コード例 #1
 protected function addReorder(&$script)
     $peerClassname = $this->peerClassname;
     $columnGetter = 'get' . $this->behavior->getColumnForParameter('rank_column')->getPhpName();
     $columnSetter = 'set' . $this->behavior->getColumnForParameter('rank_column')->getPhpName();
     $script .= "\n/**\n * Reorder a set of sortable objects based on a list of id/position\n * Beware that there is no check made on the positions passed\n * So incoherent positions will result in an incoherent list\n *\n * @param     array     \$order id => rank pairs\n * @param     PropelPDO \$con   optional connection\n * @return    boolean true if the reordering took place, false if a database problem prevented it\n * @throws Exception\n */\npublic function reorder(array \$order, PropelPDO \$con = null)\n{\n    if (\$con === null) {\n        \$con = Propel::getConnection({$peerClassname}::DATABASE_NAME);\n    }\n\n    \$con->beginTransaction();\n    try {\n        \$ids = array_keys(\$order);\n        \$objects = \$this->findPks(\$ids, \$con);\n        foreach (\$objects as \$object) {\n            \$pk = \$object->getPrimaryKey();\n            if (\$object->{$columnGetter}() != \$order[\$pk]) {\n                \$object->{$columnSetter}(\$order[\$pk]);\n                \$object->save(\$con);\n            }\n        }\n        \$con->commit();\n\n        return true;\n    } catch (Exception \$e) {\n        \$con->rollback();\n        throw \$e;\n    }\n}\n";
  * @param OMBuilder $builder
  * @return string
 public function queryMethods(OMBuilder $builder)
     $this->builder = $builder;
     $script = '';
     return $script;