コード例 #1
  * Uses a builder class to create the output class.
  * This method assumes that the DataModelBuilder class has been initialized with the build properties.
  * @param OMBuilder $builder
  * @param boolean   $overwrite Whether to overwrite existing files with te new ones (default is YES).
  * @todo       -cPropelOMTask Consider refactoring build() method into AbstractPropelDataModelTask (would need to be more generic).
  * @return int
 protected function build(OMBuilder $builder, $overwrite = true)
     $path = $builder->getClassFilePath();
     $_f = new PhingFile($this->getOutputDirectory(), $path);
     // skip files already created once
     if ($_f->exists() && !$overwrite) {
         $this->log("\t-> (exists) " . $builder->getClassFilePath(), Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
         return 0;
     $script = $builder->build();
     foreach ($builder->getWarnings() as $warning) {
         $this->log($warning, Project::MSG_WARN);
     // skip unchanged files
     if ($_f->exists() && $script == $_f->contents()) {
         $this->log("\t-> (unchanged) " . $builder->getClassFilePath(), Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
         return 0;
     // write / overwrite new / changed files
     $action = $_f->exists() ? 'Updating' : 'Creating';
     $this->log(sprintf("\t-> %s %s (table: %s, builder: %s)", $action, $builder->getClassFilePath(), $builder->getTable()->getName(), get_class($builder)));
     file_put_contents($_f->getAbsolutePath(), $script);
     return 1;
 public function build()
     $phpDir = $this->getBuildProperty('phpDir');
     $fassadePath = $phpDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->getClassFilePath();
     if (in_array($this->getBuildProperty('behaviorProviderCachefile'), array('true', 'on', 'yes', '1'))) {
         $outputDir = $this->getBuildProperty('outputDir');
         $cacheFile = $outputDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'providerCache.json';
         $className = $this->getClassname();
         $package = $this->getPackage();
         $nameSpace = $this->getNamespace();
         //            Check if a special constant has been defined - if not, this is the first run of
         //            and Provider build, so we need to clear the cache.
             if (!file_exists($outputDir)) {
             if (file_exists($cacheFile)) {
         $cache = (array) json_decode(file_get_contents($cacheFile), true);
         if (JSON_ERROR_NONE == json_last_error()) {
             $cache[] = array('package' => $package, 'namespace' => $nameSpace, 'modelName' => str_replace('Provider', '', $className), 'providerName' => $className);
             file_put_contents($cacheFile, json_encode($cache));
     if (file_exists($fassadePath)) {
         // Fassade already exists.
         // It is not possible to just stop the process here and continue with the next file,
         // so we return the source string just as it is in the current file, so it does not get overwritten
         $sourceString = file_get_contents($fassadePath);
     } else {
         // Fassade does not exist yet, so we build it
         $sourceString = parent::build();
     return $sourceString;