<?php // Include required library files. require_once '../includes/config.php'; require_once '../includes/paypal.class.php'; // Create PayPal object. $PayPalConfig = array('Sandbox' => $sandbox, 'APIUsername' => $api_username, 'APIPassword' => $api_password, 'APISignature' => $api_signature); $PayPal = new PayPal($PayPalConfig); // Pass data into class for processing with PayPal and load the response array into $PayPalResult $Token = ''; $PayPalResult = $PayPal->GetExpressCheckoutDetails($Token); $PhoneNumber = $PayPalResult['PHONENUM']; // Write the contents of the response array to the screen for demo purposes. echo '<pre />'; print_r($PayPalResult);
/** * CallGetShippingDetails * * Makes a call to PayPal's GetExpressCheckoutDetails API to obtain * information about the order and the buyer. * * @token (string) The token obtained from the previous SetExpressCheckout request. */ function CallGetShippingDetails($token) { /* * Display message to user if session has expired. */ if (sizeof(WC()->cart->get_cart()) == 0) { wc_add_notice(sprintf(__('Sorry, your session has expired. <a href="%s">Return to homepage →</a>', 'wc-paypal-express'), home_url()), "error"); } /* * Check if the PayPal class has already been established. */ if (!class_exists('PayPal')) { require_once 'lib/angelleye/paypal-php-library/includes/paypal.class.php'; } /* * Create PayPal object. */ $PayPalConfig = array('Sandbox' => $this->testmode == 'yes' ? TRUE : FALSE, 'APIUsername' => $this->api_username, 'APIPassword' => $this->api_password, 'APISignature' => $this->api_signature); $PayPal = new PayPal($PayPalConfig); /* * Call GetExpressCheckoutDetails */ $PayPalResult = $PayPal->GetExpressCheckoutDetails($token); /* * Log API result */ $this->add_log('Test Mode: ' . $this->testmode); $this->add_log('Endpoint: ' . $this->API_Endpoint); $this->add_log('Result: ' . print_r($PayPalResult, true)); /* * Error handling */ if ($PayPal->APICallSuccessful($PayPalResult['ACK'])) { $this->set_session('payer_id', $PayPalResult['PAYERID']); } /* * Return the class library result array. */ return $PayPalResult; }