<?php /** * Download data * * @author Paul Bukowski <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Telaxus LLC * @version 1.0 * @license MIT * @package epesi-libs * @subpackage openflashchart */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || !isset($_REQUEST['chart'])) { die('Invalid usage'); } $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $chart_id = $_REQUEST['chart']; define('CID', $id); define('READ_ONLY_SESSION', true); require_once '../../../include.php'; $fn = Module::static_get_module_variable($chart_id, 'data', null); echo $fn;
/** * Get module info from cache or server. * @param numeric|array $module_id module id * @param boolean $force set true to force query to server * @return array modules data array */ public static function get_module_info($module_id, $force = false) { $modules_cache = Module::static_get_module_variable(self::MOD_PATH, 'modules_info', array()); $ret = array(); $request = array(); $return_array = is_array($module_id) ? true : false; if (!is_array($module_id)) { $module_id = array($module_id); } // split cached and modules for request. foreach ($module_id as $id) { if (!array_key_exists($id, $modules_cache) || $force) { $request[] = $id; } else { $ret[$id] = $modules_cache[$id]; } } // request modules info and merge with cache and return value if (count($request)) { $response = Base_EssClientCommon::server()->module_get_info($request); if (is_array($response)) { foreach ($response as $k => $v) { $ret[$k] = $v; $modules_cache[$k] = $v; } } } Module::static_set_module_variable(self::MOD_PATH, 'modules_info', $modules_cache); // ret only one record if only one was requested return $return_array ? $ret : reset($ret); }
public function recordpicker_fs($crits, $cols, $order, $filters, $path) { self::$browsed_records = array(); $this->init(); $theme = $this->init_module('Base/Theme'); Base_ThemeCommon::load_css($this->get_type(),'Browsing_records'); $this->set_module_variable('rp_fs_path',$path); $selected = Module::static_get_module_variable($path,'selected',array()); $theme->assign('filters', $this->show_filters($filters)); $theme->assign('disabled', ''); foreach ($crits as $k=>$v) { if (!is_array($v)) $v = array($v); if (isset($this->crits[$k]) && !empty($v)) { foreach ($v as $w) if (!in_array($w, $this->crits[$k])) $this->crits[$k][] = $w; } else $this->crits[$k] = $v; } $theme->assign('table', $this->show_data($this->crits, $cols, $order, false, true)); if ($this->amount_of_records>=10000) { $theme->assign('disabled', '_disabled'); $theme->assign('select_all', array('js'=>'', 'label'=>__('Select all'))); $theme->assign('deselect_all', array('js'=>'', 'label'=>__('Deselect all'))); } else { load_js('modules/Utils/RecordBrowser/RecordPickerFS/select_all.js'); $theme->assign('select_all', array('js'=>'RecordPicker_select_all(1,\''.$this->get_path().'\',\''.__('Processing...').'\');', 'label'=>__('Select all'))); $theme->assign('deselect_all', array('js'=>'RecordPicker_select_all(0,\''.$this->get_path().'\',\''.__('Processing...').'\');', 'label'=>__('Deselect all'))); } load_js('modules/Utils/RecordBrowser/rpicker_fs.js'); if (isset(self::$browsed_records['records'])) { foreach(self::$browsed_records['records'] as $id=>$i) { eval_js('rpicker_fs_init('.$id.','.(isset($selected[$id]) && $selected[$id]?1:0).',\''.$this->get_path().'\')'); } } /* $rpicker_ind = $this->get_module_variable('rpicker_ind'); $init_func = 'init_all_rpicker_'.$element.' = function(id, cstring){'; foreach($rpicker_ind as $v) $init_func .= 'rpicker_init(\''.$element.'\','.$v.');'; $init_func .= '}'; eval_js($init_func.';init_all_rpicker_'.$element.'();');*/ $theme->display('Record_picker'); }
* @author Paul Bukowski <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Telaxus LLC * @version 1.0 * @license MIT * @package epesi-libs * @subpackage tcpdf */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || !isset($_REQUEST['pdf']) || !isset($_REQUEST['filename'])) { die('Invalid usage'); } $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $pdf_id = $_REQUEST['pdf']; $filename = $_REQUEST['filename']; define('CID', $id); define('READ_ONLY_SESSION', true); require_once '../../../include.php'; $fn = Module::static_get_module_variable($pdf_id, 'pdf', null); if (headers_sent()) { die('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send PDF file'); } if ($fn === null) { die('Invalid link'); } if (!file_exists($fn)) { die('This file is no longer available, please refresh the page and download the file again'); } $buffer = file_get_contents($fn); header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($buffer)); header('Content-disposition: filename="' . $filename . '"'); echo $buffer;
* @license MIT * @package epesi-utils * @subpackage RecordBrowser */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['cid']) || !isset($_REQUEST['path']) || !isset($_REQUEST['tab']) || !isset($_REQUEST['admin'])) { die('Invalid usage - missing param'); } $cid = $_REQUEST['cid']; $tab = $_REQUEST['tab']; $admin = $_REQUEST['admin']; $path = $_REQUEST['path']; define('CID', $cid); define('READ_ONLY_SESSION', true); require_once '../../../include.php'; $crits = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'crits_stuff', null); $order = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'order_stuff', null); if ($crits === null || $order === null) { $crits = $order = array(); } ModuleManager::load_modules(); if (!Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_access($tab, 'export') && !Base_AclCommon::i_am_admin()) { die('Access denied'); } set_time_limit(0); $tab_info = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::init($tab); $records = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_records($tab, $crits, array(), $order, array(), $admin); header('Content-Type: text/csv'); //header('Content-Length: '.strlen($buffer)); header('Content-disposition: attachement; filename="' . $tab . '_export_' . date('Y_m_d__H_i_s') . '.csv"'); if (headers_sent()) { die('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send the file');
public static function get_profile_desc() { $profile_desc = Module::static_get_module_variable('/Base_Box|0/CRM_Filters|filter', 'profile_desc', ''); return $profile_desc; }
die('alert(\'Invalid request\')'); } define('JS_OUTPUT', 1); define('CID', $_POST['cid']); define('READ_ONLY_SESSION', true); require_once '../../../../include.php'; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = trim($v, '"'); } $path = $_POST['path']; $crits = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'crits_stuff', null); $order = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'order_stuff', null); $tab = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'tab', null); $element = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'element', null); $func = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'format_func', null); $browsed_records = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'rpicker_ind', null); ModuleManager::load_modules(); if ($tab === null || $browsed_records === null || $crits === null || $order === null || $element === null || $func === null) { die('alert(\'Invalid usage - variables not set (path - ' . $path . ', module vars - ' . epesi::escapeJS(print_r($_SESSION['client']['__module_vars__'][$path], true)) . ')\');'); } $tab_info = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::init($tab); $records = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_records($tab, $crits, array(), $order, array()); $js = ''; //foreach ($browsed_records as $r) { // $js .= '$(\'leightbox_rpicker_'.$element.'_'.$r.'\').checked='.($_POST['select']?1:0).';'; //} foreach ($records as $row) { $js .= 'rpicker_move(\'' . $element . '\',' . $row['id'] . ',\'' . epesi::escapeJS(is_callable($func) ? htmlspecialchars_decode(strip_tags(call_user_func($func, $row, true))) : '') . '\',' . ($_POST['select'] ? 1 : 0) . ');'; } $js .= 'Epesi.procOn--;Epesi.updateIndicator();'; //error_log($js."\n",3,'data/log.txt');
* @copyright Copyright © 2008, Telaxus LLC * @license MIT * @version 1.0 * @package epesi-Utils * @subpackage calendar */ if (!isset($_POST['path']) || !isset($_POST['cid']) || !isset($_POST['ev_id']) || !isset($_POST['cell_id'])) { die('alert(\'Invalid request\')'); } $t = microtime(true); define('JS_OUTPUT', 1); define('CID', $_POST['cid']); define('READ_ONLY_SESSION', true); require_once '../../../include.php'; ModuleManager::load_modules(); $mod = Module::static_get_module_variable($_POST['path'], 'event_module'); $ev_id = $_POST['ev_id']; if (!$mod) { die('alert(\'Invalid request!\')'); } if ($_POST['cell_id'] == 'trash') { $ret = call_user_func(array($mod . 'Common', 'delete'), $ev_id); if (!$ret) { print 'reject=true;'; } } else { if (!isset($_POST['page_type'])) { die('alert(\'Invalid request\')'); } //update event $cc = explode('_', $_POST['cell_id']);
private static function copy_company_data_subroutine($values) { $access = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_access('contact', 'edit', $values); if (!$access) { return; } /* First click should generate html code for leightbox and show it. * This function is rarely used and we don't want to increase page size. * To do this we use REQUEST variable UCD. * * We use module variable UCD to indicate that form was shown and we * must check if it was submitted. If yes - do action. If it wasn't * we should come back to initial state - do not print LB. */ if (!(isset($_REQUEST['UCD']) || Module::static_get_module_variable('CRM/Contacts', 'UCD', 0))) { if (isset($values['company_name']) && $values['company_name']) { Base_ActionBarCommon::add('edit', __('Copy company data'), Module::create_href(array('UCD' => true))); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['UCD']) || Module::static_get_module_variable('CRM/Contacts', 'UCD', 0)) { $ucd = Module::static_get_module_variable('CRM/Contacts', 'UCD', 0); $ucd++; if ($ucd > 1) { Module::static_unset_module_variable('CRM/Contacts', 'UCD'); } else { Module::static_set_module_variable('CRM/Contacts', 'UCD', $ucd); } $lid = 'UCDprompt'; $form = ModuleManager::new_instance('Libs_QuickForm', null, 'QFUCDprompt'); $form->construct(); $sel_val = array(); foreach (array_merge(array($values['company_name']), is_array($values['related_companies']) ? $values['related_companies'] : array()) as $id) { $sel_val[$id] = self::company_format_default(self::get_company($id), true); } $form->addElement('select', 'company', __('Select company:'), $sel_val); unset($sel_val); $form->addElement('html', __('Select which fields should be copied:')); $data = array(array('sid' => 'address_1', 'tid' => 'address_1', 'text' => __('Address 1'), 'checked' => true), array('sid' => 'address_2', 'tid' => 'address_2', 'text' => __('Address 2'), 'checked' => true), array('sid' => 'city', 'tid' => 'city', 'text' => __('City'), 'checked' => true), array('sid' => 'country', 'tid' => 'country', 'text' => __('Country'), 'checked' => true), array('sid' => 'zone', 'tid' => 'zone', 'text' => __('Zone'), 'checked' => true), array('sid' => 'postal_code', 'tid' => 'postal_code', 'text' => __('Postal Code'), 'checked' => true), array('sid' => 'phone', 'tid' => 'work_phone', 'text' => __('Phone as Work Phone'), 'checked' => false), array('sid' => 'fax', 'tid' => 'fax', 'text' => __('Fax'), 'checked' => false)); foreach ($data as $row) { if (is_array($access) && isset($access[$row['tid']]) && $access[$row['tid']]) { $form->addElement('checkbox', $row['sid'], $row['text'], '', $row['checked'] ? array('checked' => 'checked') : array()); } } $ok = $form->createElement('submit', 'submit', __('Confirm'), array('onclick' => 'leightbox_deactivate("' . $lid . '")')); $cancel = $form->createElement('button', 'cancel', __('Cancel'), array('onclick' => 'leightbox_deactivate("' . $lid . '")')); $form->addGroup(array($ok, $cancel)); if ($form->validate()) { $Uvalues = $form->exportValues(); $fields = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { if (array_key_exists($row['sid'], $Uvalues)) { $fields[$row['tid']] = $row['sid']; } } if (isset($Uvalues['company'])) { $company = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_company($Uvalues['company']); $new_data = array(); foreach ($fields as $k => $v) { $new_data[$k] = $company[$v]; } Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::update_record('contact', $values['id'], $new_data); } Module::static_unset_module_variable('CRM/Contacts', 'UCD'); location(array()); } // set default to main company if ($mc = self::get_main_company()) { $form->setDefaults(array('company' => $mc)); } $html = $form->toHtml(); Libs_LeightboxCommon::display($lid, $html); Base_ActionBarCommon::add('edit', __('Copy company data'), Libs_LeightboxCommon::get_open_href($lid)); if (isset($_REQUEST['UCD'])) { eval_js('leightbox_activate(\'' . $lid . '\')'); } unset($_REQUEST['UCD']); } }
private static function format_client_messages($cleanup = true) { $msgs = Module::static_get_module_variable('Base/EssClient', 'messages', array(array(), array(), array())); $red = '#FFCCCC'; $orange = '#FFDD99'; $green = '#DDFF99'; $ret = self::format_messages_frame($red, __('Error messages') . ':', $msgs[2]) . self::format_messages_frame($orange, __('Warning messages') . ':', $msgs[1]) . self::format_messages_frame($green, __('Information messages') . ':', $msgs[0]); if ($cleanup) { Module::static_unset_module_variable('Base/EssClient', 'messages'); } return $ret; }
* @copyright Copyright © 2006, Telaxus LLC * @license MIT * @version 1.0 * @package epesi-utils * @subpackage FileDownload */ if (!isset($_POST['path'])) { die('Invalid request'); } $path = $_POST['path']; define('READ_ONLY_SESSION', true); require_once '../../../include.php'; if (!Module::static_isset_module_variable($path, 'download_id')) { return; } $download_id = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'download_id'); $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT size,curr,time,rate FROM utils_filedownload_files WHERE id=%d', array($download_id)); $row = $ret->FetchRow(); if ($row['size'] == -2) { print 'File not found.'; return; } if ($row['size'] == -1) { print 'Connecting...'; return; } if ($row['curr'] == $row['size']) { print 'Finished'; return; } $t = microtime(true);
* @author Paul Bukowski <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright © 2006, Telaxus LLC * @version 1.0 * @license MIT * @package epesi-libs * @subpackage tcpdf */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || !isset($_REQUEST['p']) || !isset($_REQUEST['filename'])) { die('Invalid usage'); } $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $p = $_REQUEST['p']; $filename = $_REQUEST['filename']; define('CID', $id); define('READ_ONLY_SESSION', true); require_once '../../../../include.php'; $csv = Module::static_get_module_variable($p, 'csv', null); if (headers_sent()) { die('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send PDF file'); } if ($csv === null) { die('Invalid link'); } header('Content-Type: text/csv'); //header('Content-Length: '.strlen($buffer)); header('Content-disposition: attachment;filename="' . $filename . '.csv"'); $fp = fopen('php://output', 'w'); foreach ($csv as $array) { fputcsv($fp, $array); } fclose($fp);
*/ if (!isset($_POST['select']) || !isset($_POST['path']) || !isset($_POST['cid'])) { die('alert(\'Invalid request\')'); } define('JS_OUTPUT', 1); define('CID', $_POST['cid']); require_once '../../../../include.php'; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = trim($v, '"'); } $path = $_POST['path']; $select = json_decode($_POST['select']); $tab = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'tab', null); $crits = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'crits_stuff', null); $rp_path = Module::static_get_module_variable($path, 'rp_fs_path', null); $selected =& Module::static_get_module_variable($rp_path, 'selected', array()); ModuleManager::load_modules(); if ($tab === null || $crits === null || $rp_path === null) { die('alert(\'Invalid usage - variables not set (path - ' . $path . ', module vars - ' . epesi::escapeJS(print_r($_SESSION['client']['__module_vars__'][$path], true)) . ')\');'); } $tab_info = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::init($tab); $records = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_records($tab, $crits, array('id')); foreach ($records as $r) { if ($select) { $selected[$r['id']] = 1; } else { unset($selected[$r['id']]); } } session_commit(); print 'Epesi.procOn--;_chj(\'\',\'\',\'queue\');';
* @version 1.0 * @license MIT * @package epesi-libs * @subpackage exportxls */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || !isset($_REQUEST['xls']) || !isset($_REQUEST['args']) || !isset($_REQUEST['filename'])) { die('Invalid usage'); } $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $args = $_REQUEST['args']; $xls_id = $_REQUEST['xls']; $filename = $_REQUEST['filename']; define('CID', $id); define('READ_ONLY_SESSION', true); require_once '../../../include.php'; $fn = Module::static_get_module_variable($xls_id, 'callback', null); if (headers_sent()) { die('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send PDF file'); } if ($fn === null) { die('Invalid link'); } ModuleManager::load_modules(); if (!is_callable($fn)) { die('Invalid callback'); } $buffer = call_user_func_array($fn, $args); header('Content-Type: application/xls'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($buffer)); header('Content-disposition: attachement; filename="' . $filename . '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');