コード例 #1
ファイル: year.php プロジェクト: sanluca/py-acqua-hw
function showEvents($date)
    global $evtList, $privs, $set, $xx;
    $showDetails = ($set['details4All'] == 1 or $set['details4All'] == 2 and $_SESSION['uid'] > 1);
    foreach ($evtList[$date] as $evt) {
        $time = makeHovT($evt);
        $chBox = '';
        if ($evt['cbx']) {
            $chBox .= strpos($evt['chd'], $date) ? $evt['cmk'] : '☐';
            $chBox = "<span class='chkBox'>{$chBox}</span>";
        if ($set['popBoxYear'] and $set['popBoxFields']) {
            $popText = "<b>{$chBox} {$time} {$evt['tix']}</b><br>";
            if ($showDetails or $evt['mayE']) {
                $popText .= makeE($evt, $set['popBoxFields'], 'br', '<br>');
            $popText = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($popText));
            $popClass = ($evt['pri'] ? 'private' : 'normal') . (($evt['mde'] or $evt['r_t']) ? ' repeat' : '');
            $popAttr = " onmouseover=\"pop(this,'{$popText}','{$popClass}')\"";
        } else {
            $popAttr = '';
        if ($set['eventColor']) {
            //use event color
            $eStyle = $evt['cbg'] ? "background-color:{$evt['cbg']};" : '';
        } else {
            //use user color
            $eStyle = $evt['uco'] ? "background-color:{$evt['uco']};" : '';
        if ($evt['app'] and !$evt['apd']) {
            $eStyle .= 'border:1px solid #ff0000;';
        $eStyle = $eStyle ? " style='{$eStyle}'" : '';
        echo '<div ' . (($showDetails or $evt['mayE']) ? "class='square point'{$eStyle} onclick=\"editE({$evt['eid']},'{$date}');\"" : "class='square arrow'{$eStyle}") . "{$popAttr}></div>\n";
コード例 #2
ファイル: dw_functions.php プロジェクト: sanluca/py-acqua-hw
function showEvents($date)
    global $privs, $evtList, $set, $xx;
    $thsM = $set['dwStartHour'] * 60;
    //threshold start of day in mins
    $theM = $set['dwEndHour'] * 60;
    //threshold end of day in mins
    $offset = $set['dwStartHour'] ? 2 * $set['dwTimeSlot'] : $set['dwTimeSlot'];
    //"earlier" row
    //hereafter: M = in nbr of mins
    foreach ($evtList[$date] as $eIx => $evt) {
        if ($evt['mde']) {
            if ($evt['mde'] != 1) {
                $evt['sti'] = '00:00';
            if ($evt['mde'] != 3) {
                $evt['eti'] = '23:59';
        if ($evt['sti'] == '' and $evt['eti'] == '' or $evt['ald']) {
            //all day (takes up 1 slot at the top)
            $st[] = 0;
            //start time
            $et[] = $set['dwTimeSlot'];
            //end time
        } else {
            $stM = substr($evt['sti'], 0, 2) * 60 + intval(substr($evt['sti'], 3, 2));
            //start time
            if ($stM < $thsM) {
                $st[] = $set['dwTimeSlot'];
                //start time < threshold start of day in mins
            } elseif ($stM < $theM) {
                $st[] = $stM - $thsM + $offset;
                //start time < threshold end of day in mins
            } else {
                $st[] = $theM - $thsM + $offset;
                //start time >= threshold end of day in mins
            if ($evt['eti'] == "" or $evt['eti'] == $evt['sti']) {
                $et[] = end($st) + $set['dwTimeSlot'];
            } else {
                $etM = substr($evt['eti'], 0, 2) * 60 + intval(substr($evt['eti'], 3, 2));
                //end time
                if ($etM <= $thsM) {
                    $et[] = $offset;
                    //end time <= threshold start of day in mins
                } elseif ($etM <= $theM) {
                    $et[] = $etM - $thsM + $offset;
                    //end time < threshold end of day in mins
                } else {
                    $et[] = $theM - $thsM + $offset + $set['dwTimeSlot'];
                    //end time > threshold end of day in mins
    //for day $date we now have :
    //$st: array with start time in mins for each event
    //$et: array with end time in mins for each event
    //the indexes in these arrays correspond to the indexes in $evtList
    $sEmpty[0][0] = 0;
    $eEmpty[0][0] = 1440;
    //24 x 60 mins
    $indent = 0;
    foreach ($st as $i => $stM) {
        //i: index in $evtList, stM: start time in mins
        $found = false;
        foreach ($sEmpty as $k => $v) {
            foreach ($v as $kk => $sEtM) {
                if ($stM >= $sEtM and $et[$i] <= $eEmpty[$k][$kk]) {
                    $sEmpty[$k][] = $et[$i];
                    //end time in mins
                    $eEmpty[$k][] = $eEmpty[$k][$kk];
                    $eEmpty[$k][$kk] = $stM;
                    //start in mins
                    $sFill[$k][] = $stM;
                    $evIx[$k][] = $i;
                    $found = true;
                    break 2;
        if (!$found) {
            $sEmpty[$indent][0] = 0;
            $eEmpty[$indent][0] = $stM;
            $sEmpty[$indent][1] = $et[$i];
            $eEmpty[$indent][1] = 1440;
            //24 x 60
            $sFill[$indent][0] = $stM;
            $evIx[$indent][0] = $i;
    $cWidth = round(80 / ($indent + 1), 1);
    //width of smallest column
    $showDetails = ($set['details4All'] == 1 or $set['details4All'] == 2 and $_SESSION['uid'] > 1);
    foreach ($sFill as $k => $v) {
        //1 min = 1px
        $eLeft = ($cWidth + 0.2) * $k;
        //event left side in %
        $eWidth = $cWidth - 0.5;
        //event width in %
        foreach ($v as $kk => $stM) {
            //event start time in mins
            $etM = $sEmpty[$k][$kk + 1];
            //event end time in mins
            $eHeight = $etM - $stM;
            //event height in mins
            $stM = round($stM * $set['dwTsHeight'] / $set['dwTimeSlot']) - 1;
            //scale start time in px
            $eHeight = round($eHeight * $set['dwTsHeight'] / $set['dwTimeSlot']) - 1;
            //scale height in px
            $i = $evIx[$k][$kk];
            $evt =& $evtList[$date][$i];
            $mayCheck = ($privs > 3 or $privs > 1 and $evt['uid'] == $_SESSION['uid']);
            $sti = $evt['sti'] ? ITtoDT($evt['sti']) : '';
            $stiPrefix = (substr($evt['sti'], 0, 2) < $set['dwStartHour'] or substr($evt['sti'], 0, 2) >= $set['dwEndHour']) ? $sti . ' ' : '';
            $time = makeHovT($evt);
            $chBox = '';
            if ($evt['cbx']) {
                $chBox .= strpos($evt['chd'], $date) ? $evt['cmk'] : '&#x2610;';
                $attrib = $mayCheck ? "class='chkBox floatL point' onclick=\"checkE({$evt['eid']},'{$date}');\" title=\"{$xx['vws_check_mark']}\"" : "class='chkBox floatL arrow'";
                $chBox = "<span {$attrib}>{$chBox}</span>";
            if ($set['popBoxWkDay'] and $set['popBoxFields']) {
                $popText = "<b>{$time} {$evt['tix']}</b><br>";
                if ($showDetails or $evt['mayE']) {
                    $popText .= makeE($evt, $set['popBoxFields'], 'br', '<br>');
                $popText = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($popText));
                $popClass = ($evt['pri'] ? 'private' : 'normal') . (($evt['mde'] or $evt['r_t']) ? ' repeat' : '');
                $popAttr = " onmouseover=\"pop(this,'{$popText}','{$popClass}')\"";
            } else {
                $popAttr = '';
            if ($set['eventColor']) {
                //use event color
                $eStyle = ($evt['cco'] ? "color:{$evt['cco']};" : '') . ' background-color:' . ($evt['cbg'] ? $evt['cbg'] : '#FFFFFF') . ';';
            } else {
                //use user color
                $eStyle = ' background-color:' . ($evt['uco'] ? $evt['uco'] : '#FFFFFF') . ';';
            if ($evt['app'] and !$evt['apd']) {
                $eStyle .= 'border-left:2px solid #ff0000;';
            $class = $eHeight < 21 ? 'dwEventNw' : 'dwEvent';
            echo "<div class='evtBox' style='top:{$stM}px; left:{$eLeft}%; height:{$eHeight}px; width:{$eWidth}%;{$eStyle}'>\n";
            echo "<div class='{$class}'>{$chBox}" . (($showDetails or $evt['mayE']) ? "<span class='point' onclick=\"editE({$evt['eid']},'{$date}');\"" : "<span class='arrow'") . "{$popAttr}>{$stiPrefix}{$evt['tix']}</span></div></div>\n";
コード例 #3
ファイル: month.php プロジェクト: sanluca/py-acqua-hw
function showEvents($date)
    global $evtList, $privs, $set, $xx, $rxULink, $rxIMGTags;
    $showDetails = ($set['details4All'] == 1 or $set['details4All'] == 2 and $_SESSION['uid'] > 1);
    foreach ($evtList[$date] as $evt) {
        $time = makeHovT($evt);
        $dTime = $evt['mde'] ? $time : ITtoDT($evt['sti']);
        $chBox = '';
        if ($evt['cbx']) {
            $mayCheck = ($privs > 3 or $privs > 1 and $evt['uid'] == $_SESSION['uid']);
            $chBox .= strpos($evt['chd'], $date) ? $evt['cmk'] : '&#x2610;';
            $cBoxAtt = $mayCheck ? "class='chkBox floatL point' onclick=\"checkE({$evt['eid']},'{$date}');\" title=\"{$xx['vws_check_mark']}\"" : 'class="chkBox floatL arrow"';
            $chBox = "<span {$cBoxAtt}>{$chBox}</span>";
        if ($set['popBoxMonth'] and $set['popBoxFields']) {
            $popText = "<b>{$time} {$evt['tix']}</b><br>";
            if ($showDetails or $evt['mayE']) {
                $popText .= makeE($evt, $set['popBoxFields'], 'br', '<br>');
            $popText = htmlspecialchars(addslashes($popText));
            $popClass = ($evt['pri'] ? 'private' : 'normal') . (($evt['mde'] or $evt['r_t']) ? ' repeat' : '');
            $popAttr = " onmouseover=\"pop(this,'{$popText}','{$popClass}')\"";
        } else {
            $popAttr = '';
        if ($set['eventColor']) {
            //use event color
            $eStyle = ($evt['cco'] ? "color:{$evt['cco']};" : '') . ($evt['cbg'] ? "background-color:{$evt['cbg']};" : '');
        } else {
            //use user color
            $eStyle = $evt['uco'] ? "background-color:{$evt['uco']};" : '';
        if ($evt['app'] and !$evt['apd']) {
            $eStyle .= 'border-left:2px solid #ff0000;';
        $eStyle = $eStyle ? ' style="' . $eStyle . '"' : '';
        echo "<div class='event'{$eStyle}>\n";
        echo "<div>{$chBox}<span " . (($showDetails or $evt['mayE']) ? "class='evtTitle point' onclick=\"editE(" . $evt['eid'] . ",'" . $date . "');\"" : "class='evtTitle arrow'") . $popAttr . ">{$dTime} {$evt['tix']}</span></div>\n";
        if ($evt['ven']) {
            //venue set
            $_SESSION['venList'][$evt['ven']] = true;
            //save it as an array key
        if ($set['showImageInMV'] and preg_match_all($rxIMGTags, $evt['des'] . $evt['xf1'] . $evt['xf2'], $imgs, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
            echo "<div>";
            foreach ($imgs as $img) {
                echo $img[0] . "<br>";
            echo "</div>\n";
        if ($set['showLinkInMV'] and preg_match_all($rxULink, $evt['des'] . $evt['xf1'] . $evt['xf2'], $urls, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
            //display URL links
            echo "<div>";
            foreach ($urls as $url) {
                echo $url[0] . "<br>";
            echo "</div>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";