pj_mlfn($phi, $s, cos($phi), $en) - $arg;
         //$phi -= $t * ($t * sqrt($t)) * $k;
         $t = (static::pj_mlfn($phi, $s, cos($phi), $en) - $arg) * ($t * sqrt($t)) * $k;
         $phi -= $t;
         if (abs($t) < Common::EPSLN) {
             return $phi;
     Proj4php::reportError("cass:pj_inv_mlfn: Convergence error");
     return $phi;
コード例 #25
ファイル: eqdc.php プロジェクト: CREASIG/lizmap-web-client
 public function phi3z($ml, $e0, $e1, $e2, $e3)
     $phi = $ml;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++) {
         $dphi = ($ml + $e1 * sin(2.0 * $phi) - $e2 * sin(4.0 * $phi) + $e3 * sin(6.0 * $phi)) / $e0 - $phi;
         $phi += $dphi;
         if (abs($dphi) <= 1.0E-10) {
             return $phi;
     Proj4php::reportError("PHI3Z-CONV:Latitude failed to converge after 15 iterations");
     return null;