private function prepareAttribute(PHPTAL_Php_CodeWriter $codewriter, $qname, $expression) { $tales_code = $this->extractEchoType($expression); $code = $codewriter->evaluateExpression($tales_code); // XHTML boolean attribute does not appear when empty or false if (PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->isBooleanAttribute($qname)) { // I don't want to mix code for boolean with chained executor // so compile it again to simple expression if (is_array($code)) { $code = PHPTAL_Php_TalesInternal::compileToPHPExpression($tales_code); } return $this->prepareBooleanAttribute($codewriter, $qname, $code); } // if $code is an array then the attribute value is decided by a // tales chained expression if (is_array($code)) { return $this->prepareChainedAttribute($codewriter, $qname, $code); } // i18n needs to read replaced value of the attribute, which is not possible if attribute is completely replaced with conditional code if ($this->phpelement->hasAttributeNS('', 'attributes')) { $this->prepareAttributeUnconditional($codewriter, $qname, $code); } else { $this->prepareAttributeConditional($codewriter, $qname, $code); } }
/** * this is a singleton */ public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new PHPTAL_Dom_Defs(); } return self::$_instance; }
/** * Returns a new XmlnsState inheriting of $currentState if $nodeAttributes contains * xmlns attributes, returns $currentState otherwise. * * This method is used by the PHPTAL parser to keep track of xmlns fluctuation for * each encountered node. */ public static function newElement(PHPTAL_Dom_XmlnsState $currentState, $nodeAttributes) { $aliases = array(); foreach ($nodeAttributes as $att => $value) { if (PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->isHandledXmlNs($att, $value)) { preg_match('/^xmlns:(.*?)$/', $att, $m); list(, $alias) = $m; $aliases[$alias] = PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->xmlnsToLocalName($value); } } if (count($aliases) > 0) { // inherit aliases with maybe an overwrite $aliases = array_merge($currentState->_aliases, $aliases); return new PHPTAL_Dom_XmlnsState($aliases); } return $currentState; }
public function generateCode(PHPTAL_Php_CodeWriter $codewriter) { $mode = $codewriter->getOutputMode(); $value = $this->getValueEscaped(); $inCDATAelement = PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->isCDATAElementInHTML($this->parentNode->getNamespaceURI(), $this->parentNode->getLocalName()); // in HTML5 must limit it to <script> and <style> if ($mode === PHPTAL::HTML5 && $inCDATAelement) { $codewriter->pushHTML($codewriter->interpolateCDATA(str_replace('</', '<\\/', $value))); } elseif ($mode === PHPTAL::XHTML && $inCDATAelement || $mode === PHPTAL::XML && preg_match('/[<>&]/', $value) || $mode !== PHPTAL::HTML5 && preg_match('/<\\?|\\${structure/', $value)) { // in text/html "</" is dangerous and the only sensible way to escape is ECMAScript string escapes. if ($mode === PHPTAL::XHTML) { $value = str_replace('</', '<\\/', $value); } $codewriter->pushHTML($codewriter->interpolateCDATA('<![CDATA[' . $value . ']]>')); } else { $codewriter->pushHTML($codewriter->interpolateHTML(htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, $codewriter->getEncoding()))); } }
function filterDOM(PHPTAL_Dom_Element $element) { $defs = PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance(); foreach ($element->childNodes as $node) { if ($node instanceof PHPTAL_Dom_Comment) { if ($defs->isCDATAElementInHTML($element->getNamespaceURI(), $element->getLocalName())) { $textNode = new PHPTAL_Dom_CDATASection($node->getValueEscaped(), $node->getEncoding()); $node->parentNode->replaceChild($textNode, $node); } else { $node->parentNode->removeChild($node); } } else { if ($node instanceof PHPTAL_Dom_Element) { $this->filterDOM($node); } } } }
private function prepareAttribute($attribute, $expression) { $code = $this->extractEchoType(trim($expression)); $code = $this->tag->generator->evaluateExpression($code); // if $code is an array then the attribute value is decided by a // tales chained expression if (is_array($code)) { return $this->prepareChainedAttribute2($attribute, $code); } // XHTML boolean attribute does not appear when empty of false if (PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->isBooleanAttribute($attribute)) { return $this->prepareBooleanAttribute($attribute, $code); } // i18n needs to read replaced value of the attribute, which is not possible if attribute is completely replaced with conditional code if ($this->tag->hasAttribute('i18n:attributes')) { $this->prepareAttributeUnconditional($attribute, $code); } else { $this->prepareAttributeConditional($attribute, $code); } }
private function prepareAttribute($attribute, $expression) { $code = $this->extractEchoType(trim($expression)); $code = $this->tag->generator->evaluateExpression($code); // if $code is an array then the attribute value is decided by a // tales chained expression if (is_array($code)) { return $this->prepareChainedAttribute2($attribute, $code); } // XHTML boolean attribute does not appear when empty of false if (PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->isBooleanAttribute($attribute)) { return $this->prepareBooleanAttribute($attribute, $code); } // regular attribute which value is the evaluation of $code $attkey = self::ATT_VALUE_REPLACE . $this->getVarName($attribute); if ($this->_echoType == PHPTAL_Php_Attribute::ECHO_STRUCTURE) { $value = $code; } else { $value = $this->tag->generator->escapeCode($code); } $this->tag->generator->doSetVar($attkey, $value); $this->tag->overwriteAttributeWithPhpValue($attribute, $attkey); }
private function orderTalAttributes(array $talAttributes) { $temp = array(); foreach ($talAttributes as $key => $domattr) { $nsattr = PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->getNamespaceAttribute($domattr->getNamespaceURI(), $domattr->getLocalName()); if (array_key_exists($nsattr->getPriority(), $temp)) { throw new PHPTAL_TemplateException(sprintf("Attribute conflict in < %s > '%s' cannot appear with '%s'", $this->qualifiedName, $key, $temp[$nsattr->getPriority()][0]->getNamespace()->getPrefix() . ':' . $temp[$nsattr->getPriority()][0]->getLocalName()), $this->getSourceFile(), $this->getSourceLine()); } $temp[$nsattr->getPriority()] = array($nsattr, $domattr); } ksort($temp); $this->talHandlers = array(); foreach ($temp as $prio => $dat) { list($nsattr, $domattr) = $dat; $handler = $nsattr->createAttributeHandler($this, $domattr->getValue()); $this->talHandlers[$prio] = $handler; if ($nsattr instanceof PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeSurround) { $this->surroundAttributes[] = $handler; } else { if ($nsattr instanceof PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeReplace) { $this->replaceAttributes[] = $handler; } else { if ($nsattr instanceof PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeContent) { $this->contentAttributes[] = $handler; } else { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("Unknown namespace attribute class " . get_class($nsattr), $this->getSourceFile(), $this->getSourceLine()); } } } } }
public static function setInstance(PHPTAL_Dom_Defs $instance) { self::$_instance = $instance; }
require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Namespace.php'; require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Php/Attribute/TAL/Comment.php'; require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Php/Attribute/TAL/Replace.php'; require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Php/Attribute/TAL/Content.php'; require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Php/Attribute/TAL/Condition.php'; require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Php/Attribute/TAL/Attributes.php'; require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Php/Attribute/TAL/Repeat.php'; require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Php/Attribute/TAL/Define.php'; require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Php/Attribute/TAL/OnError.php'; require_once PHPTAL_DIR . 'PHPTAL/Php/Attribute/TAL/OmitTag.php'; /** * @package phptal.namespace */ class PHPTAL_Namespace_TAL extends PHPTAL_BuiltinNamespace { public function __construct() { parent::__construct('tal', ''); $this->addAttribute(new PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeSurround('define', 4)); $this->addAttribute(new PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeSurround('condition', 6)); $this->addAttribute(new PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeSurround('repeat', 8)); $this->addAttribute(new PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeContent('content', 11)); $this->addAttribute(new PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeReplace('replace', 9)); $this->addAttribute(new PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeSurround('attributes', 9)); $this->addAttribute(new PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeSurround('omit-tag', 0)); $this->addAttribute(new PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeSurround('comment', 12)); $this->addAttribute(new PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeSurround('on-error', 2)); } } PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->registerNamespace(new PHPTAL_Namespace_TAL());
public function isHandledNamespace($namespace_uri) { return PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->isHandledNamespace($namespace_uri); }
private function orderTalAttributes() { $attributes = array(); foreach ($this->talAttributes as $key => $exp) { $name = $this->xmlns->unAliasAttribute($key); $att = PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->getNamespaceAttribute($name); if (array_key_exists($att->getPriority(), $attributes)) { $err = sprintf(self::ERR_ATTRIBUTES_CONFLICT, $this->name, $this->getSourceLine(), $key, $attributes[$att->getPriority()][0]); throw new PHPTAL_TemplateException($err); } $attributes[$att->getPriority()] = array($key, $att, $exp); } ksort($attributes); $this->talHandlers = array(); foreach ($attributes as $prio => $dat) { list($key, $att, $exp) = $dat; $handler = $att->createAttributeHandler($this, $exp); $this->talHandlers[$prio] = $handler; if ($att instanceof PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeSurround) { $this->surroundAttributes[] = $handler; } else { if ($att instanceof PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeReplace) { $this->replaceAttributes[] = $handler; } else { if ($att instanceof PHPTAL_NamespaceAttributeContent) { $this->contentAttributes[] = $handler; } else { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException("Unknown namespace attribute class " . get_class($att)); } } } } }
/** * Called after an action is dispatched by Zend_Controller_Dispatcher. * * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request The request object. * * @return void */ public function preDispatch(\Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { parent::preDispatch($request); // register the ztal namespace \PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance()->registerNamespace(new \Ztal\Tal\Ns\ZTAL()); }
/** * register cake namespace */ protected function _registerNamespace() { $defs = PHPTAL_Dom_Defs::getInstance(); /* @var $defs PHPTAL_Dom_Defs */ if (isset($this->_namespaceCake) || $defs->isHandledNamespace(Cake_PHPTAL_Namespace_Cake::NAMESPACE_URI)) { return; } $this->_namespaceCake = new Cake_PHPTAL_Namespace_Cake(); $defs->registerNamespace($this->_namespaceCake); }