コード例 #1
$shipping_country_code = isset($_POST['SHIPTOCOUNTRY']) ? $_POST['SHIPTOCOUNTRY'] : '';
// Here, we may setup static shipping and tax options, or we could hit a 3rd party
// web service API (eg. UPS, FedEx, USPS) to gather rates in real-time.
// Now we can generate a response for PayPal based on our new shipping values we got back from our carrier API.
$CBFields = array();
// Gather shipping options.  If you're pulling rates from a carrier API you would be looping through
// their response in order to populate $ShippingOptions.  Here, we're doing it manually for sample purposes.
$ShippingOptions = array();
$Option = array('l_shippingoptionisdefault' => 'true', 'l_shippingoptionname' => 'UPS', 'l_shipingpoptionlabel' => 'UPS', 'l_shippingoptionamount' => '5.00', 'l_taxamt' => '0.00', 'l_insuranceamount' => '1.00');
array_push($ShippingOptions, $Option);
$Option = array('l_shippingoptionisdefault' => 'false', 'l_shippingoptionname' => 'UPS', 'l_shipingpoptionlabel' => 'UPS', 'l_shippingoptionamount' => '20.00', 'l_taxamt' => '0.00', 'l_insuranceamount' => '1.00');
array_push($ShippingOptions, $Option);
$callback_data_request_array = array('CBFields' => $CBFields, 'ShippingOptions' => $ShippingOptions);
// Now we pass the data into the class library which will return an NVP string
$callback_data_response = $paypal->CallbackResponse($callback_data_request_array);
// Gather the request data that PayPal sent us in case we need to log it somehow to see what's available.
$request_content = '';
foreach ($_POST as $var => $val) {
    $request_content .= '&' . $var . '=' . urldecode($val);
// Pass the shipping/tax data into the library to obtain an NVP string that we'll
// simply output as a web service response back to PayPal.
$response_content_body = '';
$response_content = $paypal->NVPToArray($callback_data_response);
foreach ($response_content as $var => $val) {
    $response_content_body .= $var . ': ' . urldecode($val) . '<br />';
echo $callback_data_response;